MidReal Story

Secrets Unveiled: CapCut's Betrayal

Scenario:Louise, joined a company called CapCut last year. At CapCut, she met three important friends: Kenny, who loves everything about AI and has a big secret; Joanna, the happiest person from a place known as Happy Valley with a hidden sadness; and Yuki, the very first employee of CapCut who knows all the company's dark secrets.As Louise gets closer to her friends, she discovers that CapCut has some evil plans that hurt employees' both physical and mental health. Kenny's secret, Joanna's true feelings, and Yuki's deep knowledge of CapCut's wrongdoings start causing problems.
Create my version of this story
Louise, joined a company called CapCut last year. At CapCut, she met three important friends: Kenny, who loves everything about AI and has a big secret; Joanna, the happiest person from a place known as Happy Valley with a hidden sadness; and Yuki, the very first employee of CapCut who knows all the company's dark secrets.As Louise gets closer to her friends, she discovers that CapCut has some evil plans that hurt employees' both physical and mental health. Kenny's secret, Joanna's true feelings, and Yuki's deep knowledge of CapCut's wrongdoings start causing problems.
I still remember the first time I met Kenny, Joanna, and Yuki at CapCut.
It was almost a year ago, when I first joined the company.
All four of us started working at the same time, and it didn’t take long before we became friends.
We were all employees in the Advanced Research Center, known as ARC.
But in reality, we had very different jobs.
Kenny had a special interest in AI and would always tell us about his AI projects during lunch breaks.
He’d go on and on about some complex algorithms, and our eyes would glaze over after a while.
As for me, a non-tech person, I couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was saying most of the time.
But we listened to him anyway, because we knew how much he loved talking about it.
We just nodded along and pretended to understand everything he was saying – it made him so happy.
Joanna, on the other hand, was always full of cheer.
The way she talked about her life in Happy Valley made it sound like heaven on earth.
It left us all feeling a little envious.
She’d tell us about the beautiful scenery, the fresh air, and all the happy people living there.
I mean, everything there was perfect!
Or so she said.
Yuki was more mysterious than any of us.
She often talked about something secret at CapCut, where she was the very first employee.
Though she never told us what it was exactly.
We were all very curious about her secret, but she never opened up to anyone about it.
Our lunch breaks were usually filled with stories like these – from Kenny’s AI projects to Joanna’s perfect life in Happy Valley and Yuki’s secret at CapCut.
We’d also share our latest life and work updates with each other, which made our lunch breaks fly by quickly.
Secrets Unveiled: CapCut's Betrayal
Today, we were gathered at our usual table in the cafeteria with trays of food in front of us.
“This is my new project,” Kenny said excitedly as he showed us some pictures on his phone.It was the eleventh project he’d worked on this year, and I still didn’t know what he’d done with the previous ten.
“The deep learning model has achieved high accuracy in nearly 80% of the test sets.”
I glanced over at Joanna and Yuki from the corner of my eye, only to see them frowning slightly as they listened to him.
I guess they didn’t understand what he was talking about either?
Kenny’s new project was another one that went over my head.
“Um…what does that mean?”
I asked with a blank expression as I looked up at him.
Kenny adjusted his glasses and smiled as he explained patiently, “The pre-training model achieves good results by training large-scale models on publicly available data.”
Joanna and Yuki looked at each other before turning back to look at me, their faces still filled with confusion.
Why couldn’t I understand anything he was saying?
Was it because I wasn’t smart enough?
I wanted to cry.
“Wait, let me explain it to you in simpler terms,” Kenny said hurriedly, seeing that I didn’t understand a word.
My eyes lit up with anticipation.
Maybe I would finally be able to understand his work this time!
He then began explaining it to us in a way that almost made sense to me and Joanna.
But Yuki seemed to have understood it from the beginning and listened silently as she played with her food.
I then looked at the two of them and asked, “So, you get it now?”
Yuki nodded slightly, while Joanna gave me a blank look before turning back to Kenny.
She knew that I didn’t understand anything but didn’t want to say anything so as not to upset me.
That’s just how sweet she is!
The two of them then continued to listen to Kenny talk about his new project while I sat there, listening to their conversation without understanding a word.
After Kenny finished talking about his new project, Joanna said, “By the way, I was in Happy Valley the other day and saw a little boy calling for his mother.
But instead of saying ‘Mommy,’ he said ‘mummy’ like a British person.”
Kenny then looked at her with interest and asked, “So what did you do next?”
She replied, “Of course, I went up to talk to him!”
He asked, “And what did you say?”
Joanna smiled mysteriously.
“I told him it’s Mommy, not Mummy!
I also taught him how to pronounce it properly so that he wouldn’t get bullied for it later on.”
We all burst into laughter when we heard what she said, causing people nearby to stare at us.
I couldn’t help but be surprised by how much fun we were having, despite not understanding the conversation at all.
I really loved spending time with my friends like this!
The four of us then continued to eat our food as we chatted about all sorts of things.
But before we knew it, our one-hour lunch break was over.
Secrets Unveiled: CapCut's Betrayal
Secrets Unveiled: CapCut's Betrayal
Secrets Unveiled: CapCut's Betrayal