MidReal Story

Siblings in Shadows: Raccoon City's Descent


Jun 4
Scenario:Claire Redfield arrives at the Raccoon City police station with rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy to look for her brother during a zombie apocalypse
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Claire Redfield arrives at the Raccoon City police station with rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy to look for her brother during a zombie apocalypse
Chapter 1
"Are you sure this is the right way?"
I asked, as I followed Leon through the dark alley.
He nodded, and I quickened my pace to catch up with him.
We had been running for hours, trying to avoid the zombies that had taken over Raccoon City.
The streets were littered with abandoned cars and bodies, and the smell of death hung in the air.
I shuddered at the thought of what had happened here, and tried to push it out of my mind.
"I know my brother," I said, trying to sound confident.
"He's going to be here. And if he's not, we'll find him."
Leon looked at me and smiled.
"Thanks. That means a lot."
We turned the corner and continued through the alley.
As we neared the end, I could see the street in front of us.
It was dark and empty, except for a few abandoned cars.
In the distance, I could hear screams and gunshots.
"What's going on out there?"
I asked, as Leon stepped out onto the street.
"Is it safe?"
He turned back to me and nodded.
"Yeah. We're almost there."
I took a deep breath and followed him out into the street.
Siblings in Shadows: Raccoon City's Descent
Leon had said he knew a way out of the city that would be safe, but I wasn't so sure.
As we ran through the streets, we passed dozens of zombies wandering around aimlessly.
The sight of them sent chills down my spine and made me shudder.
I could hear their moans from a distance and smell their rotting flesh.
It was revolting, and I tried not to think about what they might have done to my brother if they'd gotten to him first.
I asked again, looking back over my shoulder at Leon.
He nodded and motioned for me to keep following him as he turned another corner.
Siblings in Shadows: Raccoon City's Descent
"We're almost there!" he called back, his voice barely audible over the sound of our footsteps on the pavement and the distant moans of the undead.
I quickened my pace, determined to be by his side no matter what happened next.
My heart ached for my brother as we ran; I could only imagine what horrors he might have faced here.
But I knew we had to get out of this city before it was too late.
And I prayed that Leon was right – that there really was a way out of here that would keep us safe.
"I know my brother, Chris would do the same for us," I comforted myself, trying to ignore the gruesome reality around us
As we neared the end of the alley, I asked Leon S. Kennedy if he was sure about our route; he affirmed it, leading me out into a street engulfed in chaos and fire
The city had descended into madness, overcome by what appeared to be a zombie outbreak
Leon and I had been running for hours, avoiding these undead creatures
I tightened my grip on my gun and prepared to fire, but Leon grabbed my arm and pulled me away.
"We have to go!" he shouted, as we ran down another alley.
I could hear more moans behind us, and I prayed that they wouldn't catch up with us.
I didn't know how many bullets I had left, and there was no way to tell how many more of them were out there.
I could see the city lights in the distance, and I knew we were close.
We had been running for what felt like hours, and I was exhausted.
My legs ached, but I pushed on, determined to find my brother.
"Are you sure this is the right way?" he asked, as he led us through a dark alleyway.
I nodded and followed him, glancing over my shoulder as we ran.
The streets were empty now; whatever chaos had been happening earlier seemed to have subsided.
But it could start up again at any moment, so we had to be careful.
Siblings in Shadows: Raccoon City's Descent
I clung to my gun, ready to defend myself against anyone or anything that might try to stop us.
Leon led the way, his figure barely visible in the darkness.
As we reached another narrow alley, he turned to me and said, "This way."
I nodded and followed him down the alleyway, my heart pounding.
Siblings in Shadows: Raccoon City's Descent
My name is Claire Redfield, and I am a survivor.
As we neared the end of the alley, I could see the city lights in the distance.
We had been running for what felt like hours, and my legs were starting to cramp up.
I nodded silently and followed him through a narrow passageway that led out onto a main street.
The city was eerily quiet now; whatever chaos had taken place here earlier seemed to have subsided for now.
Siblings in Shadows: Raccoon City's Descent
Leon led the way as we navigated through burnt-out cars and piles of rubble that littered the streets.
Every now and then, we would encounter one of those…things; I don't know what else to call them.
Grotesque, rotting corpses who lurched towards us with outstretched arms, their mouths gaping open in search of fresh meat.
We took them down quickly with our guns before they could get too close, but it was still terrifying.
Siblings in Shadows: Raccoon City's Descent
I could see the city lights in the distance, and Leon led us in that direction.