MidReal Story

Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type

Scenario:I discovered a new Pokémon type.
Create my version of this story
I discovered a new Pokémon type.
Chapter 1
I was just about to send out my Pokémon when I saw it.
A flash of light, a blur of movement, and then it was gone.
I blinked, wondering if I’d imagined it.
But no, there it was again—a streak of color that zipped through the air like a shooting star before vanishing into the trees.
My heart raced as I followed the path of the mysterious object.
It had been so fast, I hadn’t gotten a good look at it, but I knew one thing for sure:
It wasn’t any type of Pokémon I’d ever seen before.
I was just about to send out my Pokémon when I saw it.
A flash of light, a blur of movement, and then it was gone.
I blinked, wondering if I’d imagined it.
But no, there it was again—a streak of color that zipped through the air like a shooting star before vanishing into the trees.
My heart raced as I followed the path of the mysterious object.
It had been so fast, I hadn’t gotten a good look at it, but I knew one thing for sure:
It wasn’t any type of Pokémon I’d ever seen before.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
This was supposed to be a practice battle with my friend Lucas, but the strange sight in the sky had distracted me.
I held my Poké Ball in one hand and shielded my eyes with the other as I watched for another glimpse of whatever—or whoever—had flown past.
Was it some kind of new Legendary Pokémon?
Or maybe someone practicing their flying skills on an Alolan Charizard?
The more I thought about it, though, the less likely that seemed.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
Sure, a Charizard could move pretty quickly through the air, but the speed of that flash was on another level entirely.
It had been almost…unnatural how fast it moved.
Like teleporting, except with flying instead of disappearing and reappearing in an instant.
Had Lucas already released his Steenee?
He was known for using a quick-draw technique in battle—he’d perfected it over years of training—and he always loved showing off for me.
Maybe he’d decided to start without me so he could catch me off guard?
No, this didn’t feel like Steenee’s movements either.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
I was just about to release my Pokémon from their Poké Balls when I spotted it again: another brilliant streak of color that shot across the sky in the opposite direction of the first one.
I squinted at the trees, trying to judge how far away it had been.
Not too far—if I hurried, maybe I could still catch up with whoever—or whatever—had caused those flashes of light.
Elara Voss is about to start her first practice battle against her friend Lucas Flynn when she spots something strange in the sky: two flashing lights speeding through the air like shooting stars.
But these aren’t ordinary falling stars—they’re moving too fast and changing direction too suddenly for any natural phenomenon.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
Elara’s first thought is that Lucas must be showing off his quick-draw technique with his Steenee, but the movements of these lights are far beyond anything Elara has seen Lucas do in all their years of training together.
Could this be a new technique—or even a new type?
As intrigued as she is by the idea of a new discovery in the world of Pokémon battling, Elara knows that Lucas will be upset if he finds out she left in the middle of their match.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
Despite the risks, she decides to follow the path of the strange lights and see if she can uncover the mystery behind them.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
I continued to move deeper into the forest.
The underbrush was thick and tangled, but as I pressed on, the trees began to thin out until I reached a small clearing.
In the center of the space stood an ancient stone circle, its massive slabs worn smooth by centuries of wind and rain.
It was said that this part of Arconia had been settled long before even the first Pokémon trainers arrived on its shores—though no one knew who had built this place or why.
At first, I didn’t see anyone else in the clearing.
Then I spotted Lucas standing in front of the stones with his hand outstretched.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
"What are you doing?" I called out.
He didn’t answer—he didn’t even look up—but just kept staring at a glowing orb that hovered in the air above the stones.
It took me a moment to realize that was what had caught my eye earlier: not Lucas but this strange light.
As I watched, mesmerized, it seemed to pulse and shimmer like a living thing.
Then something truly bizarre happened: Lucas reached out his hand and touched it.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
"Lucas," I said again, a note of warning in my voice this time.
The orb continued to glow brighter and brighter until it became almost blinding.
I tried to shield my eyes from the glare, but for some reason I couldn’t move—not even so much as a single muscle—except to watch helplessly as the light grew more and more intense.
Then finally it began to fade, leaving only a faint afterimage burned into my vision.
When I could see clearly again… Elara: "Lucas?"
Lucas was still standing there unharmed.
He seemed dazed and confused by whatever had just happened to him as he looked around almost frantically—though whether from fear or wonder I couldn’t tell.
"What’s going on?" he asked in a shaky voice.
"I… don’t know."
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
Chapter 2
"No," he replied quickly, shaking his head.
"Nothing like that at all."
Mia nodded slowly and took a step toward him.
"Are you sure? You seem… different somehow."
Her voice had softened now and her eyes were filled with concern rather than suspicion or annoyance.
Lucas swallowed hard, then flashed her a weak smile.
"I’m fine. I think maybe I just… blacked out for a few seconds. That’s got to be it."
"A few seconds?" Mia repeated.
She looked far from convinced but didn’t press him any further.
Lucas Flynn was one of my closest friends at the Pokémon Trainer Academy.
We’d been on the same team together for as long as I could remember and he was also my main rival.
He was tall with messy blond hair that always seemed to be in need of a good cut.
He was also one of the best trainers in our grade—which meant I had to work twice as hard to beat him every time we battled.
But now it appeared that something strange had happened to him, and none of us knew what to make of it.
"All right," Mia said at last.
"If you say so."
She looked over at me.
"What do you think?"
I shrugged helplessly.
"I’m not sure. One minute Lucas was standing there ready to send out his Pokémon… and the next he was just gone. Then when he came back a few seconds later…"
Her words trailed off and she shook her head.
"I don’t know. He says everything’s fine but…"
Mia turned back to Lucas who still seemed stunned by whatever had just happened to him.
"You’ve been acting kind of weird lately. Have you noticed anything like that before?"
Lucas frowned thoughtfully for a moment then gave a small shrug.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
"I don’t think so. Unless you count the fact that I can’t seem to win a single practice battle against Elara here."
He flashed me a wry smile, but his words only made me frown.
It was true that Lucas had been losing more often than not during our training sessions lately—which was very unlike him.
I’d attributed it to the fact that he’d been distracted by something rather than my own talent as a trainer, but if Mia had noticed that something was wrong with him too…
"Your Pokémon Trainer exams are coming up," Mia pointed out.
"If you want to graduate this year, you’re going to have to work harder than ever."
"I know," Lucas said quickly.
"It’s just…"
He glanced over at me with an awkward smile and shrugged.
I folded my arms across my chest and glared at him.
"Is there a problem?"
He hesitated for a moment, then looked back at Mia.
"Nothing important."
Mia arched an eyebrow in response, but didn’t say anything more on the subject.
For all her faults—and they were many—she could be surprisingly understanding when she wanted to be.
"You’d better shape up soon," she told Lucas in a teasing tone.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
Mia Chen was a slim girl with straight black hair and brown eyes.
She and I had been friends since we were both young, but she was also my biggest rival.
She was constantly trying to outdo me in everything we did—which only made it that much more satisfying whenever I managed to beat her.
I couldn’t help noticing the tension between her and Lucas, though, which only served to irritate me further.
Maybe it shouldn't have bothered me so much, but the truth was that Mia's constant attempts to win Lucas's affections were starting to get on my nerves.
If she wanted him that badly, why didn't she just ask him out already?
"I’m sure," Lucas said firmly.
"I think I just need to focus more on my training. Elara’s right—I can’t afford to lose any more battles if I want to be the top student in our class."
"You really think you have a chance of beating her?"
Mia asked with an amused smile.
If either of them noticed the smug tone in her voice, they didn't say anything about it.
"Sure," Lucas replied without hesitation.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
"If you have a goal, you should do whatever it takes to achieve it. If that means working twice as hard as your rivals then so be it. The only way to get ahead in this world is to keep moving forward until you reach the top."
Mia giggled and batted her eyelashes at him.
"Maybe I should take a page out of your book," she said playfully.
"Who knows? If you do become the top student this year… maybe I’ll let you take me out on a date. Then I could enjoy the view for a whole year."
Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she smiled at him—and I couldn't help but feel my face grow hot with anger.
I didn’t know why her flirting bothered me so much, but it did—and Mia knew it too which was probably why she kept doing it.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
I had to admit that her tactics worked, though—if all she wanted was to make herself known to Lucas.
He didn't seem interested in her attempts to win his affections—although he didn't seem particularly interested in me either.
He was completely oblivious to how we both felt about him—and nothing we said or did seemed to change that.
"All right then," Mia said cheerfully after a moment of silence.
"I guess I’d better get back to my own training. I just hope that I can do well enough on these exams so that they’ll let me into the Pokémon Academy. There are still so many things I don’t understand about Pokémon…"
Her voice trailed off as her eyes grew distant, and it was easy to see how much she longed for the opportunity to learn more about them.
"Like what?"
Lucas asked curiously.
She hesitated for a moment before answering.
"Well… there’s a rumor going around that there's some kind of Pokémon out there that has the power to control time itself."
"A mythical Pokémon?" he asked with a frown.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
It wasn’t every day that I learned something new about the world—and it was even rarer for me to find something that actually held my interest.
The idea of legendary Pokémon was one that we never covered in school, and I often wondered if they were real or not.
Lucas was always quick to dismiss them as nothing more than fairy tales.
But Mia insisted on their existence, claiming that the only reason we hadn’t seen them before was because the Academy kept them hidden from outsiders.
"If these Pokémon really do exist," Lucas said thoughtfully, "then who’s to say that there aren’t other types out there as well? We’ve already discovered seventeen different types in Arconia—but what if there are even more beyond our borders?"
"That is an interesting question," I admitted as we walked back toward the Academy.
I had never thought much about it before—but now I couldn’t get the idea out of my head.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
"What if there are other types of Pokémon out there that we’ve never even heard of before? Hidden away in a part of the world where we’ll never be able to find them?"
Mia asked with a smile.
"Wouldn’t that be exciting? To know that there was still so much more to discover about these incredible creatures!"
"It would be," I said slowly, as my mind raced with possibilities.
Just the thought of it made my palms start to sweat from nerves—but that wasn't enough to keep me from being excited at the prospect.
My whole life, I had been told exactly how this world worked.
I learned everything I knew from textbooks and teachers—and anything they didn’t teach us wasn’t worth knowing.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type
But now I was starting to wonder how many secrets were still out there, waiting for us beyond the borders of Arconia—and what else we might discover if we ever got the chance to leave this place behind.
"You’re right," Lucas said with a grin. "It would be exciting. But it would also be dangerous. If we’ve learned anything from our time here at the Academy, it’s that you can never underestimate your opponent—especially when it comes to battles."
He frowned for a moment, deep in thought as he considered the implications of Mia’s theory.
"Think about how powerful these new types could be! What if they were immune to certain attacks? Or had an advantage over all the other types? It would turn everything we know about battling on its head."
"It definitely would make things challenging for those of us who are trying to become Pokémon Masters," I agreed with a nod.
My heart pounded anxiously in my chest as I thought about what it might mean for our training—if there really were other types of Pokémon out there that no one had ever seen before.
Secrets of Arconia: The New Pokémon Type