MidReal Story

Secrets of Siblings and Crushes

Scenario:B is gay and thinks that A is a boy cuz of the way she dresses and talks and her action so he tries to be friends with A but A doesn't want friends but he is so insistences that one day they kinda become friends then one day he searches A name on social media to see that A is a popular streamer/ influencer and that he's actually a girl an that he is gay but in love with a girl one day the girl pins him on the wall and say something like you know i’m a girl and says if you tell anyone your dead but they were so close that he start to blush and his cock turns hard but A did not notice it. (C stands for Crush) You come to his house to do the project but you see he has 5 sibling that he taking care of and being kind to even he’s cooking for them and he made 5 different meal just to make them happy you that was really kind so you guys go to do the project and you see he has pictures of his moments with sibling everywhere and heart around them then you see a book like thing that look like he’s diary so you think about making the first move when he goes to the bathroom and after a few minutes he does you look through the book quickly and see mostly picks of his family and friends the you see a page that says crush you start reading and see C make my stomach do flip make my knees feel weak and i feel like i’m about to pass out when C get to close and then you about to flip the page to see his crushes name the episode ends saying time ran out or something like that or see part two next week But then as she flips the page he snatches the book before she can read it and say something like that for me to read and not you or i guess someones noise and that asks what the part about getting hard and knees feel weak and he hides the fact that he is blushing so hard he looks like an tomato and she asks who it is that he like but he doesn't answer and try to change the subject to something else but she still asking and he says wait for part 3 Feel too scared to say it her that his crush he says nobody
Create my version of this story
B is gay and thinks that A is a boy cuz of the way she dresses and talks and her action so he tries to be friends with A but A doesn't want friends but he is so insistences that one day they kinda become friends then one day he searches A name on social media to see that A is a popular streamer/ influencer and that he's actually a girl an that he is gay but in love with a girl one day the girl pins him on the wall and say something like you know i’m a girl and says if you tell anyone your dead but they were so close that he start to blush and his cock turns hard but A did not notice it. (C stands for Crush) You come to his house to do the project but you see he has 5 sibling that he taking care of and being kind to even he’s cooking for them and he made 5 different meal just to make them happy you that was really kind so you guys go to do the project and you see he has pictures of his moments with sibling everywhere and heart around them then you see a book like thing that look like he’s diary so you think about making the first move when he goes to the bathroom and after a few minutes he does you look through the book quickly and see mostly picks of his family and friends the you see a page that says crush you start reading and see C make my stomach do flip make my knees feel weak and i feel like i’m about to pass out when C get to close and then you about to flip the page to see his crushes name the episode ends saying time ran out or something like that or see part two next week But then as she flips the page he snatches the book before she can read it and say something like that for me to read and not you or i guess someones noise and that asks what the part about getting hard and knees feel weak and he hides the fact that he is blushing so hard he looks like an tomato and she asks who it is that he like but he doesn't answer and try to change the subject to something else but she still asking and he says wait for part 3 Feel too scared to say it her that his crush he says nobody
I’ve had a crush on Benji Carter since the fifth grade.
He was the tallest boy in our class, and I was the shortest girl.
He had messy black hair that always looked like he’d just rolled out of bed, and I had curly brown hair that my mom kept short because she didn’t know how to style it.
He was kindhearted and sweet, and I was nosy and determined.
We were complete opposites, but I still liked to think we were meant to be together.
I’d been waiting for him to realize it too.
And then he did.
But not in the way I’d hoped.
It was the first day of eighth grade when Benji walked into homeroom with a goofy grin on his face and a love letter in his hand.
He handed it to Chloe Summers, the prettiest girl in school, with long blonde hair and striking blue eyes.
Secrets of Siblings and Crushes
I watched from my seat, heart sinking as Chloe giggled and accepted the letter.
Benji didn’t even look my way.
That was three years ago.
Now, as seniors, we barely spoke to each other.
Until today.
“Aria, you’re with Benji for the history project,” Mr. Thompson announced, his voice slicing through my thoughts.
I glanced over at Benji, who was already looking at me with a mix of surprise and something else I couldn’t quite place.
He gave a small nod, and I forced myself to smile back.
After school, I found myself standing in front of Benji’s house.
It was a modest two-story home with a well-kept garden.
I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.
The door swung open almost immediately, revealing a little girl with pigtails and a chocolate-smeared face.
“Hi! You must be Aria!” she chirped.
Before I could respond, Benji appeared behind her, scooping her up effortlessly.
“Hey, Aria. Come on in,” he said, stepping aside to let me in.
The house was warm and smelled like freshly baked cookies.
Secrets of Siblings and Crushes
I followed Benji into the kitchen, where chaos reigned supreme.
Three kids were running around the table, laughing and shouting, while another was perched on a stool, stirring a pot on the stove.
Benji set the little girl down and clapped his hands.
“Alright, everyone! Time to settle down. We have a guest,” he announced.
The kids immediately quieted down and turned their curious eyes on me.
“This is Aria. She’s here to work on a project with me,” Benji explained.
The kids nodded solemnly before returning to their activities.
I watched in awe as Benji moved around the kitchen with ease, checking on the food and giving instructions to his siblings.
He was like a conductor orchestrating a symphony of controlled chaos.
“You’re really good at this,” I said, unable to hide my admiration.
Benji shrugged modestly.
“Just something you get used to when you have five younger siblings,” he replied with a smile.
We made our way upstairs to his room, which was surprisingly neat given the whirlwind downstairs.
Secrets of Siblings and Crushes
Posters of various bands covered the walls, and his desk was cluttered with books and papers.
I noticed several framed pictures of his family scattered around the room.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Benji said, gesturing to the chair by his desk as he sat on the bed.
I settled into the chair and pulled out my notebook.
“So, where do we start?” I asked.
We spent the next hour discussing our project on ancient civilizations.
Benji was surprisingly knowledgeable and had some great ideas.
As we worked, I couldn’t help but notice a small leather-bound diary on his desk.
Curiosity gnawed at me until I couldn’t resist any longer.
When Benji excused himself to go to the bathroom, I reached for the diary with trembling hands.
I flipped it open and quickly scanned the pages filled with neat handwriting.
My heart raced as I read about his daily life, his struggles with school, and then...his crushes.
I bit my lip as I read further, feeling both excited and guilty.
Just as I was about to see the name of his current crush, the door creaked open.