MidReal Story

Strength of Love


May 25
Scenario:Samuel is a strong and stubborn young man and was raised in a wrestling family. He loves a funny, strong and stubborn girl
Create my version of this story
Samuel is a strong and stubborn young man and was raised in a wrestling family. He loves a funny, strong and stubborn girl
I met the girl of my dreams at the gym.
She was a stubborn, strong-willed pain in my ass.
I was a cocky, arrogant jerk.
Our Pastor would’ve said we were “equally yoked” and had one of those rare love-at-first-sight moments.
I would’ve said we were a train wreck waiting to happen.
She knocked me on my ass, literally, after our first date.
She got engaged to someone else after our second date.
She got knocked up by the loser after our third date.
But she was my dream girl and I was going to make her mine if it took a lifetime.
I had a reputation for being a player, but I was willing to change everything for her.
I was willing to give up everything for her.
I was willing to be anything she needed me to be…even if it meant being the bad guy in the end.
Because I loved her that much.
And I knew she loved me that much too.
There is nothing better than the moment when a perfectly formed hand wraps around the bar of a weight you have been working toward for years.
The moment when you can feel the sweat on your back and the muscles in your arms and chest straining to lift the weight from the rack to your chest and back up again.
The moment when you can feel the cool air on your face as you exert yourself to the point of exhaustion.
My idea of a perfect woman is one who can keep up with me in the gym, where I spend most of my days.
I don’t go out to bars; I don’t go to parties.
I don’t have time for that shit.
I only have time for one thing and that is the thing that has been at the center of my life for as long as I can remember: wrestling.
My dad was a wrestler.
My mom was a wrestler.
My grandfather was a wrestler.
We are a wrestling family through and through and it is something that I take very seriously.
It is also something that I am very good at.
So, when I see a perfectly formed hand wrap around the bar of the weight that I have been working toward for years, it doesn’t take me long to realize that the owner of that hand is also the owner of my heart.
She has long, dark hair and a fiery spirit that I was immediately drawn to.
Even in the gym, full of men who are twice her size, she stands out in a crowd.
She has long legs, a lean body, and an ass that could make a saint come twice.
But it isn’t just her good looks that draw me to her; it is her strength, her stubbornness, her unwillingness to back down from a challenge.
It is her confidence, her poise, her ability to stand up to anyone who tries to take her down or put her in her place.
I knew all of this about her before she even looked up and met my eyes across the crowded gym.
Even from across the room, I could tell that she was someone who was not easily intimidated or easily impressed.
She was someone who would do whatever it took to succeed and to rise above whatever obstacle came in her way.
And she was someone who would be mine if it killed me.
I knew all of this about her before she even looked up and met my eyes across the crowded gym because we were cut from the same cloth and made from the same material.
We were both fighters…through and through…and we were both willing to do whatever it took to win…even if it meant losing everything else in the process.
Strength of Love
I made it my mission to not just know her name, but to learn everything that I could about her, and to be there for her in every possible way.
I made it my mission to push every button that I could, to challenge every aspect of our relationship, to test every boundary and line that she had put in place.
I knew that she was the one for me, but I also knew that I would have to fight for her if I was ever going to win.
I knew that she was worth more than all the money in the world, but I also knew that she was the type of woman who would never settle for anything less than what she deserved.
I knew that she was worth everything and more, and I was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that she knew that too.
“Did you know that my girl is getting engaged?”
I asked as I walked by my dream girl and rolled my eyes.
She looked up at me and glared, but didn’t say anything.
I smirked and continued on my way, not bothering to wait for her response.
She wanted to play games?
She wanted to be difficult?
She wanted to make me work for it?
I was more than happy to oblige.
After all, she had no idea what she was in for.
When I asked her out on our first date, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.
She pretended like she wasn’t impressed by anything that I had to offer and like she wasn’t interested in anything that I had to say, but I knew better.
I could see the way that she looked at me out of the corner of my eye when she thought that no one else was looking.
I could see the way that she bit her lip and blushed when I pressed all of the right buttons.
I could see the way that she moved closer to me and leaned into me when we were alone together.
And I could see the way that she couldn’t help but smile and laugh whenever we were around each other.
It was all just an act, a game, a challenge that she wanted me to beat…and I was determined to win.
“What are you doing at a gas station?”
she asked as she got into the car and looked around.
“I thought we were going out for dinner?”
“We are,” I said as I pulled away from the pump and back onto the road.
“But this is a little more my style, don’t you think?”
I said with a grin as I reached over and put my hand on her knee, letting it slide up her thigh ever so slightly before I put it back on the steering wheel.
She rolled her eyes and pushed my hand away, but couldn’t help but smile when she thought I wasn’t looking.
I knew that she loved to be wined and dined, but I also knew that she loved to have fun even more…which is why I decided to take her to the one place where we could do both at the same time: a go-kart track.
“You are such a jerk,” she said as she put her hands on her hips and forced me to catch up to her on the track…but I knew that she was having a good time because she was laughing and smiling the whole way through.
Strength of Love
After our intense game of go-kart racing, I told her that I had one more surprise before we went out for dinner, and she just rolled her eyes again…until we walked into the gym where we first met, and there was a wrestling ring set up in the middle of it all.
“I thought that we could do a little pre-dinner wrestling match to get our blood pumping,” I said with a grin, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to resist…even if she wanted to.
She rolled her eyes again and started to walk away, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me, knowing that she wanted to stay just as bad as I wanted her to stay…even if she didn’t want to admit it.
“Fine,” she said with a huff before she climbed up into the ring…because she couldn’t resist the urge to prove me wrong…which is exactly why I chose this date in the first place.
Our first date was exactly what I had hoped for: challenging, intense, intimate, emotional, and unforgettable…and our second date was even better.
I took her out for dinner before we went back to my hotel room, and then we went out for drinks before we ended up in bed together.
And by the time that it was over, I was even more addicted to her than I was before…if that was even possible?
“I’m going to take a shower,” I said as I rolled out from underneath her and stood up, my heart still racing and my body still buzzing.
“Do you want to join me?”
“Don’t you have to make sure that you have enough time to get to the airport?”
she asked as she looked at the clock and saw that it was already 5am and that my flight was due to leave in less than two hours.
“I’ll be fine,” I said with a grin and a nod before I headed into the bathroom and started to strip down, hoping that she would follow me in like she did last time…but this time, she didn’t.
“I’ll be waiting for you when you get out,” I said as I poked my head out from behind the curtain and watched as she got dressed and packed up all of her things.
“I don’t know why I let you drag me into bed with you again,” she muttered under her breath, but I knew that there was no way that I was going to be able to let her go.
I had been dreaming about this moment for too long, and now that it had finally happened, I wasn’t going to let her slip through my fingers that easily.
I had been waiting for what felt like forever for her to come back to the gym so that I could talk to her and find out why she was avoiding me and acting like everything that had happened between us was just one big mistake.
I wanted her to know that I wasn’t going to let her walk away from me that easily, and that I was willing to fight for her and for us…which was exactly what I was doing when I showed up at her gym just one week later and asked her out on another date.
“I can’t,” she said with a sigh, but I could tell by the way that she looked at me and the way that she licked her lips that she wanted to go just as bad as I did.
“Why not?”
I asked as I put my hands on my hips and looked down at her, knowing that there was no way that I was going to be able to take no for an answer…not when I had come so far.
“Because it’s not going to happen again, okay?”
she said before she walked away and left me standing there all alone.
But I wasn’t about to give up on her…not until I had gotten what I wanted.
Strength of Love