MidReal Story

Sandalwood Secrets: Love, Crime, and Power

Scenario:PUSHPA anime
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PUSHPA anime
But at the end of the day, it was all worth it.
Because I was the king of the red sandalwood trade.
The red sandalwood smuggling business was a dangerous one, but I was good at it.
And as long as everyone knew that, then I could keep living my life the way I wanted to.
I had a natural talent for smuggling and a keen business sense.
Sandalwood Secrets: Love, Crime, and Power
I could keep making my money and enjoying the fruits of my labor.
I knew how to make the right deals and how to outwit my rivals.
Because at the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want?
I was also ruthless when I needed to be, and I had no qualms about killing anyone who got in my way.
To be able to live our lives the way we want and to do whatever it takes to get what we want?
I had worked hard to get to where I was, and I wasn’t about to let anyone take it all away from me.
That was certainly what motivated me to keep going.
I was the king of the red sandalwood smugglers, and I intended to stay that way.
And it was also what motivated me to keep killing my enemies.
But there was one man who was determined to bring me down.
His name was Sriram, and he was a police officer.
My success as a smuggler was due to a combination of wit and bravery.
He had been chasing me for years, but he had never been able to catch me.
I was smart enough to know when to make a deal and when to walk away from one.
Sandalwood Secrets: Love, Crime, and Power
And I was brave enough to take on anyone who tried to challenge me.
He was smart and persistent, but he just didn’t have what it took to outsmart me.
I had always been one step ahead of him, and I intended to stay that way.
That was something my enemies learned pretty quickly.
But Sriram wasn’t about to give up.
No matter who they were or where they came from, they all met the same fate.
They would come after me, thinking they could take me down easily.
I was the best red sandalwood dealer in Andhra Pradesh.
And then I would kill them.
I had built my reputation over the years, and my name carried a lot of weight.
People knew that if they wanted red sandalwood, I was the man to go to.
It was a simple formula, but it worked pretty well for me.
Because as long as my enemies kept coming after me, I would keep killing them.
But my success wasn’t just a result of being good at what I did.
That was how I maintained my rule over the red sandalwood trade in Andhra Pradesh.
It was also because I knew the forest like the back of my hand.
As the most powerful dealer in the state, it was up to me to make sure that no one else dared to challenge my position.
I had grown up there, and I knew all its secrets.
I knew where the trees grew and where the hidden groves were.
And that was exactly what I did.
If anyone so much as thought about trying to take me down, they would face the consequences pretty quickly.
I knew which parts of the forest to avoid and which ones were safe.
I knew how to navigate the thick undergrowth and avoid the wild animals that roamed the woods.
Because I was not the type of person who took kindly to being disobeyed.
Anyone who thought they could get away with betraying me or crossing me in any way was in for a very unpleasant surprise.
And most importantly, I knew where to find the best red sandalwood.
And it wasn’t just the other dealers who had learned that lesson either.
The other dealers would go into the forest and cut down whatever trees they could find.
There were plenty of others who had too.
They didn’t care about quality; they only cared about quantity.
Like Sivam, for example.
But not me.
He had been my loyal friend for many years.
I knew that the real profit lay in the deep, dark heart of the forest.
He had helped build my empire from the ground up, and he had been by my side through thick and thin.
The best red sandalwood came from the oldest trees, the ones that had been growing for hundreds of years.
It wasn’t easy to find them, and it wasn’t easy to cut them down either.
But when he betrayed me, I didn’t hesitate to put a bullet in his head.
But it was worth it.
Because that was what happened when you decided to cross Pushpa Raj.
And that was a lesson that everyone knew very well.
Because when you had a supply of high-quality red sandalwood, you had something that everyone wanted.
Which was why I was always careful to keep an eye on my surroundings, just in case anyone was thinking about trying to make a move on me.
And that was how I had become the most sought-after dealer in Andhra Pradesh.
That was also why I always made sure I knew exactly what was going on in the forest at all times.
I had a steady supply of top-grade red sandalwood, and no one else could match it.
And right now, what was going on in the forest was that Sriram was back in town.
Which was why all the other dealers hated me so much.
They were always trying to find ways to get rid of me, but they never succeeded.
He had been chasing me for years, and we had a long-standing rivalry that went back many years too.
Sriram was a police officer, and he was determined to catch me, no matter what it took.
Because while they were running around like headless chickens, I was lying low in the forest, watching and waiting.
I guess you could say he was my professional rival, in a way.
It wasn’t just the other dealers who wanted to take me down either.
There were plenty of other people who wanted a piece of my action too.
And when I say “rival,” I mean that in the loosest sense of the word because the truth was that Sriram didn’t have what it took to take me down.
The forest was a dangerous place, and not just because of the wild animals it harbored.
Sandalwood Secrets: Love, Crime, and Power
It was also a battleground for various factions who were all vying for control over the red sandalwood trade.
There were political parties, terrorist groups, and even foreign powers who all wanted to get their hands on red sandalwood.
Yes, he had come pretty close a few times before, but each time, I had managed to outsmart him and get away.
And they didn’t care how they got it either.
Sriram was a smart guy, but he didn’t have what it took to be a real killer.
If that meant killing a few people along the way, then so be it.
He didn’t have the guts to get his hands dirty and do what needed to be done in order to take me down for good.
So instead, he just kept chasing after me, hoping that one day his luck would change and he would finally manage to catch me.
But I didn’t let any of that bother me.
I knew how to survive in this dangerous environment, and I had done pretty well for myself so far.
But I wasn’t going to let that happen.
Because I wasn’t stupid enough to stick around and wait for him to catch up with me.
Of course, that didn’t mean that life was always easy for a smuggler like me.
No, if Sriram wanted to catch me, he was going to have to work for it—and work hard too.
There were plenty of times when I had to get my hands dirty, or when I had to do things that I wasn’t proud of.
Not that it would do him much good if he did manage to catch up with me, of course.
Sandalwood Secrets: Love, Crime, and Power
Because even if he did manage to track me down, he wouldn’t be able to take me down so easily.
Not when I had all of my loyal men by my side, ready to die for me at any moment’s notice.
I trusted them with my life, and they trusted me with theirs too.
But that didn’t mean that I took their loyalty for granted either.
No, I knew that if any of them ever saw an opportunity to take me out and get the bounty on my head, they wouldn’t hesitate to do it.
And that was why I made sure that they always kept their guard up, especially around outsiders who could potentially be a threat to my rule over the red sandalwood trade in Andhra Pradesh, just like Sivam had been before he betrayed me and I killed him for it.
Of course, Sivam wasn’t the only one who could be a threat to my rule over the red sandalwood trade in Andhra Pradesh either.
There were plenty of others who would be happy to see me dead so that they could take my place at the top of the food chain instead.
But as far as I was concerned, there was no way in hell that was ever going to happen, not as long as I was still alive and breathing too.
Because as long as I was still alive and breathing, no one was going to be able to take me down so easily—not even Sriram himself, no matter how hard he tried to do it.
Even if he did manage to catch up with me, he would still have to kill me first before he could claim the bounty on my head—and that was easier said than done, especially since he couldn’t do that if he was already dead himself.
So as long as Sriram wanted to keep playing this game with me, I was more than happy to keep playing along too, just to see how long it took before he finally realized that he didn’t have what it took to beat me at my own game—