MidReal Story

Spring's Serendipitous Love


May 14
Scenario:Help me write the first chapter of a novel. The name of the novel is Chunyuan. The hero and heroine meet in spring. Please help me write the first chapter of the novel. The content of the novel is that they meet for the first time. The shyness of young people is reflected. It is written more artistically. It combines the scenery of spring with them. It is about 5000 words.
Create my version of this story
Help me write the first chapter of a novel. The name of the novel is Chunyuan. The hero and heroine meet in spring. Please help me write the first chapter of the novel. The content of the novel is that they meet for the first time. The shyness of young people is reflected. It is written more artistically. It combines the scenery of spring with them. It is about 5000 words.
I was sketching in the university garden when I saw him for the first time.
He was sitting under a cherry blossom tree, reading a book.
The sun was shining on his face, and the gentle breeze was playing with his hair.
He looked so peaceful and quiet, as if he were a part of the beautiful spring scene around him.
I couldn’t help but draw him on my sketchpad.
I only managed to capture his side profile, but I knew that I would never forget this moment.
When I looked up again, he had already put away his book and was walking away.
I wanted to say something to him, but my voice got stuck in my throat.
He walked past me without even looking at me, and I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest.
I didn’t know who he was or why he made me feel this way, but I knew that I had to see him again.
The next day, I went back to the garden and found him sitting under the same cherry blossom tree.
He looked up at me, and his eyes were as gentle as the morning sun.
I wanted to say something, anything, but all I could manage was a shy smile.
He smiled in return, and it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
I couldn’t wait to see him again.
But as I sat on the bench, I found myself too shy to speak to him.
I kept stealing glances at him, wondering what I should do.
He was still reading, his eyes fixed on the book in his hand.
I couldn’t see his face clearly, but he looked so charming and handsome from afar.
He seemed to know that I was looking at him, but he didn’t seem to mind.
The garden was full of flowers and trees, but he seemed to be the most beautiful thing in it.
I wanted to go up to him and ask him what his name was, but I didn’t know what to say.
So I sat down on a bench not too far away from him.
I took out my sketchpad and pretended to be focused on my drawing.
Every now and then, I would steal a glance at him, trying to draw his handsome face in my heart.
The trees rustled in the wind, and the flowers bloomed in a riot of colors.
But all I could see was him.
He was like a painting, or a poem, or a dream on a canvas.
Was it a crime for me to look at him like this?
We were both students at the university, or so I thought.
I didn’t know him, and he didn’t know me either.
It was probably because I had just transferred here from another school, so I didn’t have that many friends.
The only friend I had here was Mei Lin.
She was short and lively with curly brown hair.
She was outgoing and humorous, and she got along well with everyone.
She was the complete opposite of me, and she always said that we were the perfect match.
She was the one who had introduced this place to me.
She said that the garden was the most beautiful place on campus, and it was also the best place for inspiration.
As an artist, I needed inspiration every day, so she had taken me here as soon as I arrived.
I didn’t think she meant for me to be inspired by this young man under the cherry blossom tree.
Stop daydreaming, will you?
I scolded myself silently as I hurriedly turned my attention back to the sketchpad in my hand.
My fingers moved quickly across the page as if they were dancing on an invisible canvas.
"Spring's Serendipitous Love"
I had sat down at the other end of the garden.
I had picked a spot that was not too far away from the young man.
I didn’t want him to see me drawing him and think that I was a weirdo.
But I really wanted to draw his handsome face.
I stole a glance at him.
His eyes were still fixed on the book in his hand.
I took a deep breath and turned my attention back to my sketchpad.
I couldn’t see his face clearly because of the angle, but I knew that I had to capture his beauty somehow.
This was the only way I could remember him.
My fingers moved quickly across the paper.
I had been drawing him for a while now, but it was still not enough.
I erased the lines that I didn’t like and drew them again.
I was worried that he would see me drawing him and think that I was weird.
I looked up at him when I thought about it.
The young man seemed to be completely immersed in his book.
He didn’t seem to notice me at all.
I let out a sigh of relief.
I turned my attention back to my sketchpad and continued drawing him.
The young man’s skin was fair and smooth, and he had a pair of gentle eyes.
His long hair was tied into a ponytail at the back of his head, and it swayed gently with the wind when he smiled.
It was such an elegant sight that it made my heart skip a beat.
I knew that I wasn’t doing him justice with my poor drawing skills.
But even if I couldn’t capture his essence on paper, I would never forget how charming he was.
After all, there were some things that words couldn’t describe.
My fingers moved quickly across the paper as I drew him over and over again.
He had been sitting under the cherry blossom tree for a while now, but he didn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon.
The garden was full of beautiful flowers and trees, but none of them were as beautiful as him.
I kept erasing and redrawing because I wanted my painting to be perfect.
But no matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t seem to get it right.
It was as if there was a gap between my vision and my hands.
Suddenly, the young man closed his book.
He sat there with his eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his face.
The sun was setting in the west, but his face was still warm.
That was how I saw him.
The young man looked so serene and peaceful that he seemed to have forgotten the world around him.
He was like a dream, or a vision, or a poem on a canvas.
The sun slowly set in the west, but my fingers didn’t stop moving.
The young man didn’t leave either.
It was as if his beauty was forever etched in my heart, making it impossible for him to leave this place.
I kept erasing and redrawing, hoping that I could capture at least a fraction of his essence on paper.
The young man was still sitting under the cherry blossom tree, his eyes fixed on his book.
He didn’t seem to notice me drawing him either.
"Spring's Serendipitous Love"
Every time he turned a page in his book, his long, slender fingers would linger gently on the corner of the paper before letting go, like a dancer who didn’t want to leave the stage.
It was such an elegant sight that it made my heart skip a beat.
The young man’s hair was messy, but it suited his delicate features perfectly.
Every time the wind blew, his hair would fall gently over his eyes, but he would always brush it away with his slender fingers.
It was like a dance that I couldn’t look away from, and I was afraid that he would catch me looking at him one day.
I tried my best to keep my admiration for him discreet, but I couldn’t help but sneak glances at him every now and then.
Sometimes, when I looked at him, I felt as if our eyes were about to meet.
It made me feel nervous, but excited at the same time.
As time went by, I found myself subconsciously staring at him more often than before.
Unlike other days, the young man didn’t leave early today either.
He had been sitting under the cherry blossom tree for almost four hours, lost in his reading.
I looked at him from time to time, feeling frustrated and embarrassed at my own actions.
But I couldn’t help myself.
The young man looked so peaceful that I wanted to enter his world too.
If only I had the courage to walk over to him and talk to him.
But no matter how many times I reminded myself that we were just strangers, I still felt embarrassed to approach him.
A gust of wind blew over, making his hair fall over his face slightly.
He was so focused on his book that he didn’t notice his hair falling over his face.
His skin was so fair that I could see a faint blush forming on his cheeks.
It was such an enchanting sight that I couldn’t look away.
I turned back to my sketchpad and continued drawing.
No matter how many times I tried, I just couldn’t seem to get it right.
I closed my sketchpad in frustration.
As soon as I saw him, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
I looked at him from time to time, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.
But I had never felt this way before, so I didn’t know how to react.
After sitting there in silence for a long time, I couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Can we be friends?”
I asked in a low voice.
But he didn’t seem to hear me at all.
The young man was still sitting under the cherry blossom tree, lost in his reading.
He looked so beautiful that I wanted to keep looking at him forever.
But no matter how much I wanted to stay, I knew that I had to leave before it was too late.
I sighed softly and got up from my seat.
As soon as I stood up, his eyes met mine again.
His face was so peaceful that I almost hesitated to leave.
"Spring's Serendipitous Love"