MidReal Story

Shadow Warriors of LA

Scenario:A Chinese person who appears to be skilled in kung fu and a Jewish person holding a gun are walking in a gang-controlled area of Los Angeles, USA.
Create my version of this story
A Chinese person who appears to be skilled in kung fu and a Jewish person holding a gun are walking in a gang-controlled area of Los Angeles, USA.
The streets of Los Angeles were alive with activity and danger.
I was walking alone through one of the most dangerous areas, and I was not an idiot.
I knew it was dangerous, but I had to get to the temple and I did not have a car.
Hopefully, I would be able to find a taxi for the return trip to my apartment.
I was dressed in a traditional Chinese dress called qipao, but I wore a pair of sneakers with it.
I loved the dress, but I hated high heels, so I had to make do.
I also carried a black hoodie and a pair of jeans in my backpack.
I would change into them when I got to the temple.
I also had a small silk-covered staff that I carried with me, even though it attracted attention and whispers.
I did not care, it was part of who I was.
A martial artist, and I had promised my mother that I would do my best to keep the knowledge alive.
So that meant that I had to practice every day, and I could not leave my staff at home.
I also liked the way it felt in my hands.
The stares and the whispers were nothing compared to what I got from the local gang members when they saw me strolling through their territory.
They were all wearing red bandanas, and they stared at me with an intensity that made me shiver.
But, the way they were staring at me like I was a juicy piece of meat for them to devour, did not sit well with me.
I was aware that they all had guns hidden under their shirts and jackets, but they did not scare me, and as long as they stayed away from me, we would have no problems.
Unfortunately, that was too much to ask for.
I saw five men step away from a group and start walking towards me, and I quickly realized that there were no other people on the street close to me,
I sighed and put my staff away in my backpack before pulling up my hood so it covered my face.
If I remembered correctly, there was a temple just around the corner.
If I could get there before they reached me, then they would leave me alone.
I started to hurry down the street while clutching my backpack closer to my body.
“Hey baby, where are you going?”
One of the gang members said as he stepped in front of me, making me stop.
“I’m going home.”
I said softly while staring up at him, hoping that he did not touch me.
“I don’t think so, we have not had our fun with you yet.”
He said loudly enough for the others to hear him, making them smile.
"Shadow Warriors of LA"
I was about to say something back when a man stepped out of the shadows on the other side of the street, making my eyes widen in shock.
He was not ordinary, he was the leader of the gang that controlled this area, that much I could tell.
He was tall, had a medium build, I could see that he was wearing a bulletproof vest under his jacket, and his face was covered in tattoos.
He also had golden teeth, so I had no doubt that he was the leader of the gang, a man who was not afraid of anything or anyone.
He loved danger, he was danger.
He started walking towards us, showing zero fear of the other gang members, but I could tell by the looks on their faces that they were not happy about him interrupting them.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
The man who had spoken first said as he took a step towards the leader.
“Back off.” The tattooed man said coldly while glaring at him, making him take a step backward.
“Hey, I asked you a question.”
The man said loudly while stepping closer to the leader.
I flinched when the leader pulled out a gun from inside his jacket before pointing it at the man’s head.
"Shadow Warriors of LA"
I knew that the man was dead, but I could not leave without saying something.
“You will be next if you do not back off.” The leader growled while glaring at the other men, making them step back.
The leader smiled when they got out of his way and started walking towards me again.
I did not want him anywhere near me, but I did not know how to get away from him.
“You will be safe with us baby.”
He said softly as he stopped in front of me and reached out a hand.
“Are you lost?”
I asked as I took a step backward while glaring up at him.
“I don’t think so.”
He said arrogantly as he looked down at the staff in my hands.
“Is that your boyfriend’s weapon?”
"Shadow Warriors of LA"
I frowned when he said that and glared up at him.
“My staff is a weapon, and it is not my boyfriend’s.”
I said coldly while extending it in front of me.
“Ah, then it is your weapon.”
The leader said while smiling and grabbing it gently with his hand.
“It is beautiful, just like you.”
I pulled it away from him before glaring up at him.
“Do not touch me.”
I growled while taking a step backward.
He chuckled when I did that and stared down at me.
“I like you.”
He said softly before grabbing my staff again.
“I want you.”
He added while stepping closer to me, making me take another step backward.
He was too close, too close for comfort, and I did not like it at all.
"Shadow Warriors of LA"
I did not know what to do as he continued to stare at me.
I did not think about what to say earlier.
I did not know what to say in this situation.
“Why are you here?”
The leader asked after a moment of silence.
“Why are you in my territory?”
“You are in a gang?”
I asked as I stared up at him.
“Or you are a gang leader?”
I added when he frowned.
“I am looking for friends.”
I lied while glancing around.
“I heard that they are near here.”
I added when he continued to stare at me.
He repeated with a raised eyebrow.
“Are they in a gang too?”
“I do not know.”
I said hesitantly while shaking my head.
“I am not sure.”
The leader chuckled when I said that and looked at the men behind him before looking back at me.
“You are cute.”
He said softly before smiling at me.
“But you are lying.”
He added before frowning at me.
“Who are you really?”
“I am looking for friends.”
I repeated while frowning at him defiantly.
“If you are not going to help me, then let me go!”
I glared up at him as I said that.
“No one is stopping you.”
The leader said with a smirk while stepping aside.
“But first…”
He added while grabbing my hand and pulling me close to him.
“Can I have your name?”
The leader asked as he stared down at me.
“My name is Lin Mei.”
I replied coldly as I glared up at him.
“And you are?”
He smiled when I asked that and grabbed the staff that was hanging loosely in my hand.
“I am the leader of this gang.”
He said as he took it from me gently.
“Black Dragon.”
He added before examining the staff that he was holding.
"Shadow Warriors of LA"
“You are really good with this, huh?”
“Black Dragon?”
I repeated with a raised eyebrow.
“Is that your real name?”
“Of course not.
It is a nickname.”
The leader replied with a grin before handing it back to me.
“Not my choice.
But it is cool, right?
I mean, I have black skin, and I am Asian too, right?
He added before laughing.
"Shadow Warriors of LA"