MidReal Story

Secrets of Tianjin: Betrayal in the Shadows

Scenario:The background of this novel is set in China, with all characters, locations, and events taking place there. Therefore, you should approach the writing from the perspective of a Chinese novel, ensuring coherence and logic in your creation. Characters should not be confused, the plot should be tight, and all clues and questions will be answered in subsequent developments. Below is the rough outline of the novel provided to you. Please create based on the following content, but do not deviate from the main theme I have set: During the Republican era, the eccentric yet gifted detective Zhang Chen is invited by the chief of the Tianjin Police Bureau to assist in solving cases. A series of heinous crimes have left the public in fear, and their superiors have ordered them to swiftly solve the cases. However, just as Zhang Chen is about to uncover the shocking secrets hidden within the Tianjin Police Bureau, the chief of police suddenly announces his engagement to Miss Meilin, the prime suspect in the most significant crime...
Create my version of this story
The background of this novel is set in China, with all characters, locations, and events taking place there. Therefore, you should approach the writing from the perspective of a Chinese novel, ensuring coherence and logic in your creation. Characters should not be confused, the plot should be tight, and all clues and questions will be answered in subsequent developments. Below is the rough outline of the novel provided to you. Please create based on the following content, but do not deviate from the main theme I have set: During the Republican era, the eccentric yet gifted detective Zhang Chen is invited by the chief of the Tianjin Police Bureau to assist in solving cases. A series of heinous crimes have left the public in fear, and their superiors have ordered them to swiftly solve the cases. However, just as Zhang Chen is about to uncover the shocking secrets hidden within the Tianjin Police Bureau, the chief of police suddenly announces his engagement to Miss Meilin, the prime suspect in the most significant crime...
Li Wei, the Chief of Police at the Tianjin Police Bureau, has summoned me to his office.
Known as a detective with a knack for solving even the most difficult cases, I am somewhat of a celebrity during China's Republican era, and have solved countless cases, helping to establish my reputation.
Upon arriving at Li Wei's office, I am informed of a series of recent crimes in Tianjin that have been particularly brutal and gruesome, causing the city to panic.
As Chief of Police Li Wei and his officers brief me on the details of the case, I learn that the victims' bodies were discovered with their tongues cut out, and eyes plucked.
I also learn that the victims were all men from the city's Red Light Street, and that their bodies were dismembered before they were put into large jars.
Li Wei is determined to get to the bottom of the case, despite the possible corruption and betrayal that may have occurred within the police bureau.
He is engaged to a woman named Miss Meilin, who is considered to be a prime suspect in these killings.
Li Wei wants me to assist him in solving these cases in order to find out who is behind these brutal murders.
I’m Zhang Chen.”
I said to Li Wei.
“Did you call me here because you heard about my reputation for solving cases?”
The Chief of Police sighed as he was sitting in front of his desk.
He seemed like he was tired from working too much.
He was looking at me with his sharp eyes and said, “Because I know your methods are unconventional.”
With that being said, he put out his cigarette in an ashtray on his desk.
Then he put his hands together as he leaned forwards slightly.
He whispered to me with a very serious expression on his face.
“Detective Zhang, Tianjin has been experiencing a series of brutal crimes recently… The cases are very serious!”
I frowned when I heard this.
“What kind of cases are they?”
“There are too many cases to count!”
Li Wei leaned back in his chair and sighed.
“The criminals murdered people in order to steal silver dollars…”
“They cut off their heads…”
“And they cut off their fingers…”
“Then they skinned them alive…”
“Then they gouged out their eyes…”
“They also chopped off their genitals…”
“And pulled off their tongues…”
“The criminals also dismembered the bodies and stuffed them into jars.”
“I have never heard of such cruel practices before!”
I said in shock.
The Chief of Police nodded and said, “The criminals even went so far as to dismember the bodies and stuff them into jars before they threw them into the river!”
“Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl!”
“Chief Li Wei… Why did you call me here?”
I asked as I furrowed my brows.
“Is it because you want me to catch these killers for you?”
The Chief of Police looked at me and said, “There is no need for me to say it.”
“You know what to do.”
“Tianjin needs people like you!”
“Our police bureau needs people like you!”
With that being said, he stood up and walked over to the window in his office.
Secrets of Tianjin: Betrayal in the Shadows
“I will do my best to help you solve these cases.”
Li Wei nodded with a smile on his face when he heard this.
He also seemed very relieved that I had agreed to help him solve these cases.
“Thank you for your cooperation, Detective Zhang!”
“I look forward to working with you on this case!”
After that, I left the Chief of Police's office and went back home.
I did not sleep at all that night because I was thinking about the cases that I was supposed to solve for the police department and the victims who lost their lives in such a cruel way.
The next day, I arrived at the police department bright and early for work.
There were many officers in the briefing room discussing the case when I arrived.
I sat in the last row and listened to their conversation carefully.
As time passed, they eventually called Chief Li Wei over.
Li Wei walked over and took a seat in front of everyone in the room.
He cleared his throat before he said, “Detective Zhang is here.”
“Chief, we have been investigating the case for three months now and have not made any progress…”
“Some of the higher-ups in our department are very anxious…”
“So, can we please try harder?”
After saying that, he looked over at me.
He said, “Detective Zhang, the floor is yours.”
I looked at the photos of the fifteen victims that were displayed on the projector screen.
Three of the victims were from June, seven were from July, and five were from August.
All of the victims were young men and their bodies are covered in blood and mutilated.
The criminals had cut off their heads, fingers, and tongues…
They also skinned them alive…
And gouged their eyes out…
They chopped off their genitals…
And dismembered the bodies into pieces.
The criminals then stuffed the dismembered bodies into large jars and threw them into the river.
The criminals were definitely not thugs!
They must be psychopaths or serial killers!
Is it possible that there are multiple criminals?
It was hard to say how many criminals there were.
From my analysis, the criminals might be living in Tianjin and some of them might even be police officers or people who work in our bureau!
The reason why I came up with this conclusion is that all of the crime scenes were very clean.
There was not even a single hair left at the crime scenes!
This means that the criminals must be very careful when they commit their crimes.
They might even have research books on how to commit crimes!
No wonder we could not find any clues!
It was because we were too careless during the investigation!
Li Wei shook his head and said, “The public is very anxious right now…”
“The higher-ups are also very anxious…”
“But what they do not understand is that we are not capable of solving this case…”
Secrets of Tianjin: Betrayal in the Shadows
“The only person who can solve this case is you…”
I was very surprised by what he said.
I was very honored to be praised by him.
He was a very famous chief of police in China.
It was said that he has never accepted a bribe before.
He was a very honest person and he was very strict when it came to handling cases.
As long as there was evidence, he would definitely catch the criminals.
He did not care about who the criminals were…
Or what they did.
He would definitely catch them as long as they broke the law!
He was also a very imposing person.
He was very good at fighting and he could also shoot very well!
I then realized that I had read about him in a book called “The Famous Police Chiefs of China” before…
I have read about all of the famous police chiefs in China!
The book also mentioned that he was engaged to Miss Meilin who was a very famous dancer in China.
She was even more famous than those celebrities in China right now!
She was very pretty and she looked like a fairy in the books!
Li Wei then looked over at me and said in a deep voice, “Detective Zhang…”
“The reasons why I called you here today are because I want you to help us solve this case!”
“I know that you do not accept cases easily…”
“You only accept cases that interest you…”
“This case is one of those cases…”
“Tianjin has never had any cases like this before…”
“The public is very anxious…”
“They are also very scared…”
“I am sure that you know how important it is for us to solve this case right now…”
“If we fail to do so, I am afraid that the public might lose faith in our police force…”
“Are you willing to help us solve this case?”
I nodded my head and said, “I will do my best…”
Li Wei then asked someone to provide me with some information on the case.
After reading it, I realized that it was indeed a very challenging case…
All of the victims were young men…
All of them were cut into pieces…
The bodies were also decomposed when they were discovered!
Their bodies were dismembered into pieces!
The criminals then put the pieces together before stuffing the body into a jar!
This means that the criminals must have a lot of research on how to dissect the human body!
There are over a thousand police officers in our bureau but we have not found any suspects yet!
The public is also very anxious right now!
The public is even talking about this case online!
They are saying that it was because we are too lazy to solve the case!
They are saying that we are just wasting our time in our office!
Li Wei then looked over at me and said, “The public is very anxious right now…”
“I am also very anxious…”
“But I will not allow any injustice to happen in this city!”
“Even if there are some bad people in our bureau!”
“Detective Zhang…”
“I know that you are a very good detective…”
“Please help us solve this case!”
Secrets of Tianjin: Betrayal in the Shadows
I then nodded my head once again and said, “I will do my best…”
Chief Li Wei was still looking at me with a serious expression on his face.
He then said, “You have always been my favorite detective!”
“If you solve this case, I will definitely give you a huge reward!”
Li Wei then turned around and walked away after saying that.
I took one last look at the crime scene before leaving as well.
It was still raining outside when I left the bureau.
The rain was very heavy but it did not stop me from looking at the crime scene again.
I walked over to Li Wei who was standing at the gate.
There was also someone else who was holding an umbrella for him.
Li Wei then looked over at me and said, “The rain is too heavy right now.”
“Most of the evidence at the crime scene has been washed away by the rain.”
“However, I am sure that you can still find some clues at the scene…”
“I am also sure that you can find out who the criminals are!”
“You know what to do…”
I then nodded my head and said, “I will go over to the city morgue to check out the bodies of the victims later.”
Li Wei then nodded his head and said, “You can do whatever you want!”
“As long as you can solve the case, I will let you do whatever you want!”
I then nodded my head in agreement before turning around and walking away.
The city morgue was not far away from the bureau so I decided to walk there instead of driving there.
I met Li Wei on the way to the morgue.
He was driving his car while holding an umbrella in his hand.
He then stopped his car beside me and opened his window before saying, “Are you going to the morgue?”
I then nodded my head and said, “Yes.”
“It would be great if you could come with me…”
Li Wei then opened his car door and walked out before closing his umbrella and walking over to me.
He was also wearing a black suit and a pair of black shoes.
He looked very handsome and he also looked very tall!
He looked like a successful businessman!
I could not help but take a few more glances at him…
Li Wei then looked over at me and said, “Let’s go!”
I then followed him into his car and we drove over to the morgue together.
Li Wei then turned off his car after we arrived at the morgue.
He then took out an umbrella from his car and opened it before walking towards me and saying, “The rain has stopped.”
“We should go back to check out some more clues…”
“The evidence that we found at the crime scene earlier is not enough…”
“We need more evidence to solve this case!”
I then nodded my head and said, “Alright!”
Li Wei then smiled at me before opening his umbrella and walking towards his car again.
I could not help but feel touched by what he did…
Secrets of Tianjin: Betrayal in the Shadows