MidReal Story

Scandalous Encounter: A CEO's Unexpected Revelation


May 21
Scenario:After going the baek sang art awards to support his ex wife, Kim Taehyung get invited to an after party one which would trigger many things. First being involved in his very first  enormous scandal. He had met a young beautiful guy during that night making him have a one night Stand with someone he found truly captivating (with JEON Jungkook didn't know him at that time). However being the renowned hotel owner and famous ceo he barely got into dating scandals specifically after what happened with his marriage. However he woke up to articles talking about who he had gone out with and worse his one night stand took his wallet and money leaving him in a sticky situation.
Create my version of this story
After going the baek sang art awards to support his ex wife, Kim Taehyung get invited to an after party one which would trigger many things. First being involved in his very first  enormous scandal. He had met a young beautiful guy during that night making him have a one night Stand with someone he found truly captivating (with JEON Jungkook didn't know him at that time). However being the renowned hotel owner and famous ceo he barely got into dating scandals specifically after what happened with his marriage. However he woke up to articles talking about who he had gone out with and worse his one night stand took his wallet and money leaving him in a sticky situation.


Taehyung's exwife and actress, relationship with Taehyung is strained postdivorce, beautiful and glamorous, strongwilled and independent.


JEON Jungkook

the young man from the onenight stand, no prior relationship with Taehyung, youthful and captivating appearance, mysterious and bold.


Kim Taehyung

hotel owner and CEO, protagonist of the scandal, exhusband to Y/N, tall and handsome with sharp features, professional yet prone to impulsive actions.

I was at the Baek Sang Art Awards to support my exwife.
It was a rare occasion for me to attend such events, but I had to be there for her.
She was nominated for the best actress award, and I had a feeling she would win it.
I sat in the audience, watching as the awards were being presented.
When it was time to announce the best actress award, my heart raced in anticipation.
I knew she would win it.
And she did.
Her name was called out, and she went up on stage to receive her award.
She looked beautiful and glamorous as always, and I couldn’t help but feel proud of her.
She gave a speech, thanking everyone who supported her, including me.
I felt a lump in my throat as I listened to her words.
Our relationship had been strained ever since we got divorced, but I still cared about her deeply.
After the awards show, there was an afterparty that I was invited to.
I never imagined that I would leave the party with a mysterious young man I picked up along the way.
And woke up to a scandal that shocked me to the core.
I was at the Baek Sang Art Awards, sitting among the crowd, feeling out of place.
I rarely attended such events, and tonight was no different.
I regretted my decision to come here as soon as I sat down, but it was too late to back out now.
I had to be here to support Y/N, who was nominated for the best actress award.
She was my exwife.
We got divorced three years ago, but I still felt proud of her for being recognized for her hard work and talent.
I knew she would win it, but I didn’t expect to feel this nervous while waiting for the award announcement.
The Baek Sang Art Awards were just like any other award show, with various actors and actresses receiving awards in different categories.
And just like any other award show, the winners were usually already decided behind closed doors.
But this time, it felt different.
I could sense that Y/N’s name would be called out soon.
My heart raced in anticipation as I watched the ceremony unfold on stage.
The host made some jokes, the audience laughed, and the presenters announced the winners of each category.
It was boring, to say the least, and my mind wandered off to work and the meeting with my production team tomorrow.
My secretary had prepared all the documents and schedules I needed in advance, so all I had to do was wake up early and go through them before heading over to meet the team at eleven in the morning.
As I was lost in thought, the presenter said my exwife’s name along with a few other actresses, who were nominated for the best actress award.
My heart skipped a beat, and I sat up straighter in my chair as I waited for them to call her name out again as the winner.
Y/N was a talented actress.
The host opened the envelope, and there was a dramatic pause before he finally announced, “The best actress award goes to…”
The audience held their breaths, and I clenched my hands into fists as I anxiously waited for them to call out her name and confirm what I already knew, that she would be the winner.
Finally, he said, “Y/N!”
And the audience erupted into cheers and applause.
Y/N stood up from her chair and went on stage, looking stunning in her black dress, her hair elegantly tied up in a bun.
She smiled radiantly as she accepted her award from the host, her eyes crinkling as she looked at him with a smile that was so bright it could light up an entire room.
The flashes of cameras went off nonstop, and she gracefully took her trophy, hugging it close to her chest as she gave her speech.
Y/N’s acting skills were truly remarkable, and it was no surprise to me that she won the best actress award tonight.
Scandalous Encounter: A CEO's Unexpected Revelation
As soon as she got off the stage, I stood up from my chair and made my way over to Y/N while clapping for her.
I approached her just before she left, “Congratulations on winning the best actress award.”
Y/N turned around and smiled at me, “Thank you.”
Her beauty still had the power to captivate me even after all these years…
It wasn’t hard for me to fall for someone like her back then, but it was difficult for me to maintain a relationship with her while managing my career at the same time.
I was too young, too impulsive, too stupid… That’s why I did things I regretted later, one of them being our divorce…
But I had no regrets when it came to meeting Y/N or falling in love with her…
“What are you doing here?Are you here to pick up an award?”
she asked when she noticed me standing next to her.
I shook my head, “No.”
“I’m just here to watch.I thought we could celebrate together if you win…”
I suggested, feeling nostalgic about how we used to celebrate together after every award show back then…
Y/N’s eyes lit up when she heard what I said, and she smiled brightly, “I’d love to!”
I’ll be at a party in your hotel later, you can join me there.”
“I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun,” I replied.
“Of course, I will!It’s filled with actors and actresses who are trying to gain popularity and boost their careers,” she said in a teasing tone because she knew that I didn’t like these kinds of events.
“I’ll see you there then,” I agreed because I wanted to spend more time with her tonight.
And besides, I knew how much she loved being the center of attention at such parties.
I wouldn’t want her to miss out on all that fun.
The afterparty was held at 11:00 p.
in our hotel’s penthouse.
We took the elevator up to the penthouse, and I struggled to keep up with Y/N’s long strides because I was wearing uncomfortable dress shoes.
The elevator was packed with people, and the air was heavy with expensive perfumes and colognes, which made it difficult for me to breathe.
The penthouse was luxurious, with a twenty-one-foot-high ceiling and a panoramic view of the city from all sides.
It was a spacious room with a modern design, and it was filled with people dressed in fancy clothes, talking and laughing together as they enjoyed free drinks at the bar.
But I had a feeling that most people in this room were only here to network or socialize with other celebrities.
and some of them were probably looking for a chance to sleep with whoever they could to further their careers.
Y/N walked over to a few people who called out her name, and I followed behind her while observing everyone in the room.
It wasn’t my idea of a fun night out, but I didn’t mind being here tonight because I had Y/N with me.
And as long as she was happy, I was happy.
Scandalous Encounter: A CEO's Unexpected Revelation
Besides, I made sure my secretary had all my schedules figured out for tomorrow, so it wasn’t a big deal if I stayed out late tonight.
Y/N ordered a glass of wine from a waiter who walked around with a tray full of filled wine glasses.
Scandalous Encounter: A CEO's Unexpected Revelation
I picked up a glass of champagne from another waiter and sipped it while waiting for her.
Y/N, do you want to sit down?”
I asked her after she took her first sip of wine.
“No, it’s fine.
You can go ahead and sit down.
I’ll be fine on my own,” she answered, waving me off.
“Alright, then I’ll go find a place to sit,” I said, nodding my head before turning around to leave.
“I’ll come find you later!”
she called out after me.
I was planning to stay at this party for only ten minutes or so before I went back to my room.
My assistant, Min Yoongi, trotted over to me as soon as he saw me sitting at one of the tables.
He looked surprised that I decided to attend this afterparty because he knew how much I hated this sort of thing.
“How long are you planning to stay here?”
he asked while fixing his round glasses on his nose bridge.
“I’ll leave in ten minutes,” I replied, answering his question before taking another sip of champagne.
“But why did you come?”
“I’m not sure.
Maybe just to see what it’s like to attend these events,” I replied shrugging my shoulders.
Yoongi frowned at my answer, “You’ve never been interested in these types of gatherings before.
And every time you attended an event, you would leave soon after without even saying hi to anyone, let alone mingling with them.”
“Are you saying that you’re surprised I decided to come here tonight?”
I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.
“I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time you changed your mind about something,” he replied, shrugging his shoulders at me.
“But please don’t do anything stupid later, okay?
You know how easy it is for the media to twist things around and create a scandal out of nothing.”
“I know, Yoongi,” I answered, nodding my head.
He was right; it was scary how fast the media could twist innocent actions into something scandalous.
And he had seen his fair share of scandals involving other celebrities and public figures in the five years he’d been working with me.
So, I understood why he was worried about me, but I was only planning to stay here for a few minutes, so I waved him off, saying, “I’m just going to stay for a little while and then go back to my room to sleep.
It’ll be fine, Yoongi.”
“Alright then, but please don’t do anything stupid.
And text me if you need anything,” he said, nodding his head in agreement before leaving me alone at my table.
I nodded back at him, smiling as I watched him walk away, always the overprotective one when it came to me.
But that was one of the reasons I liked him so much.
He was always there to take care of me and make sure I was safe and healthy.
Maybe that was why I decided not to stay in my room tonight and went to this afterparty instead.
Scandalous Encounter: A CEO's Unexpected Revelation