MidReal Story

Revenge of the Fallen Ultraman

Scenario:female ultraman was defeated and gangraped by three monsters
Create my version of this story
female ultraman was defeated and gangraped by three monsters
The stench of burning flesh lingered in the air as the acid monster hissed at me.
I’d taken out the frost creature and the heat creature, but this one was proving to be a challenge.
The frost creature had been tall, over 20 feet, and it towered over me.
It had tried to freeze me, but I could regulate my internal temperature to avoid hypothermia, so I’d obliterated it with a heat beam from my hands.
When it fell, the frost it had covered me in had shattered, and I’d been able to move again.
A good thing, too, because that’s when the heat creature showed up.
It was about 12 feet tall, and it was a walking inferno.
It gave off so much heat that it was hard to breathe.
I’d known that fighting it would just destroy the city, so I did my best to dodge its fiery punches and kicks until it finally got bored and left.
And now here I was with the acid monster.
It was only about six feet tall, but every time it touched anything, that thing dissolved.
It oozed towards me, and I leaped away from it.
The acid monster’s acid wasn’t just something it could shoot out of its body; its entire body was made of acid.
When I landed, I immediately leaped again because I’d landed on some grass and it was turning black from the acid.
I couldn’t let this thing touch me.
I dodged another swipe of its hand and aimed one of my plasma beams at it, but it dodged by dropping to the ground and sliding at me like a snake.
I jumped over it, then shot another beam at it as soon as it stood up.
This time, I hit it in the head and melted it away.
So what now?
I didn’t know if there were any more of these things (the first two had come from nowhere), but I needed to get out of here before there were any more casualties.
I flew up into the air and scanned the city for any signs of trouble.
A cry for help came from a nearby park, so I flew towards it.
There were three people running through the park with a heat creature on their tail, firing off blasts of flame after them.
These were the same people who’d been trying to fight the frost creature earlier—I recognized their faces from TV—and they weren’t going down without a fight.
They tried to duck behind trees or hide behind benches (even though they were all on fire by now), but nothing worked.
This heat creature was determined.
I couldn’t help them like I wanted to; if I attacked this thing with my fists or even with powered-up kicks, I’d probably kill it and take out half the park with me.
Instead, I targeted its arms, aiming plasma beams at them and melting them away so they couldn’t reach for their targets anymore.
With its arms gone, the heat creature seemed to forget all about these people and turned its attention on me instead.
"Revenge of the Fallen Ultraman"
I dodged another blast of flame and landed on the ground, then aimed a plasma beam at the heat creature’s chest, right where its heart would be, if it had one.
The heat creature didn’t seem to have any organs, just a lot of red, hot goo, and I couldn’t tell where its head ended and its body began, but I aimed for the center of its chest and fired my plasma beam, then kept firing until I’d burned a hole all the way through its body and out the other side.
I was a little too powerful with that one—I’d taken down the heat creature in one hit, and all that remained was a smoking pile of goo on the ground.
I scanned the park for any other signs of trouble, but everything seemed to be fine now, so I turned back towards home and started walking to the edge of the park so I could fly away undetected when I heard a loud thumping sound behind me.
I turned around to see the frost creature lumbering towards me, its arms outstretched and its hands already glowing white with frost power, and I swore under my breath, then leaped backwards to avoid the first blasts.
I couldn’t let this thing get close to me again, but I couldn’t move too far away, either, because there were people in the park, and I didn’t want any of them to get hurt while I was trying to take this thing down for good.
I shot another plasma beam at the frost creature, but this time, it dodged by disappearing in a puff of snow and reappearing right behind me, then wrapping its arms around me in a bone-crushing grip that started to freeze me from the inside out as soon as its icy fingers came into contact with my body.
I struggled against the frost creature’s grip, but it was too powerful; every time I pulled one arm off my body, another took its place, and I got more and more sluggish with every passing second until I could barely move at all, and then everything went black.
I woke up in a cryo chamber (the frost creature must have put me there), and my eyes flew open in surprise when I saw Alex standing on the other side of the glass, looking in at me with a smile.
I wanted to say, but my mouth was covered with a frosty mask, so all that came out was a muffled grunt.
Alex cringed at the sound, then held up his hands and said, “I’ll be right back,” and then I watched as he left the chamber, and then I was alone.
My breath came out in puffs of white fog and dissipated before it could even hit the walls of my chamber, so it was obvious that I was still frozen, but there was nothing I could do about it until Alex came back and let me out, so I just lay there, waiting.
After about five minutes (or maybe it was five hours; it was hard to tell), I heard someone approaching, and then the door opened and Alex stepped inside, holding a remote control in one hand and a panicked look on his face.
I wanted to ask, but of course, all that came out was a muffled grunt again.
He hesitated for a second, then pressed a button on his remote control, and then I felt a wave of heat wash over me as my chamber finally started to thaw.
I took a deep breath and let it out again, and then another blast of heat hit my chamber, and I realized that Alex had set it to “melt” instead of “thaw” and he was going to be burning me alive.
"Revenge of the Fallen Ultraman"
I wanted to say, but of course, I didn’t have any way to say it except for that stupid grunt, so I just lay there, waiting for the end.
I wasn’t going to go down without a fight, though, so I started to slowly gather my strength, waiting until Alex got close enough for me to make a grab for his remote control, but apparently he had noticed that I was moving because he suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked at me with a startled expression on his face.
“Sarah, is that you?”
I wanted to say, but of course, the only thing that came out of my mouth was a muffled grunt.
He held up his hands (the remote control still clutched tightly in one of them) and said, “Okay, don’t worry, I’m going to get you out of there,” and then he pressed another button on his remote control, and then I felt the ice around me start to melt, and then I sat up, shivering, and stared at him with red-rimmed eyes.
I wanted to ask, but all that came out of my mouth was a muffled grunt.
He hesitated for a second, then slowly reached up and pulled off my mask.
I blinked at him for a few seconds before I finally managed to say, “Are you going to tell me what’s going on here?”
He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something (and then closed it again without actually saying anything), and then he finally nodded and said, “Yes,” and then he reached out his hand and helped me climb out of the cryo chamber.
I stood there for a few seconds while I did some stretches, trying to work out all the kinks in my body from being frozen solid for so long, and then I finally turned back around just in time to see the frost creature charging towards us at full speed.
I wanted to say, but all that came out of my mouth was a muffled grunt.
Alex stared at me for a second before he finally said, “What do you mean?”
and then I pointed at the frost creature as it charged towards us at full speed.
The frost creature was charging towards us at full speed, but I could hear the scorching heat monster coming up behind us, so I knew we were going to have to take this thing down fast if we wanted to get out of here.
I didn’t know what Alex could do (other than try to burn me alive, apparently), so I just grabbed his arm, said, “Hold on tight,” then took off running towards the frost creature, which roared with rage as it charged towards us at full speed, then swung at me with its massive fist, but I ducked underneath it, then delivered an uppercut that sent it flying up into the air.
It landed on the ground with an earth-shattering crash, then got back up again, then swung at me with its other fist, but I dodged by stepping forward, then delivered another uppercut that sent it flying even higher into the air.
"Revenge of the Fallen Ultraman"
I got down on one knee and held up my fist, preparing to deliver the final blow, but just as I was about to jump up after it, the frost creature suddenly reconstituted itself into a massive spike of ice that shot right towards me like an icy javelin.
“Not this time!”
I shouted as I leaped up into the air, then spun around and delivered a powerful spinning back kick that shattered the spike of ice into even smaller pieces.
The frost creature reconstituted itself again (into an even bigger spike of ice), then shot another spike right towards me (which I shattered with another back kick), then did it again (and again) until finally I managed to land on top of one of the spikes so that the frost creature couldn’t reconstitute itself anymore.
It roared with rage as it charged right towards me, but I just stood there with my arms crossed until finally it got close enough that I could punch it right in its stupid face.
As soon as I did, though, the frost creature reconstituted itself again (into a massive iceberg that towered above me), then started shooting massive chunks of ice right towards me that were each bigger than my head.
I tried to dodge out of the way, but there were just too many of them, so I finally decided to switch tactics and try to destroy them instead, which I did using a powerful heat beam that shot right out of my hands and vaporized every single one of them in midair.
“Now it’s my turn,” I said as I ran straight towards it, then jumped up and delivered a powerful flying kick that shattered it into hundreds of tiny pieces that rained down from the sky like snowflakes.
The frost creature roared with rage as it reconstituted itself once again, then said, “This is getting ridiculous,” then shot a massive wave of ice right towards me that was bigger than a tsunami, so I decided to switch tactics yet again and try to destroy it using a powerful heat beam that shot right out of my eyes and vaporized every single piece before it could hit me.
I don’t know how long I would have had to keep that up if Alex hadn’t suddenly appeared out of nowhere and said, “Need some help?”
"Revenge of the Fallen Ultraman"
I didn’t say anything, but instead just nodded my head, then he tossed me a small silver device and pointed at the frost monster, then I knew exactly what I had to do, so I activated it and aimed it at him, then shot him with a powerful heat beam that sent him falling down onto the ground and screaming in pain as he clutched at his now-smoking stomach, and the frost monster let out a roar of victory as it reconstituted itself once again, then started to charge straight towards me at top speed, so I tried to activate my heat vision once again to stop it, only to realize that my energy levels were too low, then I realized too late that I had been relying almost entirely on my energy powers from that moment on and had almost completely forgotten about all of my other abilities like super strength and agility and durability, which made me feel like an idiot for not realizing that sooner before deciding on what to do next, so I quickly switched tactics once again and tried to rely on all those other abilities instead, which worked perfectly as I tackled him right out of the way in midair and sent him crashing down onto the ground in a cloud of snowflakes before he could reach me.