MidReal Story

Solitude's Unexpected Company


May 31
Scenario:I just broke up with my girlfriend
Create my version of this story
I just broke up with my girlfriend
I’m not sure how long I’ve been sitting here, but the sun is starting to set and I can feel the chill of the night air.
The only sound is the wind rustling through the trees and the occasional bird call.
I’m alone in this remote cabin, and it’s exactly what I need right now.
I needed to get away from everything, from all the reminders of her.
I thought coming here would help me forget, but instead it’s only made me remember more.
Remember how happy we were when we first came here together, how much I loved her and how much she loved me back.
Chapter 1
It was an impulsive decision, one that I made without thinking about the consequences.
But it was something that needed to be done.
I needed to get away from everything and everyone, even if only for a little while.
So here I am, sitting in front of this large window with a view of the lake, watching as the sun slowly disappears behind the trees.
The light is fading fast now, and soon it will be dark out.
Solitude's Unexpected Company
Solitude's Unexpected Company
Solitude's Unexpected Company
Solitude's Unexpected Company
Solitude's Unexpected Company
Chapter 2
I found myself smiling as Mia Jennings made herself at home in the cabin, immediately preparing coffee and snacks as if she knew I needed them.
Despite my initial attempt to make light of the situation, Mia's understanding gaze told me she could see through my facade, straight to the heartache I was trying to hide.
As we settled on the couch together, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful Mia looked; her simple attire and natural appearance were a stark contrast to my own disheveled state.
Her presence felt almost too perfect for this rustic setting, making me feel like an unworthy mess compared to her gracefulness.
Throughout our conversation, I tried to act nonchalant about her sudden appearance here, but Mia's insightful nature quickly saw through my weak attempts at avoidance.
She questioned why I hadn't contacted her or my sister, Sarah Carter, about my plans to come up here alone after the breakup.
The truth was that I just wanted to be away from everyone and everything for a while.
I didn't want my pain to burden them; I needed time alone to process and heal.