MidReal Story

Servant of Shadows


Apr 30
Scenario:A 22 old rich Persian boy living in Tehran, enjoying domination and using others for his benefit, named Sepehr. Finding a 32 years old unmarried guy from lower middle class in a co-working space who is caregiver and submissive and take extra steps to help Sepehr for nothing in return named Ali. They got friends and after a few months plan for a trip together. Sepehr wanted to make Ali his submissive personal servant in this trip to not only do his tedious jobs, but his humiliating and personal stuffa, even washing him after each dump in toilet. He want to make ali an obedient dog.
Create my version of this story
A 22 old rich Persian boy living in Tehran, enjoying domination and using others for his benefit, named Sepehr. Finding a 32 years old unmarried guy from lower middle class in a co-working space who is caregiver and submissive and take extra steps to help Sepehr for nothing in return named Ali. They got friends and after a few months plan for a trip together. Sepehr wanted to make Ali his submissive personal servant in this trip to not only do his tedious jobs, but his humiliating and personal stuffa, even washing him after each dump in toilet. He want to make ali an obedient dog.
When I enter the shop, Reza has already picked out a few items he thinks I might like.
He hands me some pieces and I pretend to inspect them before handing them back to him.
My assistant knows me well by now, so he doesn’t ask questions.
He just continues to select some more items for me.
After about half an hour in the shop, we head to the changing rooms so I can try on some of the clothes and decide what I want to buy.
Reza carries all my shopping bags for me and I leave him outside the changing rooms as I try on some items.
Reza has been very patient today and he hasn’t complained once, so I decide to reward him by asking him to pick something out for himself.
I will let him buy one item, but only if it’s not too expensive.
I go through a few items and finally select a pair of jeans and a nice shirt for him.
I can see that he is really grateful and happy that I bought him something, but I don’t really care because he’s lucky that I let him have something at all.
When I am done trying on clothes, I head back to the shop to get Reza to pay.
All of my shopping bags are getting really heavy and I have my arms full, so I get Reza to carry them back to the counter for me.
He looks like he is struggling a bit but he doesn’t complain at all.
I get Reza to put all of my shopping on my dad’s credit card.
I know Reza makes fuck all money as my carer, so there is no way he would be able to afford to buy all of this stuff himself.
He is only able to buy things because he is with me.
Once we leave the shop, I decide that I am not done shopping yet, so I tell Reza that I want to go to another shop.
I can see that Reza is looking a little uncomfortable now because his back is sore.
He has been carrying all of my shopping bags for hours and they are getting heavier and heavier.
I know his back is still bothering him from when he hurt it in the gym last week but I don’t really care.
He says he is fine, so he should be able to carry on doing what I tell him.
If he complains once more today then I will just tell him to fuck off home and get a taxi!
When we get to the next shop, I pick out a few more things for myself before heading off into the changing rooms to try them on.
As we are walking around the store, I spot a really nice shirt that I want Reza to buy for me.
It’s very expensive and I know that Reza won’t be happy about buying it for me, but I don’t care.
He will do what I say or else.
When I come out of the changing rooms, I tell Reza that he has to pay and he does it without questioning me.
Servant of Shadows
I have always liked having people do things for me, especially things that they don’t want to do or would be embarrassed about if anyone else found out.
I find it very easy to manipulate people into doing things for me because they see me as a kind and caring person who needs their help.
This is only half true and the truth is, that most of the time, they are the ones who need my help!
I have perfected the art of making people believe that they want to do things for me, when in reality they are doing it for themselves.
My family were really impressed when they realised how good I was at manipulating people into doing things for me, so they taught me how to do it even better!
My parents are very wealthy business owners in Dubai and it is no secret that they pay people off when it suits them.
My dad has always had people that do things for him that he doesn’t want to do himself, so he was very pleased when he realised how good I was at getting people to do what I wanted them to do too!
At first, they thought it was just a phase that I was going through, but as I got older, they realised that it wasn’t going away anytime soon!
When I was growing up, the people who used to look after me always complained about how difficult it was to get me to do anything that they wanted me to do because I would just ignore them or pretend that I hadn’t heard them speak to me in the first place.
Even as a child, I knew exactly what I was doing and I also knew that the more they complained about my behaviour, the less likely that I was going to change anytime soon!
They were getting paid very well by my parents so there was no way that they were going to walk out on the job any time soon or say anything negative about me either.
Instead of trying to discipline me or make me change my behaviour in any way, my parents taught us all how best to handle the situation so that they were still in control of the outcome at all times.
The best way of controlling me turned out to be letting me think that I was in control of the situation, when in reality, they were making me think that it was my idea in the first place!
My carer, Reza, knows this all too well and he has become very good at manipulating me into thinking that it is my idea to do something for him, when in reality, he is the one that is benefiting from it in some way!
I have always had carers that have looked after me and done everything for me because of my medical condition.
When my current carer started working for me, he used to get really angry when he thought that he was being treated like my servant and he didn’t want to do what he was being told to do by me either!
I soon put him in his place and made him realise that he either did what he was told or he could just fuck right off and find someone else to look after instead!
When he realised that he wasn’t going to be able to change my mind about it, he decided that it would probably be best if he just did what he was told instead!
Now he does exactly what he is told without complaining once because he knows that if he does, then there will be consequences to pay later!
Servant of Shadows
I have always been attracted to people that are willing to serve me or do things for me without asking any questions because I find it a huge turn on when someone is willing to submit themselves to me in any way possible, just for the pleasure of my company!
I love being able to manipulate people into doing whatever it is that I want them to do because it makes me feel powerful over them and in control of the situation at all times too!
I have had many friends over the years that have been perfectly happy to let me be in control of them and manipulate them into doing whatever it is that I want them to do for me too, which has been great for me because whenever I feel like having someone around me, there has always been someone there willing to serve me without question at all times too!
I have spent a lot of time hanging around different coworking spaces all over Tehran and watching the people that work there when they are busy on their laptops because it always seems to amaze me how different each one of them can be from one another even though they are all working in the same office together every single day as well!
One of my favourite coworking spaces to hang around in is the one based in Tajrish, which is in the affluent northern part of Tehran.
I love this particular one so much, mainly because they have a coffee shop right next door to it and I can get myself as many coffees as I want right throughout the day too!
When I am there, I often see many ambitious entrepreneurs starting out on their new business ventures as well as many struggling freelancers trying to make ends meet by doing random jobs for other people too.
It is always lovely to see how different each one of them can be, even though they are all trying to get ahead together there too!
One day, when I was visiting this particular coworking space, I noticed an average-looking man sitting on his own at one of the desks near the back of the room.
He didn’t have as much money as some of the others that I had seen there before and he looked slightly overweight compared to them as well.
From the information that I had gathered about him after asking around, I found out that his name was Ali Rahimi and he lived with his parents in the city.
He also worked part-time as an office clerk at the local community centre near his home, he was 32 years old and from a lower middle-class background too.
Ali was very quiet when it came to talking about himself to others and he very rarely went out of his way to make friends with anyone new either!
He wasn’t the most attractive man to look at by any means but there was just something about him that seemed very intriguing to me when I first saw him sitting alone like that.
I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was exactly but there was just something about him that made him stand out from the rest of the people working there that day.
The more I thought about it, the more I realised what it was about him that had caught my attention like this.
Ali was one of the few people working there that genuinely seemed interested in the job he was doing and he didn’t seem to be concerned too much about trying to show off how much money he had either.
Servant of Shadows
He was sitting at his desk on his computer at the time when I first saw him there and he looked like he was concentrating hard on whatever it was that he was doing on his screen too!
I have to admit that I didn’t really care too much about what all the other people working there were doing at the time, but there was just something about this man Ali that caught my attention and made me want to know more about him in general too!
I worked my way over to him slowly, making sure not to draw too much attention to myself so as not to make him feel uncomfortable with me being there close to him like this.
When I got there, I stood next to his desk and looked down at him, eager to see if he would react to me being there or not.
Ali looked up from what he was doing on his screen and saw me standing there next to his desk looking down at him like this.
He looked up at me with an eager look on his face and stared at me for a few seconds before smiling up at me innocently as well.
“Can I help you with something?”
he asked me shyly, making sure not to say anything rude or offensive to me at all.
I smiled down at him as I stood there next to his desk looking down on him like this.
I put one of my hands on my hips as I did this and gave him a stern look on my face.
“Get me a cup of tea, please.”
I said to him coldly.
I watched Ali closely for a few seconds as I stood there looking down on him like this, eager to see what he would say when I gave him this unspoken command to do this task for me.
The look on Ali’s face changed from eager to submissive almost instantaneously.
Ali looked up at me with an eager look on his face almost straight away when I told him to go ahead and get me that cup of tea.
He didn’t seem to show any signs of resistance at all when I spoke to him like this, which was a first for me, as the others that I have met before in the past would usually try to resist whenever I spoke to them like this.
Ali seemed to be different from the others that I had met before in the past, he seemed more submissive than most of them, which really turned me on when it came to being around someone like that too!
Ali quickly got up from his desk and walked away from it without saying anything else to me at all.
He walked over to the other side of the room where the small kitchen area was and began making the tea for us both.
I watched Ali closely as he did this, eagerly observing everything that he did while he was preparing the tea for us both.
Servant of Shadows