MidReal Story

Secrets Unveiled: A KPop Love Affair


May 19
Scenario:Han Jisung of the K-Pop group, Stray Kids, is my boyfriend and things are getting heated.
Create my version of this story
Han Jisung of the K-Pop group, Stray Kids, is my boyfriend and things are getting heated.
I was sitting on the couch backstage, waiting for Jisung to come back from his last rehearsal before the concert.
It was our first concert tour, and I was so proud of him and the rest of Stray Kids.
They had worked so hard to get where they were now, and I knew they would only get bigger and better.
I was so excited to see them perform in front of thousands of fans, but I was also nervous for Jisung.
He had been so busy lately that we hadn’t had much time to spend together, and I could tell he was exhausted.
I just hoped he would be able to make it through the concert without collapsing from exhaustion.
I heard the door open and turned around to see Jisung walking in.
He looked so good in his stage outfit, with his short brown hair styled perfectly and a mischievous glint in his eyes.
He walked over to me and sat down next to me on the couch, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.
“Hey babe,” he said, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.
I shrugged my shoulders and let out a nervous laugh.
“I’m okay,” I said, looking down at my hands.
“I’m just really excited to see you perform.”
He smiled and squeezed my waist.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.
I always am,” he said, leaning in to press his lips against mine again, this time lingering for a little longer.
I wished we could stay like this forever, but I knew he had to go back to rehearse his parts.
“Alright, you should probably go back,” I mumbled, pulling away from him and trying to hide my disappointment.
He sighed and stood up, running a hand through his hair before holding it out to me.
“Wish me luck?”
he asked, a small smile playing on his lips.
I nodded and took his hand, letting him pull me up from the couch.
I gave him one last kiss before he turned around to leave, and I watched him go with a heavy heart.
“Good luck!” I called out after him, a smile still on my lips.
I knew he needed to focus on work right now, but that didn’t make me miss him any less.
I was backstage now, sitting on the couch in the dressing room and trying to calm my nerves as I waited for Jisung to come back from his last rehearsal before the concert.
The other members of Stray Kids would be here soon too, but Jisung was usually the last one to finish rehearsal since he had the most lines and dances to memorize.
This was our first stop of the tour, and the excitement in the air was palpable.
They had all been working so hard for this moment, and it was finally here.
This was their moment to shine, performing in front of thousands of fans who had come from all over the world to see them.
They were going to be amazing, and I was so proud of them.
As soon as the door opened, I could tell it was Jisung before I even saw him.
I could hear his loud laughter echoing through the hallway, and I couldn’t help but smile to myself at the sound of it.
He was in a good mood today, which was always a good sign, even if he was tired.
As soon as he walked into the dressing room, my smile widened, and I felt a wave of pride wash over me at the sight of him.
Despite the exhaustion that lingered in his eyes, he still looked so good, with his short brown hair styled perfectly and a mischievous glint in his eyes as he flashed me a quick smile.
He walked over to the mirror, standing in front of it and adjusting his stage outfit to make sure everything was in place for the concert.
“What’s up?”
he asked, catching me staring at him through the mirror.
“Nothing,” I replied quickly, looking away and feeling my cheeks heat up at being caught staring.
Secrets Unveiled: A KPop Love Affair
I couldn’t help but admire Han Jisung as he stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his stage outfit to make sure everything was in place for the concert.
The short brown hair he had been sporting lately suited him well, especially with the way it framed his face perfectly.
He had grown up so much since we first met, but there was still an unmistakable aura of playfulness surrounding him that made it hard for me to look away from him, no matter what he did or how much time passed between us seeing each other.
Despite the fact that we were surrounded by people bustling around backstage, with stylists coming in and out of the room to fix their hair and makeup and staff members setting up equipment for the concert, I felt like we were alone, sharing an intimate moment that we didn’t need to put into words to understand each other perfectly.
He caught my gaze in the mirror and flashed me a small smile, making my heart skip a beat as he winked at me mischievously.
I smiled and bit down on my bottom lip, trying to hold back a giggle as I felt my cheeks heat up even more.
He was so confident and sure of himself; it was hard not to be charmed by him.
“Everything looks good,” he said after a few seconds, turning around to face me and giving me a once-over to make sure I wasn’t hiding anything from him.
I felt a bit self-conscious under his scrutinizing gaze but forced myself to meet his eyes and keep myself from looking away.
Everything he did was so intense and passionate—whether it was his work or his relationships—and it was one of the things I loved most about him.
He was always so sure of himself and what he wanted, and I couldn’t help but admire that about him.
He stepped closer to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, giving them a quick squeeze before leaning forward to press a soft kiss to my forehead.
I felt a rush of warmth wash over me and bit down on my bottom lip to keep from smiling as he stepped away from me and walked over to the door.
“Let’s go get ready,” he said with a small nod, looking back at me and holding out his hand.
I nodded and took his hand, letting him pull me up from the couch and lead me out of the dressing room.
“Are you ready to do this?”
he asked, giving my hand a quick squeeze as we walked down the hallway to the stage.
I nodded, my heart swelling with pride at the thought of being able to support him and be by his side to see him perform in front of thousands of fans.
This was where he belonged, doing what he loved most, and I was happy to be able to be here with him and see it all happen.
We had been dating for almost a year now, but our relationship was still a secret, known only to the other members of Stray Kids and our closest friends.
We didn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention or risk any scandals that could affect his career, so we had decided to keep our relationship under wraps until the time was right for us to go public with it.
Secrets Unveiled: A KPop Love Affair
I blinked my eyes open in shock as my breath caught in my throat, my body tensing up for a moment as our lips met in a quick, almost teasing kiss, before he pulled away with a smirk, leaving me standing there alone, wondering what the hell had just happened.
A mischievous glint flickered in his eyes, and he cocked his head to the side, giving me a small, almost innocent smile as he held my gaze, his lips moving slightly as he mouthed the words "I love you," before turning away from me and walking over to the door, leaving me standing there, feeling breathless and flustered as I watched him walk away.
He always had this effect on me, making my heart race and my body ache for him whenever he was near, and it was especially bad right now, with the anticipation of the performance that was about to happen fueling his playful spirit and making him even more irresistible than usual.
I couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, feeling the tension in my body melt away as I followed after him and walked out of the dressing room, heading down the hallway to the stage.
I couldn’t believe he had kissed me like that, out of nowhere, in the middle of the backstage area, where anyone could have seen us.
It was so not like him, being so careless and reckless about our relationship, but I supposed it was possible that he was just caught up in the moment and not thinking straight.
We had been dating for almost a year now, but we were still keeping our relationship a secret from the public, in order to protect both Stray Kids’ image and our personal lives, which meant that no one could ever find out about us, or we would risk drawing unwanted attention or causing unnecessary scandals that could threaten his career or our relationship.
I knew he was probably just trying to make me laugh or put me at ease before the performance, but it still made me nervous thinking about the consequences if we were ever caught together, alone like this, where anyone could have walked in on us.
Han Jisung turned back to look at me as we walked down the hallway, sensing something was wrong, and reached out to place a comforting hand on my shoulder, giving it a quick squeeze as he leaned closer to me and whispered, “Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” into my ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine as he pressed a soft kiss to my cheek before stepping away from me and walking back down the hallway, leaving me standing there, feeling like an idiot as I watched him walk away, wondering what I had done wrong or if he was mad at me for some reason that I wasn’t aware of.
He knew how much this meant to me and that I would never do anything to jeopardize it, so why had he taken that risk?
Did he think that no one would notice or care, or was he just trying to put me at ease?
Secrets Unveiled: A KPop Love Affair