MidReal Story

Secrets of a CEO's Child


May 2
Scenario:uma mulher que acabou de ser traida pelo noivo. E um CEO muito rico e lindo, se encontram por acaso em um bar, tem uma noite de sexo e em seguida se separam. Ela fica gravida e tenta procura-lo para contar, quando descobre que ele esta casado. Ela, tem uma vida dificil para criar o filho sozinha ate que um dia, ele se enontra com ela e a crianca em um supermercado, ela com dificuldade de pagar a conta. Ele a reconhece mas esta acompanhado da esposa, mas o encontro nao sai da cabeca dele, e ai ele manda procurarem por ela, e ele descobre onde ela mora, qual seu trabalho e qual a relaçao dela com a crianca. ao descobrir isso, tambem descobre a idade da crianca e vai ao encontro dela, que foge ao reencontralo, pois tem medo que ele tome a crianca dela. mas ele tenta de todas as formas se aproximar e pelo por uma conversa, um encontro. ela sede, e pois quer perguntar se quando eles estiveram juntos ele ja era casado. no jantar ela o questiona e ele fala q se casou em desembro, meses depois da noite que passaram juntos.
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uma mulher que acabou de ser traida pelo noivo. E um CEO muito rico e lindo, se encontram por acaso em um bar, tem uma noite de sexo e em seguida se separam. Ela fica gravida e tenta procura-lo para contar, quando descobre que ele esta casado. Ela, tem uma vida dificil para criar o filho sozinha ate que um dia, ele se enontra com ela e a crianca em um supermercado, ela com dificuldade de pagar a conta. Ele a reconhece mas esta acompanhado da esposa, mas o encontro nao sai da cabeca dele, e ai ele manda procurarem por ela, e ele descobre onde ela mora, qual seu trabalho e qual a relaçao dela com a crianca. ao descobrir isso, tambem descobre a idade da crianca e vai ao encontro dela, que foge ao reencontralo, pois tem medo que ele tome a crianca dela. mas ele tenta de todas as formas se aproximar e pelo por uma conversa, um encontro. ela sede, e pois quer perguntar se quando eles estiveram juntos ele ja era casado. no jantar ela o questiona e ele fala q se casou em desembro, meses depois da noite que passaram juntos.
Isabella Santos had been planning her wedding for the past eight months, only to have her fiancé leave her for another woman.
The worst part?
He didn’t even have the balls to tell her he was leaving.
Instead, he sent her a text message.
Secrets of a CEO's Child
Secrets of a CEO's Child
After seven years of dating and being engaged to Alexander Reed, Isabella was sure that they would get married and start a family of their own.
But, as she sat in this bar, pounding back shots of tequila like it was nothing, she realized that her fairytale ending was never going to come true.
“Isabella, you need to calm down.” Her best friend, Alana, told her for what felt like the hundredth time that night.
She really was a good friend.
She had offered to come over to Isabella’s apartment after she had gotten the news, but Isabella needed to get out of the house.
She needed to be surrounded by people so that she didn’t do something stupid—like call Alexander and beg him to come back.
She knew that he didn’t want her anymore.
He had made that clear when he left.
But it didn’t make it hurt any less.
“Why did he leave me?” Isabella asked as tears continued to fall down her cheeks.
It hurt so much.
“I don’t know, but I do know that you’re better off without him.” Alana told her.
“You’re right.” Isabella said as she wiped at her eyes.
“I’m young and beautiful and I have my whole life ahead of me.”
“What are you going to do now?”
Isabella’s eyes went wide as she looked over at her friend in disbelief.
“You’re single!”
Alana practically screamed.
“It’s time for you to go out there and have some fun.”
“I just got dumped.” Isabella reminded her friend as she took another shot of tequila.
“I should be at home crying my eyes out, not sleeping with some random guy.”
“It will help you forget about Alexander.” Alana told her.
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.” She said with a shake of her head.
“You need to get laid.” Alana told her.
Isabella couldn’t help but laugh at her friend.
She had always been the more outgoing of the two of them.
While Isabella was perfectly happy staying home and reading a book, Alana was always out at some club, trying to meet her future baby daddy.
“I’m serious.” Alana said when Isabella continued to laugh at her.
“You need to let loose and have some fun.”
Isabella knew that Alana was right.
But, she was afraid that if she went home with someone tonight, it would just make her feel worse about herself than she already did.
It was bad enough that the man that she loved more than anything else in the world had left her, she didn’t want to add sleeping with a stranger and feeling like crap into the mix.
“This is a bad idea.” She told Alana as she got up from the barstool.
“You’re probably right.” Alana said with a pout.
“But, I really think that you should come back to my place with me.
Secrets of a CEO's Child
I know that you don’t want to be alone tonight.”
Isabella and Alexander lived together in an apartment on the upper east side.
When he broke up with her, he told her that he didn’t want her living there anymore.
So, she moved into an apartment on the upper west side, which meant that she had to pack up all of her stuff and move it in one day.
It also meant that she would have to spend the night by herself for the first time in over five years.
She wanted nothing more than for Alana to come home with her, but she knew that it wasn’t a good idea.
Isabella was afraid that if she let Alana stay with her tonight, it would be too easy for her to just give up and call Alexander.
She needed to be alone so that she could work through this on her own.
“I’ll be fine.” Isabella told her friend.
“You’re strong enough to get through this.” Alana said as she wrapped Isabella in a hug.
“If you need anything, you know where I am.”
“Thanks.” Isabella said with a smile as she squeezed Alana back.
She loved her friend more than anything else in the world and she was so grateful that she had come over when she called.
“Have fun tonight.” She said as she pulled away from the hug.
Alana grabbed the tequila bottle from the bar and opened it up before taking a long drink right from the bottle.
“Don’t wait up!”
She yelled as she walked away from the bar.
Isabella watched as she left the bar before turning around and walking back to the spot where she had been sitting before.
She couldn’t help but look back at the door as she sat down on the barstool and that’s when she saw him.
There was a man standing by the door, watching her with an intensity that made her shiver.
He was so handsome that it almost didn’t seem possible that he was real.
She didn’t think that any man could be that good-looking and still exist.
She thought that maybe it was just her imagination, or all of the tequila that she had drunk tonight, but when he didn’t go away, she realized that he was real.
He really was looking at her like he wanted her.
Isabella didn’t know why she did it, but she smiled at him before turning around on the barstool so that she was facing away from him.
It wasn’t long before he was standing right beside her, his hand resting on the small of her back as he leaned in close and said something to the bartender before ordering them another round of tequila shots.
His hand felt so good on her skin that she couldn’t help but shiver as soon as he touched her.
She also couldn’t help but think about what it would feel like if his hand were somewhere else on her body.
Secrets of a CEO's Child
“Don’t do this.” She said to herself as she took a deep breath.
She needed to be strong.
She needed to get over her ex-boyfriend before she did something stupid.
“I’m sorry?”
The man asked her with a small smile on his face.
“Did you say something?”
Isabella shook her head as she turned back to face him before she quickly took a shot of tequila, hoping that it would help her forget all about how close he was standing to her.
“I was just talking to myself.” She said as she put the empty shot glass back on the bar.
“That’s not good.” He said as he motioned for another round of tequila shots.
“What isn’t good?”
Isabella asked as she picked up another shot glass and threw it back with ease.
“Talking to yourself.”
He said as he picked up another shot glass.
“It’s never a good sign when you’re talking to yourself.”
“Maybe I’m not talking to myself.” Isabella said with a shrug of her shoulders.
“You don’t know that I’m talking to myself.”
“You have a point there.” He said with a nod of his head before he picked up another shot glass.
Isabella couldn’t help but laugh when she saw him pick up the shot glass with one hand while holding a lemon in the other hand.
“What are you doing?”
She asked him as she watched him throw back the tequila shot before quickly eating the lemon.
“I like lemons.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I like tequila, so I guess we have something in common.”
“We do indeed have something in common.”
Isabella rolled her eyes at him before picking up another shot glass.
She didn’t know what it was about this guy, but for some reason, she couldn’t help but like him.
He was charming, funny, and so incredibly handsome that she couldn’t help but want to get closer to him.
Before long, they were both laughing and drinking and Isabella felt like she was high on life.
There was something about this guy that made her feel like everything was going to be okay, even if nothing really had changed since she had walked into this bar.
Isabella woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and absolutely no idea where she was.
For a second, she thought that maybe she was still in bed with her ex-boyfriend, but then she remembered the fight that they had had before he left and she knew that wasn’t true.
The man who was lying beside her was someone completely different from the guy she had been dating since college, but she still couldn’t remember his name.
All she could remember was how good he felt inside of her last night and how much she had needed to feel something other than the pain that had been eating away at her heart for weeks now.
She knew that it had been wrong to sleep with a stranger, but she had needed to forget about her ex-boyfriend for a little while and this man had definitely made her forget about everything else while he was lying on top of her, kissing her until she could barely breathe.
Secrets of a CEO's Child