MidReal Story

Royal Bond: An Alpha's Claim


May 12
Scenario:This powerful and arrogant alpha prince finally finds his long lost love, an omega gardener boy. The alpha takes the omega back to his side by force. Now, the prince wants to dote on his omega.
Create my version of this story
This powerful and arrogant alpha prince finally finds his long lost love, an omega gardener boy. The alpha takes the omega back to his side by force. Now, the prince wants to dote on his omega.
The first time I saw him, he was hiding in the palace gardens.
I was out for a walk, and I heard a rustling in the bushes.
I thought it might be an assassin, so I drew my sword.
But when I parted the leaves, I found an omega gardener instead.
He was on his knees, his hands clasped in front of him as if he were praying to me.
His eyes were wide with fear, and his cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.
He was slender and delicate, with long lashes and full lips.
I could tell from his scent that he was a virgin.
I could also tell that he was my mate.
“Come here,” I ordered him.
He hesitated for a moment, but then he obeyed me.
He rose to his feet and stepped out of the bushes.
He was wearing a pair of tight trousers and a white shirt that clung to his slender frame.
His hair was disheveled, and there were leaves in it from where he’d been hiding in the bushes.
I was taking a leisurely stroll through the palace gardens when I heard the sound of something crashing through the bushes.
I stopped in my tracks and listened intently, but the noise did not repeat itself.
I considered going back to my chambers, but curiosity got the best of me.
I wanted to know what had caused the disturbance, and so I decided to investigate further.
I moved towards the spot where I had heard the noise, my sword at the ready.
The palace gardens were vast, and there were many places where an intruder could be hiding.
I moved quickly and quietly through the trees, scanning the area for any signs of movement.
My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for an assassin to leap out at me.
I had been trained to fight from a young age, and I was confident in my abilities.
If someone had come to kill me, they would soon regret it.
As I approached a dense thicket of bushes, I heard a rustling sound coming from within.
I stopped and listened, my sword at the ready.
I crouched down and crept closer to the bushes, moving as quietly as I could so as not to alert whoever was hiding there.
I was halfway there when I heard someone gasp in surprise.
The noise startled me, and I sprang to my feet, raising my sword in front of me.
“Show yourself!”
I called out, my voice ringing through the trees.
“Whoever you are, come out now!”
There was no response, but I could hear someone breathing heavily from within the bushes.
“Come out, or I’ll come in after you,” I warned them.
I took a step closer to the bushes, preparing myself for a fight.
If it was an assassin who had come for me, I would make sure they never got up again.
Just as I was about to part the leaves with my sword, a figure emerged from within.
I stopped in my tracks and stared at the person before me in surprise.
He had brown hair and delicate features that were marred with dirt and leaves.
His eyes were wide with fear, and his cheeks were stained with tears.
He was dressed in tight trousers and a white shirt that clung to his slender frame.
There were several buttons undone at the top, and I could see the smooth expanse of his chest beneath.
He looked like an angel who had fallen from heaven, but there was no mistaking the look of terror on his face.
He raised his hands in front of him as if he were trying to protect himself from me.
I sheathed my sword and took a step back, holding up my hands in surrender.
“It’s all right,” I said gently.
“I won’t hurt you.”
The young omega’s eyes widened in surprise when he heard my voice.
He stared at me for a moment before dropping to his knees in submission.
He pressed his face against the ground and clasped his hands together in front of him, as if he were praying to me.
Royal Bond: An Alpha's Claim
It was clear that he was a virgin; the sweet scent of his pheromones filled the air, making my heart race with desire.
Royal Bond: An Alpha's Claim
I had never experienced an omega’s heat firsthand, but I had been around enough omegas to know what it was like.
I had seen the way the palace servants reacted whenever an omega went into heat; they became flushed and aroused, their scents filling the air with pheromones that were almost impossible to ignore.
The alpha lords in the palace would sniff the air and growl possessively, their eyes full of hunger.
Some of them would even try to take the omegas for themselves, despite the fact that they were already mated.
But the omegas would always submit in the end.
It was their nature, after all.
The young gardener before me smelled like honeysuckle and roses, with a hint of sweet almond underneath.
It was the most intoxicating thing I had ever smelled, and it made my blood boil with desire.
I wanted to mate him, to claim him as mine in every possible way.
I stepped towards him, closing the distance between us.
His body trembled uncontrollably, and he squeezed his eyes shut, as if he were bracing himself for an attack.
When I didn’t make a move to harm him, he opened his eyes again.
“Look at me,” I ordered him.
My voice was harsh and commanding, and it made him flinch.
He hesitated for a moment before he obeyed me, raising his gaze to meet mine.
There was a hint of defiance in his eyes, but it quickly faded as he dropped his gaze to the ground again.
“Who are you?”
I demanded, taking another step closer.
“What are you doing in the palace gardens?”
“I’m sorry, Your Highness,” he stammered.
“I didn’t mean to intrude.
I was just…”
He trailed off, as if he didn’t know how to explain himself.
“It doesn’t matter,” I told him.
“You’re mine now.”
His eyes widened in surprise, and he shook his head in denial.
“No, please,” he begged.
“I’ll do anything you ask of me, but please don’t make me your prisoner.”
I ignored his pleas and stepped closer to him.
He tried to scramble away, but I was too quick for him.
I grabbed him by the arms and pulled him up against me.
He gasped in surprise as our bodies came into contact, his skin warm and soft against mine.
“Please, Your Highness,” he begged.
“Please don’t do this.”
I ignored him and cupped his face in my hands.
Without another word, I claimed him with a fierce kiss that left him gasping for breath.
He tried to push me away, but I held him tightly against my body, refusing to let him go.
As our lips moved together, I could taste his fear and desperation.
It made my blood boil with desire, and I growled possessively as I deepened the kiss.
He whimpered softly and clutched at my arms, but he did not try to fight me.
He was mine, and he knew it.
When I finally pulled away, I could see the dazed look in his eyes, and I knew that he was mine completely.
I released him from my grip and stepped back, giving him some space.
He lowered his gaze to the ground and wrapped his arms around himself, as if he were trying to protect himself from me.
But I could still smell his sweet scent, and I knew that he wanted me.
He was an omega, and I was an alpha prince.
Royal Bond: An Alpha's Claim
It made my blood boil with desire.
As I stepped closer to him once more, I could see the fear and resignation in his eyes.
I knew what he was thinking.
I could smell it on him.
He thought that he would be able to escape me.
But he was wrong.
I was an alpha prince.
There was no one who could resist me.
Not even a beautiful omega like him.
I took another step closer to him, and he tried to scramble away once more.
But this time, I caught him easily.
I pulled him back against my chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.
He struggled weakly against me, but it was no use.
I was much stronger than he was.
I buried my face in his neck and breathed in his sweet scent once more.
It intoxicated me, making my head spin with desire.
He whimpered softly as I nuzzled his neck and pressed light kisses to his skin.
But he did not try to push me away.
He knew that there was no escape for him now.
With a growl of desire, I grabbed the front of his shirt and ripped it open, exposing his delicate skin to the cool air.
He shivered at my touch, but he did not move away from me.
There was a hint of desire in his scent now, and it only made me want him more.
I slid my hands up his chest, feeling the smooth skin beneath my fingers.
He gasped softly at my touch, but he did not resist.
He couldn’t resist me.
No one could.
I traced the lines of his body with my fingers, igniting a fire inside of me that I couldn’t extinguish.
My cock throbbed with need as I stroked his skin, and I knew that I had to have him.
Leaning close to him once more, I whispered softly in his ear, “You are mine.”
He shuddered at my words and turned his face away from me, but he did not try to pull away.
There were tears in his eyes now, but they were not tears of sadness.
They were tears of desire.
Of longing for something that only an alpha like myself could give him.
As I stepped closer to him once more, I could see the struggle in his eyes.
He wanted me desperately, but he was trying to deny it.
To deny me the pleasure of claiming him as my mate.
But it was futile.
He was an omega, and I was an alpha prince.
I would break him until he begged for me to claim him as mine once more.
I could see the war raging inside of him as he tried to decide what he wanted to do: to give himself to me willingly or to make me take him by force.
But there was no choice for him now.
His fate was already sealed.
Royal Bond: An Alpha's Claim