MidReal Story

Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure

Scenario:Nami from one piece, trying on outfits.
Create my version of this story
Nami from one piece, trying on outfits.
It’s that time of year again.
I’m supposed to go to the Grand Line for some event or another, but I can’t decide what to wear.
My cabin is a mess, clothes and accessories strewn everywhere.
I’ve already tried on at least six outfits, but none of them felt right.
I have so many clothes I’ve collected from all over, but for some reason I just can’t find anything that looks good for this occasion.
Maybe I’m just in a bad mood?
I have to make sure my clothes are perfect!
Event on the Grand Line, I have to look good.
I sigh and look at the piles of clothes to try and pick my next outfit.
I thought I wanted to do something a little more formal, but now that I’m looking at all my clothes I can’t tell if anything is actually formal or not.
I didn’t think I had anything formal, but now that I think about it, I don’t think I really have anything casual either.
All my clothes seem about the same level of fancy or unfancy.
I sigh again and look at the clothes, trying to decide if there’s anything in there that might be what I’m looking for.
I don’t know why it’s so hard to find something.
It’s not like this is the first time I’ve gone to the Grand Line.
It’s just some boring event on some random island.
But this year is different.
For some reason it feels like it’s going to be important this time.
I don’t know why.
It’s just a feeling.
I shake my head and go back to looking at my clothes.
Maybe if I actually focus and think about what I want to wear instead of just staring at everything, it’ll help.
I take a deep breath and try to clear my mind as much as possible.
A few minutes pass before finally one outfit stands out to me and I pull it out of its drawer.
This will be perfect!
“Hey, Nami, what are you doing?”
Luffy asks as he pokes his head through the door of my room.
“Trying to pick an outfit,” I say with a bit of irritation in my voice.
“Why do you ask?”
“Are you going somewhere?”
“I already told you that,” I say as Zoro walks up behind Luffy and nods in agreement.
We’re all supposed to be going to the same place.”
Zoro raises an eyebrow at me as he looks at the piles of clothes around me.
You sure don’t look like you’re ready to go anywhere.”
“I’m trying to pick out what to wear,” I say with another sigh.
“I know we’re all supposed to be going together, but you two will probably take forever and then we’ll end up showing up late.”
“We won’t take forever,” Luffy says with a pout.
“I already know what I’m going to wear.”
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
“That’s good for you, but I don’t,” I say before turning to Zoro and asking, “Do you?Can you help me?”
Zoro blinks at me in surprise before asking, “You want me to help you pick out an outfit?”
I nod in agreement and turn to Luffy to ask him the same question as Zoro.
“Well I don’t know what you should wear,” Luffy says with a shrug of his shoulders.
“But maybe you should wear your regular clothes?”
I blink at him in confusion for a moment before I realize he’s being serious and I try to respond as nicely as possible while still getting my point across.
“I can’t go like this,” I say as I gesture to myself in irritation.
“This is a special occasion and I have to look nice!”
“But you always looks nice,” Luffy says with a smile, but I can tell that he really has no idea what I’m talking about and I have no way to explain it to him that he’ll understand or care about.
“Well maybe if you don’t care then fine, but I do.”
“But I do care,” Zoro says suddenly with a frown that looks much more serious than I’m used to seeing from him and his words make me stop and stare at him in surprise for a moment.
“What do you mean?”
“You said this was a special occasion and you want to make sure your clothes are perfect,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.
“If it’s so important to you, then of course I care too.”
I blink at him in shock once again and can feel myself blushing slightly as we make eye contact and even though we’re not saying anything, something between us seems to shift slightly.
We continue to stare at each other for a moment before finally he blinks away and breaks our eye contact by looking down at the clothes around me and asking, “So what are you looking for?”
I start to explain the event that we’re going to on the Grand Line and why it’s so important to me before trailing off and blushing slightly when he looks up from the clothes to make eye contact with me again and nods in understanding when he realizes how important it is to me.
“So…do you think you can help me?”
He takes a deep breath and looks back down at all the clothes around me before nodding slightly and saying, “Yeah.I think so.”
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
I have to admit, I’m really surprised when Zoro offers to help me figure out what I should wear for our upcoming event on the Grand Line, especially since usually he couldn’t care less about things like clothes or fashion or style or anything like that.
But when I ask him about it, his response is one that surprises me even more than his offer does.
“What do you mean you have no idea?”
I ask him with an amused smile, “I thought you always knew where you were going.”
“I do,” he says defensively, “I just have no idea what kind of clothes would be good for whatever event we’re going to.”
I laugh quietly and shake my head before asking, “So you’re not going to use your sense of direction for this?”
“God, no,” he says with another shake of his head, “You’d probably end up wearing some weird ass outfit that you’d never wear in a million years if you let me do that.”
“I doubt that,” I tell him with an amused smile, “but fine.I’ll figure out what to wear on my own.”
He just shrugs his shoulders and leans back against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest as he watches me curiously while I look through the clothes that are scattered all over my cabin floor trying to figure out what I should wear for our event on the Grand Line.
However, as I’m looking through the clothes, Zoro says something that makes me pause for a moment before turning around to look at him in surprise once again because it actually makes sense for once.
“Is there any particular reason why all of your clothes are scattered all over the floor like this?”
He asks me, “I know that some women tend to get upset if their things aren’t put away properly.”
I blink at him for a moment before looking down at the mess and realizing that not only is there clothing everywhere, but maps as well.
I’m so used to the clutter that I didn’t even notice the maps on the floor when we got back from our trip earlier this afternoon, which also means that if Zoro hadn’t said something about it, then we both probably would have tripped over something by now.
I say quietly as I look down at the mess.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
“I don’t really know what to wear,”
I tell him honestly, “and Luffy wasn’t much help when I asked him because he told me that I should just wear what I always do.”
Zoro snorts quietly in amusement at Luffy’s suggestion and shakes his head as if he can’t believe that Luffy would even say such a thing.
he says as he looks up at me from his spot on the floor.
“What about your other friends?”
I shrug my shoulders as I watch him for a moment.
“I don’t want any of them to worry about it,”
I tell him honestly as I look down at the mess of clothes on my floor once again.
“I guess that’s why you asked me,”
he says with another amused smile.
I say as I nod my head.
He hums quietly for a moment as he looks through the different clothes that are scattered on the floor and then looks back up at me as if he’s trying to figure out what kind of outfit would be best for our event on the Grand Line.
I say after a moment of thought, “Usopp said that it’s going to be really hot on the island that we’re going to be on tomorrow, but I don’t know if it’s going to be hot all day or not.”
Zoro thinks for a moment and then shrugs his shoulders as if it really doesn’t matter to him what I wear.
“I mean, you’re going to be wearing whatever you choose all day,”
he says, “so it doesn’t really matter what you wear as long as you’re comfortable in it because you’re not going to want to wear something that’s going to be too hot or too cold or something like that, right?”
I blink at him for a moment and then look down at the mess of clothes on my floor once again before sighing as I get down on my knees and start picking up some of the clothes and folding them up.
I say after a moment of thought, “now that you mention it, Usopp also said that the event is probably going to take all day because party planning is one of his favorite things.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
So it’s not just about looking cute; it’s also about being comfortable enough in the outfit so that I can stay in it all day.
“Yeah,” Zoro replies after a moment of thought, “that’s something that you should definitely take into consideration.” He pauses for a moment before he continues, “You’re also going to want something that you can move in easily because I’m assuming that there’s going to be a lot of movement tomorrow because there always is at parties.”
This time I don’t even bother looking at him; I just nod my head in agreement.
After a moment, I get back up from my crouching position and start hanging the clothes back up in my closet now that they’re folded.
It’s not like I was exactly looking forward to trying them on anyway, but it did take me away from having to decide what I was going to wear, which is nice.
“Thanks for the advice,”
I say as I continue cleaning up my room, “I’ll make sure that I keep that in mind when I’m going through my closet.”
Zoro grunts in acknowledgement and then gets up from the bed.
I hear the creaking of the bed as he stretches and then the sound of the door opening.
As soon as he leaves, I sigh in relief; I don’t know what else I would’ve said if he hadn’t left.
I mean, not that it would’ve been hard for me to come up with something, but it’s nice that I didn’t have to come up with anything at all anyway.
I guess Zoro isn’t completely hopeless after all.
He might just be a swordsman after all, but maybe there’s a little bit of a brain in there, too.
Maybe he just needs someone like me around in order for him to actually have a chance at surviving this part of the journey.
Maybe we can actually be friends after all.
I mean, it would be nice if we could be friends, but who knows what’s going to happen, especially since we’ve only just started sailing together.
I say out loud as I finish cleaning up my room and then go back into my closet and start looking for an outfit that I can wear tomorrow and still look my best in while staying comfortable at the same time.
I’m definitely going to need some luck in order to find something that I’m actually going to like enough to wear for the entire day, especially since I’m not exactly the most decisive person when it comes to choosing what I want to wear for an event like this one and especially since it’s supposed to be a pretty big and important event.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
Well, at least Zoro’s advice was easy enough for me to keep in mind while I was going through my closet.
I don’t know if I would’ve been able to figure that one out on my own, but it was definitely easy enough for me to remember while I was thinking about what it was that I wanted to wear tomorrow.
It wasn’t like I could just find an outfit in a matter of seconds, but it was definitely something that I was able to keep in mind while I was going through my closet and looking for something that I knew would be good enough to wear tomorrow, especially when it was something that I would actually want to put on and something that I would actually want to go outside in for the entire day, instead of just putting it on in the room and then changing into something else later.
It did seem like Zoro’s advice was pretty good, even if I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by “comfortable” when he said that earlier today.
It was something that seemed like not too difficult for me to figure out now that I have some time alone in my room, and it was definitely something that I wanted to keep in mind while I was looking through my closet and trying to decide on something that I could wear tomorrow or something that I could put on later tonight so that it would be ready for me tomorrow morning when I woke up and got ready with everyone else.
I don’t know if I’ve ever thought about what “comfortable” meant before today, but it did seem like a good idea now that Zoro had brought it up earlier today.
I didn’t really know how many different kinds of outfits I had in my closet before today, but it didn’t seem like a bad idea for me to look at all the options now that I have the chance, and it definitely didn’t seem like a bad idea for me to actually pick one out now so that I could make sure that it’s perfect by the time everyone else is going to wake up tomorrow morning and we’re all going to have a chance to get ready before we step outside and make our way over there together.
It seems like a pretty simple idea when you put it that way, but maybe Zoro’s advice actually helped more than I thought it did at first.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
It didn’t take me very long to find something that seemed like a good option for tomorrow morning, and it didn’t take me very long to put everything together so that I could see what the outfit was going to look like when all the pieces were actually on my body and when I was actually looking at myself in the mirror and making the decision about whether this was what I wanted to wear for tomorrow or whether this was something that needed to go back in my closet and stay there until another day when we were going to have a chance to go to an event like this again.
Now that I was finally able to see everything together at the same time and see what all the pieces would look like when they were actually on my body, I couldn’t help but start to feel a little bit better about the way that everything was going to look tomorrow morning, and it did seem like Zoro was able to help me a lot more than I might have thought he was going to be able to help earlier today when he gave me his suggestion about what to do with my outfit for tomorrow morning and whether this was going to be the right thing for me or whether there was going to be something else that was going to work for me a little bit better than this one was going to work for me.
Of course, that didn’t mean that I couldn’t ask someone else what they thought about my outfit before tomorrow morning so that I could get a second opinion and so that I could make sure that everything was perfect before we made our way over to the event tomorrow morning with Luffy leading us and with the rest of the crew following close behind him as we made our way through the city together and went straight to the event before we got there and we were able to have a great time while we were there together as a crew just like we always did when we were hanging out together and doing things with each other no matter what kind of things we were actually doing with each other at any given time when we were doing things together.
I made my way back into the men’s quarters so that I could talk to Zoro and see what he thought of the outfit that I had put together for myself so far today, and so that he could give me his opinion of the outfit that I had decided on so far today when I was getting ready for tomorrow morning and trying on all the different pieces that seemed like they could work for me when I was actually picking out something for myself today and making sure that everything was perfect for tomorrow morning when we were actually going to go over to the event and get ready to hang out together as a crew for the night.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
So what do you think of my outfit?”
I asked him when I had gone back into the men’s quarters and found him sharpening one of his swords so that it would be sharp enough not only for training but also for when we ran into any kind of trouble on our adventures and needed him to take out his swords and fight so that we could take down our enemies and make sure that everyone was safe and everything was going well when we were trying to do things and hang out with each other and have a great time just like we always wanted to do with each other no matter what kinds of things we were doing with each other at any given time when we were all hanging out and doing fun things with each other as a crew and as a group of friends who wanted to have a great time together.
“Do you think that this will work?”
Yeah, it should work,”
“Do you think that I should add anything or remove anything?”
“You should remove all of it.”
That makes sense.”
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
Undressing and stand there only in her bikini. "Like this?"
Zoro looks away while Luffy stares at her brazenly.
She can’t blame him.
She asked him to look at the outfits she was considering after all.
But she still wishes he would be a bit more discreet about it.
She takes a deep breath and goes back into her closet to get dressed again.
Zoro didn’t really give her any useful advice at all.
Of course, he didn’t.
She should have known better than to ask him in the first place.
But at least Luffy did tell her something useful.
"Wear what makes you happy." She can definitely keep that in mind.
Nami can’t help but wonder if Luffy even knows what that means, though.
She decides not to ask him about it and instead turns back to Zoro with a frown on her face.
“Don't you have anything better to say about it than this?”
she asks, waving her hand over the bikini.
“You're not very helpful at all.”
“Well, what do you want me to say?
You know how I feel about clothes.”
Yes, she does.
She looks over at Luffy, hoping that he will be more helpful than Zoro was.
Luffy is still staring at her, but he doesn’t seem to have actually been paying attention to what she said at all.
He just looks confused now and shrugs his shoulders.
He doesn’t seem to know how to help me either,” she says to Zoro with a sigh, giving up on getting any real advice on what to wear from him at all.
“What do you think I should wear to this party?”
He shrugs his shoulders again and looks away from her, clearly having no opinion on the matter whatsoever.
They’ll probably serve a few drinks, some food, it might turn into a full-out fight with some of the people around there… Just wear something comfortable.” He shrugs his shoulders yet again, looking even more indifferent about this than he did when she asked about her bikini.
She walks out of her closet with a huff and gives up on getting any real advice from them at all.
They’re not going to be any help to her at all, are they?
She’s going to have to figure out what to wear all by herself after all.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
Nami sighs as she runs her hand through her hair.
She’s not sure what to wear, and she doesn’t have much time to figure out what to wear either.
The party is going to be starting soon, and she doesn’t want to be late for it.
Nami doesn’t know what to wear to this party at all.
She knows that she wants to look good, but she also knows that she needs something comfortable.
She needs something that will be easy to move around in, something that won’t get in the way if she needs to fight.
It’s not going to be a battle, probably, but there are enough unpredictable things going on in the Grand Line that she can’t just forget about that possibility entirely.
She’s going to need something that she can fight in.
But it’s also a party.
She does want to look good for it, and she knows that there will be plenty of people for her to meet and socialize with there.
That means that she needs something that looks good too.
Something that is both stylish and practical at the same time.
Something that is easy to move around in and that looks good on her.
She doesn’t know what to wear at all.
“Why don’t you just wear what you always do?” Luffy says, looking at her with a big smile on his face.
Nami had forgotten he was still here at all.
He must have come into the room while Zoro was talking to her about what to wear, but she didn’t even notice him come in because he was so quiet about it.
He just slipped into the room without her even noticing him at all.
“What do you mean?”
she asks as she looks back at him with a confused look on her face.
“You always look nice,” he says with a big smile on his face.
Nami feels the heat rising in her cheeks as he looks at her like this, and for a moment, she can’t even say anything at all.
She’s not sure how exactly to react to this kind of thing at all.
It’s obvious that Luffy doesn’t really get why she even puts so much effort into how she looks at all.
He’s the kind of person who would wear whatever is closest to him, no matter what, so he doesn’t really seem to get why she would bother to worry about things like this in the first place.
And she’s not sure how to explain to him why she wants to wear something more than just whatever she has on hand.
“Just wear what makes you happy,” Luffy says with a smile.
“Whatever you pick, I’m sure you’ll look nice.”
He gives her a big thumbs up and she feels the heat rising in her cheeks even more.
He’s so sweet, but she’s not sure if he really understands what she’s asking him for, either.
Maybe Zoro was right, and these two really aren’t going to be much help to her at all.
Well, maybe Zoro will be more helpful than this, she thinks as she glances over at Zoro again.
Nami doesn’t know what to wear, and Zoro isn’t being very helpful either.
What is she going to do about this?
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
“What do you think I should wear?”
“You should just wear whatever you want,” Luffy says with a shrug.
“Just pick something comfortable.”
“But I want to look nice,” Nami says before Luffy can say anything more about this.
“This is an important event, so I want to make sure I look good.”
“Then pick something nice!”
Luffy says with a shrug.
“Just wear whatever you want!”
“Do you have any suggestions?”
she asks as she looks over at Zoro again.
“What should I wear?”
“This is an important event,” Zoro says as he looks back over at her with his arms crossed over his chest.
“You need to make sure that you look nice.”
“I know that,” Nami says with a nod of her head.
“That’s why I don’t know what to wear.”
“I think you should wear a dress,” he says after a moment.
Nami feels the heat rising in her cheeks again as she looks back over at him.
This is not what she was expecting from him at all.
Zoro doesn’t even seem to care about things like this, so she would think that he wouldn’t even care about something like this anyway.
“A dress?”
she asks as she looks back at him with a confused look on her face.
“That’s not really my style, you know,” she says as she looks back at him with a smile on her face, even though she feels a little bit weird about the idea of wearing a dress like that.
“I think you’d look good in one,” he says with a shrug.
“You always look nice, you know.”
“But there’s no way that a dress would be comfortable to wear on this kind of an adventure, you know,” Luffy says as he glances over at them for a moment before he goes back to eating his meat.
You never know what we’re going to run into when we’re out on the Grand Line, so you should wear something that you can move around in instead of something that’s going to get in your way.”
“Well, I’m not sure if a dress would really be the right thing to wear for this kind of an event, either,” Nami says with a nervous laugh as she looks back at Zoro.
“I mean, they’re nice and everything, but it’s so rare for me to wear something like that anyway…”
“Then you should definitely try wearing one,” Zoro says with a nod of his head.
“If you don’t want to wear a dress, then you should pick out something nice instead.”
Nami feels the heat rising in her cheeks again as he looks back at her like that.
What is she going to do about this?
She thought that maybe Zoro would be able to help her make some kind of decision about this, but he really wasn’t able to give her the kind of suggestions that she was looking for at all.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
She decides to wear just her green bikini and heels with a see thru skirt making everybody gaze.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
“Thanks, you two,” she says with a nervous laugh as she stands up and gathers her clothes together in her arms once again.
“I think I’m just going to go and try to figure this out on my own, though.” She gives them both a polite smile for a moment before she turns around and goes back to her room, closing the door behind her once she walks inside once again.
Nami lets out another sigh as she goes over her clothing options in her mind once again, still unable to think of anything that would really work for her to wear for this kind of an event.
What is she supposed to do about this?
Luffy and Zoro both tried their best to think of some good suggestions for her, but neither of them were really able to think of something that was actually all that helpful for her to choose from at all.
She knows that Luffy is right about what he said about comfort, but she still needs to find something that is actually appropriate enough for her to wear for an event like this, too.
And Zoro is also right about how nice it would be for her to try wearing a dress, but it still just doesn’t really seem like it would suit her all that well, either…
Who would have thought that trying to find something to wear would be so difficult for her to try to figure out?
Nami lets out another sigh as she sets all of her clothes down on her bed, glancing over them as she tries to figure out what she should wear for this event after all.She really does need to find some kind of outfit for herself before too much longer, especially since she knows that they’re going to be meeting a lot of important people during this event and everything, too.
She just has no idea what kind of clothes she should wear!
But she knows that she can’t just wear anything, either.
She needs to make sure that the clothes she wears are perfectly nice and fashionable so that she can look good in front of all those people.
After all, it’s important for her to be able to look good in front of all those people, especially since she has no idea who she could end up running into when they’re here.
What if she runs into someone who is really rich and famous and everything, and they fall in love with her or something?
She needs to make sure that she doesn’t let an opportunity like that slip by her.
It’s important for her to make sure that she looks perfect for this event.
After all, she can never know what will happen when they’re on the Grand Line, right?
But it looks like that means that she’s going to have to go and pick something out for herself after all…
She lets out another sigh as she closes her eyes and tries to think about all the different options that she has available.
She knows that it’s important for her to choose the perfect outfit, even if that means that she’s going to have to spend all day looking through all her options.
But that’s okay with her.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
She undresses and admire her lewd body in the mirror.
The map hanging over the wall in front of her, the one that has all of the islands in the world on it and where all of the Red Line and the Grand Line are marked, too.
Nami’s always loved maps, ever since she was just a little girl.
There’s always been something so fascinating about them to her, even if it’s not really because of the fact that they’re so useful for helping her to navigate through the world, either.
Sure, that’s definitely part of what makes them so great to her, but it’s not the only thing that matters to her when it comes to maps.
No, the other thing that has always made maps so great to her has been the fact that they’re so beautiful, too.
All of the intricate designs and the vibrant colors that are used in them… It’s no wonder to her at all why so many people want to hang up maps on their walls and look at them all the time, even if they don’t actually need them for anything other than decoration.
After all, there’s no denying that maps can be more than just tools for navigation, can’t they?
They can be works of art in their own right, too!
And even if Nami might be a little bit biased because of what she does for a living, there’s no denying that there are some truly beautiful maps out there that have been made over the years.
It’s part of what makes them so fascinating to her in the first place.
That’s why they’ve become such an important part of who she is and what makes her unique as a navigator and cartographer herself.
They’ve even helped to shape her own fashion sense over the years, too.
Without all of these beautiful maps out there in the world, there’s no way that Nami would have ever been able to figure out what kind of style was best for her or what kind of clothes were going to be best for her to wear at any given moment.
Even now, as she looks around at everything that’s in her cabin, it makes her excited to think about what kind of outfit she could come up with next.
After all, it’s not like she really has that many options when it comes to choosing what kind of clothes she wants to wear right now, is there?
She only has a few different options for her to choose from, anyway.
And even though some of them might be more casual than others, that doesn’t mean that they’re not going to be good options for her to choose from in the end, either!
It’s not like that’s going to matter that much when it comes down to it, anyway…
Nami looks around and sees that her wardrobe is full of a mix of different types of clothes, ranging from casual outfits that are perfect for everyday wear all the way up to formal dresses that are perfect for special occasions.
It’s not surprising at all, really, since those are things that everyone needs in order to make sure that they always have something appropriate for them to wear at any given time, no matter what might happen or come up for them.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
And even though Nami might not be a big fan of some of the clothes in her wardrobe, that doesn’t mean that she’s never going to wear them, either!
She thinks that every single dress in her wardrobe is a real piece of art, something that shows off just how much work and effort can go into making sure that you always look your best at any given time.
It’s something that Nami has always loved about clothes and fashion in general, and it’s one of the reasons why she’s always been so excited about trying out new and different fashions as often as possible!
In fact, it’s something that even goes back to when she was a little girl growing up on Cocoyashi Village, and it’s something that has never changed about her, even as she’s grown up and become a powerful navigator and a member of the Straw Hat Pirates themselves.
Nami looks around and sees all of the many different accessories that are in her wardrobe, as well, and it makes her think about how much work and effort really goes into making sure that you always look your best at any given time, too.
Even though some people might not think that accessories are all that important, they’re still something that can help make sure that you always look your best at any given time, no matter what might happen or come up for you at any given time, anyway.
In fact, Nami has always been a big fan of accessories, and it’s something that has never changed about her, either.
In fact, it’s something that even goes back to when she was a little girl growing up on Cocoyashi Village, and it’s something that has been with her almost all of her life.
In fact, it’s something that is going to be with her for the rest of her life, too!
Nami looks around and sees all of the different accessories that she has in her wardrobe right now, and it makes her think about how much work and effort really goes into making sure that you always look your best at any given time, too.
Even though some people might not think that accessories are all that important, they’re still something that can help make sure that you always look your best at any given time, no matter what might happen or come up for you at any given time, anyway.
In fact, Nami has always been a big fan of accessorizing, and it’s something that has helped her look her best almost every day of her life, too!
That’s why it doesn’t surprise Nami at all when she looks around and sees all of the different accessories that are available for her to choose from right now.
As soon as she starts looking at them, Nami knows that there’s no way that she can possibly choose anything else other than these beautiful pieces that have been made for her along the way…
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
After thinking about it for just a minute, Nami realizes that there really is only one thing that she can possibly do right now: make her own outfit from scratch!
Even though she knows that it’s going to take more time than just throwing something on out of her closet, Nami also knows that this is the only way for her to get exactly what she wants when all is said and done, too.
As soon as Nami comes to this decision, she feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of her shoulders at last, and it makes her feel like everything is going to be just fine after all and in the end, too.
After thinking about it for just a minute longer, Nami realizes that there is only one thing that she can possibly do right now: get started on making this outfit so that it will be done by the time of the event!
As soon as Nami gets started on creating this outfit, though, she realizes that there is only one thing for her to do: get started on designing the dress or whatever else it is that she is going to wear on this special day.
Once I’ve gotten the design done, I’ll need to actually start making the outfit itself so that I will have something beautiful to wear on this special day!
Even though I know that the event is still a few days away, I also know that I need to get started as soon as possible so that I will have enough time to make sure everything is done the right way before the event actually comes along.
After thinking about this for just a moment longer, Nami knows exactly what it is that she has to do next: come up with a design for the outfit so that she can get started making this outfit.
After thinking about this for a few moments longer, though, I realize one thing that is very clear: I am absolutely certain that this outfit is going to turn out amazing!
It really will turn out amazing—and I know this for certain—because this is my own personal style after all.
Even though I love all of the different accessories and other items in my wardrobe, there is always something special about making your own outfit from scratch!
After thinking about this for a few moments longer, I feel like my heart is going to burst from all of the happiness and excitement that is building up right now, too.
Even though some people might not realize this right now, I have always loved dressing up—and going out—and spending time with some of my oldest and dearest friends.
After all of these years of being on the Grand Line and trying to find my way through all of the different things that are happening around me right now, there is only one thing that I know for certain: my newest outfit is going to turn out absolutely amazing!
In fact, it really will turn out amazing—and I know this for certain—because this is my own personal style after all.
It really will turn out amazing—and I know this for certain—because this is my own personal style after all.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
After taking the time to think about what I want, it doesn’t take long for me to come up with the design for my newest outfit, either.
After taking the time to think about it, Nami knows exactly what sort of outfit it is that she wants to create for herself right now.
She also knows that it is going to be absolutely perfect for the event, too.
As soon as the outfit is done, I am able to change into it so that I can see how it looks on me.
When it comes to drawing the design for an outfit like this, it is always important to be sure to take into account the exact measurements of your body so that the outfit will fit you perfectly whenever you put it on, after all.
It doesn’t take long for me to make the outfit or change into it so that I can see how it looks on me, either.
I also know exactly what sort of design I wanted for myself, too—so it didn’t take me more than just a few minutes to make sure everything was perfect for me, either.
As soon as Nami has changed into her new outfit and looks at herself in the mirror, there is only one thing that she can think: This is absolutely perfect!
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
The skirt and the blouse look absolutely perfect together, too.
I love how the design of the skirt has a map of the Grand Line on it: just like my tattoos, but a lot more detailed and intricate from what I can see right now!
I also absolutely love how the blouse has a compass rose right there on it, too: which adds a nice touch of elegance to the entire look as well from what I can see right now!
This outfit is absolutely perfect for me: the perfect combination of style and practicality, and exactly what I had in mind when I started imagining my newest outfit!
After taking one last look in the mirror, Nami is finally ready to go out and show off her newest outfit to all of her friends right now.
It really will be absolutely perfect for the event that we have coming up very soon: even though it is still a few days away right now.
Even though the event is still a few days away right now, I know that we will be there before we know it—and that is why it is so important for me to get this done as quickly as possible!
In case you are wondering, though: yes, it really does take a lot longer than most people might realize to make your own outfit from scratch.
That is exactly what it will take for me to be able to get everything done in time for the event that we have coming up very soon.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
Since all of my friends are already on the deck of the Sunny, this is where I go to show off my newest outfit as soon as I am ready.
There are already a few of them who are already here on the deck of the Sunny as soon as I am ready: Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook.
Since all of them are already here on the deck of the Sunny right now, I decide that this is exactly where I will go in order to show off my newest outfit as soon as I am ready.
As soon as all of them see me wearing my newest outfit, they all have big smiles on their faces as they take a look at what I am wearing right now.
I can already tell that they all absolutely love my newest outfit—and that means a lot to me right now!
In fact, if my friends did not like my newest outfit, then I would not even consider wearing it in public ever again!
But since they all love it, that means that it really is absolutely perfect for me: exactly what I wanted whenever I started imagining this newest outfit earlier this week!
As soon as Luffy sees me wearing my newest outfit, he has an absolutely huge smile on his face as soon as he sees it: and he also starts cheering and clapping for me right now, too.
"Wow, Nami, that outfit is absolutely amazing!You did such a great job making it!"
As soon as Usopp sees me wearing my newest outfit, he also has a huge smile on his face as soon as he sees it—and there is one thing in particular that he is looking at right now.
The map on the skirt is really detailed and intricate, which is what I was going for right now: and I can tell that he really loves it right now too.
"Wow, Nami, you did such a great job with the map on your skirt!It looks absolutely stunning!"
As soon as Zoro sees me wearing my newest outfit, he simply nods his head in approval of what I am wearing right now as well.
"Nice job with the outfit, Nami!It looks great!"
As soon as Sanji sees me wearing my newest outfit, he also has a huge smile on his face as soon as he sees it: and there is only one thing that he can think about right now.
But hey, at least it really does look great too: just like I knew it would!
"Ah, Nami-san, you look absolutely beautiful!It is so nice to see you looking so elegant!"
As soon as Chopper sees me wearing my newest outfit, he has an absolutely huge smile on his face as well: but he is also completely speechless too.
If I had to guess, then I would say that he probably loves what I am wearing right now too—and I would say that his wide eyes are another indication of that too!
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
As soon as Robin sees me wearing my newest outfit, she also has a huge smile on her face as well: but she also gasps too, because of how beautiful it looks on me right now too!
"Nami, that outfit looks absolutely amazing on you right now!You look so elegant and beautiful right now too!"
As soon as Nami sees me wearing my newest outfit, she also has a huge smile on her face as well: but she also gasps too, because of how beautiful it looks on me right now too!
She is also looking at the map design on the skirt right now too, which tells me that she probably really likes it right now too!"Wow, Luffy, you look absolutely amazing right now too!That is a really beautiful outfit you have on right now too!"
As soon as Brook sees me wearing my newest outfit, he also has a huge smile on his face as well: but he also gasps too, because of how beautiful it looks on me right now too!"Ah, Nami-san, you look absolutely amazing right now!That outfit looks absolutely beautiful on you right now too!"
As soon as Franky sees me wearing my newest outfit, he also has a huge smile on his face as well: but he also gasps too, because of how amazing it looks on me right now too!
"Whoa, Nami, that outfit looks absolutely amazing on you right now too!"
I am really glad that everyone likes the outfit I made for this event right now too: after all, it was a lot of work for me to put this outfit together right now too.
But after seeing everyone react so positively to what I am wearing right now, I can't help but feel really happy about the way this all turned out right now too: after all, they are really impressed by what I made right now, and I think it looks great on me right now too.
And I think it is safe to say that they really love the design of this outfit right now too—especially the map design on the skirt.
Of course they would love it though: after all, they know how much I love maps!
I have been working on this outfit for most of the day today—so after finishing up the last few details earlier this afternoon, I knew that there was only one thing left for me to do before we disembark for our special event tonight.
And I think I can safely say that I have taken care of the last thing I needed to do before we disembark for this event tonight.
However, I do have to admit something to you all: I was so busy working on my outfit for this event today, that I completely forgot to consider what Luffy and Zoro are going to wear for this event too.
I didn't even think about it until just a few minutes ago, when I realized that we only have an hour left before we disembark for this event.
I can't believe I forgot about making outfits for them until just now—I was so busy working on my dress for this event today, and I was so focused on making sure that everything was perfect for me too.
But now I realize that we only have an hour left before we disembark for this event—and I don't think there will be enough time for me to make outfits for them now either.
And as I frantically try to come up with a plan at this moment, I realize there is only one thing left for me to do right now too:
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
lets bath all together!
Of course Luffy would be thinking about taking a bath right now too—I should have known he would be thinking about something like this at a time like this too!
"Wait a minute, Luffy!We don't have time for something like a bath right now!"I tell him, trying my best not to sound too frustrated with him.
"But we only have an hour left before we go to our special event!There isn't enough time for all of us to take a bath together!"
I remind him, trying my best not to sound frustrated with him at a time like this too.
"Okay then, lets take a bath as soon as we get back!"he tells me with an excited smile as he heads down toward the bathhouse.
"Wait a minute, Luffy!That's not what I meant!"I shout after him as he runs off toward the bathhouse.
I sigh and shake my head as I watch him run off toward the bathhouse and then turn towards Zoro at this moment.
"Zoro, what do you think we should do?"I ask him anxiously as I realize that we only have an hour left before we disembark for this event.
"What do you want us to wear?"he asks me, looking a little confused.
"Well, I'm not sure yet," I tell him.
"We only have an hour left before we go to this event,and I haven't had time to think about what you two should wear yet either."I tell him nervously as I try to come up with a plan at this moment.
"But I was thinking that maybe you two could wear something a little more formal for this event," I suggest to him.
"Formal?"he asks me, looking a little confused.
"Like a dress or something like that," I explain.
"I think you two would look really nice in some nice outfits today."
"I see," he tells me.
"I'm sure Luffy will be happy to wear whatever you want him to wear today."
"I hope you are right about that," I tell him nervously.
"What do you want me to wear?"he asks me curiously.
"Well, I was actually thinking that maybe you could wear something like a tuxedo or something like that today," I tell him.
"I think it would suit the special occasion very nicely."
"A tuxedo?"he asks me curiously as his eyes light up with excitement.
"Okay then, Nami!A tuxedo it is!"he tells me happily as he starts heading back toward the bathhouse.
He calls out to me with an excited smile on his face as he runs off toward the bathhouse.
I can't help but smile as I watch him run off toward the bathhouse and then turn around and head back towards my room in order to see what I can find for them to wear at this moment too.
A tuxedo sounds like a great idea for Luffy—I know that he will look great in a tuxedo for this event tonight too!
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
I look around my room nervously as I try to figure out what to do about this situation at this moment too.
What should I do?
I look around my room nervously as I try to figure out what to do about this situation right now.
Zoro doesn't have a lot of clothes with him right now,so it's going to be harder to find something for him to wear at this moment.
What can we do?
I look around my room nervously as I try to figure out what to do about this situation right now.
Zoro only has one other outfit that he can wear at this moment, but it's not very formal looking.
It's a pair of wrinkled black dress pants and a wrinkled white dress shirt.
I take a closer look as I realize that they are not as bad as they look.
As long as I can iron out these wrinkles,then it will be just as good as new!
Let me see what else he brought with him today, then.
I open up his bag and find that he also brought a black belt with him too.
And that's it!
At least he has some clothes to wear at this moment too, so let me go iron his clothes for him first."I enter the room and turn on the iron as I start to iron his clothes for him at this moment.
I begin to wonder if we even have enough time to iron his clothes for him today too.
Hopefully we will be able to finish it soon!
I hear Luffy call out to me as he enters the room excitedly with his tuxedo on."I don't know how I feel about this!"I quickly tell him as I shake my head at him doubtfully as he shows off his outfit in front of me.
"Should I put on a top hat and a cane too?"he asks me curiously as he spins around in front of me.
I don't think you will need a top hat and a cane today," I tell him.
"It's going to be a little difficult to walk around on board the ship like that too.""Okay," he tells me disappointedly as he takes off his top hat and sets it aside.
"But I want to stand out at this event today!"he tells me excitedly.
"You will stand out just fine with your tuxedo alone!"
"Really?"he asks me curiously.
"Yes, really," I tell him with a smile as I push him out of the room.
"Now go wait outside for me while I finish getting ready for this event too!What should I do next?
I ask myself nervously.
I think we will have enough time for us to get ready for this event today.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
lets take a bath, I say.
"Zoro, where are you?"I call out to Zoro as we return to our ship after taking a bath at the local public bathhouse.
Zoro steps out from his room and walks over towards me to see what I want to talk to him about."I don't know if I have any formal attire to wear for the event today," I tell him worriedly as I tug on my clothes nervously.
I don't think so either," he tells me bluntly.
We are just going to a small port town, so I don't think you will need to wear anything formal either," he points out.
"We only have a few days left before we set sail again, so I don't think it is worth it for us to buy new clothes either."
What kind of sentiment is that?
We should always dress up for special occasions!"I tell him angrily.
It's not like we will be able to find any good clothes in a small port town like this either," Zoro tells me bluntly.
And we have already allocated money to buy food and supplies last week too, so I don't think it is worth it for us to spend more money to buy new clothes too," Zoro says.
I don't know what to say, but Zoro does have a point.
It's not like we even have that much money to buy new clothes anyways, and I do not want to waste any of my money on buying new clothes either.
Even though we are currently in a small port town, I am sure that we can still find some decent clothes to wear to the event too.
Besides, I am sure that everyone else will be wearing something nice too.
They must not think very highly of us if they see us in these old rags again, right?
I ask myself nervously as I tug on my clothes again.
I am sorry, Nami, but there is nothing I can do now either," Zoro tells me helplessly as he shrugs his shoulders.
It's not like you ever care about dressing up anyways!"I tell him angrily as I cross my arms over my chest.
I never cared about dressing up, but I do care about how other people see us," Zoro tells me bluntly.
I don't think that our captain cares that much about what other people think about us either.
He only cares about being free and having fun along the way too."
But still, I don't think anyone else will care about what we wear to this event," Zoro tells me as he shakes his head at me.
"As long as you are comfortable with what you are wearing, then we should just wear anything," Zoro says.
"But I'm not comfortable with what I'm wearing right now, though," I tell him as I tug on my clothes again.
I'm worried that everyone else will laugh at us if they see us wearing these old rags again!"
"I doubt anyone else will care about what we wear," Zoro tells me bluntly.
"And if they do care, then screw them!"
I don't know what to say, but Zoro does have a point either!
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
He's right, but I really want to wear something nice to the event too!
I do not want to wear these old rags either, but I want to wear something nice too!"
You can always wear that fancy dress you have been working on for the past two days too," Zoro tells me as he points at the dress I have been working on for the past two days.
I'm sure that it will be formal enough for the event too."
I'm relieved to hear Zoro say that, but I am not so confident about wearing the new dress I have been working on for the past two days either!
It's not even finished yet too!
Besides, it is not a conventional dress either!
It is a skater dress that has half of a map on the top half of the dress and half of a globe on the bottom half of the dress!
It is a skater dress that I have designed by myself, so I doubt anyone else will wear something similar to the event too!
But how do you think you will look when you're wearing it?"Zoro asks me mischievously as he shoves his face closer to mine.
"I don't know," I mumble as I blush at him because of how close he is to my face now.
"But I'm sure you will look great in anything, Nami," Zoro tells me confidently as he winks at me too.
I'm relieved to hear Zoro say that, but I am not so sure about wearing this new skater dress to the event now!
I am not so sure about wearing a dress with a map and a globe on it either!
But at least Zoro thinks that the new dress I have designed for the past two days is formal enough to wear to the event, so I don't think anyone else will care about what I wear to the event now either!
"So you're saying that we should just wear whatever we want, right?"I ask him as I arch an eyebrow at him suspiciously too.
"Of course, Nami," Zoro says as he smiles at me again.
"If you're happy with what you're wearing, then I will be happy to wear whatever I want too," Zoro says.
"I doubt anyone else will care about what we are wearing either."
"Are you sure?"I ask him nervously as I tug on my clothes again.
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"
"Of course, I am sure!"Zoro tells me confidently as he puts his hands around my waist again and pulls me toward him."I am sure everyone else is waiting for us now because they know how long it takes for you to find something to wear."
I blush again when Zoro says this to me.
How come I still feel so uncertain even after I have finished making my new outfit for the event?
"Are you sure we won't look out of place if we wear something like these to the event now?"I ask him nervously as I pull on my clothes again.
"You've already made your new dress for the event already, Nami," Zoro says to me again."It's formal enough for us to wear to any event now."
"Are you sure?"I ask him again, feeling very uncertain still because Zoro is not known for his sense of fashion either!
"I am sure!"Zoro tells me again confidently."If you are still not sure, then just try it on for me now!"
"I don't know," I mumble as I tug on my clothes again."I am not so sure if I am ready to let anyone else see my new clothes yet!"
"What are you talking about, Nami?"Zoro asks me questioningly as he raises an eyebrow at me skeptically."Why are you not ready to let anyone see your new clothes yet?"
"Well, I have only finished making it yesterday," I tell him truthfully."I don't think I have ironed out all the wrinkles in the new dress yet either."
"I see," Zoro says to me understandingly as he lets go of my waist finally."If there is nothing else you need to do with your new outfit now, then you should probably go and iron out all the wrinkles in it before you try it on for us so that we can see how it looks on you properly."
"I see," I say to him understandingly too before I wrap my arms around his neck one more time.
"What are we going to do about Luffy's outfit for the event now though?"Zoro asks me questioningly again as he puts his hands around my waist again too.
"We haven't got a formal suit for Luffy to wear to the event yet!"
"But aren't we going to buy him a tuxedo at the store later today after we have finished shopping for our outfits for the event today?"I ask him questioningly too.
"Are we going to have time to buy a tuxedo for Luffy though?"Zoro asks me questioningly as he arches an eyebrow at me skeptically."Are we going to have time to buy something that fits Luffy properly too?"
"I am not so sure about that," I mumble as I blush at him again.
"Maybe we should have bought one for Luffy to wear to the event before we came here now!"
"It's a bit late to worry about that now, isn't it?"Zoro asks me questioningly as he arches an eyebrow at me skeptically again."Luffy wouldn't agree to wear a tuxedo anyway if we bought one for him, so there is no point in worrying about that anymore anyway."
"Then what are we going to do about Luffy's outfit for the event now?"I ask him questioningly again, feeling very nervous because we only have a few hours left before the event now!
"Stylish Seas: Nami's Wardrobe Adventure"