MidReal Story

Sucked into Mario 64: The Classified Castle Quest

Scenario:A boy playing mario 64 and gets sucked into the game (book title classified castle)
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A boy playing mario 64 and gets sucked into the game (book title classified castle)
I sat in front of the TV, N64 controller in my hands.
The TV showed the start screen of Super Mario 64.
I was trying to beat my best time, so I could finally brag about it to the rest of the class.
I had a feeling that I could do it today, so I was fully focused on the screen.
I took a deep breath and pressed the start button.
The game started and I controlled Mario through the castle.
I knew every single jump, so I didn't need to look at the screen.
Suddenly I felt a strange sensation, like my body was being pulled apart and put back together again.
When I opened my eyes, I found myself standing in a beautiful castle.
It took me a moment to realize where I was.
I looked around and saw the entrance of Peach's Castle from Mario 64.
How was this possible?
Was this some kind of VR?
No, that couldn't be it.
Then I remembered what happened a few seconds ago.
The strange sensation must have been the answer.
I must have been sucked into the TV!
Sucked into Mario 64: The Classified Castle Quest
I blinked a few times, trying to clear my head.
The air smelled different here, fresher, like a mix of flowers and morning dew.
I took a few hesitant steps forward, feeling the cobblestone path under my sneakers.
"Hello?" I called out, my voice echoing off the castle walls.
No response.
Just the distant chirping of birds and the soft rustle of leaves in the wind.
I glanced back at the entrance of Peach's Castle, its grand doors towering over me.
This was insane.
But there was no denying it—I was in the game.
I approached the doors, pushing them open with a bit of effort.
They creaked loudly, revealing the familiar interior from countless hours of gameplay.
The red carpet stretched out before me, leading to various rooms and staircases.
I stepped inside, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Okay, Jamie," I muttered to myself. "Think. What do you do now?"
My first instinct was to find someone—anyone—who could explain what was happening.
But where would I start?
Sucked into Mario 64: The Classified Castle Quest
The castle was huge.
As I wandered through the main hall, I noticed something odd.
There were no Toads around.
Usually, they were scattered throughout the castle, offering tips and advice.
But now, it was eerily silent.
I decided to head towards the first door on my left—the one that led to Bob-omb Battlefield.
Maybe I'd find some answers there.
I pushed open the door and stepped into the bright sunlight of the battlefield.
The landscape was just as I remembered it: rolling green hills, floating islands, and that iconic Chain Chomp guarding its post.
But seeing it all in person was surreal.
I took a deep breath and started walking down the path.
Suddenly, I heard a rustling noise behind me.
I spun around, ready for anything.
A Goomba waddled out from behind a bush, its eyes locking onto mine.
"Whoa!" I yelped, taking a step back.
Sucked into Mario 64: The Classified Castle Quest
The Goomba charged at me with surprising speed.
Instinctively, I jumped into the air and landed on top of it with a satisfying squish.
"Okay," I said, catching my breath. "That wasn't so bad."
But if there were Goombas here, what else might be lurking around?
I continued down the path, keeping an eye out for any more surprises.
As I approached the base of the mountain where King Bob-omb usually stood guard, I heard voices—human voices.
Curiosity got the better of me.
I crept closer, hiding behind a large rock to listen in.
"...can't believe we're stuck here," one voice said. It sounded frustrated and tired.
"I know," another voice replied. "But we have to find a way out. There has to be an exit somewhere."
My heart skipped a beat.
Other people?
Were they trapped here too?
I peeked around the rock and saw two figures standing near the base of the mountain—a boy and a girl about my age.
They looked just as confused and out-of-place as I felt.
"Hey!" I called out, stepping into view.
They turned towards me, eyes wide with surprise.
"Who are you?" the boy asked cautiously.
"I'm Jamie," I said. "And I think I'm stuck here too."
The girl stepped forward. "I'm Sarah," she said. "And this is Mark. We don't know how we got here either."
"Do you have any idea what's going on?" Mark asked.
I shook my head. "Not really. One minute I was playing Mario 64 on my N64, and then... this."
Sarah nodded. "Same here. We were just trying to figure out our next move."
Before we could discuss further, a loud roar echoed across the battlefield.
We all turned towards the source of the noise—King Bob-omb had appeared at the top of his mountain perch.
"We need to move," Mark said urgently. "Now!"
Sucked into Mario 64: The Classified Castle Quest