MidReal Story

Secrets of the Subterranean Society

Scenario:Storia fantastica a fumetti di una giovane talpa investigatrice di nome Agatha
Create my version of this story
Storia fantastica a fumetti di una giovane talpa investigatrice di nome Agatha
Agatha is a talpa, a mole-like creature with a heightened sense of curiosity.
She dreams of becoming an investigator and solving mysteries, but her family discourages her from pursuing such a dangerous career.
One day, while she was out exploring the Enchanted Forest, Agatha stumbled upon a tunnel leading to an underground world and met Oliver Rabbit, a magician who introduced her to the magical community.
Penelope Squirrel, the librarian, encouraged Agatha to hone her investigative skills and solve a magical crime that would allow her to prove herself as an investigator.
As Agatha ventured back to the Enchanted Forest with her father, she hoped to share her investigative aspirations with him and convince him to let her join the magical community.
“Dad, I need to tell you something.” I said.
“Not now, Aggie.
I am enjoying this walk with you.” He chuckled lightly while he ruffled my head.
We were walking in the Enchanted Forest, surrounded by trees and flowers that were much more beautiful than any other places I had seen.
However, it was still not enough to make me happy.
I wanted to go on an adventure and explore the world, instead of seeing flowers and trees all day long.
“But it’s important!”
I whined as I looked at him.
I knew he would take me on an adventure if I kept bugging him.
He teased me by picking some flowers and putting them on my head, “Well, I think these are much more important than your school stories.”
I rolled my eyes at his bad jokes all over again.
“Come on, Dad!”
“Fine,” he groaned in defeat as he picked me up and put me on his head.
“Tell me what’s so important that you have to yell at me in the middle of a walk in the forest.”
I took a deep breath before I started telling him my secret plan to join the magical community as an investigator after graduation.
His eyes widened after hearing what I said, “Wow, that’s quite something you have in mind there.”
I chuckled at his reaction before continuing with my story, “And you know what?”
He asked with a smile as he carried me down from his head and looked at me.
He shook his head and replied, “What does it have to do with me?”
I smiled at him as I knew he was going to say that, “It has everything to do with you!If I want to join the community, I need your permission.I need you to take me there!”
He chuckled softly after hearing what I said, “Is that so?”
“Yes!You are going to say yes and bring me to the community, right?I mean, you are very good friends with a lot of creatures in there, aren’t you?”
He smiled at me before nodding his head, “Yes, Aggie.Yes, I am.”
I jumped up and down excitedly and hugged him tightly, “You are not going to regret this, Dad!I promise!”
He patted me on the back and said, “I hope so, Aggie.I hope so.”
As we walked through the forest, I looked at him curiously and asked him.
“Dad, how did you get to know them anyway?”
He raised an eyebrow and asked, “Know who?”
“The creatures in the magical community,” I replied.
He thought for a while before answering me with a smile on his face, “I met them when I was young.”
I was curious about what he said and asked him more questions.
“What were you doing when you met them?Were you going on adventures too?”
I asked him excitedly.
Secrets of the Subterranean Society
He laughed at my reaction before shaking his head and answering me, “No.And they were not adventures either.I was just wandering around in the forest when I met them.They were very kind to me.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “Do you remember the waterfall we saw earlier?The one that is surrounded by trees?”
I nodded my head in excitement, “Yes!It was beautiful!”
He smiled at me before saying, “That waterfall is actually very special.”
“It hides the entrance to the underground world.” He looked at me with his eyes widened.
I gasped at his words before asking him, “Is there another way to get to the underground world?”
He shook his head before replying, “No, there isn’t.But it’s not easy to find the entrance either; you need to be determined enough to see it.”
I looked at him in shock and asked, “But why would they hide the entrance?It is not like they are dangerous or anything…”
He sighed after hearing what I said and replied, “That’s true.
But it’s better to keep them hidden from the surface world; they might have their reasons for doing so.”
I nodded my head silently as we continued walking through the forest.
The more he spoke about the underground world, the more curious I was about it.
And I was determined to find it!
“Dad, can we go back to that waterfall later?”
I asked him with my eyes sparkling.
He frowned slightly and asked, “Why do you want to go back there?”
“I want to see if we can find the entrance to the underground world!”
“Aggie, no.” He shook his head immediately.
“It’s too dangerous.What if there is no entrance?We might end up falling into the water instead!”
My eyes widened in shock after hearing what he said as I looked at him with disbelief.
“Are you serious?”
He sighed again before nodding his head, “Yes, Aggie.I am serious.It’s better to be safe than sorry.”
I pouted my lips when he rejected me and thought of another way to change his mind.
“Dad, what if we take some photos there?
I have never seen a real waterfall up close before!”
He studied me for a moment before nodding his head, “Okay.”
I smiled at him happily and asked, “Do you still have your camera glasses with you?”
He raised an eyebrow at me.
“I thought you didn’t like them anymore?”
He asked with a smile on his face.
I blushed in embarrassment when he said that.
“I like them now!You have to take them out and wear them later, okay?We are going to take lots of pictures!”
He chuckled at my excited reaction before replying, “Okay, Aggie.I will take them out and wear them later.”
I jumped up and down happily after hearing what he said.
This was going to be so much fun!
When we reached the entrance of the forest, I suddenly stopped walking and asked him with my eyes wide open, “Can we go back now?”
He looked at me curiously before asking me, “Why do you want to go back suddenly?Are you tired already?”
Secrets of the Subterranean Society
I shook my head immediately and replied, “No, I am not tired.It’s just that… I suddenly feel like having a chat with mom.”
He scrutinized me for a moment and asked, “Did you have an argument with your mom this morning?”
My eyes widened in shock after hearing what he said.
“How did you know that?Did she tell you something?”
“She called me earlier and told me about it.”, he replied with a knowing smile on his face.
I rolled my eyes at him and replied, “Why did you agree to it then?”
He raised an eyebrow at me before replying, “She is your mother.”
I rolled my eyes at him again and muttered under my breath, “You’re no fun at all.”
He chuckled at what I said and replied, “Okay, let’s go back then.”
When we reached home, I immediately ran to my mom’s cottage and knocked on the door.
“Mom, are you there?”
“Agatha, is that you?”
Her voice came from the other side of the door.
I opened the door and saw her sitting at the table with her eyes closed.
“Are you meditating?”
I asked her curiously.
She opened her eyes and smiled at me.
“Yes, do you need something?What happened to you?”
she asked before pulling me into her embrace.
I told her about the argument between my father and me before feeling much better.
My mom was always there for me whenever my father and I had an argument.
I loved her so much!
“Aggie, don’t be like this with your father anymore.You know he only wants the best for you.”
I scowled slightly at what she said before replying, “I know that… but he doesn’t know what’s best for me!”
She chuckled at what I said before patting me on the head.
“You will understand when you grow up, Aggie.”
After that, she went to the kitchen to make some tea while I played with my dollhouse and thought of the waterfall my father told me about just now.
I tightened my grip on my doll and muttered under my breath, “Don’t worry, mom.
I’m not going out to play anymore!”
When the sun began to set, I ran out of the house and went straight to the riverbank.
I had already changed into a yellow dress and brought along my magnifying glass with me.
I had to make sure that it was still there and my parents were not lying to me!
I went straight to the waterfall and saw that the entrance was still there, but it was covered by the falling water and some tree branches now.
I took a deep breath before running back home and said, “Mom, can you help me with something?I want to check on my doll.”
She raised an eyebrow at me before asking, “What do you want me to do?”
I bit my lips nervously before asking her, “Can you take care of my dollhouse later?I am going out to play now!”
After hearing what I said, she immediately ran to me and stopped me from going outside.
She looked at me worriedly and asked, “Where are you going?Why do you suddenly want to go out now?”
I looked at her with guilt in my eyes and replied, “I’m sorry, mom.I didn’t mean to hide it from you…”
She looked at me curiously and asked, “Hide what?What are you talking about, Aggie?Did something happen earlier?”
Secrets of the Subterranean Society
My mom had always been understanding and patient when it came to dealing with me.
But this time, her reaction was not what I expected her to react.
I pouted slightly before replying, “Nevermind, mom.Just forget it!”
I turned around and began walking away before she stopped me again and said, “Aggie, if there’s anything you want to tell me… just say it okay?
Don’t keep it from me…”
I nodded at her before running outside without looking back this time.
I went straight to the waterfall and took a deep breath before pushing away some tree branches that were in the way.
When I saw the entrance, I rubbed my eyes and made sure that it was real this time before smiling in satisfaction.
I turned around to take a look at the waterfall behind me and muttered under my breath, “Just you wait… I will find out the secret behind you soon!”
I took a few steps back before taking a deep breath.
I closed my eyes and ran forward before jumping into the waterfall.
As soon as I jumped, I felt the cold water on my skin before getting splashed with some water.
I opened my eyes in surprise before kicking the water away and said, “This is so not cool!”
After saying that, I quickly swam forward before reaching the entrance.
I took a deep breath before diving down again.
When I reached the end, I immediately saw a barrier with different colors surrounding it.
It looked like a rainbow!
I quickly swam toward it before swimming above it.
When I reached there, I struggled for a moment but then couldn’t get through it at all.
I can’t breathe anymore… I’m going to die!
As soon as I thought about that, I kicked the barrier with all of my strength before getting through it.
After getting through the barrier, I felt like I was flying instead of swimming.
I quickly opened my eyes and saw that everything around me was moving so fast!
Ahh, what’s happening?
My body felt like it was floating in the air.
I tried moving my hands but realized that I couldn’t do it at all!
After struggling for a moment, I finally managed to move my hands a little bit.
When I reached there, everything around me began moving slowly now.
I opened my eyes in shock before realizing that I was no longer swimming.
I quickly moved my hands and legs before swimming up.
When I reached the surface, I gasped for air immediately before feeling something grabbing onto my legs.
After struggling for a moment, I finally managed to get up to the shore.
I opened my eyes wide in shock after seeing the view in front of me.
There were so many people walking around on the street.
They were all wearing different colors of clothes and hats.
Some of them even had wings on their back, and an animal’s tail attached behind them!
This place is so beautiful…
Secrets of the Subterranean Society
I blinked my eyes in shock before turning my head around and looking at the waterfall behind me.
How did I get here?
Where is this place?
This doesn’t look like a tunnel entrance!
Did I get caught by a group of bad people and locked up in a secret room or something like that?
As soon as I thought about that, I suddenly felt my stomach spinning around before vomiting out a huge amount of water on the ground.
After vomiting, I wiped my mouth before looking at the waterfall in shock and thought, “Maybe this is a teleportation passage!”
Oh, no wonder I felt like I was flying in the air earlier…
But how did I get through there?
I quickly looked down at myself before reaching out to touch my body, but then realized that it was just an illusion!
Huh… Am I dreaming right now?
If this is a dream, then why do I keep feeling like I’m not dreaming?
I shook my head before looking over at the colorful thing that I got through earlier and said, “That’s so strange…”
It smells like adventure…
I’ve been familiar with this smell since birth, but I don’t know where it comes from…
After feeling that, I suddenly remembered what my father said to me before, “There are many magical dangers in this forest, so you must never go near it!”
But… I never listen to him at all…
When I thought about that, I quickly stood up before looking around at this place again with a serious expression on my face.
Even if no one believes in me, there will always be someone who believes in me!
I’m going to prove it to them right now!
After saying it out loud, I quickly looked around before walking forward with my magnifying glass in my hand, “Alright, let’s go!”
After walking for a while, the air suddenly changed!
It’s so smelly here…
It smells even worse than my father’s socks during summer!
Yuck… If he knew that I just compared his socks to this place, he would’ve killed me by now…
When I thought about that, I quickly held my breath before walking forward as fast as I could.
But after walking for a few more steps, my foot suddenly sank!
Huh… What’s going on?
Not good, not good at all…
The ground is sinking…
I quickly tried pulling my foot back up but realized that it didn’t work at all.
My whole body began sinking in instead of just my foot this time…
Ahh… Not good at all, not good at all…
The ground is eating me up!
Someone help me, please!
It’s so dark…
I can’t see anything at all…
And the smell is so bad…
It feels like someone is farting in front of me…
When I thought about that, my body sank even deeper than before and then fell into a hole.
Ahhhhh… what’s happening?
Is this a dream?
Or is someone trying to kill me?
When I thought about that, something suddenly came out of my mouth…
It feels so good…
Secrets of the Subterranean Society