MidReal Story

Storm's Awakening


May 22
Scenario:A small girl who only turned 20, with soft blonde hair watches a storm begin from her balcony, and with lights dancing through the air akin to the aurora borealis she found energy begin to crackle within her as she found whims of her own desires coming to life in the form of fire, water, air and earth... she had control of magic in her awakening.
Create my version of this story
A small girl who only turned 20, with soft blonde hair watches a storm begin from her balcony, and with lights dancing through the air akin to the aurora borealis she found energy begin to crackle within her as she found whims of her own desires coming to life in the form of fire, water, air and earth... she had control of magic in her awakening.
I was twenty years old when I discovered I could control the elements.
It was my birthday, and a storm had been brewing all day.
The sky was dark, and the wind howled outside my window.
I’d always loved storms, and I’d been waiting for this one all day.
I’d even left my window open a crack so I could hear the rain when it finally came.
But as the sun set, the storm still hadn’t arrived, and I began to worry that it would pass us by.
I was just about to give up and go to bed when I heard a knock at my door.
I opened it to find a man standing in the hallway.
He was tall and broad-shouldered, with dark hair and stormy gray eyes that seemed to pierce right through me.
He looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties, but there was something ageless about him, as if he’d been around forever.
He was wearing a long black coat that flapped in the wind, even though we were inside.
“Elara Vane?” he said.
I nodded, too stunned to speak.
“I’ve been looking for you,” he said.
“I’m Aiden Storm.”
Those were the words that changed everything.
I’d spent my entire life feeling like I was different from everyone around me, and suddenly I knew why.
Aiden had explained everything—the truth about the hidden world of magic that existed all around us, and the fact that I was one of the few people with the power to control it.
He’d promised to help me learn to use my magic, and he’d kept his word.
Over the next few months, he taught me how to control the elements, how to harness the power of air and water and fire, and use it to do amazing things.
But as powerful as I was, I was still just a girl, and I had a lot to learn.
The sun was setting as I stepped out onto the balcony.
I took a deep breath and looked out at the horizon, where dark clouds were gathering on the horizon, casting long shadows across the fields.
The storm was coming, and this time I was ready for it.
It wasn’t like I had anything else to do, anyway.
I couldn’t believe it was my birthday already, but it didn’t feel like a big deal—not like when I was a little girl, counting down the days until my next birthday party.
I’d always imagined that when I turned twenty, everything would be different—that I would finally find out why I felt so strange and out of place all the time, why I could sense the slightest change in the wind and why storms seemed to respond to my moods as if they were alive.
I’d thought that my life would finally make sense when I turned twenty, but so far, nothing had changed.
Except me, that is.
The wind picked up as I made my way down the hall.
It was stronger now, and colder, too.
I pulled my sweater tighter around me as I walked down the stairs to the main floor of the house.
Storm's Awakening
The sky darkened as I stepped into the living room, and thunder rumbled in the distance.
It was finally here, the storm that had been building all day and was now about to unleash its fury on us all.
It was strange, but I felt like it was following me, as if it was waiting for me to come home so it could finally break free.
There was something different about this storm, and about me, too—I could feel it in my bones, in my skin, in my blood.
My connection with the storm outside was undeniable, and as I closed my eyes and reached out with my mind, I could feel it responding to my touch, as if it had been waiting for me all along.
My heart raced as the wind howled outside, and rain pelted against the windows with such force that I feared they might shatter.
In that moment, it felt like everything was happening at once, and I could hardly catch my breath as I tried to make sense of it all.
It had been just a few hours since Aiden had shown me what I could do—what we both could do—and already it felt like second nature to me.
But just because I could do something didn’t mean that I should, and as much as I wanted to step outside and call the storm down around me, there was no telling what might happen if I did.
I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind, but it was already too late.
The lightning flashed, and in that instant, I felt a surge of power rising up from deep within me, as if my body had been waiting for permission to unleash its full potential.
My hands tingled with energy, and my skin prickled with goosebumps as the power washed over me.
Without thinking, I reached out with my mind and tried to calm the storm, but instead of weakening it, I only made it worse.
The rain came down harder, and the wind picked up speed, rattling the shutters and making the whole room vibrate.
I gasped and tried to pull back, but my hands were already shaking, and my vision swam before my eyes.
The storm was too powerful; there was no way to control it now, and all I could do was try to survive.
With all my strength, I reached out once more, this time pushing against the storm and trying to weaken its hold on me.
It took all of my concentration and focus—and a little bit of luck—but eventually, the storm began to recede, slowly at first, then all at once, until it was no more.
My heart pounded in my chest as I collapsed onto the bed, exhausted and overwhelmed by everything that had just happened.
Storm's Awakening
I’d never seen him before, of that I was certain, and yet there was something about him that felt completely familiar to me.
He was tall and broad-shouldered, with dark hair that was tousled just enough to make him look effortlessly put together.
His stormy gray eyes were fixed on mine, holding me in place as if he knew all of my secrets and wasn’t afraid to use them against me.
And then there was his smile—small and knowing, like he was privy to a joke that no one else could ever hope to understand.
I swallowed hard and tried to find my voice, but my mind was already spinning out of control, and I had no idea what to say or how to say it.
“Can I help you?”
I finally managed to ask.
“You must be Elara,” he said, his voice smooth and deep.
For a moment, I couldn’t help but wonder if he was real—if maybe this was all just some kind of strange dream or illusion that my mind had conjured up to distract myself from reality.
But then he stepped forward, and I had to take a step back in order to keep some distance between us.
“Who are you?”
I asked before I could stop myself.
“Aiden Storm,” he replied, pausing just long enough to let the name sink in before he added: “I’m a friend of a friend.”
I gave a small nod even though I didn’t really understand what he meant by that or why he was here at all.
“I don’t mean to intrude,” he continued, “but I wanted to check on you and make sure that everything was all right.”
“I’m fine,” I said quickly, wondering if maybe Lysandra had sent him here to make sure that I hadn’t lost my mind or done something reckless and dangerous while she was gone.
“I just needed to get some fresh air.”
He raised an eyebrow at that and seemed to look me over as if he could see right through me and knew all of my secrets without having to ask.
“Well,” he said eventually, “I’m glad to hear it.Maybe I should go then and let you get back to whatever it is you were doing.”
The smile was still there, but it didn’t seem quite as knowing as it had before, and for a moment, I wondered if maybe it had all been my imagination—that maybe he wasn’t as mysterious or enigmatic as he seemed after all.
But then he turned to go, and the smile was back, and I knew that I had been wrong all along.
He paused for a moment at the door, as if he were debating whether to say something or let it go, before he finally spoke again.
“I enjoyed our chat,” he said with a small nod, “and I hope we can talk again soon.”
“Me too,” I replied even though I didn’t really mean it.
With one last nod, he turned and walked away, leaving me alone in the hallway with more questions than answers and more doubts than ever before.
Outside, the wind howled, and the rain came down harder than ever before, but for some reason, it didn’t bother me at all.
Storm's Awakening