MidReal Story

Rockstar Daddy

Scenario:I became a rock star
Create my version of this story
I became a rock star
I never thought this would be my life.
I mean, I hoped it would be, but I didn't think it actually would be.
I always imagined myself as a rock star, but I assumed it was one of those unattainable dreams, like becoming a superhero or something.
It wasn't until the last year of my life, when everything fell into place and I got my record deal, that I realized maybe, just maybe, all of this could actually happen.
And then, on January 1st, my debut album came out.
Everything changed overnight.
I woke up and there were tens of thousands of messages on my social media accounts.
There were fans hanging outside my hotel room.
There were tabloids and mainstream media outlets begging for interviews.
There were offers to perform on late night and daytime television shows.
There were stadium tour offers.
It was chaos, but it was the best kind of chaos.
The kind that made me happy, that made me feel fulfilled and like I had finally made it.
I mean, don't get me wrong.
It's stressful as shit.
I have to be “on” all the time now.
I have to wear makeup and skinny jeans and get my hair done every time I leave the house.
There are cameras in my face at all times, waiting to catch me in a bad moment so they can splash it across the front page of some trashy magazine.
Rockstar Daddy