MidReal Story

Spice of Dune: Winner's Addictive Journey


May 16
Scenario:Winner the Pooh visits the planet Dune and becomes addicted to the spice
Create my version of this story
Winner the Pooh visits the planet Dune and becomes addicted to the spice
It was a blustery day in the Hundred Acre Wood, and Winner the Pooh was out for a stroll.
He had been walking for quite some time, and he was starting to feel a little hungry.
He thought about stopping at his friend Piglet Piggly’s house for a snack, but then he remembered that Piglet Piggly had gone to visit her cousin in the next wood over.
So Winner the Pooh kept walking, and he kept thinking about how hungry he was.
He thought about all of the delicious things he could be eating right now if only he had remembered to bring some honey with him on his walk.
He thought about honey on toast, and honey in tea, and honey on scones with clotted cream.
He thought about honey so much that he didn’t even notice when he walked right into a tree.
When Winner the Pooh opened his eyes, he found himself lying on his back in the middle of the desert.
The sun was beating down on him, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
“Oh, bother,” he said.
“This doesn’t look like the Hundred Acre Wood at all.
This looks like the Sahara Desert.”
Just then, Winner the Pooh heard a voice calling to him in the distance.
“Yoo-hoo, Winner the Pooh!
Where are you?”
It was Piglet Piggly, and she sounded very worried.
“I’m over here,” said Winner the Pooh.
“I think I might be lost.”
“Don’t worry,” said Piglet Piggly.
“We’ll come and find you.
Just stay where you are.”
So Winner the Pooh sat down in the sand and waited for his friends to arrive.
While he was waiting, he thought about how hungry he was.
He thought about it so much that he didn’t even notice when he walked into an old oak tree.
When Winner the Pooh opened his eyes, he found himself back in the Hundred Acre Wood.
The sun was shining, and there were birds singing in the trees.
Winner the Pooh sat up and looked around, but all he could see was sand.
“Oh, bother,” he said.
And that’s when he saw it: A shimmering portal behind an old oak tree.
Winner the Pooh had never seen a portal before, but he had read about them in books.
He knew that they were magical gateways that could take you to other places, like Narnia or Middle Earth or even Dune.
“Silly old bear,” said Winner the Pooh to himself.
“You must be dreaming again.”
And then he remembered that he was very hungry, and he thought about having a little something to eat before he went back to bed.
Winner the Pooh hadn’t had his morning honey yet, and his tummy was feeling quite rumbly indeed.
“What a strange place for a portal to appear,” he said to himself as he looked at the shimmering gateway.
“I wonder where it leads?
Perhaps it leads to a place where I can find some honey, or maybe it leads to a place where I can meet some new friends and have some adventures.”
But then he remembered that portals could be very dangerous, and that it was never a good idea to go through a portal without knowing where it led.
Winner the Pooh had read all about it in his books, and he knew that sometimes portals could take you to very bad places like the Underworld or the Upside Down or even the dark side of the moon.
He also knew that sometimes portals could take you to places where there was no honey at all, and he thought that would be very sad indeed.
Winner the Pooh was just starting to think about all of the reasons why he shouldn’t go through the portal when he heard a loud grumble coming from his tummy.
“Oh dear,” he said.
“It appears that my tummy has other ideas.”
And so Winner the Pooh stood up and walked over to the shimmering gateway behind the old oak tree.
Spice of Dune: Winner's Addictive Journey
With his small, round eyes squinting against the sun’s harsh light, Winner the Pooh did what any bear of little brain would do and stepped through the portal without another thought.
Portals were funny things, and Winner the Pooh wasn’t quite sure what he had been expecting when he stepped through the shimmering gateway behind the old oak tree in the Hundred Acre Wood, but it certainly wasn’t this.
The air was hot and dry against his fur, and the scent of sand filled his nostrils as he blinked in the bright sun.
Winner the Pooh looked around curiously and tried to take in his surroundings, but all he could see was sand.
He wasn’t in the Hundred Acre Wood anymore; that much was certain.
“Hmm,” said Winner the Pooh thoughtfully as he looked around at all of the sand.
“This doesn’t look like the Hundred Acre Wood at all, does it?
I wonder where we are?”
And just like that, he heard a voice calling out to him in the distance.
“Over here,” said Winner the Pooh as he stood up and brushed himself off with his paw.
When Winner the Pooh opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the other side of the shimmering portal, right behind the old oak tree in the Hundred Acre Wood.
He turned around and looked at the portal, which was still shimmering just as much as ever, and he wondered how it could possibly have taken him back here when it was supposed to take him somewhere else entirely.
Winner the Pooh hadn’t quite figured it out yet, but he was starting to get a funny feeling that this portal might be a little bit magic after all.
“Oh, bother,” said Winner the Pooh as he looked around at the Hundred Acre Wood and realized that he was still very hungry.
“I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.”
And then, because portals were funny things, Winner the Pooh stepped through it again without another thought.
Portals were funny things, and so was fate, which is why the second time Winner the Pooh stepped through the shimmering gateway behind the old oak tree, he didn’t end up back in the Hundred Acre Wood at all.
Instead, he found himself standing on the other side of the portal once again, blinking in the bright sun as he looked around at all of the sand that stretched out in every direction for as far as the eye could see.
The air was hot and dry against his fur, and the heat of two suns beat down on him from above as he stood there for a moment and tried to take it all in.
“Well, this is most peculiar,” said Winner the Pooh thoughtfully as he looked around at all of the sand once again.
“Wherever we are, it’s certainly not home.”
Spice of Dune: Winner's Addictive Journey
With that thought in mind, Winner the Pooh took a deep breath, planted his little paws firmly in the sand, and set off into the desert with a firm resolve, his little round body soaking up all of the heat of those two burning suns.
Winner the Pooh had always been a rather curious bear by nature, and he had always been rather fond of exploring new things, so he didn’t find it all that surprising that he felt compelled to explore this strange new place even though he had no idea how he had gotten here in the first place.
After all, he told himself, if he kept walking, he was bound to find something interesting sooner or later, and maybe he’d even find some friends or some hunny pots along the way.
Either way, Winner the Pooh decided that it would be rather silly of him not to take advantage of his being here already, so he set off across the desert with his usual calm and collected demeanor, his little pink nose twitching as he took in all of those new and different sights around him.
The first thing Winner the Pooh noticed about this new place was that it was very warm!
The sand was hot beneath his paws, but it wasn’t too bad, although he made a mental note to take care not to burn his little feeties as he walked.
Instead, Winner the Pooh hummed a little hum as he walked, his little round tummy rumbling as he thought about what kinds of things he might find here in this new world.
He wasn’t quite sure where he was or what kind of place this was, but one thing was for certain: it was most definitely not home.
As Winner the Pooh walked across the desert, back in the Hundred Acre Wood, a small group of colorful friends was gathered around behind that same old oak tree, looking at each other with identical expressions of confusion as they wondered what in the world they should do next.
“It’s been hours!”
said Piglet Piggly worriedly as she wrung her little hands together.
“Where on earth do you think he went?”
“I don’t know,” said Eeyore gloomily as he flicked his long ears back and forth in irritation.
“But knowing Winner, I’d say there’s a pretty good chance that he got himself lost.”
“Well, we have to find him!”
said Tigger excitedly as he bounced up and down with so much enthusiasm that Piglet Piggly nearly got knocked over by his tail.
“We can’t just leave him out there all alone!”
“Well, I don’t see why not,” said Eeyore, who was feeling rather grumpy that day.
“I mean, it’s probably not even that big of a deal if we leave him out there all alone for a little while, is it?”
And then, when all of his friends glared at him as though he were very stupid indeed, Eeyore sighed and said, “Oh, all right, fine, but I still say this is going to end in tears.”
“Eeyore’s right,” said Rabbit, who was feeling very wise that day.
“We have to find Winner before something bad happens to him out there.”
“And we will,” said Piglet Piggly bravely.
“After all, we’re his friends, aren’t we?”
“Of course we are,” said Tigger proudly as he puffed out his chest and stood up on his hind legs for a moment.
Spice of Dune: Winner's Addictive Journey