Scenario:You know, the stars always shine brightest when someone's light goes out. He said before killing the man in cold blood
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You know, the stars always shine brightest when someone's light goes out. He said before killing the man in cold blood
The stars always shine brightest when someone's light goes out.
He said that before killing me.
Standing here, looking at the night sky, I have to admit that the stars are beautiful, but I'm not sure if I believe him.
I always thought that it was just something that he said to make himself feel better about what he was going to do.
To me.
Murder isn't a trivial thing, and yet for him, it clearly was.
I often wonder if he actually believed what he said, or if he only repeated what he heard from someone else.
The killer who caught me was meticulous and planned everything carefully.
He left nothing behind, no evidence of any kind.
It took us a long time to find out who he was, and by the time we did, it was too late.
He had already gone underground and changed his identity to avoid being caught.