MidReal Story

Secret Desires: The Transformation of Patricia


Apr 25
Scenario: Al día siguiente no fui al despacho saliendo de la escuela, llamé para reportarme y decir que iba a hacer unas visitas de manera directa y que regresaría en la tarde. Me fui directo a mi casa. Como siempre, a esa hora no había nadie, mamá regresaría hasta la noche y Claudia seguía en San Luis Potosí en su internado asi que podía probarme lo que usaría y arreglarme sin prisas para ir a ver a Jaime. Me desnudé totalmente, me miré el pene y me pregunté como me hubiera visto si realmente hubiera sido mujer, me lo escondí entre las piernas y me volví a mirar. Mi busto no muy grande pero aún asi evidente, proyectaba la figura de una chica joven, quizá de poco busto pero atractiva por su frescura y adolescencia. Me sentía muy bien de gustarme a mi misma. Volvió por un momento a mi mente un pensamiento que ya antes había tenido: si fuera por la calle y encontrara a esa mujer que veía en el espejo me haría el sexo a mi misma. No se podía, pero eran fantasías que me excitaban y me ponían mas a tono para vestirme muy sexi para mi visita a la tienda. La primera prenda que me puse fue el brasier, mientras lo hacía, mantuve mi pene entre mis piernas, hacia atrás, quería verme mujer mientras me arreglaba. El sostén que había elegido era de encaje que alcanzaría a transparentarse ligeramente ante lo delgado de la blusa que había seleccionado. Después del brasier me puse la tanguita y la falda. Me miré al espejo. Verme con falda y brasier era algo que siempre me había gustado, se me hacía muy femenino, después me puse la blusa, que de estilo campesino me hacía ver especialmente sexi. Me miré una vez mas en el espejo, me sentía muy bien, acto seguido me puse las sandalias y amarré sus correas de cuero alrededor de mis tobillos. Me miré: nuevamente en el espejo que era de cuerpo entero: ¡wow! me dije, efectivamente me veía muy bien, no había duda de si era mujer o no, aunque el cabello aun no lo tenía peinado asi que lo arreglé a la francesa, tipo honguito cayendo de manera regular hacia los lados y me hice un fleco que acondicioné hacia abajo con ayuda de un cepillo y lo fijé con gel. Tomé algunos accesorios que hacían juego entre si: unos aretes de clip, un collar corto azul de cuentas y una pulsera del mismo tipo, dos anillos en cada mano y un toque especial de coquetería, me puse una cadenita de oro en el tobillo derecho, ¡me veía súper!. Definitivamente lo que veía delante de mi era una mujer. Recordé cuando le pregunte a mamá que si hubiera sido niña cuál nombre me hubieran puesto y que ella había contestado que Patricia o Verónica. Pensé: Patricia es mas femenino. Pues bien, me dije en broma mirándome al espejo: “yo te bautizo con el nombre de Patricia” y agregue algo que dije y al momento de decirlo se mi hizo ridículo: “reina de las flores” “Patricia, Reina de las Flores”, se me hacía a la vez ridículo y muy femenino, me dije para mis adentros: “Patricia esta bien” Tomé un bolso pequeño de mezclilla y guardé en el mi teléfono, mis llaves, un portamonedas pequeño en el que metí algo de dinero y unos kleenex de bolsillo, me lo colgué al hombro y me miré nuevamente al espejo, me sentía muy bien solo que la falda si estaba algo corta. Pensé en cambiarme pero el grado de excitación que tenía por haber estado dando vueltas a miles de fantasías desde el día anterior me hacía ser temerario, “temeraria” pensé a manera de auto corrección, ¿En que quedamos?, ¿eres Patricia o no?, me dije a mi misma, jaja, reí para mis adentros, me gustaba referirme yo solito (?) a mi misma ya como Patricia, es decir, como mujer. No me acostumbraba, pero definitivamente era un factor de excitación adicional. Me volvía mirar al espejo, me veía bien, como muchachita de escuela. No sabía cual sería la reacción de Jaime, no quería que me viera como zorrita, si no sensual, no, mas bien muy sexi, me dije a mi mismo corrigiendo mis pensamientos. Eran cerca de las dos y media de la tarde, la llamada de Jaime llegaría en cualquier momento, mientras la esperaba recordé las veces que había estado con Raquel y me preguntaba si esta vez con Jaime se me harían realidad mis fantasías. Sonó el teléfono, contesté con voz baja, modulándola lo mas que pude: - ¿Bueno? - ¿Alberto? (reconocí la voz de Jaime) - Si y no, ahorita soy Patricia, Alberto no se donde esté pero Patricia esta lista para ir a verte - ¿Patricia? ¿Y de donde sacaste el nombre? Le explique lo de los nombres que me hubieran puesto mis papás en el caso de que hubiera sido niña. - ¿Y como te ves? - Pues no es por nada pero Patricia es una chica muy guapa, te voy a gustar, le dije completamente segura de mi misma. - ¿Ya estas listo? - Lista, corregí con énfasis en la “a” de lista - Como quieras, ¿ya estas? - Si. ¿voy? - Si, pero recuerda que es solo para saludarnos. - Si ya se - Está bien, nada mas para que quede claro. - Si, repetí, ya lo sé, pero se que no “le haces” con chicos pero lo que vas a ver es una chica muy guapa que se quedó picada de la última vez - Ni asi, es solo para platicar, ¿de acuerdo? - Si, voy para allá. Me miré una vez mas al espejo, me veía fresca y juvenil, las sandalias de cuero sin tacón amortiguaban un poco el efecto de lo corto de la falda, y aunque se viera corta, pensé que finalmente eso es lo que quería. No me veía como una zorrita, mas bien como una muchachita quizá medio casquivana, pero me veía como cualquier chica. Eso, la hora del día y el calor que se sentía hacían que la imagen que proyectaba fuera mas o menos dentro de lo aceptable. Imaginaba que aun asi me pudieran molestar algunos hombres en la calle o quizá algún automovilista pero valía la pena si lograba mi objetivo con Jaime. Me miré una vez mas, estaba muy nerviosa, “nerviosa” me repetí a mi misma, reflexionando en que virtualmente podría haber sido mujer, aunque algo en la entrepierna me recordaba que no lo era. Todo esto era una sensación que estaba llevando mi excitación al límite. Me miré por última vez al espejo, respiré profundo un par de veces y salí de la seguridad de mi departamento a la aventura que tanto había deseado. No sabía que pasaría con Jaime, no sabía cual sería su reacción pero lo que estaba viviendo yo en ese momento valía la pena todo lo que pudiera suceder.
Create my version of this story
Al día siguiente no fui al despacho saliendo de la escuela, llamé para reportarme y decir que iba a hacer unas visitas de manera directa y que regresaría en la tarde. Me fui directo a mi casa. Como siempre, a esa hora no había nadie, mamá regresaría hasta la noche y Claudia seguía en San Luis Potosí en su internado asi que podía probarme lo que usaría y arreglarme sin prisas para ir a ver a Jaime. Me desnudé totalmente, me miré el pene y me pregunté como me hubiera visto si realmente hubiera sido mujer, me lo escondí entre las piernas y me volví a mirar. Mi busto no muy grande pero aún asi evidente, proyectaba la figura de una chica joven, quizá de poco busto pero atractiva por su frescura y adolescencia. Me sentía muy bien de gustarme a mi misma. Volvió por un momento a mi mente un pensamiento que ya antes había tenido: si fuera por la calle y encontrara a esa mujer que veía en el espejo me haría el sexo a mi misma. No se podía, pero eran fantasías que me excitaban y me ponían mas a tono para vestirme muy sexi para mi visita a la tienda. La primera prenda que me puse fue el brasier, mientras lo hacía, mantuve mi pene entre mis piernas, hacia atrás, quería verme mujer mientras me arreglaba. El sostén que había elegido era de encaje que alcanzaría a transparentarse ligeramente ante lo delgado de la blusa que había seleccionado. Después del brasier me puse la tanguita y la falda. Me miré al espejo. Verme con falda y brasier era algo que siempre me había gustado, se me hacía muy femenino, después me puse la blusa, que de estilo campesino me hacía ver especialmente sexi. Me miré una vez mas en el espejo, me sentía muy bien, acto seguido me puse las sandalias y amarré sus correas de cuero alrededor de mis tobillos. Me miré: nuevamente en el espejo que era de cuerpo entero: ¡wow! me dije, efectivamente me veía muy bien, no había duda de si era mujer o no, aunque el cabello aun no lo tenía peinado asi que lo arreglé a la francesa, tipo honguito cayendo de manera regular hacia los lados y me hice un fleco que acondicioné hacia abajo con ayuda de un cepillo y lo fijé con gel. Tomé algunos accesorios que hacían juego entre si: unos aretes de clip, un collar corto azul de cuentas y una pulsera del mismo tipo, dos anillos en cada mano y un toque especial de coquetería, me puse una cadenita de oro en el tobillo derecho, ¡me veía súper!. Definitivamente lo que veía delante de mi era una mujer. Recordé cuando le pregunte a mamá que si hubiera sido niña cuál nombre me hubieran puesto y que ella había contestado que Patricia o Verónica. Pensé: Patricia es mas femenino. Pues bien, me dije en broma mirándome al espejo: “yo te bautizo con el nombre de Patricia” y agregue algo que dije y al momento de decirlo se mi hizo ridículo: “reina de las flores” “Patricia, Reina de las Flores”, se me hacía a la vez ridículo y muy femenino, me dije para mis adentros: “Patricia esta bien” Tomé un bolso pequeño de mezclilla y guardé en el mi teléfono, mis llaves, un portamonedas pequeño en el que metí algo de dinero y unos kleenex de bolsillo, me lo colgué al hombro y me miré nuevamente al espejo, me sentía muy bien solo que la falda si estaba algo corta. Pensé en cambiarme pero el grado de excitación que tenía por haber estado dando vueltas a miles de fantasías desde el día anterior me hacía ser temerario, “temeraria” pensé a manera de auto corrección, ¿En que quedamos?, ¿eres Patricia o no?, me dije a mi misma, jaja, reí para mis adentros, me gustaba referirme yo solito (?) a mi misma ya como Patricia, es decir, como mujer. No me acostumbraba, pero definitivamente era un factor de excitación adicional. Me volvía mirar al espejo, me veía bien, como muchachita de escuela. No sabía cual sería la reacción de Jaime, no quería que me viera como zorrita, si no sensual, no, mas bien muy sexi, me dije a mi mismo corrigiendo mis pensamientos. Eran cerca de las dos y media de la tarde, la llamada de Jaime llegaría en cualquier momento, mientras la esperaba recordé las veces que había estado con Raquel y me preguntaba si esta vez con Jaime se me harían realidad mis fantasías. Sonó el teléfono, contesté con voz baja, modulándola lo mas que pude: - ¿Bueno? - ¿Alberto? (reconocí la voz de Jaime) - Si y no, ahorita soy Patricia, Alberto no se donde esté pero Patricia esta lista para ir a verte - ¿Patricia? ¿Y de donde sacaste el nombre? Le explique lo de los nombres que me hubieran puesto mis papás en el caso de que hubiera sido niña. - ¿Y como te ves? - Pues no es por nada pero Patricia es una chica muy guapa, te voy a gustar, le dije completamente segura de mi misma. - ¿Ya estas listo? - Lista, corregí con énfasis en la “a” de lista - Como quieras, ¿ya estas? - Si. ¿voy? - Si, pero recuerda que es solo para saludarnos. - Si ya se - Está bien, nada mas para que quede claro. - Si, repetí, ya lo sé, pero se que no “le haces” con chicos pero lo que vas a ver es una chica muy guapa que se quedó picada de la última vez - Ni asi, es solo para platicar, ¿de acuerdo? - Si, voy para allá. Me miré una vez mas al espejo, me veía fresca y juvenil, las sandalias de cuero sin tacón amortiguaban un poco el efecto de lo corto de la falda, y aunque se viera corta, pensé que finalmente eso es lo que quería. No me veía como una zorrita, mas bien como una muchachita quizá medio casquivana, pero me veía como cualquier chica. Eso, la hora del día y el calor que se sentía hacían que la imagen que proyectaba fuera mas o menos dentro de lo aceptable. Imaginaba que aun asi me pudieran molestar algunos hombres en la calle o quizá algún automovilista pero valía la pena si lograba mi objetivo con Jaime. Me miré una vez mas, estaba muy nerviosa, “nerviosa” me repetí a mi misma, reflexionando en que virtualmente podría haber sido mujer, aunque algo en la entrepierna me recordaba que no lo era. Todo esto era una sensación que estaba llevando mi excitación al límite. Me miré por última vez al espejo, respiré profundo un par de veces y salí de la seguridad de mi departamento a la aventura que tanto había deseado. No sabía que pasaría con Jaime, no sabía cual sería su reacción pero lo que estaba viviendo yo en ese momento valía la pena todo lo que pudiera suceder.
Alberto fantasizes about making out with his new friend, Jaime.
He feels a rush of excitement and immediately gets an erection.
He’s had thoughts like this before, but he’s never felt so horny.
He wants to feel Jaime’s skin against his, to hold him in his arms, to kiss him.
He lies down on his bed, closes his eyes, and imagines what it would be like to be with Jaime.
He sees himself dressed as a girl, wearing a short skirt, stockings, and high heels.
He is more beautiful than any woman he has ever seen.
Jaime kisses Alberto’s lips, then his neck, and starts unbuttoning his shirt.
Alberto opens his eyes and realizes that he is still at school.
He needs to take care of everything before going home.
He finishes packing up his things and leaves the classroom.
He takes the bus to the office where he works as an assistant to a senator of the Mexican Republic, and plans to return home as soon as possible.
Before that, he should go to a print shop and buy some cartridge ink for the inkjet printer in his office.
Jaime is waiting for him there.
Alberto feels a chill of excitement run down his spine as he thinks about it—he will soon become Patricia once again.
It’s been almost three months since he last dressed up like her.
He had tried to move on with his life and put an end to all those fantasies that led him to have sex with Raquel.
But it was no use, he couldn’t forget about Patricia or the things he did with her.
So now he is ready to take the next step in his transformation: to become a woman completely.
The thought excites and terrifies him at the same time.
I’ll call my boss on the way back home and tell him I’ll be making some visits this afternoon—I just won’t go back to my office later on.
I’ll have time to go back home, get everything I need and prepare myself properly before meeting Jaime… again.
Alberto takes out his cell phone while walking down the street: “Hi, Mr.Sebastián, this is Alberto.”
“Good afternoon, Alberto.” He hears from the other end of the line.
I’m calling to let you know I won’t go to the office later today.”
“I have to see some people this afternoon and I’ll probably be busy until late.
I’m sorry but I should have told you earlier…”
“I see, no problem.
Just let me know if there’s anything else you need.
“I will, bye.” Alberto hangs up and smiles.
He is now free to make his fantasy come true.
He can hardly believe it.
He gets on the bus and sits down.
He is going home to meet with Jaime again.
I’m sure he will love my new look.
When he gets there, he grabs a bag he prepared the night before and goes into his bedroom.
Alberto takes off his clothes and folds them one by one.
He puts on a black lace bra and a matching thong.
He then looks for his school uniform in the bag.
It is very short and tight and he has modified it so that it looks even more feminine: the skirt is raised to show part of his buttocks and the shirt is cut so that the bottom of his breasts is visible.
"Secret Desires: The Transformation of Patricia"
He looks at himself in the mirror with his dark hair falling over his shoulders.
He looks hot.
He gets on his bed, lies down and starts to touch himself.
He is already very excited and wants to masturbate.
He knows it won’t take long to make him come and he wants to feel his orgasm inside himself for as long as possible.
Maybe after he has finished cumming he won’t have time to do it again before meeting Jaime.
He has been so horny since last time he saw him that he doesn’t want to waste any of the chances he has to please himself.
He imagines that it is Jaime who is touching his body while he feels the coolness of the air conditioning in his room on his skin.
It turns him on to think that he is meeting with another man while he has his cock inside him.
He grabs the sheets with his hands and arches his back as he moves his finger faster and faster.
It feels so good.
He imagines that it was Jaime who was there with him in bed; he kisses him on the mouth and caresses his hair.
He can almost hear the other man’s breath in his ear.
Patricia goes back to her room after she finishes masturbating in bed.
She feels good about herself and very feminine.
She loves being a woman and she doesn’t want to stop doing what makes her feel like one.
Alberto was able to enjoy Raquel’s company quite a few times; she really liked the girl he became when they were together.
Since Patricia was born, Alberto is even hornier than he was before when he thinks of women.
The memory of what happened between them leaves him feeling warm and wet between his legs.
But he hasn’t had sex since then; he hasn’t been with any woman since Raquel left town.
Alberto strokes Patricia’s hair while looking at the mirror: “I hope I can be with Jaime today,” he says in a low voice, “I’m very excited.”
He looks through the bag again, checking if he didn’t forget anything.
Jaime asked him if there was anything in particular he should bring or do when they met yesterday.
At first, Patricia didn’t know how to answer.
She didn’t want to sound desperate but in reality she was very anxious when she thought of him.
She spent all night thinking about what she should do or wear when she met him.
Then she decided that she would like it if Jaime chose what they should do together.
So she said: “No, nothing in particular.”
Jaime replied that it was all right since it would be a surprise for him too.
Patricia is happy that Jaime also wants this meeting to be special.
She feels her heart racing fast in her chest.
She is going to see him soon.
She is so horny that she wants to masturbate again.
But maybe there won’t be time for that anymore.
She will have to wait.
Meanwhile, she thinks she should make a decision about her name.
She can’t keep calling herself Alberto when she is dressed as a woman; Jaime wouldn’t like that.
She looks at herself in the mirror again.
She likes what she sees.
"Secret Desires: The Transformation of Patricia"
Patricia has made sure to dress up nice for her date with Jaime.
She is wearing her uniform skirt, which is made of red-and-black checkered fabric.
Under it, there is nothing but a black thong; Raquel gave her several of them before leaving.
It is very sexy and flimsy lingerie; it feels like a second skin down there.
The lace details on the sides are so cute!
They are so nice that sometimes Patricia can’t help but touch herself through the fabric of the thong while no one’s looking.
Her blouse is white with a high collar and long sleeves; it’s made of thin fabric, so it’s a little bit see-through.
She is wearing a red tank top underneath; its straps almost look like they are part of the blouse itself, but if one looks closely, it’s clear they belong to the top.
As for her breasts, they look great in her uniform blouse because she’s wearing a push-up bra underneath.
It’s not just any bra; it has some padding with silicone gel that makes her look more natural than other bras.
The bra also has a sexy lace detail and a black ribbon between the cups.
Her breasts look so firm and round in it.
She even has a little bit of cleavage.
She is wearing a pair of simple black flats; they are the most comfortable shoes she has for school.
They have little bows on the toes, which give them a very cute touch.
In her hair, she is wearing a red ribbon.
She decided to wear her hair loose, and she made some soft waves in it with a hair straightener.
She has a natural straight hair but she felt it was too boring.
She is also wearing some accessories: two small golden hoops in her ears and a thin golden bracelet around her right wrist.
Her left wrist is also adorned with a bracelet; it’s made of some beautiful beads in shades of blue.
It goes well with the necklace she is wearing; it is made of more of these beads and it has a very cute charm: a little heart with an eye in the middle.
Patricia put some makeup on too.
It’s not too much; just a bit of foundation and powder, plus some mascara.
She doesn’t want to look like she’s trying too hard; she wants to keep a fresh and youthful look.
So she didn’t put on any blush or lipstick; her lips are naturally rosy anyway.
She usually doesn’t put any makeup on at all, but Raquel gave her some nice products as well as many tips about beauty and fashion.
She likes how she looks now.
She feels so pretty and confident… sexy even in her school uniform!
Her breasts look so big and firm in the blouse; you can almost see her nipples through the fabric because they are so erect!
Her thong is so soft and tight between her legs; it makes her think about what Jaime will do with her later when he sees it for himself.
Patricia can hardly wait for that moment!
She turns around and around.
Her blouse flaps around her body as she twirls; her skirt sways around her thighs as she moves.
She can feel it lifting up a bit sometimes, revealing more of her legs.
She moves closer to the mirror and looks at herself more closely.
Her face is so pretty; so young and delicate-looking!
"Secret Desires: The Transformation of Patricia"
It makes me want to kiss you so badly!
Yes… she is so pretty like this!
She smiles sweetly at herself in the mirror.
Her smile is almost the same as Alberto’s (they have the same face after all), but it’s a bit more delicate.
She puts a finger on her lips.
They are so soft!
Her nipples are so hard right now!
She is so horny!
She walks over to the bed and sits down.
She can’t stop stroking herself through her skirt.
She is going crazy with arousal!
She starts unbuttoning the top buttons of her blouse; there aren’t many because it’s one of those blouses that closes with little metallic snaps that you just have to push together (it’s more practical for schoolgirls).
She takes out one of her breasts from the bra cup.
It looks so lovely in there!
She gently pinches the nipple between two fingers.
The nipple is so big and hard now!
It gets even bigger as she keeps touching it.
She leans back on the bed.
She closes her eyes.
She moans softly.
She keeps playing with the nipple.
This feels so good!
I am going to cum!
I am almost there!
I am cumming!
The panties are so wet!
It feels so good!
I am still cumming!
That was amazing!
My panties are soaked!
Patricia takes a deep breath.
Her cheeks are flushed.
That was so intense!
It felt so good!
It was almost like having Jaime inside me!
If only he were really here right now to take advantage of me!
But she is not done yet.
It is just the beginning for her.
Now comes the best part: getting ready!
He loves this part too; he can’t explain why.
He just does.
It makes him feel so girly and horny.
He loves putting on sexy clothes, especially the underwear.
And he loves putting on the bra that goes with the thong he has on right now: a black lace balconette with some nice padding that makes his breasts look so big.
He loves how the straps go around his shoulders; he loves how tight the band around his chest is.
He loves how he has to adjust the cups so that they perfectly fit his breasts.
It always makes him so hard when he does that.
And then there is the skirt: he loves how it clings to his hips and thighs, how it has to be pulled up so much because he is so tall.
He loves how he has to adjust the waistband until it feels comfortable.
And he loves how he has to be careful not to trip over the hem when he moves around.
And there is the blouse: he loves how tight it is around his breasts now that he has a bra on and how easily the little snaps close around his body.
He can feel every movement of his arms and shoulders in the fabric; he can feel the little puffy sleeves brushing against his skin.
And then he just has to adjust the hem of the blouse so that it sits perfectly at his hip level, and the little collar so that it sits perfectly straight against his neck.
He can feel the fabric rubbing against his neck and nipples as he does that; it’s such a nice sensation.
And then he stands in front of the mirror and inspects himself, making sure everything is perfect.
"Secret Desires: The Transformation of Patricia"
This time, Patricia is not going to leave home without looking at herself in the full-length mirror for a good long while.
This time, she does not mind that she takes so long to get ready.
Because it feels so good to be naked under all these clothes.
It feels so good when she adjusts her bra and pulls up her skirt and straightens out her blouse again and again and again.
Every time she adjusts something, she feels a wave of excitement rushing through her body from head to toe.
It feels almost as good as when she rubs herself through the fabric of her panties.
It feels so good when she adjusts her skirt, especially because she has a big erection right now, and the fabric is rubbing against the head of her cock, and it feels like the skirt is rubbing her cock too, like the skirt knows how excited she is, and it just wants to make it even better for her.
She could stay here all day, adjusting her clothes and feeling more and more excited, but she knows she has to go out eventually.
She can’t wait to show herself off to Jaime!
God, she is going to look so hot today!
She always looks hot, but today she looks even better than usual because this skirt is so short!
It barely covers the bottom half of her white lace thong!
It’s so sexy!
Patricia is a total slut today, but she doesn’t care at all.
In fact, she loves being a slut: there is nothing wrong with being a slut if you want to get fucked really badly!
And she wants to get fucked really badly today!
Even if it means that other people might see her and get turned on by her!
The thought makes her even more excited!
What if someone sees her and gets so turned on by how sexy she looks that they just can’t help themselves?
What if someone sees her and gets so hard that they just have to take their cock out and jerk off right in front of her?
That would be amazing!
She would love that!
"Secret Desires: The Transformation of Patricia"