MidReal Story

Summer accidentally becomes the supreme leader of a tiny alien


May 21
Scenario:Summer accidentally becomes the supreme leader of a tiny alien planet after winning a game of intergalactic chess. Rick and Morty must navigate the planet's odd customs and politics to rescue her.
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Summer accidentally becomes the supreme leader of a tiny alien planet after winning a game of intergalactic chess. Rick and Morty must navigate the planet's odd customs and politics to rescue her.
I was still trying to process what had just happened when I heard the computer announce, “Victory signal transmitted to alien planet.” Then a giant checkmark appeared on the screen.
“Oh my god,” I said, staring at the screen in disbelief.“Did I just become the supreme leader of a planet?”
“Yeah, you did,” Rick said, grinning at me.“Congratulations, Summer.You’re moving up in the world.”
I started to laugh, but then the screen lit up again, and a video message started to play.
The computer translated the alien language into English as a strange, high-pitched voice said, “Greetings, Supreme Leader.We have received your victory signal and have confirmed your status as the new ruler of our planet.”
The message continued, but I didn’t hear the rest of it.
I was too busy staring at Rick in shock.
He was grinning at me, looking far too pleased with himself.
“Is this for real?” I asked.
“Are you fucking with me?”
Rick shook his head.
“Nope, it’s legit.You just became the supreme leader of an alien planet.
I started to laugh again, and Rick joined in.
I didn’t know what else to do.
This was so ridiculous that it was actually kind of funny.
“Wow,” I said.“This is insane.”
Rick shrugged and stood up from the table.
“Eh.Don’t think too much about it.It’s just some tiny alien civilization that we happened to pass by on our way home.They’re not really significant.”
He started walking toward the door of the spaceship, and I hurried to follow him.
“Where are you going?”
I asked, still trying to wrap my head around what had just happened.
“Shouldn’t we do something?Shouldn’t we… I don’t know, tell someone?”
Rick waved me off.
“I’ll let the Council of Ricks know later.They don’t care.You beat me fair and square, so I guess you’re their supreme leader now too.”
Rick turned and gave me a serious look.
“Look, Summer, I’m not a big fan of getting involved with alien politics, and you shouldn’t be either.Just let the computer send them a message saying that you resign as their supreme leader or whatever.”
“But I don’t even know anything about this planet,” I protested.
“It could be important!What if they need help?What if they’re at war or something?”
Rick rolled his eyes.
“Come on, Summer.Don’t be an idiot.It’s not your problem.Just let the computer handle it and move on.”
He turned and walked out the door of the spaceship, leaving me standing there alone, still staring at the screen in shock.
What the hell had just happened?
Why did I suddenly feel like my life was about to change in some unimaginable way?
Summer accidentally becomes the supreme leader of a tiny alien
The alien was tall and thin with long, spindly limbs and large, saucer-like eyes.
His skin was a sickly shade of green, and he had two small antennae protruding from the top of his head.
In short, he looked a lot like a humanoid praying mantis, and it was more than a little disturbing to watch him scuttling around on the viewscreen of Rick’s spaceship like some sort of alien bug.
The computer translated his speech into English subtitles at the bottom of the screen, but I still couldn’t understand what he was saying.
The alien was making a series of clicks, chirps, and hisses that sounded more like something out of a horror movie than a friendly greeting.
“Who is this guy?”
I whispered to Rick, who was standing next to me with a bored expression on his face.
The computer flashed another subtitle across the screen.
“Ambassador Gromflomite,” I read out loud.“That’s his name?”
Rick snorted and took a long swig of beer from his bottle.
“No, that’s his title,” he said.“His name is probably something unpronounceable by human vocal cords.Like Glrp or Vorg or something.”
The alien finished his speech with another series of clicks and chirps that sounded almost… friendly?
The computer translated his words into English once again.
“Congratulations, new Supreme Leader,” he said.“We hope you will accept our invitation to visit our planet soon.”
I stared at the screen in shock.
“I don’t understand,” I said.
“He wants me to visit his planet?”
Rick shrugged and took another swig of beer.
“Sure,” he said.
“That’s what happens when you win an intergalactic chess game.Your prize is an all-expenses-paid trip to some random alien planet.”
I started to laugh again, but Rick just gave me an annoyed look and turned to leave.
“All right,” he said.
“I’m out of here.I’ll be waiting in the car.”
I grabbed his arm and stopped him before he could leave the ship.
“Wait, wait, wait,” I said.“Where do you think you’re going?”
Rick raised an eyebrow at me.
“I’m going home,” he said.
“This is your problem now.
I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest.
“What do you mean, this is my problem?”
I said, trying not to sound like a whiny teenager.
“You can’t just ditch me here!You’re the one who got me into this mess in the first place!”
Rick sighed and shook his head.
“It’s not a mess, Summer.It’s just a formality.You beat me in a chess game, so now you’re the ruler of some alien planet.Who cares?It doesn’t mean anything.Just let the computer send them a message saying that you resign, and we can all go home.”
I stared at him in disbelief.
Was he serious?
Was he really trying to tell me that none of this mattered?
That I should just forget about it and move on with my life?
“No way,” I said.
“I’m not doing that.I want to know more about this planet.I want to know what being the ‘supreme leader’ actually means.And I want to know if it’s safe to visit them.”
Rick shrugged again, looking unbothered by my outburst.
“It’s safe enough,” he said.
Summer accidentally becomes the supreme leader of a tiny alien
I stopped Rick from leaving the planet.
“So can we go?”
I asked, trying to keep my voice from shaking.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and my hands were starting to sweat.
“Please, Rick, I need to know what’s going on.”
Rick rolled his eyes and groaned.
“Fine,” he said.
“We’ll go talk to the Ambassador.If it makes you feel better, we can at least find out what they want.”
I nodded, trying not to show how relieved I was that he’d agreed to take me there.
I still didn’t understand what was happening, but I was eager to find out more.
Maybe it really was all just a big joke, or a misunderstanding, like Rick said.
Or maybe there was something more going on.
Either way, I was determined to get to the bottom of it.
I followed Rick out of the spaceship and back into the hangar bay.
The ship was already starting to descend towards the ground, and I could see the alien city outside the windows as we flew past it.
I still couldn’t believe that any of this was real.
I had so many questions, and I was anxious to get some answers.
Rick, on the other hand, seemed to be in a hurry to leave.
He practically dragged me off the spaceship as soon as we landed, barely waiting for the hangar door to open before he went charging out into the crowd of aliens.
“Come on, Summer,” he said.
“Let’s make this quick.”
I tried to keep up with him, but there were so many aliens all around us that it was hard to move.
Most of them were small, bug-like creatures, like the ones we’d seen on the viewscreen earlier, but there were a few larger ones mixed in as well.
The bigger ones towered over me, with long, spindly limbs and strange, insect-like faces.
I shuddered as one of them reached down to pat me on the head, its sharp claws coming within inches of my face.
“Welcome, new Supreme Leader!”
it screeched.
“Praise be to Mantis Prime!”
I jumped back in shock, but Rick just grabbed my arm and pulled me along after him.
“Ignore them,” he said.
“They’re just the welcoming committee.We need to find the Ambassador.”
He led me through a series of narrow, twisting corridors until we finally reached the central chamber of the alien council.
The walls of the room were lined with windows, and I could see the entire city stretching out below us as we walked inside.
A group of aliens was waiting for us, and they all bowed to Rick as he entered the room.
I followed him, feeling a little awkward and self-conscious as all eyes turned towards me.
One of the aliens stepped forward, his long, spindly legs clicking against the floor as he moved.
“Greetings, new Supreme Leader,” he said.
“I am Ambassador Gromflomite.I hurried over to where he was standing, and he unfurled the sash in front of me, so I could read it for myself.
It said “Supreme Leader” in big, bold letters, and I felt my cheeks grow warm with embarrassment.
I couldn’t believe that they’d actually made me a sash!
Summer accidentally becomes the supreme leader of a tiny alien