MidReal Story

Sinful Secrets: Mumbai's Dark Desires

Scenario:""Aghori Saat - Tales of Forbidden Desires"" is an immersive audio drama series that delves into the depths of human nature by personifying the seven deadly sins. Set in the bustling cityscape of Mumbai, the show revolves around seven distinct characters, each representing a cardinal sin, as they navigate the complexities of human existence and confront their own dark facets. The narrative weaves together elements of drama, suspense, and introspection, offering listeners a gripping exploration of the human psyche.
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""Aghori Saat - Tales of Forbidden Desires"" is an immersive audio drama series that delves into the depths of human nature by personifying the seven deadly sins. Set in the bustling cityscape of Mumbai, the show revolves around seven distinct characters, each representing a cardinal sin, as they navigate the complexities of human existence and confront their own dark facets. The narrative weaves together elements of drama, suspense, and introspection, offering listeners a gripping exploration of the human psyche.
Aarav Sharma wasn’t a patient man.
The heat radiating off the pavement of Mumbai was blistering, and his oversized white shirt clung to him like a second skin as he weaved his way through the sea of people.
Being tall and muscular in a country where the average male height was a good six inches shorter than him and the average male build was slim, made fitting in a little difficult for him.
To make matters worse, Mumbai’s summer heat had decided to be at its worst today, and as a result, his temper was at an all-time high.
He wasn’t a big fan of being vulnerable, and anger to him meant vulnerability.
It was an emotion that could easily overtake him, and the one he had the least control over.
He absolutely hated it.
But despite his best efforts, it seemed like Wrath was one sin he would never be able to shake.
He pushed through the crowd, his eyes searching the busy street for any sign of his transport.
The street was congested with rickshaws, two-wheelers, and cars that were moving at a snail’s pace.
He was starting to get annoyed, not only with the traffic but also with the way everyone’s eyes seemed to be on him.
Being tall in this country was almost like being an alien from another planet.
People stared at him as if they had never seen someone so big before.
They pointed and whispered among themselves, and it took every ounce of self-control for Aarav not to lose it.
When he finally stepped onto the sidewalk to walk the last half kilometer to his destination, he was relieved.
Not only was it cooler on the sidewalk, but there were fewer people around, meaning no one was going to bump into him by mistake and make him lose it.
He had a lot on his mind, and the last thing he needed was someone bumping into him and making him see red.
His temper was something he had learned to control over the years, but when someone did something that made him angry enough, it could spiral out of control faster than he could blink an eye.
Once again, he tried to force his anger to subside.
There was no point in getting worked up over things that were out of his control.
He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down when a woman walking past him gave him a strange look.
At first he didn’t pay her any attention, but then she stopped walking altogether and stared up at him as if she had never seen anyone so angry before in her life.
“Are you okay?”
she asked in a hushed tone as if she didn’t want to upset him even more by talking to him.
Aarav blinked down at her.
She was a small woman with long black hair that almost reached her waist, a pair of green eyes that seemed to be staring right into his soul, and a slim figure that made her look almost fragile in the oversized T-shirt she was wearing as a dress.
She reminded him of a cat in that moment: curious about what she saw in front of her but also wary enough not to provoke it further.
He growled low in his throat as he took a step away from her, unsure of why he had acted that way.
"Sinful Secrets: Mumbai's Dark Desires"
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
she asked in a startled tone when he pushed past her and continued on his way.
“I don’t have time for this shit,” he muttered under his breath as he walked away from the woman who had inexplicably pissed him off just by looking at him.
She was the last thing on his mind when he finally reached his destination a few minutes later.
He walked into the café where he was supposed to meet his friend for a quick breakfast, and headed straight for their usual booth in the back corner of the room.
He was about to sit down when he heard a voice behind him say, “You could have answered my question earlier.” He turned around slowly, not wanting his anger to get the best of him again only to find the same woman who had seen him on the sidewalk standing in front of him with her hands on her hips as if she was scolding him like a child.
He stopped in his tracks and stared at her as if he couldn’t believe what was happening right now.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
he growled as he took a step towards her and leaned down so that his face was only a few inches away from hers.
It was then that he noticed just how beautiful she was.
Her green eyes were not only the same color as emeralds but they also sparkled like them too, and it made her look downright ethereal.
He shook his head and took a step back when he realized what he was thinking.
He didn’t have time for this shit now or ever.
“Calm down,” she said in a soothing tone when he stood up straight and stepped back from her so fast that he almost stumbled over his own two feet.
“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?”
he demanded as he glared down at her with all the anger that had been building up inside him since he had first met her a few minutes ago.
"Sinful Secrets: Mumbai's Dark Desires"
Maya Kapoor shrugged her shoulders and smiled up at him innocently.
“I’m talking to you.
I was just trying to be friendly when I asked you a simple question, and you acted as if I had done something wrong by even talking to you in the first place.”
He opened his mouth to reply when the waitress who had been following him around like a lost puppy for the last few minutes came up to their table and said, “Good morning, Mr.
Sharma.” She set a glass of water down in front of him and added, “What can I get you?
Aarav glared at the waitress and said in a harsh tone as he pointed towards the bowl of fruit that was sitting in the center of the table.
She nodded and smiled down at him before she turned around and walked away.
He waited until she was out of earshot before he turned his attention back to Maya.
“What are you doing here?”
Maya Kapoor smiled up at Aarav Sharma and replied in a sweet voice, “I’m meeting a friend for breakfast.” She didn’t say anything else as she watched him pick up his glass of water and take a sip of it.
She couldn’t help but notice that he was much taller than her and more muscular too.
He had the body of a Greek God and the face of one too.
His sharp jawline and perfect features made him look like a model, and when he had walked towards her on the sidewalk she had gotten the impression that he was a model so it only made sense that he was.
She couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy when she thought about it because she had worked as a model for years and had never been as successful as he had been in such a short amount of time.
It wasn’t fair that someone who was as young as him was already making more money than she would ever make in her entire life.
She felt a wave of resentment wash over her when she realized that she would always be envious of him no matter what she did or how hard she tried not to be.
She was consumed by envy in that moment and didn’t know if she would ever be able to get over it.
She looked up at Aarav Sharma with a mixture of desire and resentment in her eyes and bit her bottom lip when their eyes met for the first time since they had met on the sidewalk.
He raised an eyebrow and stared down at her with one side of his mouth curled up into a half smile as he looked at her with a mixture of amusement and satisfaction in his dark brown eyes.
Her cheeks turned bright red when she realized that he knew exactly what she was thinking and feeling, and she looked down at her lap as she tried to compose herself before she did something that she would regret later on in the day.
She took a deep breath and stared down at the table as she counted to ten in her head before she looked back up at him and met his dark brown eyes with her green ones once again.
He didn’t say anything as he looked down at her with an intense expression on his face so she looked away and stared down at her lap once again as she felt her cheeks turn even redder than they had been before.
"Sinful Secrets: Mumbai's Dark Desires"