MidReal Story

Runaway Birthright: Elven Sanctuary Chronicles


May 24
Scenario:Heavily pregnant elf that is about to give birth on the run from racist humans
Create my version of this story
Heavily pregnant elf that is about to give birth on the run from racist humans
My heart pounds in my chest as I run through the dense forest, my swollen belly making it difficult to navigate the thick underbrush.
The sun has set, and the darkness is a blessing, but it also makes it hard to see where I’m going.
I trip over a tree root and fall to my knees, crying out in pain as a sharp rock digs into my flesh.
Theron calls out to me from up ahead, his voice laced with panic.
“Are you all right?”
I push myself up from the ground and continue running after him, ignoring the pain in my knee.
“I’m fine,” I lie, knowing that he doesn’t have time to stop and check on me.
“We need to hurry.”
I can hear the sound of horses behind us, their hooves pounding against the earth as they give chase.
The humans are relentless in their pursuit of us, and I know that they won’t stop until they’ve captured or killed us all.
Lyra is leading the way, her graceful form flitting between the trees as she guides us through the forest.
She’s fast, even faster than Theron, and I struggle to keep up with her.
Theron runs just ahead of me, his muscular frame cutting a path through the underbrush as he blazes a trail for me to follow.
I’m so grateful to have him here with me.
He’s always been my protector, my rock, the one I can count on to keep me safe.
Even now, with our lives in grave danger, he’s never left my side.
I run after him, my eyes locked on the hand he has stretched out towards me.
I know that if I fall, he’ll be there to catch me.
I love him so much in this moment that it almost hurts.
The sound of horses is growing louder, and I can see flashes of light through the trees as the humans pursue us with torches in hand.
Lyra looks back over her shoulder with a worried expression on her face.
“They’re getting closer,” she says.
“We need to move faster.”
Her words jolt me into action, and I push myself harder, willing my body to go faster despite the pain in my swollen feet and the ache in my back.
I can’t slow down now.
We have to make it to the sanctuary.
The path ahead of us is narrow and winding, and I can see that Lyra is starting to struggle as she navigates the obstacles in her way.
She stumbles over a tree root and lets out a little yelp, but she doesn’t fall.
Instead, she pushes herself forward, her determination shining in her glowing blue eyes.
The light from the moon catches her ethereal appearance, making her look even more beautiful than usual.
I can’t help but feel a surge of love for her, and for Theron.
We’ve been through so much together, and even though everything is falling apart around us, we’re still here.
We’re still together.
I reach out and take Theron’s hand, squeezing it tightly as we run together.
He looks down at me and gives me a small nod, his strong features set in a stoic expression.
I know that he’s scared, too, but he’s always been good at hiding his fear.
That’s just one of the things I love about him.
The trees around us are growing thicker, and I know that we’re almost there.
The sanctuary is just ahead.
As we run, I can hear the sound of howling in the distance, and it sends a shiver down my spine.
The wolves have been following us for hours, their hungry cries echoing through the forest as they wait for their chance to strike.
But we can’t worry about them now.
We have to make it to the sanctuary first.
The trees around us start to thin, and I can see a clearing up ahead.
The walls are high, and the magic is strong.
It’s our only hope now.
Lyra reaches the clearing first and stops, turning back to us with tears in her eyes.
“I’ll go find help,” she says.
“You two keep running.”
"Runaway Birthright: Elven Sanctuary Chronicles"
My body is heavy with pregnancy already, and every step feels like a new torture that I have to endure.
My swollen ankles throb, threatening to give out as I run through the thick underbrush.
It feels like every cell in my body is screaming at me to stop, to rest, but I can’t let myself give in to the pain.
Not now, not when we’re so close to safety.
Lyra and Theron are both far ahead of me, their long legs eating up the distance as they race towards the sanctuary.
They don’t look back, but I know that they’re worried about me.
Theron especially, who slows his pace so he can match mine, sparing me a concerned glance over his shoulder.
Even in the darkness, I can see the worry etched into his strong features, his gray eyes wide and alert as he watches me run towards him.
“Are you all right?”
he asks, extending a protective hand towards me.
I shake my head and push myself harder, willing myself to go faster even though my body is screaming at me to stop.
“I’m fine,” I lie through gritted teeth.
“We need to hurry.”
I can hear the sound of horses behind me, their hooves pounding against the earth as they give chase.
The humans are right on our tails, and I know that we don’t have much time.
The sounds of the men’s shouts and the baying of the hounds echo through the forest, driving us forward as we run towards safety.
Theron takes a step towards me, his arm outstretched to grab me, but I wave him off and keep going.
“I’m fine,” I repeat, more forcefully this time.
He stops and lets me go, but even from here I can see the fear in his eyes.
It makes my heart ache to see him like this, so afraid for me, but I don’t have time to worry about him now.
We need to get to the sanctuary before it’s too late.
I can see the clearing ahead of us, and I push myself harder as I race towards it.
Theron and Lyra are already there, their forms silhouetted by the bright moonlight.
The wall of the sanctuary looms up in front of me, its white stone glowing softly in the darkness.
Lyra is standing by the gate, her hands outstretched towards it.
She’s trying to open it, but the magic won’t respond to her touch just yet.
“We’re almost there,” Theron says, grabbing my hand and pulling me forward with him.
“Just a little bit farther.”
We run through the trees, our feet pounding against the earth as we go.
My heart is racing, and my breath comes in short gasps as we hurry to reach the gate before it’s too late.
For a moment, Theron’s strong grip on my hand is enough to make me forget about my pain.
He looks down at me and gives me a small smile, his gray eyes soft and gentle.
“Almost there,” he says.
“We’re going to make it.”
His words give me strength, and I nod in response, pushing myself even harder to reach the gate before it’s too late.
"Runaway Birthright: Elven Sanctuary Chronicles"
A sharp pain radiates from my abdomen, spreading through my body like wildfire until it seizes me entirely.
I can’t move.
I can’t even cry out for help.
The pain is so intense that I can hardly breathe, and I’m afraid that if I try to move at all, I’ll only make it worse.
I stand frozen in place, my hand clutching my swollen belly as I try to make sense of what’s happening to me.
“Elara,” Theron says, rushing to my side when he sees me stop moving.
He kneels in front of me, his hand reaching out to touch my face.
“What’s wrong?”
His voice is filled with fear and confusion, but I don’t know what to tell him.
I can barely think at all right now, much less explain what’s happening to me in a way that makes sense.
I take a deep breath, trying to force myself to focus in spite of the searing pain that’s tearing through my body.
“Theron,” I say, my voice barely more than a whisper.
“I’m in pain.”
“I don’t know what’s happening.”
His face contorts with worry when he hears how weak my voice is, but he nods anyway.
“I’m here,” he says gently.
“I’m here now.”
He reaches up to cup my cheek in his hand, his thumb stroking gently along my skin in a gesture of comfort that does little to ease my fear.
“Tell me what you’re feeling,” he urges me quietly.
“Tell me where it hurts.”
“It’s…” I start, but then I stop again, because suddenly I know exactly what’s wrong with me—and so does he.
His gray eyes meet mine for a moment, wide with shock as the realization dawns on him at last.
“No,” he breathes out, shaking his head in denial of what we both know is true.
“It can’t be.”
I can feel the panic rising up inside of me, but I force it back down, because I know that I can’t afford to lose control right now, not with everything that’s at stake.
I take a deep breath and try to speak, but the words catch in my throat before I can say them, and instead I just sit there silently, staring up at Theron with wide, frightened eyes while he looks down at me in disbelief, his own face pale and drawn with fear.
“No,” he says again, more forcefully this time, and then he shakes his head once more just to make sure that it’s clear that he doesn’t want this to be true, even though he knows that it is regardless of how he feels about it now.
“You’re not…”
I reach up to cup his cheek with my hand, my fingertips brushing gently along the line of his jaw while I stare up into his gray eyes, so like my own, and try to find the words that will make this okay for both of us somehow.
"Runaway Birthright: Elven Sanctuary Chronicles"