MidReal Story

Reign of Hearts: Wonderland's Redemption

Scenario:"The Enchanted Crown: Alice's Return to Wonderland" tells the tale of an AfroAmerican female queen, Alice, who revisits Wonderland alongside her companion, an AfroAmerican male, the Mad Hatter. As they journey back, they discover Wonderland in turmoil, oppressed by the sinister rule of the evil Queen of Hearts. With courage and determination, Alice and the Mad Hatter embark on a quest to save Wonderland from tyranny, relying on their wit, resilience, and the power of unity to overcome obstacles along the way. Together, they strive to restore peace, harmony, and justice to the whimsical realm they once cherished.
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"The Enchanted Crown: Alice's Return to Wonderland" tells the tale of an AfroAmerican female queen, Alice, who revisits Wonderland alongside her companion, an AfroAmerican male, the Mad Hatter. As they journey back, they discover Wonderland in turmoil, oppressed by the sinister rule of the evil Queen of Hearts. With courage and determination, Alice and the Mad Hatter embark on a quest to save Wonderland from tyranny, relying on their wit, resilience, and the power of unity to overcome obstacles along the way. Together, they strive to restore peace, harmony, and justice to the whimsical realm they once cherished.
Alice Kingsley returned to Wonderland three years after her previous escapades.
There, she discovered that the Queen of Hearts’ malevolent reign had transformed her once-vibrant realm into a desolate place where her subjects lived in constant fear.
Alice knew she had to put an end to the Queen’s tyranny—but she couldn’t do it alone.
So she recruited the only companion she knew she could rely on: the Mad Hatter (Henry Hargreaves), who was as eccentric as he was loyal.
They set off on their journey back to Wonderland, ready to do whatever it took to save their home from the Queen of Hearts’ iron grip.
The path to Wonderland had been treacherous—more so than Alice remembered.
She didn’t know what to make of that.
Had it always been so dangerous?
Or was it just that the world was different now?
As they stepped through the Looking Glass, Alice glanced around at the bleak, barren landscape.
It was hard to believe that this was the same place she’d called home for so many years.
The once-vibrant colors were muted, as if someone had sucked the life right out of them.
In some places, they seemed to be inverted, making everything look twisted and unnatural.
The whole place felt wrong.
It felt like a place where no one should ever want to live.
It felt like a place where nothing could survive.
But Alice knew that wasn’t true.
Sure enough, she saw a few people walking around—though they were moving quickly and looking over their shoulders as if afraid they were being chased.
Alice couldn’t blame them for feeling that way.
Wonderland was a dangerous place these days.
They’d need to be on their guard if they wanted to make it through this alive.
“You know where we’re going?”
the Mad Hatter asked.
He was fidgeting with his hat, twisting it around in his hands like he was worried that he might lose it at any moment.
Or maybe he was just nervous.
He’d never been the bravest person in the world, but he’d always been willing to help when Alice needed him.
“I’ll find my way home,” Alice said.
“Besides, we’re not going alone.”
She raised an eyebrow and nodded toward the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting on a rock nearby, smiling at her with that creepy grin of his.
He’d always been a little bit strange—even by Wonderland standards—but he was a good friend, and Alice was glad he’d come along for the ride.
“We’ll see about that,” the Cheshire Cat said.
“This place is different now.
The Queen’s been busy, and she’s made sure everyone knows that you’re not welcome here anymore.”
“She won’t stop me,” Alice said, gritting her teeth.
Reign of Hearts: Wonderland's Redemption
“I’m going to make things right again.”
“Of course you are,” the Cheshire Cat said.
“But you’re going to need some help along the way.
This place has changed, and you don’t know it like you used to.
But I do.
I know where we can find some people who will be happy to help us—and I know how we can get there.”
“Then let’s go,” Alice said.
“We don’t have time to waste.”
“Wait a minute!”
the Mad Hatter said.
“We need to make sure we’re prepared for anything.
Who knows what kind of dangers we might face along the way?”
“We’ll face them together,” Alice said, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t worry, my love.
We’ll be fine.”
She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, then turned and started walking away before he could say anything more.
If she’d waited any longer, they might never have gotten moving again.
The Cheshire Cat led them deep into Wonderland, following a path that Alice didn’t recognize.
It was hard to believe how different this place was now.
The sky was dark, and there were no stars to be seen.
The plants were twisted and deformed, looking more like monsters than flowers.
Even the air felt wrong somehow—thick and heavy and hard to breathe.
It was like the whole world had been turned inside out and left to rot.
Alice shuddered as she walked, trying not to think about how much worse things would be when they finally reached their destination.
“Are we there yet?”
the Mad Hatter asked.
“Not quite,” the Cheshire Cat said.
“But we’re getting close.”
“You know where we’re going?”
Alice asked, frowning.
She’d always known the Cheshire Cat was cryptic and unreliable, but he was also one of the smartest people she knew.
If anyone could lead them through this twisted Wonderland, it was him.
“I have an idea,” the Cheshire Cat said.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Alice raised an eyebrow and looked over at the Mad Hatter, who shrugged and smiled weakly.
He was just as worried as she was—but he trusted her to get them through this alive.
And Alice trusted the Cheshire Cat to help her do just that—even though she knew he might not be on her side all the way.
The Cheshire Cat said, frowning as he stared off into the distance.
“We’ve got company.”
Alice turned and looked in the direction he was pointing, but she didn’t see anything at first—just more twisted trees and bushes, stretching off into the darkness as far as she could see.
Then she noticed a pair of red eyes staring back at her from the shadows, and she gasped as two enormous Jabberwocks leapt out of the bushed and charged straight at her, screaming and flailing their arms like they were trying to rip her face off!
“Get down!”
the Cheshire Cat said, diving out of the way as Alice threw up a magical shield to block the attack, then threw her fist forward and sent one of the Jabberwocks flying backward into a tree with a sickening crunch!
The other one tried to take advantage of the opening, but Alice ducked out of the way and countered with a roundhouse kick to the stomach that sent both of them crashing to the ground in a heap!
“That’s what you get for fucking with us!”
Alice snarled as she kicked both of them in the head, then turned around and glared at the Cheshire Cat, who was watching her with his jaw hanging open in shock.
“I thought you said you were going to help us!”
Reign of Hearts: Wonderland's Redemption
“Eh, I’m more of a lover than a fighter,” the Cheshire Cat said, grinning sheepishly as he stared down at his feet.
“Oi, you two!”
Alice rolled her eyes and sighed as she turned around and glared at another group of monsters that had appeared in their path, then ran forward and leapt out of the way as they charged straight at her.
She was getting tired of fighting these things all of a sudden.
It was like they never ran out of freaks to fight—no matter how many she killed!
At least they weren’t too tough to take down, though.
These ones were just some sort of weird bug things that fell apart as soon as she hit them, like they were made of paper or something.
But there were so many of them all of a sudden, it was hard to keep track of them all!
“Where are they coming from?”
Alice wondered as she took down another one, then turned around and looked for more—but all she saw were empty trees.
“Are we there yet?”
the Mad Hatter asked, leaning over to look down at her.
“Not yet,” Alice said, frowning as she stared off into the distance and wondered what they were going to do about it.
But they didn’t have time to worry about it right now.
They still had a long way to go before they reached their destination, and they couldn’t afford to stop fighting now, not when they were so close!
So Alice just shook her head and turned around, then kept on walking—deeper into Wonderland, where more monsters were waiting for her.
The air grew colder as they walked, and Alice shivered as she pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders.
She could feel something watching her—something big and mean—but she didn’t know what it was.
All she knew was that it wasn’t going to be easy to take down, whatever it was.
And it was getting closer by the second!
“Is this it?”
the Mad Hatter asked, frowning as he looked up at the massive flower that rose up in front of them, blocking their path.
It was twice as big as he was, with long, sharp thorns growing out of its stem like claws—and petals that looked like they were made of steel!
This wasn’t just any flower—it was a weapon!
And it was going to be hard to take down!
“I’ve got this,” Alice said, raising her fist and setting it on fire.
She was ready to fight—no matter what was waiting for them on the other side.
But before she could do anything, the Mad Hatter raised his hand and stepped forward, then threw a ball of blue fire at the flower and watched as it exploded in a shower of sparks!
Alice shouted, raising an eyebrow and looking at him in shock.
“You’re supposed to let me do that!”
“But you didn’t,” the Mad Hatter said, smiling weakly as he turned around and pointed at something behind her.
And when Alice turned around to see what it was, she gasped in shock—the flower was still there, but it wasn’t a flower anymore.
It was some sort of giant monster made of vines and petals and thorns, with long, sharp claws that looked like they were strong enough to cut through steel—and eyes that glowed like coals in a furnace!
Reign of Hearts: Wonderland's Redemption
It reared back and let out an angry roar that shook the ground, then charged straight at them—and Alice ran forward and punched it in the face before it could get too close!
It flew back and landed on its back with a loud thud, then slammed its claws into the ground and tried to get back up.
But before it could do anything else, Alice ran forward and kicked it in the face again—this time so hard that its head flew off its shoulders, and its body turned into a pile of dust!
“Nice job,” the Mad Hatter said, smiling weakly as he walked over and patted her on the shoulder.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Alice said, smiling back at him.
And together they kept on walking through Wonderland—deeper into its heart.
The river was clear again.
“I’m going to miss that purple stuff,” the Mad Hatter said, frowning as he stared down at his reflection and waved at himself.
“It really brought out my eyes.”
“The Queen is gone now,” Alice said, shaking her head as she walked over and sat down next to him.
“So I guess we won’t be seeing any more of those weird purple monsters either.”
“Speaking of which—where are we?”
the Mad Hatter asked, frowning as he looked around at their new surroundings.
“Yes,” he said, raising an eyebrow as he looked around at the path they were on.
The trees were all dead now—except for one or two here and there.
But they weren’t normal trees.
They were huge and twisted together in a tangled mess of branches and roots—and covered with thorns.
And their leaves were a burnt red color, like they were on fire.
Or like they were soaked in blood.
“Where are we going?”
Alice asked as she stood up and looked around for any signs of life.
“I don’t know,” the Mad Hatter said as he stood up and walked over to her.
“But wherever it is—it can’t be good.”
“It’s not so bad,” Alice said as she walked forward and picked up a leaf.
“It’s just different.”
“It’s not different—it’s dead!”
the Mad Hatter said as he walked after her.
“So is everything else in this place.”
“Well—that’s not our fault,” Alice said as she dropped the leaf and kept on walking.
“Wonderland has always been like this.
That’s just how it works.”
“Yeah—but it’s not supposed to be!”
the Mad Hatter said as he caught up with her.
“Wonderland was supposed to be perfect!
It was created by a god!”
“And what about us?”
Alice asked as she stopped walking and turned around to look at him.
“We were born here too.
Does that mean we’re perfect?”
“We are too!”
the Mad Hatter said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t do better!”
“Or that we should be satisfied with whatever we get!”
“Well maybe you’re right,” Alice said, nodding.
“But I don’t think it’s our fault that things are like this now.
We didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Yeah—but we didn’t do anything right either!”
the Mad Hatter said, frowning.
“All we did was sit around and watch while Wonderland fell apart around us.
And when it was all over—we just ran away.”
“Because there was nothing we could do!”
Alice said, raising her voice.
“And it’s not like it matters now anyway!
What happened happened—we can’t change it!”
“No—but we can fix it!”
the Mad Hatter said, smiling weakly.
“So let’s go find the Queen—and make her pay for what she did!”
And before Alice could say anything else, he turned around and started walking again.
Reign of Hearts: Wonderland's Redemption
The sun was starting to go down, and the road they were on was empty except for one or two figures in the distance.
But as they watched, the figures grew closer—and they saw that it wasn’t just one or two figures.
It was a whole group of them.
And as they watched, the figures drew even closer—and they saw that it wasn’t just any group of figures.
It was a group of mutated flowers!
And they were all standing right in front of them—staring at them with their beady little eyes and their long sharp teeth.
“Should we run?”
Alice asked as she looked over at the Mad Hatter in a panic.
“Yeah,” the Mad Hatter said as he reached for his teapot.
“But wait—I have a better idea.”
And with that, he grabbed his teapot and poured a whole bunch of hot tea all over the flowers’ roots!
Then he threw the teapot at them, and ran off as fast as he could!
the flowers screamed as they jumped back and fell to the ground.
While Alice and the Mad Hatter ran off as fast as they could!
They ran for a while, and then they stopped to catch their breath.
“Do you think we killed them?”
Alice asked as she looked around for any signs of the mutated flowers.
“I don’t know,” the Mad Hatter said as he looked around too.
“But either way—I think it was worth it, don’t you?”
“But what if it wasn’t worth it?”
Alice asked as she kept on looking around and couldn’t find any signs of the mutated flowers.
“What if we’re just making things worse?
What if we’re just making the people of Wonderland hate us even more?
Even if they are monsters now?”
“Well—we don’t have any other choice,” the Mad Hatter said as he walked forward and started walking again.
“We have to go find the Queen—and stop her from destroying Wonderland.”
“But what if it’s already too late?”
Alice asked as she followed him again.
“What if we can’t stop her now?”
“Then I guess all we can do is try,” the Mad Hatter said as he walked forward with Alice following him again.
“We can’t just give up now,” he said with a weak smile as he walked forward with Alice following him again.
“We’ve only been here for a few minutes!”
The sun was starting to go down, and it was getting late now.
But they were still walking—and they didn’t know where they were going or what they were looking for or how long it would take to find it.
But either way—they had to keep on walking!
And after a while, they saw something in the distance—and when they got closer, they saw that it was a huge group of soldiers with swords and shields and guns and armor!
And they were all marching toward them with angry looks on their faces and big clumps of dirt in their hands!
But when they got even closer—they saw that the soldiers weren’t just any group of soldiers.
They were a whole brigade of soldiers!
And they were all wearing shiny red armor with big shiny gold buttons and a shiny gold crown right in the center!
And it bore the insignia of the Queen of Hearts!
And in front of them all—they saw a huge figure with a big long scar running down his face and a big shiny gold helmet on his head!
And he was carrying a huge sword and holding a big long spear!
Reign of Hearts: Wonderland's Redemption