MidReal Story

Rise of the Dark Emperor


May 14
Scenario:Darth Vader killing Obi wan and Darth sidious and becoming the new emperor
Create my version of this story
Darth Vader killing Obi wan and Darth sidious and becoming the new emperor
The lava was hot.
It was so hot that I could feel my skin burning.
I could feel the heat radiating off of the lava and onto my skin.
I could feel the heat seeping into my flesh and burning me from the inside out.
I could feel the heat searing my lungs and making it hard to breathe.
I could feel the heat scorching my eyes and making it hard to see.
I could feel the heat melting my bones and making it hard to move.
It was so hot that I thought I was going to die.
But I didn’t die.
I didn’t die because I am strong.
I didn’t die because I am powerful.
I didn’t die because I am the Chosen One.
I didn’t die because I am Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, and I cannot be killed by something as weak as lava.
The lava was hot, but I was hotter.
The lava was strong, but I was stronger.
I am Darth Vader, and I am invincible.
I am also afraid.
I am afraid because I am not as powerful as I once was.
I am afraid because I am not as strong as I once was.
I am afraid because I am not as invincible as I once was.
I am afraid because I know that my master is going to be very, very angry with me when he finds out what has happened here.
Not that it matters.
Not that my fear matters, or my power, or my strength, or my invincibility.
It doesn’t matter because I did what I had to do.
It doesn’t matter because I saved the one person I cannot live without.
It doesn’t matter because I saved Padmé.
I saved Padmé from death.
I saved Padmé from the Jedi.
And if that means that I have to die in order for her to live, then so be it.
I will gladly die for Padmé.
The Jedi are dead.
All of them are dead.
I killed them all.
I killed them all because they were going to kill her.
I killed them all because they were going to take her away from me.
I killed them all because they were going to make her die.
And then I killed the Separatists, too.
I killed them because they were going to kill the Jedi, which meant they were going to kill her, too.
And then I killed the clones, all of the clones, even though they were on my side.
I killed them because they took her away from me and let her die.
And so I killed them all, every last one of them.
And then I went back to Coruscant and told my master what had happened and he was pleased with me, even though he was also angry with me, but he was mostly pleased with me because he knew that I had done what had to be done in order to save Padmé.
And now here we are on Mustafar, waiting for Obi-Wan Kenobi to arrive so we can confront him together and finally put an end to this war once and for all and bring peace and justice to the galaxy at last.
But first things first.
First I have to wait for Obi-Wan Kenobi to show up so I can confront him and put an end to his life before he puts an end to mine instead.
At least that’s what my master says is going to happen.
Rise of the Dark Emperor
When I turned back around, Obi-Wan Kenobi was standing there looking at me like he'd seen a ghost, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief as he whispered my name in a voice that wasn't nearly as steady as he would have liked it to be.
"I didn't think it was possible," he said after a moment, his voice growing stronger by the second as he stepped out of the shadows and into the room where I was waiting for him, his presence looming large in the doorway as he watched me without blinking for longer than anyone ever should without blinking.
"There has to be some kind of mistake," he continued after a moment, shaking his head as if he could make me disappear by doing so.
"I can't believe it’s come to this." His voice was heavy with concern as he looked at me again, his eyes searching mine for answers that I didn't have, answers that he didn't want to hear anyway.
"How could you do this?"
he asked at last when neither of us could stand the silence anymore, when neither of us could stand not knowing what would happen next or how we would ever get there from here.
"Why would you do this?"
"Why not?" I asked, my voice barely more than a whisper as I looked at him and tried to remember who he used to be before he became my enemy instead of my friend, before he became a Jedi instead of a soldier, before he became Obi-Wan instead of Ben, before he became someone I used to know instead of someone I thought I knew but didn't really know at all.
"Why not?" I repeated when he didn't answer, when he just kept looking at me with those same eyes that weren't my eyes anymore, those same eyes that still seemed to see more than they should have been able to see even after all of these years, those same eyes that still seemed to believe in something they shouldn't have believed in anymore either, those same eyes that were going to look at me like this forever now, no matter what happened next or how either of us might wish otherwise.
"I didn't betray you," I said when I finally found my voice again, when I finally found the courage to say what I'd come here to say in the first place, when I finally found the strength to admit what it had taken for me to get here after all."
I wasn't the one who betrayed you," I repeated when he still didn't answer and just kept staring at me like this was some kind of nightmare we were both going to wake up from eventually, once we figured out what was really going on or how we were supposed to fix this or where we were supposed to go from here.
Rise of the Dark Emperor
"Was it always supposed to end like this?" Obi-Wan asked when he finally found his voice too and it wasn't an answer either.
"I think so," I said after a moment of silence and it wasn't an answer either but it was all I had left to say.
It was all I had left to say because it was all I had left now too and there was no coming back from this.
There was no coming back after this.
There was no coming back at all.
I could feel him too even before he emerged from the shadows and stepped out into the light and it wasn't just his presence or his power or himself as much as it was everything about him now too.
It was everything about him now too that was supposed to be mine and never would be now and it was everything about him now too that was supposed to be for me and never would be now and it was everything about him now too that was supposed to be with me and never would be now.
Everything about him now too.
Everything about him now too that was supposed to be enough for me and wouldn't be anymore.
It wasn't enough for me anymore because none of it mattered anymore.
None of it mattered anyway because none of it mattered now.
None of it mattered now because none of it would ever matter again.
None of it would ever matter again because none of it would ever be the same.
None of it would ever be the same because none of it would ever be the way it used to be, the way it should have been, the way it could have been, if only things had been different.
If only things had been different then we could have been different.
We could have been different then too.
We could have been different now as well.
We could have been different by now also.
But we weren't any different then and we weren't any different now either and we wouldn't be any different later either and this was how it was going to end instead.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan said when he saw me looking at him—as if he couldn't see me any other way or didn't know how to see me any other way or wouldn't see me any other way—and stopped walking toward me or moving closer to me or coming near me and started waiting for me instead or expecting me instead or watching me instead.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan said again when he saw me watching him—like he couldn't see anything else or didn't know anything else or wouldn’t look at anything else—and waited for me to answer or speak or say something instead of doing or acting or moving like I was supposed to do or act or move instead.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan said yet again when he saw nothing else or heard nothing else or knew nothing else and waited still longer for me to say something other than nothing so that there would be something other than nothing between us instead.
Rise of the Dark Emperor