MidReal Story

Royal Love's Battle: Mario vs. Bowser


May 20
Scenario:Princess Peach give a kiss Mario that kiss symbolize true love to him as in the mushroom Kingdom but all happy and warm with warm hearts preparing the ceremony to crown Mario asin ERA King of the mushroom Kingdom Mario promise princess Bleach that he will protect the castle from Bowser base pass and Mario keep his promise with Luigi his bodyguard solder base past and a war was scouting across the land Mario fight against Bowser against the army and heat ramp and when returned to the princess Peach and they celebrate with a big fist and food on the table worthy of a king and a princess with all his family
Create my version of this story
Princess Peach give a kiss Mario that kiss symbolize true love to him as in the mushroom Kingdom but all happy and warm with warm hearts preparing the ceremony to crown Mario asin ERA King of the mushroom Kingdom Mario promise princess Bleach that he will protect the castle from Bowser base pass and Mario keep his promise with Luigi his bodyguard solder base past and a war was scouting across the land Mario fight against Bowser against the army and heat ramp and when returned to the princess Peach and they celebrate with a big fist and food on the table worthy of a king and a princess with all his family
The New King
I stood at the top of the castle, my heart pounding in my chest.
The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the Mushroom Kingdom.
I looked down at the crowd of toads and yoshis that had gathered below me.
They were all cheering, their voices rising up to me in a deafening roar.
I looked out at them, feeling a lump form in my throat.
I couldn’t believe this was happening.
It felt like only yesterday that I was just a simple plumber, going about his day, trying to make an honest living.
And now here I was, standing on top of the castle, about to be crowned as the new king of the Mushroom Kingdom.
It was all so surreal.
But as I looked out at the crowd of my loyal subjects, I knew that this was where I belonged.
This was my destiny.
And I was ready to embrace it with open arms.
“Thank you, my friends,” I said, my voice echoing out over the crowd.
“Thank you for all your support and all your love.
I promise to do my best to serve you as your new king.”
I paused for a moment, letting their cheers wash over me.
I couldn’t help but smile.
This was it.
I was finally getting everything I had ever wanted.
“But first,” I continued, “I have one more thing to do.”
And with that, I turned and walked back into the castle, leaving the crowd behind me.
The weight of what was to come settled heavily on my heart.
I made my way to the top of the castle, where I could look out over the entire kingdom.
The sun had just set, casting a warm glow over the land, but I felt no warmth.
The cheers of the crowd were still echoing in my ears, but I heard none of it.
My mind was elsewhere, lost in memories of battles fought, of victories and losses, of a life that seemed so distant now.
I couldn’t help but think back to those early days, when I was just a simple plumber, going about his day, trying to make an honest living.
And then fate had intervened.
It was during one of my routine pipe checks that I had stumbled into this world, a world so different from my own.
A world where turtles walked on two legs, where mushrooms could make you grow or shrink, where castles floated in the sky.
A world where danger lurked around every corner.
But it was also a world where I found love and friendship, where I met people who would change my life forever.
I met her.
Princess Peach Toadstool.
The ruler of this kingdom and the one who held my heart in her hands.
I looked out at the kingdom that I had fought so hard to protect, and my heart clenched in despair.
I should have seen it coming.
The signs had been there all along.
Bowser was planning something big, and he wasn’t going to stop until he had what he wanted.
I should have been better prepared.
I should have been more vigilant.
But I hadn’t been.
And now he had her.
I closed my eyes and clenched my fists, feeling a surge of anger and determination rise up within me.
I would not let him win.
I would do whatever it took to save her.
Even if that meant losing everything else in the process.
I took a deep breath and turned away from the kingdom, making my way back down to the courtyard below.
"Royal Love's Battle: Mario vs. Bowser"
It was time to face my destiny.
To become the hero that everyone believed me to be.
"Royal Love's Battle: Mario vs. Bowser"
It felt like a lifetime ago when I first stumbled into this strange world.
A lifetime since fate had conspired to make me a hero.
Since I met Princess Peach Toadstool.
She’d been there from the very beginning.
When Bowser first kidnapped her and it fell to me to save her, when he later decided to steal all the power stars and take over the land with an army of robots.
She was there when he attacked again with an armada of ships and airships in an attempt to conquer this world once and for all.
When Kamek’s magic threatened to plunge this land into darkness forever.
Even when she wasn’t in danger, she was always there in one way or another, supporting me, urging me on when things got tough.
Her love was my strength.
And now, as we stood side by side in our finest clothes, preparing to exchange vows before a crowd of our friends and subjects, she was there again, radiating beauty and elegance.
I couldn’t help but smile as I thought about how far we’d come together.
The ceremony had been beautiful, the banquet even more so.
But as the night wore on, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the life I would soon be leaving behind.
I’d given up a lot to be with Peach.
I’d left everything I knew behind – my world, my home, even my name – all in the pursuit of love.
Not that I regretted it.
Not in the slightest.
But that didn’t mean I didn’t miss it every now and then, the feeling of wrenching nostalgia like a hole in my stomach.
As I stood at the top of the castle, looking out over the courtyard below, I felt her hand on my shoulder.
I turned to look at her, and for a moment we simply gazed at each other, lost in our own little world.
And then she smiled at me, that radiant, heartmelting smile that had captivated me the day I met her, and said, “Are you ready?”
I took a deep breath and nodded, unable to keep the smile off my face.
With a flourish, I pulled open the doors and stepped out onto the balcony, Princess Peach Toadstool following close behind me.
The cheers and applause of the crowd below were deafening as they spotted us, and I couldn’t help but grin as I looked down at them, their faces filled with love and admiration.
It was a beautiful day, made even more so by the presence of our friends and family, who had gathered to witness this momentous occasion together, and I knew it was a day I would never forget.
I looked over at Peach and took her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze, and felt my heart swell with love for her all over again.
No matter what happened, no matter where life took us, we would always have each other.
That much I was sure of.
"Royal Love's Battle: Mario vs. Bowser"
I kept my eyes on the sea of faces, on the tiny figures moving far below, and waited until her hand found mine before lifting our joined hands to gather up the ribbons of love and adoration that stretched from those people to us.
The cheers below us turned to roars, and I felt her lean closer, her voice like music in my ear as she said, “You don’t need to do that, you know.”
I glanced down at her, lowering our hands to see her smiling up at me, and felt a warmth spread through my chest that had nothing to do with the sun.
I could feel it dipping below the horizon, could see it casting long shadows on the faces below, and knew that soon it would disappear altogether and darkness would fall over us once more.
But for now, I enjoyed its gentle warmth, its golden light, and smiled down at her before turning back to take one last look at the kingdom we were about to inherit.
Together, we stood on the balcony, looking out over the Mushroom Kingdom with our hands clasped in front of us, and watched as the sun continued to set in the distance, casting long shadows over the castle and its grounds below us.
The last rays of sunlight washed over the castle walls and the courtyard below us, turning the bricks to gold and the trees to silver and bathing the Toads and Yoshis who had gathered in the courtyard below us in a warm rosy hue that made the entire scene look like something out of a storybook.
It was beautiful beyond words, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it as I gazed down at the people who lived in this world, who loved this world, who had come out to celebrate the people they loved most in this world today.
My brother stood beside me, smiling down at the crowd below us with all the happiness and pride of a man who would soon be an uncle for the fifth time.
Toadsworth stood on his other side, his hands clasped behind his back as he beamed down at us all with all the pride and love of a man who had watched us all grow up before his very eyes.
The Toads filled the courtyard below us, their colorful caps bobbing up and down as they clapped their hands and stomped their feet in time with the music that filled our ears from somewhere far below, while the Yoshis danced around them in a rainbow of colors that seemed to go on and on forever.
It was all so perfect that for a moment I couldn’t bear to look at any of them for fear that I would not be able to keep from crying as I thanked them for everything they’d done for me over the years.
"Royal Love's Battle: Mario vs. Bowser"