MidReal Story

Secrets of the Hidden Passage

Scenario:Let's go to the bathroom together said the girl
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Let's go to the bathroom together said the girl
I pushed my way through the crowded living room, the bass of music thumping in my ears and the sounds of people chatting and laughing all around me.
There were couples making out on the couch to my left, a group of people crowded around the makeshift bar in the corner, and a few guys standing in front of a bookshelf flipping through a thick book.
Their laughter drew my attention, and I turned to watch as one of them reached out and pulled a book from the shelf, causing the entire thing to slide open, revealing a hidden door behind it.
I grinned and made my way toward them, suddenly feeling like I was back in college and at a frat party.
It had been a while since I’d been to a house party, but the nostalgia came flooding back, and I couldn’t help but feel excited.
“Em,” Alex called from behind me, his tall frame easy to pick out in the crowd.
I turned and saw that he was also trying to make his way over to see the hidden door.
“Did you see that?”
I nodded, then looked around for Sarah, but she was nowhere to be found.
My eyes scanned the room, taking in all of the people, but there was no sign of her blonde hair.
“Where is she?”
Alex asked, following my gaze.
“She was with me a second ago.”
We were both distracted by the sound of someone cheering, and I looked over to see a group of guys playing beer pong in one corner of the room.
The competitive spirit caught my attention, and I watched as one guy expertly shot his ping-pong ball into his opponent’s cup.
Whoever made the last cup had to chug the entire bottle of vodka on the table, and I could see that the guy who was losing was not looking so good.
It was enough to snap me out of my trance, and I looked around for Sarah again, but she was still nowhere to be found.
“Come on,” Alex said as he grabbed my arm and steered me toward the hidden door.
Secrets of the Hidden Passage
Secrets of the Hidden Passage
“I want to see what’s back there.”
We were almost there when I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned to see Sarah giving me a pointed look.
“I need to pee,” she said in a loud voice to be heard over the music.
I rolled my eyes.
“So do I.
You should have gone earlier.” I leaned in.
“You know the line is going to be long.”
“I know, I know.” She let out a groan and grabbed her stomach.
“I wish I could go in the woods like you can.”
Alex was now trying to get our attention, and he gestured to the hidden door.
I sighed and turned back to Sarah, but I saw that she was already heading over with Alex, so I followed behind them.
The host had warned us when we’d arrived that there was only one bathroom for everyone to share, and that there would be a long line for it, so I’d told them to go before we left the hotel.
But they’d both refused and now we were paying the price.
Secrets of the Hidden Passage
My eyes skimmed over the crowded room and took in the sight of the bookshelf that had been pulled aside to reveal an entrance to a hidden passageway.
The house we were in was nice enough, with its high ceilings and gleaming hardwood floors, but the furniture was all old and covered with dust.
The bookshelf looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in years, and I could see that some of the fake plants on top of it had started to turn brown from neglect.
It seemed strange to me, to have such a beautiful house but not take care of it.
I mean, we were in one of the nicest neighborhoods in the city, and the other homes on this street all looked brand new with their perfectly manicured lawns and fresh coats of paint.
This house was the only one that stood out, with its peeling paint and overgrown garden.
I guess everyone had different priorities when it came to property maintenance.
We pushed our way down the narrow hallway, as Alex and Sarah continued to talk about the hidden door.
Secrets of the Hidden Passage
Secrets of the Hidden Passage
“I wonder what’s down there,” Sarah said with a shiver.
“It looks like a dungeon.”
Secrets of the Hidden Passage
“Don’t be silly,” Alex replied.
“It probably just leads to a basement or something.”
I tuned out their conversation and focused on the task at hand.
We were getting closer to the bathroom, but I could see that there were a lot of people standing in line.
There were a few other hallways that branched off from this one, and I could see that there were even more people crowded in those ones, too, so it seemed that we weren’t the only ones who needed to pee.
I shifted from one foot to the other, trying to hold it as long as I could but I was starting to get uncomfortable.
When we finally turned the corner, I let out a sigh of relief when I saw the white door at the end of hallway with a sign that read “BATHROOM” in big black letters on it.
But my excitement was short-lived when I saw that there was a long line of people standing in front of it, and they all turned to give us dirty looks as we approached.
The bathroom door kept opening and closing as people went in and out, and I could see that there was a guy inside mopping up a puddle of water that had formed on the floor.
It didn’t look like it was going to be my turn anytime soon, so I leaned against the wall and crossed my legs, trying not to think about how long this was going to take.
There was a loud crash behind us, and everyone turned to look.
A guy with short dark hair and glasses was standing in front of a side table, looking sheepish.
He held up his hands in apology, but I could see that he had knocked over a lamp that had been precariously perched on top of it, and it now lay shattered on the floor at his feet.
The light inside it flickered briefly before going out, leaving us all in darkness.
Alex looked behind him at the lamp with a frown, then turned back to us.
“We should probably move away from here before he knocks something else over,” he said with a chuckle.
I nodded in agreement and pushed away from the wall just as someone stepped in front of us, blocking our way.
Secrets of the Hidden Passage
“You three,” said a voice from behind us, and I turned to see that it was the host, who looked a lot taller and more authoritative than he had when I first met him outside.
He pointed to a door on our left, which was set into a fake wood-paneled wall, instead of going to the one on our right, which was the bathroom we had been waiting for.
“You can use this bathroom instead,” he said, and it wasn’t so much of a suggestion as it was a command.
He folded his arms across his chest and gave us a stern look, like he expected us to do exactly as he said with no questions asked.
Sarah raised an eyebrow at him and opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off before she could get a word out.
“We’ll go,” I said quickly, and I grabbed Alex and Sarah by their arms and pulled them after me.
We followed the host’s instructions and went through the door he had pointed to, and I tried not to let my curiosity get the better of me as I wondered why he had told us to go this way instead of using the main bathroom like everyone else.
There was something about him that made me feel like I didn’t have a choice in the matter, like I couldn’t have said no even if I wanted to.
I could feel his gaze on us as we passed him, and I got the feeling that he was watching us very closely.
I tried not to think about it, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of unease as we walked down the hallway, and I quickened my pace so I could put some distance between us.
Alex and Sarah followed after me, and I could see that they were walking quickly, too, like they couldn’t wait to get away from the host and this creepy house.
The hallway opened up into a small room with a single door at the other end, and I realized with relief that it looked like a closet, because there were coats hanging on hooks all along the wall.
The host’s gaze lingered on us as we passed by, but he didn’t say anything else.
Instead, he turned around and walked back down the hallway in the direction we had come from, and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in.
Finally, I thought, and I pushed open the door at the end of the room.
It was the bathroom, thank God.
I turned back to Alex and Sarah with a smile.
“I’ll be out in a sec,” I said, and I closed the door behind me.
I heard Alex and Sarah sit down on their coats outside, and I let out a sigh of relief as I finally let go of all the pee I had been holding in since we left home.
When I opened the door again, I found them waiting for me, looking just as relieved as I was.
“Thank God we got that over with,” said Sarah, and she stood up from where she had been sitting on her coat.
She gave me a big hug, which I gladly returned.
Alex hugged me next, but we were interrupted by a voice from behind us.
I turned around to see it was the host, who had come back for some reason, even though I didn’t know why he would have needed to follow us.
He held up his hands in apology.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said with a friendly smile.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry for the inconvenience, and I thought maybe you’d like a drink.”
Secrets of the Hidden Passage