MidReal Story

Stairway to Unexpected Love

Scenario:Cory has dark skin and is struggling to carry the groceries up the apartment stairs. Cory has falls down the stairs and hurt his ankle. Chang has likes Cory and helps Cory up and offers to help take the bags to show off his muscles. Cory secretly likes Chang but refuses help but Chang insists and takes his bags. Chang is handsome and a muscular guy and wears a tank top, shorts and flip flops. After Chang helps with the bags, he offers to carry Cory up the stairs. Cory refuses but Chang doesn’t take no for an answer and scoops him up anyways.
Create my version of this story
Cory has dark skin and is struggling to carry the groceries up the apartment stairs. Cory has falls down the stairs and hurt his ankle. Chang has likes Cory and helps Cory up and offers to help take the bags to show off his muscles. Cory secretly likes Chang but refuses help but Chang insists and takes his bags. Chang is handsome and a muscular guy and wears a tank top, shorts and flip flops. After Chang helps with the bags, he offers to carry Cory up the stairs. Cory refuses but Chang doesn’t take no for an answer and scoops him up anyways.
I’m a fucking idiot.
I should have just gone to the store tomorrow.
But no, I was out of milk and I wanted some damn cereal.
So now I’m standing here, in the middle of the parking lot, with a gallon of milk in one hand and two bags of groceries in the other, wondering how the hell I’m going to get all this up to my apartment.
I could make two trips, but that would mean hobbling back down to my car on my injured ankle and then back up again.
I’d rather not do that if I don’t have to.
So, I do what any stubborn idiot would do and try to carry it all up at once.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
I take a deep breath and start my ascent, each step sending a jolt of pain through my ankle.
The stairs seem endless, and I can feel the sweat starting to bead on my forehead.
Just a few more steps, I tell myself, gritting my teeth.
But halfway up, my foot slips.
The bags go flying, and I tumble down the stairs, landing in a heap at the bottom.
"Shit!" I groan, clutching my ankle as pain radiates through my leg.
"Cory! Are you okay?"
I look up to see Chang rushing over, his face etched with concern.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie, trying to push myself up but failing miserably.
Chang kneels beside me, his strong hands gently helping me to sit up.
"You don't look fine," he says, his eyes scanning me for any other injuries.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
"I'm just... having a bad day," I mutter, wincing as I try to stand.
Chang's grip tightens around my arm, steadying me.
"Let me help you with these," he says, reaching for the scattered groceries.
"I can manage," I protest weakly, but Chang is already picking up the bags.
His muscles flex under his shirt as he lifts them effortlessly, making my heart race despite the pain in my ankle.
"Seriously, it's no big deal," he insists, giving me a reassuring smile. "Let's get you upstairs."
I nod reluctantly, leaning on him for support as we make our way back to the stairs.
Each step is agony, but with Chang's help, we slowly make our way up.
By the time we reach my floor, I'm sweating and out of breath.
Chang deposits the bags by my door and turns to me with a concerned frown.
"You're not going to make it like this," he says firmly. "Let me carry you."
Stairway to Unexpected Love
"No way," I say quickly, shaking my head. "I can walk."
But before I can protest further, Chang scoops me up in his arms as if I weigh nothing.
My face flushes with embarrassment and something else I can't quite name as he carries me effortlessly up the remaining stairs.
We reach my door, and Chang sets me down gently on my feet.
"Thanks," I mumble, fumbling for my keys with shaky hands.
"No problem," he says softly. "Just take it easy for a while."
I manage to unlock the door and push it open, turning to give Chang an awkward smile.
"Really appreciate it," I say.
He nods and gives me a warm smile in return.
As he turns to leave, I feel a strange mix of relief and disappointment.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
"Want me to bring these inside for you?" he offers.
I hesitate for a moment, then nod.
"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks."
We step into my small apartment, the air cool compared to the humid hallway.
The living room is cluttered with books and half-finished projects, but Chang doesn't seem to mind.
He sets the bags on the kitchen counter and starts unpacking without waiting for instructions.
"Where do you want these?" he asks, holding up a box of cereal.
"Top cabinet," I reply, pointing.
I limp over to help him, but he waves me off.
"I got this," he insists.
I lean against the counter, watching as he moves efficiently around my kitchen.
The atmosphere is tense but friendly; there's an unspoken understanding between us.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
We work in silence, the only sounds are the rustling of grocery bags and the hum of the refrigerator.
After a few minutes, Chang glances at me.
"Mind if I use your bathroom?" he asks.
I nod, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and nervousness.
"Sure, it's down the hall on the left."
As soon as he's out of sight, I take a deep breath and try to calm my racing heart.
What is it about him that makes me feel this way?
Moments later, Chang emerges from the hallway half-dressed in his boxers, his muscular frame on display.
My heart skips a beat, and I can feel my face flush.
"Man, it's hot in here," he says casually, running a hand through his hair.
I stammer a response, trying to keep my composure.
"Uh, yeah... the AC's been acting up."
He smiles confidently and steps closer.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
The air between us thickens with unspoken tension as we stand there, both aware of the charged moment.
His eyes lock onto mine, and I can barely breathe.
"You okay?" he asks softly.
I nod quickly, swallowing hard.
"Yeah... just surprised."
Chang chuckles and leans against the counter next to me.
"Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he says.
"No, it's fine," I reply quickly. "Just... unexpected."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Unexpected good or unexpected bad?"
I laugh nervously.
"Good," I admit.
He grins and reaches out to touch my arm lightly.
"I'm glad," he says.
The touch sends a jolt through me, and I can't help but lean into it slightly.
We stand there for what feels like an eternity, neither of us moving or speaking.
Finally, Chang breaks the silence.
"So... what now?" he asks.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
My ankle throbs, reminding me of my predicament.
"Actually," Chang says, breaking the silence, "I could help you with that ankle.
You look pretty stiff."
I hesitate, unsure if I want him touching me more than he already has.
But the pain is relentless.
"Uh, sure," I say finally. "That would be great."
Chang motions for me to sit on the couch.
I limp over and collapse onto the cushions, wincing as I prop my leg up.
Chang kneels beside me, his hands warm and firm as they wrap around my ankle.
He starts to massage gently, and I feel a mix of pain and relief shoot through my leg.
"You're really strong," I murmur, trying to distract myself from the discomfort.
Chang grins at me, flexing his biceps playfully.
"Yeah? You should see what else these muscles can do."
Stairway to Unexpected Love
Before I can react, he slips his arm under my knees and back, lifting me effortlessly off the couch.
I gasp in surprise as he throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Chang! What are you doing?" I exclaim, half-laughing, half-panicking.
He chuckles deeply, patting my back reassuringly.
"Just showing off a little," he says. "Hold on tight."
He starts parading around the room with me draped over his shoulder.
The adrenaline rush is immediate; my heart pounds in my chest as we move around the small apartment.
We both burst into laughter, the tension between us dissolving into something lighter and more playful.
Chang spins us around once more before gently setting me back down on the couch.
I’m breathless and giddy from the unexpected ride.
"See?" he says with a grin. "Told you I'm strong."
I shake my head, still laughing. "Okay, okay. You win."
He sits down next to me, our shoulders brushing.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
The room feels warmer now, filled with an unexpected closeness that wasn't there before.
"Thanks for that," I say softly. "I needed a good laugh."
Chang smiles warmly at me. "Anytime."
We sit there for a moment longer, catching our breath and enjoying the newfound ease between us.
Finally, Chang stands up and stretches. "Alright, let's get you settled properly."
He helps me adjust on the couch so that I'm more comfortable.
As he works, I can't help but notice how gentle his touch is despite his strength.
Once I'm settled, he steps back and looks around the cluttered apartment.
"You need anything else?" he asks.
I shake my head. "No, you've done more than enough. Really appreciate it."
He nods and gives me one last smile before heading towards the door.
As he leaves, I feel a strange mix of emotions—relief that he's gone but also a lingering sense of wanting him to stay longer.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
Did Chang forget something?
I hobble over to the door, my ankle still throbbing with each step.
When I open it, Chang stands there holding a small bag of ice.
"Thought you might need this," he says, lifting the bag slightly.
Relief washes over me, and I can't help but smile.
"Thanks, come in," I say, stepping aside to let him enter.
Chang walks in and heads straight for the couch, motioning for me to sit down.
I follow him and collapse onto the cushions, grateful for the chance to rest my leg.
Chang sits beside me, his presence comforting and reassuring.
He gently places the bag of ice on my swollen ankle, his touch careful and deliberate.
I wince at the initial coldness but soon feel a soothing numbness spreading through my leg.
"Better?" he asks, looking up at me with concern in his eyes.
"Yeah," I reply. "Much better. Thanks."
Stairway to Unexpected Love
We exchange glances, and for a moment, it feels like there's something unspoken hanging in the air between us.
Chang's hand lingers on my knee as he adjusts the ice pack, his touch warm against my skin.
The room is filled with a comfortable silence, broken only by our steady breaths and the distant hum of city life outside.
I can hear the faint sounds of traffic and people talking on the street below.
"You didn't have to do this," I say softly, feeling a mix of gratitude and something else I can't quite name.
Chang smiles warmly at me. "I wanted to. Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I left you like this?"
His words make my heart race again, and I find myself leaning into his touch just a little more.
We sit there for a while, neither of us saying anything.
The silence between us is filled with an unspoken understanding that feels both comforting and exhilarating.
Chang's fingers trace small circles on my knee, sending shivers up my spine.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
"You're really good at this," I say finally, breaking the silence.
Chang chuckles softly. "I've had some practice. My sister used to get hurt all the time when we were kids."
His eyes soften as he talks about his family, and I can see a hint of nostalgia in his expression.
"Sounds like you were a good brother," I say, trying to imagine Chang as a protective older sibling.
He shrugs modestly. "I did what I could."
Our eyes meet again, and this time there's no mistaking the intensity of the moment.
Chang leans in slightly, his face just inches from mine.
My breath catches in my throat as I wait to see what he'll do next.
But before either of us can make a move, there's another knock on the door.
We both jump slightly at the sound, and Chang pulls back with a sheepish grin.
"I'll get it," he says, standing up quickly.
As he heads towards the door, I can't help but feel a pang of disappointment mixed with anticipation.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
He opens it, and we both hold our breath.
But it's just Mrs. Jenkins from down the hall, looking for her cat.
"Sorry to bother you," she says, peering into the apartment. "Have you seen Mr. Whiskers?"
Chang shakes his head. "No, ma'am. Haven't seen him."
She nods and shuffles away, muttering to herself.
Chang closes the door and turns back to me, a relieved smile on his face.
"False alarm," he says, walking back over to the couch.
I laugh nervously, the tension from before still lingering in the air.
"Yeah, I thought it might be something serious."
Chang's eyes flicker with amusement as he looks around my cluttered apartment.
His gaze lands on my closet door, slightly ajar.
"What's that?" he asks, pointing.
I follow his gaze and see a hint of fur peeking out.
"Oh, that's just an old costume," I say dismissively. "From a party last year."
Chang's curiosity gets the better of him, and he strides over to the closet.
He pulls out the caveman outfit, holding it up with a grin.
"This is amazing," he says, examining the faux fur and leather straps.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
Before I can protest, he starts stripping off his clothes right there in my living room.
My face flushes as I watch him change into the costume, revealing his chiseled body in the process.
Chang stands before me in full caveman regalia, striking a pose with a playful smirk.
"Me caveman," he declares in a deep voice. "You love at first sight."
I can't help but laugh at his antics, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement.
He steps closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
"You my trophy," he says, scooping me up off the couch effortlessly.
I yelp in surprise as he lifts me into a bearhug, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.
"Chang!" I exclaim, half-laughing, half-panicking. "Put me down!"
But he just grins and holds me tighter, his strong arms encircling my back.
"No escape," he teases. "You mine now."
My hands grip his broad shoulders for support as he carries me over to my bed.
He sits down with me still wrapped around him, our faces inches apart.
The room feels suddenly smaller, the air thick with unspoken tension.
Chang's eyes lock onto mine, his expression softening as he holds me close.
For a moment, neither of us speaks.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
The only sound is our steady breathing and the distant hum of city life outside.
His grip tightens slightly around my waist as if he's afraid I'll slip away.
I can feel the warmth of his body through the thin fabric of the costume.
"Cory," he murmurs softly. "You okay?"
I nod slowly, unable to tear my gaze away from his intense eyes.
"Yeah," I whisper. "I'm okay."
We sit there for what feels like an eternity, wrapped up in each other and the moment we're sharing.
Finally, Chang leans in closer until our foreheads touch gently.
"You know," he says quietly. "I've never felt like this before."
His words send a shiver down my spine as I realize just how much this moment means to both of us.
Before I can respond or even fully process what he's said, there's another knock on the door—this time louder and more insistent.
Chang's head snaps up towards the sound, his expression shifting from tender to alert in an instant.
"I'll get it," he says again, carefully disentangling himself from me and setting me down on the bed.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
I sit up on the bed, my heart still racing from the intensity of our moment.
He opens the door cautiously, peering out into the hallway.
This time, it's just a delivery person holding a package.
"Delivery for Cory Jackson?" the courier asks, glancing at his clipboard.
"That's me," I call out from the bed, trying to steady my voice.
Chang takes the package and thanks the courier before closing the door.
He sets the box down on the coffee table and turns back to me, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
"Another false alarm," he says, walking back over to me.
Before I can respond, Chang scoops me up again, cradling me in his strong arms.
He carries me back to the couch and sits down, positioning me in his lap like before.
His hands are warm and firm as they hold me close.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
I can feel his breath against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
Chang's lips find mine in a gentle kiss that quickly deepens with passion.
I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as our bodies press together.
His hands roam over my back, tracing patterns that make my skin tingle.
We lose ourselves in each other, the world outside fading away until it's just us in this moment.
Chang's grip tightens around my waist as he lifts me slightly, bouncing me gently in his lap.
The movement sends waves of pleasure through my body, making me gasp against his lips.
He holds me securely as we move together, our breaths coming faster and more ragged with each passing second.
The room feels hotter now, filled with the sounds of our shared desire and the rhythmic creaking of the couch beneath us.
Chang's eyes lock onto mine, filled with a mix of tenderness and raw need.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
"I've wanted this for so long," he murmurs against my lips. "You have no idea."
I can only nod in response, too lost in the sensations coursing through me to form coherent words.
His hands grip my hips firmly as he guides our movements, each thrust bringing us closer to the edge.
The intensity builds between us until it feels like we're both about to burst.
Chang's hold on me tightens even more as we reach our climax together, our cries of pleasure mingling in the air.
For a moment, everything is still except for our heavy breathing and racing hearts.
Then Chang gently lowers me back onto the couch, his arms still wrapped around me protectively.
We lay there in a tangle of limbs and emotions, basking in the afterglow of what we've just shared.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
I can feel the warmth of his body, and it makes me feel safe.
His breath is steady and calming against my ear.
"Cory," he whispers softly, "you need to get some rest."
I shake my head stubbornly, my eyes meeting his with determination.
"I'm fine," I insist.
"I don't want to sleep right now."
Chang sighs, a mix of frustration and concern in his eyes.
He knows me well enough to understand that I'm not going to give in easily.
"Alright," he says quietly, a hint of resignation in his voice.
"But you leave me no choice."
Before I can react, Chang shifts his position and pins me down on the couch.
"What are you doing?" I ask, my voice tinged with confusion and a bit of panic.
He doesn't answer immediately.
Instead, he moves his feet closer to my face.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
The smell hits me like a freight train—overpowering and pungent.
"Chang, no!" I protest, trying to turn my head away.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
But he's relentless, holding me in place with surprising strength.
The odor is unbearable, making my eyes water and my head spin.
I struggle against him, but the more I inhale the stench, the weaker I feel.
My vision starts to blur, and I can feel consciousness slipping away.
Finally, everything goes dark.
When I come to, I'm lying in bed.
The room is dimly lit by the soft glow of a bedside lamp.
I blink a few times, trying to clear the fog from my mind.
It takes a moment for me to realize that I'm not alone.
Chang is there, his arms still wrapped around me protectively.
"Chang?" I murmur groggily, trying to make sense of what happened.
He looks down at me with a gentle smile.
"Hey," he says softly. "You finally woke up."
I feel a mix of confusion and comfort as I take in our surroundings.
We're still on the couch together, just as we were before everything went black.
"Why did you do that?" I ask, my voice still weak from the ordeal.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
Chang's expression softens even more.
"You needed rest," he explains simply. "And you weren't going to get it any other way."
I can't help but feel a bit annoyed at his methods, but deep down, I know he's right.
My body feels more relaxed than it has in days.
"Fine," I grumble, snuggling closer into his embrace. "But next time, just ask nicely."
He chuckles softly and tightens his hold on me.
"I'll keep that in mind," he promises.
Stairway to Unexpected Love
We lay there in comfortable silence for a while longer, the weight of unspoken words hanging between us.
The distant hum of city life filters through the window, mingling with our steady breaths.
I can hear the faint sounds of traffic and people talking on the street below.
It feels like we're in our own little world, separate from everything else.
Chang's fingers trace gentle patterns on my back, soothing and reassuring.
I close my eyes and let myself relax completely in his arms.
Stairway to Unexpected Love