MidReal Story

Secrets of the Hidden Door

Scenario:Coraline is a true story about a kid in Norway. It begins when Coraline's dad dies, and her mom, who had mental problems, gets worse every day. Coraline goes through a tough time as her mom becomes violent and abusive. Eventually, due to their financial situation, they are forced to move to a new neighborhood. After moving, Coraline discovers a small door behind the wall and tears down the wallpaper, only to find bricks behind it. Her mom gets extremely angry and starts beating Coraline. Unfortunately, Coraline becomes unconscious. An hour later, her mom realizes what she has done and, crying, tells Coraline to open her eyes. To prove she is alive, her mom takes some buttons, sews them onto Coraline's face, and calls for help. Days later, neighbors notice a foul smell and contact the police. The police find Coraline's lifeless body, and her mom is transferred to a mental hospital due to her mental disorders.
Create my version of this story
Coraline is a true story about a kid in Norway. It begins when Coraline's dad dies, and her mom, who had mental problems, gets worse every day. Coraline goes through a tough time as her mom becomes violent and abusive. Eventually, due to their financial situation, they are forced to move to a new neighborhood. After moving, Coraline discovers a small door behind the wall and tears down the wallpaper, only to find bricks behind it. Her mom gets extremely angry and starts beating Coraline. Unfortunately, Coraline becomes unconscious. An hour later, her mom realizes what she has done and, crying, tells Coraline to open her eyes. To prove she is alive, her mom takes some buttons, sews them onto Coraline's face, and calls for help. Days later, neighbors notice a foul smell and contact the police. The police find Coraline's lifeless body, and her mom is transferred to a mental hospital due to her mental disorders.
Chapter 1
Coraline discovered the door a little while after they moved into the house.
She was exploring when she found it and came to a set of doors that she assumed led to a closet.
When she opened them, however, she found only bricks.
The bricks were laid in a way that suggested there was another room on the other side, but for some reason, it had been closed off.
Coraline went back to her mother and father and asked about it.
Many years before Coraline's time, there was a very big house in which she lived with her mother, father, and sister.
Coraline's family lived in "the top flat" of the house, which meant they lived on the top floor of the building where there were other families who lived below them.
The old man who used to live in the house was dead now .
He had no children or pets .
His sons had divided up the house between them and he had lived upstairs with his sister until he died.
The two old women who once lived in what is now Miss Spink and Miss Forcible's apartment were sisters as well, just like Coraline's mother's own sisters .
Coraline's family had moved into the top flat of the house when Coraline was almost five years old.
Secrets of the Hidden Door
During their move, Coraline found a strange door in the drawing room.
It was small and painted to look like it belonged to the wall around it, but when she opened it, there was nothing there except a wall made of reddish bricks on the other side of it.
She thought she had discovered a closet or pantry, but there wasn't one where this door actually led.
When Coraline asked her mother about it, her mother explained that at one time many years ago, this door did lead somewhere—into another apartment within the house—but that part of the house no longer existed now.
It belonged to those two old ladies who lived downstairs from them now: Miss Spink and Miss Forcible.
Coraline's mother told her that many years before Coraline's family had moved in here all three houses were once owned by an old man who died without any children or pets.
His sons divided up the house between themselves until only what is now Miss Spink and Miss Forcible's apartment remained.
Secrets of the Hidden Door
Coraline's mother explained to her that many years before Coraline's family had moved in, all three houses were once owned by an old man who died without any children or pets .
Coraline knew that those two women who lived downstairs from them were both retired actresses and best friends who never married or had children together.
They would sometimes invite Coraline over for tea when she was home alone during school holidays and talk to her about their acting careers, among other things.
Miss Spink always told Coraline that she could see into the future while Miss Forcible would tell Coraline stories about when she acted in plays long ago before retiring from acting upon turning sixty-seven years old .
There was no key left for this door so Coraline's family could not open it anyway even if they wanted to because it would be dangerous for a young child like her.
Secrets of the Hidden Door