MidReal Story

Samantha returns home after completing the Mars School of Seduction


Jun 12
Scenario:Samantha returns home after completing the Mars School of Seduction and discovers that both of her instructors, Eric and Alex, deceived her by not revealing their true identities, leaving her feeling betrayed and unsure of their intentions as she contemplates her feelings for both of them and how society might perceive their relationship.
Create my version of this story
Samantha returns home after completing the Mars School of Seduction and discovers that both of her instructors, Eric and Alex, deceived her by not revealing their true identities, leaving her feeling betrayed and unsure of their intentions as she contemplates her feelings for both of them and how society might perceive their relationship.
The Mars School of Seduction is a private institution located on an exclusive estate in the English countryside.
The school has been shrouded in secrecy since it first opened its doors several years ago, but what little information has leaked out to the press about its controversial methods and millionaire backers have only served to increase its allure.
The school consists of three separate buildings: one for female students, one for male students, and one for faculty.
Students pay millions of dollars in exchange for six months of instruction from some of the most talented sex coaches in the world, as well as room and board at the school’s luxurious estate.
In return, they are paid a six-figure sum upon graduation, along with a guaranteed job working for one of the school’s backers at one of their companies or charities.
The school is staffed by an elite team of sex therapists, researchers, and instructors who are all bound by strict confidentiality agreements.
Students are assigned an instructor with whom they will have regular intimate encounters several times a week for the duration of their program.
The point of this is to teach students about sex through practice rather than theory, and to help them develop a healthy attitude towards physical intimacy.
In addition to their primary instructor, students may also experiment with other faculty members and students as they wish.
Needless to say, this was not your average sex ed class.
I should know—I recently graduated from the Mars School of Seduction’s six-month program, where I was instructed by two very talented men whom I’ll call Eric and Alex.
As per our confidentiality agreements, I am not allowed to reveal their true identities or discuss any details that could potentially reveal their names.
Eric was my primary instructor, and the man I spent most of my time with during the program.
He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes.
I’d always had a weakness for men like him, and it didn’t take long for me to fall head over heels for him.
Alex, my other instructor, was Eric’s best friend.
He was also tall and handsome and dark-haired, but his eyes were a bright green that reminded me of emeralds.
When I first met him, I thought he seemed cold and aloof compared to Eric, but I quickly learned that he just had a different way of expressing himself.
While Eric was my primary instructor, Alex took on more of a supportive role until the two men decided to join forces and start instructing me together towards the end of the program.
And so began my journey down the rabbit hole…
I knew it wasn’t supposed to happen this way—I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with them—but how could I not?
They were everything I’d ever wanted in a man: intelligent, charming, and incredibly attractive.