MidReal Story

Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New


May 9
Scenario:Sophia, a wealthy and privileged college student in New York City, flees to her family's cabin in Bluefield to escape the chaos of the coronavirus outbreak, only to discover that her brother's best friend, Noah, has also sought refuge there, leading to a tense confrontation between the two.
Create my version of this story
Sophia, a wealthy and privileged college student in New York City, flees to her family's cabin in Bluefield to escape the chaos of the coronavirus outbreak, only to discover that her brother's best friend, Noah, has also sought refuge there, leading to a tense confrontation between the two.
When the hospital where I’d been volunteering started to run out of supplies and the doctors were forced to make decisions about who got to live and who had to die, I knew I couldn’t stay in the city any longer.
I’d grabbed the few things I could carry and packed them in my car before driving straight to Bluefield, praying that I’d make it safely.
The trip had been a nightmare.
There were so many accidents on the highway that it took me four hours to get out of the city, and the closer I got to the mountains, the worse the roads were.
But as bad as it was, I knew I was lucky.
The news stations were reporting that it was even worse in other places.
Thousands of people were dying every day, and no one could stop it.
It was like a nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from, and I was beginning to realize that there was nothing I could do to escape it.
I’d been living in my own little bubble for days, pretending that everything was fine when I knew it wasn’t.
Ethan and Noah had both told me how serious it was when they’d called to check on me, but I hadn’t wanted to believe them.
I hadn’t wanted to leave my apartment because it meant admitting how bad things really were, but deep down, I knew they were right.
I just didn’t want to think about it.
I’d been so busy pretending that everything was fine that I hadn’t even noticed how low we were on supplies until it was almost too late.
There was less than a gallon of water left in the fridge and only a few cans of soup in the pantry, and all our stores were closed because there wasn’t anyone left to work at them.
All the restaurants in the city had shut down too, so for days, all I’d had to eat was ramen noodles and bottled water.
I was miserable and alone and so desperate for things to go back to normal that I didn’t know what to do.
If Ethan and Noah hadn’t called, I might have stayed there forever, but when they did, I knew I had a decision to make.
If I stayed in New York City, I’d be stuck there with no food or water and no way to get back home.
But if I went to Bluefield, at least I’d have a safe place to stay for a while.
It wasn’t an ideal situation by any means, but at least I wouldn’t be alone anymore.
So I packed up my car and left.
I didn’t know if it was the right decision, but it was too late to turn back now.
The highways were empty as I got closer to the mountains, but the news on the radio just kept getting worse.
There were reports of looting in downtown Manhattan and people fighting over food in Times Square.
The National Guard had been called in to help keep order, but no one knew if it would be enough.
No one knew if anything would be enough.
The virus was spreading so quickly that no one could keep up with it, and I didn’t know what would happen once it reached us in Bluefield.
How much time did we have before all hell broke loose here?
Was there anything we could do to stop it?
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
I’d been alone for weeks, and the thought of being alone even one more day made me shiver with fear.
It was almost impossible to believe that this was happening, but it was.
People were dying all over the world, and no one could stop it.
I’d spoken to my parents a few times since they’d been out at sea, and they’d told me how lucky I was to be home safe and sound.
But I didn’t feel lucky.
I felt scared.
Scared and helpless and so utterly alone that I didn’t know what I was going to do.
I’d been living with Ethan and Noah for almost four years, and now that I was alone, I didn’t know how I was going to make it without them.
I’d always been close with my brother and his best friend, but Noah and I had never been particularly friendly toward each other.
He’d been a bully when we were kids, picking on me every chance he got.
He’d stolen my lunch money, cut off my hair while I was sleeping, and even thrown a frog at me once.
But he’d grown up a lot since then, and now that he was a firefighter, he was one of the bravest and most handsome men I’d ever met.
He’d been there for me when I needed him, and I would never forget it.
He was a good man, and I couldn’t imagine anyone better for Ethan to be friends with.
But even though we’d known each other for years, we’d never really gotten to know each other that well.
He’d always thought of me as Ethan’s little sister, someone who needed to be protected from the world because she couldn’t stand up for herself.
And even though I’d never liked it, I’d always let him get away with it because I knew how much it meant to Ethan.
But now that we were living in the same house together, I knew I had to be strong enough to stand on my own two feet.
Ethan wasn’t there to take care of me anymore, and even though Noah had promised to help me find a job, I didn’t know how long it would take before I could find one on my own.
I’d been living in our apartment for almost a month, trying to make the best of the situation.
But it wasn’t easy.
There wasn’t much for me to do besides wait around for Ethan to call, and after a while, I got tired of it.
I knew that no one was coming home for a while, and I didn’t want to just sit there by myself until they did.
So after weeks of waiting around for someone to tell me what to do, I finally got up the nerve to make up my mind.
I didn’t know if it was the right decision, but at least it was something.
I’d been so desperate to get out of our apartment that I hadn’t thought twice before I’d left, but now that I was on the road, I didn’t know if it had been such a good idea after all.
I’d spent hours on the highway trying to reach Bluefield, but no matter how far I drove, I never seemed to get any closer to my destination.
The traffic was bumper-to-bumper, and no one was moving except for the occasional ambulance or fire truck that sped by with their sirens blaring.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
I was tired of sitting around waiting for someone else to tell me what to do.
I was tired of feeling useless.
I was tired of being afraid.
And most of all, I was just plain tired.
I’d been driving for over twenty-four hours straight, but it felt like it had been weeks.
I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open, but I was too stubborn to let myself fall asleep.
My whole body was stiff from sitting in the same position for so long, but my bones ached even more than my muscles did.
My head was pounding so hard I could barely think straight.
But even though I felt like a zombie, I was determined not to give up.
I’d already driven for almost ten hours straight without taking a break, and even though I’d wanted to stop more than anything else in the world, I’d refused to give in.
It should have taken me less than ten hours to get from New York City to Bluefield, West Virginia.
But between the traffic jams and the accidents and the rest stops filled with sick people who were too weak to stand up on their own anymore, I’d barely made it halfway there.
I’d been driving through the night because I’d been too scared to stop and rest.
I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep even if I tried, but I was even more afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get out of the car again if I stopped driving.
I’d been so close to falling asleep at the wheel that I’d almost gotten into an accident a dozen times already.
But every time my eyes started to droop shut, I remembered where I was going and why I was going there.
And as soon as I thought about how much I wanted to get there, my body would fill up with a new burst of energy, and the next thing I knew, I was wide awake all over again.
I’d been waiting for this moment for what felt like a lifetime.
All I wanted to do was get there as quickly as possible so that we could start putting our lives back together again.
I needed to get there before things got any worse than they already were.
As soon as I turned off the highway onto the dirt road that led to the cabin, my whole body let out a sigh of relief.
I’d never been happier to be home than I was now.
It should have taken me less than ten hours to get here from New York City.
But between all of the traffic jams and accidents along the way, it had taken me almost two days to finally get here.
And even though it had only taken me a few minutes to unpack my car when I drove my stuff down from school last summer, it took me almost an hour to finally get everything inside.
Every single one of my muscles protested as soon as we got out of the car because they were all so sore from sitting for so long.
But even though my body hurt more than it ever had before, at least we were finally here.
The cabin looked exactly the same as it had when we left it last summer because nothing had changed since then.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
I’d never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life as I felt when I finally stepped inside and closed the door behind me.
I’d never felt so relieved to be alone as I was right now.
Even though I’d been surrounded by people the whole time I was driving here, I’d never felt so lonely as I had when I was sitting there in the car all by myself.
All I’d wanted was to be somewhere quiet where I could finally relax and stop thinking for once in my life.
But it had taken me two days to finally get here because I’d been too scared to stop and rest for even a few minutes along the way.
And by the time I finally made it here so that I could finally relax and stop thinking at last, I didn’t even know if it would matter anymore or not because everything had changed so much in the last forty-eight hours that I didn’t even know if it would still be here when I finally arrived at last.
I was just about to start unpacking all of my stuff when I heard someone banging on the door so loudly that it sounded like someone was trying to break it down.
I froze when I heard them call my name because it was the last voice that I ever expected to hear in this place—and definitely not when everything else was finally so quiet and still out there in the world at last.
I took a deep breath and let out a long sigh as soon as I saw his face because I hadn’t realized how tense I’d been until this very moment when all of the tension suddenly left me at last.
I’d been waiting for him longer than I’d been waiting for anyone else because he was the reason why I’d come here in the first place.
Noah Jackson was standing in the doorway of my family’s cabin with his hands on his hips, looking exactly like he always had for as long as I could remember—all tanned skin, broad shoulders, and dark eyes, with a smile on his face so wide that it almost made me want to smile too, even though I knew that I shouldn’t be happy to see him under these circumstances at all.
“What are you doing here?”
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
I knew that he wanted me to move out of his way and let him inside, but I just stood there frozen in place and stared at him instead, feeling like my whole life was spinning out of control all over again.
I couldn’t help it, though, as soon as I saw him standing there in front of me like this, so strong and handsome and sure of himself, I just couldn’t stop myself from falling into one of my favorite memories of us—of being kids together back when everything in my life used to be so much simpler than it was now, and we were all so close to each other that we used to share everything—every last little thing except for our secrets, of course, because even Ethan wouldn’t have shared his secrets with me if he’d had any back then.
I was practically a baby when Noah first started coming to our house, so I don’t remember a time when he wasn’t already there, pulling pranks on me and trying to make me mad, just because he liked to see my big green eyes light up when I was annoyed or upset, or always making plans with Ethan that never seemed to include me, no matter how much I begged and pleaded with them to let me tag along after them wherever they went.
Noah used to be at our house every single day when we were growing up, and sometimes he was there all day and all night long too.
He used to joke that he only ever went home to sleep, because his parents were always fighting over something or other back then, and he didn’t want to be there when they started up again. It was only later, after we were all a little bit older, when I finally realized that he’d been coming to our house all that time because he wanted to get away from them, and he didn’t have anywhere else at all where he could go instead.
It felt like Noah was around for almost every single moment of my whole life, except for when he went away to college after high school, and suddenly it felt like he’d been taken away from me completely.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
The sight of him standing there in the doorway caught me off guard, and for a moment, I just stood frozen in place, staring dumbly at him like an idiot.
“Geez, Sophia, what took you so long to get here?”
Noah asked with a laugh in his voice, his dark eyes smiling at me like he thought something was funny, and then his gaze trailed down to my chest, where my thin white t-shirt was wet from the rain.
“Did you swim all the way here from the city?”
A blush of embarrassment burned my cheeks as my hands flew up in a hurry to cover my chest and stop him from staring at me, and then I crossed my arms tightly over my body to hide myself.
Damn, why did Noah always know just how to make me feel stupid, even though it had been such a long time since we’d seen each other last?And why did he always have to be such a jerk?
“You’re so immature, you know that?”
I snapped before I could stop myself.
“You’re the one who’s staring at my boobs,” I added after a moment, remembering how his eyes had lingered on my chest for what felt like an eternity before.
“I was not!”
Noah protested, but there was a smile on his face when he said it.
“Otherwise, why did you take your eyes off of mine in order to look down at them?”
I asked dryly, but as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I realized how ridiculous they sounded.
“Wait, that didn’t make any sense… Oh, never mind.” Shaking my head, I just gave up trying to argue with him about it anymore.
It didn’t matter what I said or what Noah thought about the way that he looked at me.
Either way, it wasn’t going to change anything.
As soon as my words were out of my mouth, I regretted them.
I didn’t want to get into another argument with Noah right then about what happened between us in the past.
I was so happy to see him again after all that time, and I really didn’t want to ruin things by fighting with him over something stupid and petty.
“So, what are you doing here?”
I asked him instead in a more civil tone of voice, trying to keep my voice light and not let my emotions show.
Noah had always been so damn good at getting under my skin so easily, and I didn’t want things to start off on the wrong foot between us right from the very beginning.
I was standing on the front porch of the cabin, looking down at him, and he was looking up at me with his big dark eyes as he stood there in the rain, holding a small duffel bag in one hand.
He’d changed into a flannel shirt and some jeans sometime after he’d gotten there, but his dark hair was still wet and messy from the rain and hanging in front of his eyes, and his cheeks were pink and flushed from the cold, making him look even younger than I remembered him being.
“I came here the day before yesterday,”
Noah explained with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
I was standing on the front porch of the cabin by myself, watching the rain as it fell down outside, dripping down from the eaves and soaking into the ground.
The only sound that I could hear was the sound of the rain as it hit the roof of the cabin, and there wasn’t another living soul around for miles.
The nearest town was several miles away, and there was no one else at the cabin except for me.
Standing there on the porch by myself, looking out at the rainy weather, I suddenly realized how alone I really was.
I’d been so scared and so anxious to get away from everything that was happening in New York City that I hadn’t really thought about what being alone actually meant.
I’d grown up coming to the cabin with my family every summer when I was a kid, and then later on after they’d built the new cabin in Bluefield, we’d come back here sometimes during the winter as well.
It was my favorite place in the whole world, and I had so many wonderful memories of coming here with my family over the years.
I’d never been here by myself before, though.
The last time that my parents had been planning to come here to the cabin, something had come up at the last minute and they hadn’t been able to make it.
My brother Ethan had ended up coming out here to pick me up instead, and he’d left me here by myself when he had to go back home.
That was when everything with the virus had started happening, and I’d been too afraid to go back to New York City by myself.
I’d been hoping that Ethan would be able to stay here with me for a few days, but he’d only stayed long enough to help me get settled before he’d gone back home, leaving me by myself.
My parents were staying in Florida for the winter, and there weren’t any other family members around that I could go visit.
Ethan had said that he would come back out here to pick me up again after a few days, but he’d needed to go back home for a little while first.
He wasn’t sure how long it was going to take, but he’d said that it would probably be a few days at least.
So, for the time being, I was going to be on my own.
And as much as I loved coming here, being here all by myself made me feel a little bit lonely.
There was something about being alone like that which made it feel like there was no one else in the world except for me.
“What did you do last night?”
Noah asked me curiously, interrupting my thoughts before they could go any further down that road.
“I hope you didn’t sit around in the dark by yourself all alone?”
he added with a teasing smile.
“Not quite,” I said, shaking my head.
“I did take a little walk around outside this morning, though.It’s so beautiful out there right now.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,”
Noah said with a slow nod of his head.
“I was thinking about going for a swim later on if it warms up.”
“You should,” I told him with a smile.
“It’s so beautiful out there right now.I can’t believe that no one else is around.”
“I know.” Noah nodded in agreement.
“Well, what about you?”
he asked me after a moment.
“What did you do after Ethan left?Did you light a fire or anything?
How are you holding up so far?”
“I’m fine,”
I said quickly with a small shrug of my shoulders.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
I felt my face turning bright red as I looked up and saw Noah standing only a few feet away from me, and I realized that he must have come into the kitchen and started talking to me while my mind was still off in another place.
I wasn’t sure what it was about him that made me feel like that, but it was starting to frustrate me how easily he could make me feel like this.
He’d always had that effect on me, and he only seemed to have it even worse now that he was older and even more handsome than ever before.
I knew that he was my brother’s best friend and everything like that, but there was just something about him that made it difficult for me to keep my mind off of him at times like this.
I had always found him attractive, even back when we were kids, and even though he had probably only gotten better looking since then, it was still almost too much for my heart to handle right now.
Even just looking at him was enough to make my heart start racing in my chest as all of these thoughts and feelings started going through my mind all over again.
Noah really did look great right now, with his dark hair and his gorgeous brown eyes.
He was tall and slender with broad shoulders and strong arms, and he looked like he was in really good shape right now since he’d been working out like crazy over the past few months.
I didn’t usually think about him in that way, but there was no denying how handsome he looked right now as he stood there looking at me with those warm brown eyes and that easy smile on his face.
It was enough to make my heart start racing in my chest all over again as my mind started to wander off into some very dangerous territory all over again.
He had always been one of those guys who seemed to know exactly what he wanted in life and how to get it, and as much as I hated to admit it, there was just something about him that made it difficult for anyone else to compare to him in that way.
“Are you sure?”
Noah asked me curiously.
“You look a little bit red in the face right now.”
I said quickly, shaking my head as I looked up at him.
“I’m fine,”
I said, even though I wasn’t really sure that was true.
I wasn’t sure if it was because I was embarrassed or just because he was making me feel so nervous, but there was just something about him that was making it difficult for me to keep my composure while he was standing there looking at me like that.
It wasn’t like I’d never felt this way about him before, but for some reason, it was starting to feel more intense than ever before right now.
I couldn’t figure out why that was, but there was just something about him that made it impossible for me to keep my mind off of him right now.
“Are you hungry?”
he asked me after a moment of silence as he looked down at my hands and saw that the bags of food were still on the table.
“Do you mind if I start cooking something?”
“Not at all,”
I said quickly with a small shrug of my shoulders as I stepped back out of the way.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
Noah gave me one last curious look before he stepped around me so that he could get to work on dinner, but as he did, he accidentally brushed up against my side so that his hand lightly brushed against my skin.
It was enough to make my heart start racing in my chest all over again as I felt my whole body start to tense up all over again, but even though I knew that this was wrong on so many levels, I found myself frozen in place while Noah reached over to pick up the bags of food from the table.
I couldn’t believe how good it felt to have his hand on my skin like that right now, but even though we were standing here alone in this cabin together, I knew that this was not what we should be doing.
There was no denying that I was attracted to him, but he had always been off limits to me in that way because he was Ethan’s best friend, and Ethan would not be happy if he knew just how much things had changed between us since we were kids.
I couldn’t help myself, though, as my mind started to wander off into some very dangerous territory when Noah looked up at me with his dark brown eyes as he smiled that easy smile of his again.
“I guess you’re doing laundry?”
He asked me curiously as he pointed up to my chest.
I looked down and saw that there were still a few small water stains on my shirt from when we had thrown water at each other outside a little while ago, and it made my heart start racing in my chest all over again as my body started to tense up all over again while Noah pulled the bags of food closer to him so that he could start cooking dinner.
“I guess so,”
I said quickly as I stepped back out of the way so that Noah could get to work on getting his hands cleaned up while he got dinner ready for us.
“Are you okay right there?”
He asked me curiously as he looked down and saw that there was a chair right next to him where I could sit if I wanted to.
I said quickly as I stepped over to the chair and sat down in it before turning away from him so that he wouldn’t be able to see how much his easy smile was affecting me right now.
“You’re shy today,”
He said slowly after a moment of silence before he walked around the table so that he was standing behind me.
“You’re usually not shy around me.”
“Just shut up,”
I said quickly as I tried not to look up at him while his body moved closer to mine until his knees were pressed up against my back and his chest was pressed up against my shoulders so that his whole body was pressed up against mine from behind.
“You’re making it hard for me to concentrate on what I’m doing.”
“You usually don’t have any problem concentrating on what you’re doing when you’re around me,”
he said slowly as he reached out and gently grabbed a hold of my chin so that he could turn my face towards his before he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine very gently.
It wasn’t like this was anything new for us since Noah had always loved to tease me in any way that he could whenever we were kids, but there was just something about it that made it feel more intense than ever before right now.
There was no denying that Noah was an attractive guy, but there was just something about him that made it impossible for me to keep my mind off of him right now.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
He asked me seriously as I stood up out of my chair, and I could feel my heart racing in my chest all over again when I looked up and saw that Noah was standing there with his shirt still off after our little water fight earlier.
The fact that Noah’s body was already looking a little bit different than it had when I had seen him with his shirt off last year, and I could tell that he was going to be completely unrecognizable to me by the time this year was over, but there was still something about him that made me want to look away right now.
I had grown up with Noah since he was my older brother’s best friend, and I had always thought that he was cute without ever really admitting it to myself, but there was something about him that was changing right now that felt like it was making my attraction to him feel more intense than it ever had before.
He asked me curiously as he looked down and saw that I was staring directly at his chest, and even though I tried to look away right now, I couldn’t help but keep looking back at him again since I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him right now no matter how much I tried to look away from him right now.
“I’m fine,”
I said quickly even though I could feel my whole face turning red with embarrassment right now as I tried to step back out of his way so that Noah would be able to get closer to his food again without me getting in his way.
“Are you sure?”
He asked me curiously as his gaze flicked down to my chest before he reached out and gently grabbed a hold of my shirt as if he was about to pull it up over my head, and even though I knew that I should have been pulling away from him right now, I couldn’t help but stay where I was as Noah’s hands moved closer until they were pressed up against my waist for what felt like an eternity before they finally moved away from me so that Noah would be able to get back to making dinner for us again.
He said quickly as his cheeks started to turn red with embarrassment too when he realized that the entire time that his hands had been pressed up against my waist, his whole body had been pressed up against mine again so that the two of us had been standing there like that for what had probably seemed like forever to anyone who had come in from the outside and seen us like that, but I didn’t say anything else since there wasn’t really anything more that needed to be said right now while the two of us were standing here together in the kitchen like this.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
“You know that you don’t have to get dressed on my account right?”
Noah asked in a teasing tone of voice as soon as he turned around to face me so that the two of us were no longer pressed up against each other in any way now, but even though I knew that I should have said something right now, I couldn’t find my voice as my gaze started to drift along every single one of Noah’s muscles as they seemed to bulge out from underneath his chest now before it finally settled on his abs so that I would be able to see all six of them since Noah’s shirt was still hanging on just one shoulder so that it wasn’t completely covering up his body like it had been when the two of us had first come into the kitchen together so that there hadn’t been anything visible on Noah’s body at all at that point in time.
“Are you sure about that?”
I asked him sarcastically as I tried to keep myself from thinking about how much I would have loved to be able to have seen those abs before Noah had put his shirt back on again, but I knew that there was no way that I was going to be able to stop thinking about them for a really long time right now even though I knew exactly how wrong it was of me to think like this about my brother’s best friend who had always treated me like I was nothing but a little sister to him while we were growing up together even though I knew that there was absolutely no way on Earth that I would ever be able to think about Noah like he was a brother to me again after this weekend.
“Is there anything else you want to know?”
Noah asked me curiously as he took a step closer to me before he finally reached out and gently grabbed a hold of my shirt again so that he would be able to pull it down over my chest again, but even though I knew that I needed to stay where I was as Noah pulled the shirt back down over my body again, I couldn’t help but step back away from him as his hands slid down my body so that Noah wouldn’t be able to get his hands on me like this again at all.
“Is my brother here yet?”
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
I asked him as soon as I finally managed to get myself back under control and make it so that I would actually be able to form a coherent sentence again finally even though there was absolutely no way at all that I was going to be able to keep thinking about what Noah had done with his hands just now because there were many more important things that we needed to think about at the moment than what had happened between us because we both knew that there was no way at all that we were going to be able to move past what we had done together yesterday afternoon and last night if we didn’t figure out what we were going to do about the fact that we were supposed to have been the only two people at the cabin for this weekend because none of us were willing to deal with the virus any longer and needed each other more than we were willing to admit just yet.
“Who else do you think would have let you into the cabin?”Noah asked me as he looked at me with a look of confusion on his face for just a brief moment before he finally looked away from me and started to walk away from the bed that we had just shared together so that he could finally get out of the bedroom and give me some space for the first time since we had left the city together last night while we were trying to get away from the virus and the craziness of the religious freaks who had been attacking people at random on the streets and making things even worse than they already were.
“What do you mean?”I asked Noah as soon as I finally managed to get myself back under control and make it so that I would actually be able to form a coherent sentence again finally because there was absolutely no way at all that I was going to be able to keep myself from finding out what was going on with my brother and Noah to make Ethan so mad at his best friend like this because it was really starting to make me nervous now even though I knew that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it until we got back into the city again and I was able to actually talk to Ethan again for the first time since we had last night because none of us had wanted to talk about what had just happened between Noah and I when Ethan had gotten back to the cabin and found us together like this because he was still trying to come to terms with the fact that everything had gone wrong like this already and hadn’t been willing to talk to us about anything at all yet.
“I mean, what do you think I’m doing here?”Noah asked me as he looked back at me with a look on his face like he didn’t want to be here with me any more than I wanted to be here with him right now even though we both knew that we were going to need each other more than we were willing to admit right now if we were going to be able to get through this weekend without killing each other or going too crazy while we were stuck out here all alone together for the first time in our lives.
“What am I supposed to think?”I asked Noah as soon as I finally managed to get myself back under control once more and make it so that I would be able to say something coherent without falling all over myself again and making more of a fool out of myself than I already had now.
“Should I take the fact that my brother seemed even more pissed off than usual last night about something?”I tried one more time to get some kind of an answer out of Noah even though I knew that there was absolutely no way at all that he was going to be able to answer me without saying something stupid or trying to change the subject away from whatever it was that he didn’t want me to know yet for some reason.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
“Come on, Sophia,”Noah said as soon as he turned to look at me once more and saw the desperate look on my face that told him that I was really starting to get scared now that something had happened to Ethan and that he was just too scared to tell me right now, which was really beginning to scare me right now after everything that had just happened between us “You know that I would never try to keep something like this from you if it wasn’t serious, but there’s nothing that either one of us can do right now except wait here until he gets back or something.”
“Are you sure?”I asked him as soon as I finally managed to get myself back under control once more and make it so that I was able to see that he was being honest with me right now and that there was nothing that we could do except wait for Ethan to come back or something right now.
“What are we going to do in the meantime?”
“I think that you should make us some breakfast if you’re going to be asking questions like that,”Noah said as soon as he finally turned to look at me once more and saw the worried look on my face that told him that I was still scared after everything that had just happened between us and that there was absolutely no way at all that he was going to be able to tell me anything right now because neither one of us knew what was going on right now, which was really beginning to scare me right now after everything that had just happened between us.
“Is something wrong?”
“Nothing,”I said as soon as I finally managed to get myself back under control once more and make it so that I would be able to say something without falling all over myself again and making a fool out of myself again right now “I just have no idea how to cook at all because none of us ever really bothered to learn what to do when we were kids.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,”Noah said as soon as he finally turned to look at me once more and saw how nervous I really was about this because he had no idea what to do right now either and had no idea how he was going to be able to help me through this when he didn’t know what was going on either.
I don’t think that he ever would have thought that it would ever come to this for us and that we would ever be stuck out here all alone like this together, which was really beginning to scare him right now too after all of those years of pretending not to care what we were doing when it had really made me nervous like this.
“You’re not kidding me, are you?”
“No,”I said as soon as I finally managed to get myself back under control and make it so that I was able to say something coherent again right now “I’m really not kidding you.”
“I can’t believe this,”Noah said as he turned away from me and looked down at his feet “I can’t believe that you still don’t know how to cook anything at all.”
“I know,”I said as soon as I finally managed to get him back under control right now “I can’t believe that you still don’t know how old I am, either.”
“What are you making?”
Noah asked me as soon as I finally managed to get halfway through cooking breakfast for the two of us and making sure that I wasn’t going to burn down the entire place just trying to cook bacon, eggs, and toast for us because I had never done something like this before in my entire life after everything that had just happened between us now, which was really starting to make me nervous right now too.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
“You’re welcome very much,”I said as I gave him a little smile and made sure that my eyes didn’t show him how nervous I really was about this right now “Please let me know if there is anything else that you need.”
“No, thank you,”he said as he looked down at his plate and saw that there wasn’t anything on it at all “I’m fine.”
“Noah, are you sure?”
I asked him when I saw that he wasn’t going to eat at all “You seem like you could use a little bit more bacon if you are really going to be okay.”
“I’m sure that I’ll be okay,”he said as he looked up at me with those big puppy dog eyes of his once more and made sure that I knew that he really did want some more bacon if I thought that he would be okay right now too “If you don’t mind getting some more bacon for me, then I would really appreciate that very much.”
“I sure don’t mind at all,”I said as I went back over to the stove and made sure that there was a little bit more bacon left for him on the plate so that he could eat some more if he needed it at all “Here you go.”
“Thank you very much.”Noah said as he took the last piece of bacon off of the plate and put it on his plate next to everything else that was already there and started eating once more.
“You’re welcome so much,”I said as I watched him eat “You really must have been hungry.”
“I guess that I really was,”he said as I watched him eat and made sure that he was able to eat all of the food that I had made for him right now because I knew how hard it was for him to eat at all when he was really upset “This is the best breakfast that I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
“I doubt that very much,”I said as I laughed a little bit and watched him try not to laugh either because we both knew that this was a lie “But thank you very much for saying so anyway.”
“I really mean it.”He said as he smiled and ate some more.
“I know that you do,”I said as I watched him eat some more and made sure that he was able to finish everything on his plate because I knew how hard it would be for him to get enough food if he didn’t eat some more right now.
“Thank you so much once again for making me breakfast this morning, Sophia.”Noah said as I finished eating and went back over to the table with him where we were able to eat some more together right now and made sure that we were able to eat something together even if we weren’t going to be talking all that much either after everything that had just happened between us now.
“You’re welcome so much once again for saying thank you for making me breakfast this morning, Noah.”I said as I looked over at him and saw how upset he was about this right now too.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
As Noah and I started to clean the breakfast dishes together right now, I couldn’t help but think about the fact that Noah was at the cabin yesterday morning and even though I still didn’t know what brought him over to this place at the city at this time, Noah still didn’t say anything to me about what he was doing here in the first place.
As Noah and I washed the dishes together right now, I couldn’t help but wonder why Noah was at the cabin yesterday morning in the first place.
As Noah and I started to wash the breakfast dishes together right now, I couldn’t help but wish that Noah would tell me what he was doing here in the city and why he didn’t say anything to me about it yesterday morning either.
As Noah and I washed the breakfast dishes together right now, I couldn’t help but wonder why Noah didn’t say anything to me about what he was doing at the cabin yesterday morning too when he knew that there was no way for him to make me feel better if he didn’t tell me what was going on with me at this time right now too.
“Are you going to tell me why you were at the cabin yesterday morning?”I asked as Noah and I finished washing the breakfast dishes together right now “Or are you going to keep this a secret from me too?”
“It’s a secret.”He said as he looked over at me and saw that I wasn’t able to understand what he was trying to tell me at this time right now either “There is nothing more that I can do for you if you don’t understand that this is a secret.”
“But why is this a secret?”
I asked as I looked over at him and saw that there was no way that he was ever going to be able to tell me why he was at the cabin without telling me why he was at the cabin in the first place either “Don’t you think that I deserve to know what brought you to the cabin this time?”
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
His surprise appearance at the cabin still had me baffled when I woke up that morning since I knew that there was no possible reason as to why he would be out here anyways when he had a perfectly fine apartment back in New York City that is close enough for him to walk there.
But I knew that there is no way that I would be able to make him tell me what brought him to the cabin in the first place when I knew that there is no way that he would ever want to tell me what brought him here when he had just arrived at the cabin when I had been asleep last night.
And I knew that there was nothing more that I could do when it came to asking him why he was at the cabin in the first place anyways since I knew that there was nothing more that I could do when it came to asking him why in the world did he come out here anyways.
After all, it’s not like I’m going to be able to find out anyways since I knew that there is nothing more that I could do when it came to finding out why Noah came out here when there is no possible reason as to why Noah would want to come out here when there is nothing more than silence out here on this side of town.
But there is something about Noah being here at the cabin this time that has me wondering how long he had been planning this trip in the first place.
After all, when he had arrived last night, he had brought along some food and water with him, which meant that he had known that he was going to be staying out here at the cabin with me, which means he had also known that he was going to be staying out here with me without telling me about it in the first place.
But how in the world was he going to be able to come out here without me knowing about it in the first place?
I’m sure that Ethan didn’t know about it since he would have told me about it in the first place since he had more than enough chances last night when he called me on my cell phone before going to bed.
So how could Noah get out here without anyone else knowing about it in the first place?
“Fine.”I said as I looked over at him “You don’t want to tell me why you are out here, then fine, be that way.But all of this is not going to make sense anyways.”
“It’s not supposed to make sense.”He said “There is nothing more that you can do for me if you don’t understand what brought me out here this time.”
“I don’t think there is anything more than anyone can do for you anyways.”I said before walking away from him and heading into the living room where I sat down on one of the chairs and looked over at Noah who was still washing his dishes in front of me.
I knew that there was no way that he was ever going to want to talk about how he got out here anyways since he knew that there was no way that he was ever going to want to talk about it after everything that had happened between us before.
But there is no possible way for him to come out here without having a car or any other kind of transportation, so how in the world is he able to come out here without anyone else knowing about it right now?
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New
It didn’t take long for me to decide that I was going to have to confront him once again.
As I went down the hallway towards the bedroom that he was staying in, I heard Ethan’s voice coming from the radio in the kitchen.
This is a reminder to all residents to stay indoors as much as possible so you can limit your chances of being exposed to COVID-19.Even though we are in the middle of January right now, it is still possible for us to get some snowfall over the next few days so we want to remind you to limit your travel to only what is necessary over the next few days.”
“Snowfall my ass.”I said to myself before shaking my head “It’s not possible for us to get some snowfall over the next few days anyways.”
Even though I was listening to what Ethan was saying on the radio, I didn’t care if we got some snowfall over the next few days or not.
There was no way for us to get some snowfall over the next few days just like there was no way for us to get any snowfall over the last two months.
So why in the world did Ethan think that we were going to get some snowfall over the next few days when we haven’t even gotten any for the last two months?
After I left the living room and went into the hallway before reaching the door where Noah was staying in, I knocked on the door a few times before waiting to see if he was going to answer it or not.
When there was nothing but silence coming from inside of the room, I knocked on the door once again “Noah, are you going to answer me or not?”
After several minutes of waiting for him to answer me, he finally answered me “Yeah.”He said “What do you want?”
“I want you to tell me how in the world you got out here without anyone else knowing about it.”I said “Do you think you can tell me how you got out here?”
There was nothing but silence after I asked him this question.
After several minutes of waiting for him to answer me, he finally answered me “It’s none of your business how I got out here.”He said “Just like it’s none of your business why I came out here either.”
“But don’t you think that it is just a little bit weird that you would come out here without anyone else knowing about it?”
“No.”He said before getting up from his bed “I don’t think that it is weird that I came out here without anyone else knowing about it.I just needed some time away from everything in order to clear my head.”
“Then why didn’t you just tell me that you were coming out here?”
“Because…”He said before walking away from the door “It’s none of your business if I come out here without telling you.”He said before walking past me “I’m sure that you have other things that you can be doing right now other than wasting your time with me right now.”
After he walked past me, I heard him walk out the front door which meant that he was leaving the cabin.
I didn’t know if he was going to be coming back later on or not, but I hoped that he wasn’t going to be coming back later on even though there was a part of me that also hoped that he was going to be coming back so that we could talk about this a little bit more.
Sophia , a wealthy and privileged college student in New