MidReal Story

Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare

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Chapter 1
"Are you sure this is the right way?"
I asked, my voice filled with doubt.
Mark turned to me and gave me a reassuring smile.
He was holding a map in his hand, and he had been looking at it every five minutes for the past hour.
"Yes, I’m sure. We’re almost there," he said.
I nodded and looked out of the window.
We were driving on a narrow road surrounded by dense forest on both sides.
The sun was setting, and it was getting dark fast.
I turned to look at Sarah who was sitting next to me in the back seat.
She gave me a small smile, but I could see that she was just as nervous as I was.
Sarah and I had been friends since we were kids, and we had always done everything together.
"Are you sure this is the right way?"
I asked, my voice filled with doubt.
Mark turned to me and gave me a reassuring smile.
He was holding a map in his hand, and he had been looking at it every five minutes for the past hour.
"Yes, I’m sure. We’re almost there," he said.
I nodded and looked out of the window.
We were driving on a narrow road surrounded by dense forest on both sides.
The sun was setting, and it was getting dark fast.
I turned to look at Sarah who was sitting next to me in the back seat.
She gave me a small smile, but I could see that she was just as nervous as I was.
Sarah and I had been friends since we were kids, and we had always done everything together.
Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare
I nodded and kept looking out of the window.
The trees on both sides seem to go on forever.
I could feel my spine tingle with fear as I realized how deep we were inside the woods.
Being in such a remote location after sunset was definitely not something I was comfortable with.
"Relax. It’s gonna be fine," Mark said in an attempt to reassure me.
He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, planting a soft kiss on my forehead before turning his attention back to the road.
Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare
My skin crawled as I felt a shiver run down my spine.
I thought I heard something growling outside, but before I could say anything, Sarah spoke up:
"I think it’s a bear… or maybe even a ghost!"
she said, trying to sound brave.
I laughed and turned to look at her with an arched eyebrow.
"A ghost? Really?"
I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"If it really is a ghost then you better not let me sleep alone in our tent tonight."
Sarah just grinned at my words before sticking her tongue out at me playfully.
"No way! If there really are ghosts around here then I’m not gonna let you sleep in our tent either," she said with a playful wink.
I knew she was trying to scare me even more, so I decided to play along too:
"You guys better stop talking about ghosts if you don’t want them to haunt you tonight!
" I heard Mark’s voice coming from the front seat before he let out an evil laugh.
Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare
I asked Mark.
My childhood friend, Sarah Lee sat beside me in the back seat.
She was equally as nervous but also excited for our camping trip.
Mark had invited us to join him for the weekend and we couldn’t say no to such an offer!
There was going to be a meteor shower that night, so we would be able to see hundreds of shooting stars in the sky.
It sounded like a perfect weekend getaway until I realized that we would have to drive deep into the woods to get to the campsite.
Sarah looked at Mark through the front mirror and gave him a warm smile.
Her curly blonde hair fell over her shoulder as she rested her hand on mine.
"I think we should share some ghost stories tonight!" she said excitedly.
I chuckled at her suggestion.
Sarah was always the bravest among us three, and I knew how much she loved getting scared just for the fun of it.
"Sounds good! But I couldn’t find any storybooks about ghosts at home," I said with a pout.
"I’ve been searching through my bookshelves all week but I just can’t find any."
Sarah playfully rolled her eyes at me before letting out a small laugh.
"Emily… you don’t need books when you have Google!
" she said jokingly
"Don’t tell me you’re gonna use Google again after what happened last time?"
she asked with a mischievous grin.
Mark turned his head slightly to look at us from the front seat
Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare
"You know… after you searched for that recipe and ended up buying an entire grocery store?"
he asked, trying to stifle his laughter.
Sarah just grinned sheepishly at his words before letting out a small giggle.
"Hey! I just wanted to know how much flour I needed!" she said with a pout
"How was I supposed to know that the recipe would be for 50 people?"
We all burst out laughing at her words, but Sarah just stuck out her tongue at us in response.
It was always like this when the three of us were together
We had been friends since we were kids, so we knew everything about each other
But even though we had known each other for so long, we always found new things to laugh about whenever we were together
Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare
"Maybe it’s just your browser," Sarah said playfully.
"Don’t you know that Firefox is an endangered species?"
We all burst out laughing at her words, but I couldn’t help but agree with her a little bit.
Mark was known for being very protective of his privacy, so he always tried to stay away from search engines like Google as much as he could
He preferred using Firefox instead because it had better privacy settings, even though it wasn’t as popular as Google or Bing
So maybe the animals in these woods really did prefer other search engines over Google."I’m sorry! I’ll try not to use it too much from now on," Mark said apologetically before taking a sip of his coffee.
As we continued driving deeper into the forest, I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine despite having turned on the heater in the car.
The sun was starting to set behind the trees, so it had gotten a lot cooler outside than before
Or maybe it was just my imagination getting the better of me?
Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare
"Hey, do you guys mind if I put on a sweater?"
I asked with a small frown.
Sarah turned around in her seat and looked at me before saying, "I think I have some hot tea in the thermos in the back. Do you want me to get it for you?"
She was always so considerate
Even if she didn’t know what the weather was going to be like, she still made sure to bring some tea with her just in case one of us got cold later on.
So when she asked me if I wanted any, I couldn’t help but smile at her thoughtfulness.
"That would be great! Thanks, Sarah," I said gratefully as she reached out to grab the thermos from the back.
We all continued talking and laughing as we drove along the forest road, even though it was getting darker outside by the minute.
Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare
As I took a sip of my tea, Sarah suddenly asked, "Hey Mark… do you think you’re gonna be able to get some Wi-Fi over here?"
"I just remembered that I forgot to bring my phone charger!"
Mark let out a small chuckle at her words before saying, "Don’t worry about it. My new job provides me with free Wi-Fi and phones so that won’t be a problem."
"What?! Why didn’t you tell us earlier?!"
I exclaimed incredulously.
"How did you even manage to get such an amazing offer?"
Sarah asked with wide eyes.
We all burst out laughing at his words as he turned around in his seat to look at us through the front mirror
"It’s not like they’re paying me or anything!"
he said dramatically.
As the three of us settled down again, I couldn’t help but wonder what other stories we would be sharing tonight around the campfire.
I had never been camping before, so I had no idea how scary it could really be when it was pitch black outside and the only sounds you could hear were the ones coming from the forest around you
Shadows in the Woods: A Camping Nightmare