MidReal Story

Shimmering Secrets

Scenario:I'm a mermaid and only have six days on land. I'm in love with a human man who doesn't know I'm a merman and we are living together. I woke up after a long day of love making and exploring the city and have to go for a soak in the bathtub, i can't let him know my secret. As I take my bath I hear him outside the door trying to get in, I'm now on the floor desperately trying to form my legs before he sees me. His name is Allen and I'm Madison
Create my version of this story
I'm a mermaid and only have six days on land. I'm in love with a human man who doesn't know I'm a merman and we are living together. I woke up after a long day of love making and exploring the city and have to go for a soak in the bathtub, i can't let him know my secret. As I take my bath I hear him outside the door trying to get in, I'm now on the floor desperately trying to form my legs before he sees me. His name is Allen and I'm Madison
I wake up to the sound of the shower running, and I smile as I stretch out on the bed.
Last night was so perfect.
Allen was so perfect.
I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have him in my life.
I roll over and look at the clock.
It’s still early, but I don’t want to miss a single moment with him.
I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom, and my heart stops when I see that the shower is empty.
Allen isn’t in there.
Shimmering Secrets
My heart pounds in my chest as I realize the shower must have been left running by accident.
I need to find Allen.
I step back into the bedroom, scanning for any sign of him.
"Allen?" I call out, my voice trembling slightly.
No response.
I walk towards the living room, but something feels off.
Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through my legs.
I gasp and clutch at the doorframe for support.
Not now.
I need water.
I need to get to the bathtub before it’s too late.
I stumble back towards the bathroom, each step more difficult than the last.
Shimmering Secrets
My legs are starting to shimmer, scales appearing along my calves.
Panic surges through me as I reach the bathroom door and fling it open.
The bathtub is only half full, but it will have to do.
I turn on the tap and slide into the tub, water splashing everywhere.
The cool water soothes my aching legs as they begin to change.
Just then, I hear footsteps approaching.
"Madison, are you okay?" Allen's voice is filled with concern.
He tries the door handle, but it’s locked.
"Just a minute!" I yell back, trying to keep my voice steady.
The transformation is almost complete; my legs are now fully merged into a tail.
Shimmering Secrets
I clutch the edge of the tub, praying for more time.
Allen's persistence grows; he jiggles the handle harder.
"Madison, let me in! What's going on?"
The door creaks open slightly, and I freeze in fear.
"Please, Allen, just give me a moment!" I shout, desperation creeping into my voice.
But it’s too late; he pushes the door open wider and steps inside.
His eyes widen as he takes in the scene: water everywhere, me clutching the edge of the tub with a shimmering tail where my legs should be.
"Madison... what...?"
Shimmering Secrets
He steps back, his face contorting as if he’s just seen something vile.
"Allen, please, I can explain," I beg, my voice cracking.
Without a word, he turns and rummages through the closet.
When he faces me again, he's holding a rope.
My heart sinks.
"Allen, no! Please don't do this!" I cry out, but he ignores me.
He approaches the tub with determined strides and grabs my wrists.
I struggle against him, but my tail thrashes uselessly in the water.
"Stop moving!" he snaps, his voice cold and unrecognizable.
Tears blur my vision as he ties my hands together tightly.
The rope bites into my skin.
"Why are you doing this?" I sob, but he doesn't answer.
Shimmering Secrets
Instead, he pulls out his phone and starts recording.
The red light on the screen blinks ominously as he points the camera at me.
"Allen, stop! Please!" I plead, but he continues filming.
He circles the tub slowly, capturing every angle of my helpless state.
His eyes are devoid of the love they once held for me; now they’re filled with betrayal and revulsion.
"How could you?" he mutters under his breath.
My heart pounds with fear and sorrow as I realize the depth of his disgust.
I feel utterly exposed and vulnerable, unable to revert to my human form.
The room is thick with tension and despair.
"Allen, please listen to me," I try again, my voice trembling. "I didn't want you to find out like this."
Shimmering Secrets
He stops filming for a moment and looks at me with a sneer. "Find out what? That you're some kind of freak?"
His words cut deep, and I choke back a sob.
"I'm still me," I whisper. "I'm still Madison."
He shakes his head slowly. "No. You're not."
He resumes filming, his face twisted with anger and betrayal.
I thrash in the water again, trying desperately to break free from the ropes binding me.
But it's no use; I'm trapped.
Allen's cold gaze never wavers as he continues to record my every move.
The room feels smaller, suffocating under the weight of our shattered trust.
I glance around for anything that could help me escape, but there's nothing within reach.
My tail flops helplessly against the side of the tub.
"Please," I whisper one last time, my voice barely audible over the sound of running water. "Don't do this."
Shimmering Secrets
His gaze fixates on my tail, a mix of rage and twisted fascination darkening his features.
I can see the fury building in him, and it terrifies me.
"Allen, please," I beg again, but my words seem to fall on deaf ears.
He starts to strip off his clothes, his movements rough and deliberate.
My heart pounds faster as I realize what he's about to do.
"Allen, no!" I scream, trying to pull away, but the ropes cut into my wrists, rendering me helpless.
He lunges at me, pinning me down in the tub with a force that knocks the breath out of me.
I struggle against him, but my efforts are futile.
The water splashes around us as I thrash, trying to free myself from his grip.
Shimmering Secrets
His breath is hot and erratic against my skin, sending shivers of fear down my spine.
"Stop! Please stop!" I cry out, tears streaming down my face.
But Allen doesn't stop.
He starts to hump me aggressively, his body pressing down on mine with a brutal intensity.
I feel a profound sense of betrayal and despair as he violates me.
The room spins around me, the walls closing in as I endure the assault.
Each thrust sends waves of pain through my body, and I bite down hard on my lip to keep from screaming.
The taste of blood fills my mouth, but it's nothing compared to the agony in my heart.
"Why are you doing this?" I sob, but he doesn't answer.
His eyes are glazed over with a sickening mix of anger and satisfaction.
Shimmering Secrets
I can barely breathe under his weight, each gasp for air feeling like a battle I'm losing.
The ropes dig deeper into my wrists with every movement, the pain almost unbearable.
My tail flops uselessly in the water, unable to help me escape this nightmare.
I feel completely powerless, trapped in a situation I never imagined I'd be in.
Allen's breathing becomes more erratic, his movements more frantic.
I close my eyes tightly, wishing I could disappear, wishing this was all just a horrible dream.
But it's not a dream; it's my reality.
Tears blur my vision as I open my eyes again and look up at him.
The man I once loved is gone, replaced by this monster who shows no mercy.
I can't understand how everything went so wrong so quickly.
"Please," I whisper one last time, my voice breaking. "Please stop."
Shimmering Secrets