MidReal Story

Redemption's Ruby: A Vampire King's Offer


May 22
Scenario:I, Neona got betrayed by my best friend Jimin, whom I was going to marry soon. He cheats on me stealing everything from me starting from my company, my trusted friends and all wealth, I came to realisation I was just his stepping stone to his victory or rather obsession of him, he left me in shackles taking away our promise ring. In that heartbroken rainy night, I am saved by a mysterious stranger offering a deal, sealing it with a kiss as a transaction to change my life, dwelling into mysterious realms, that stranger Jin, is a vampire, king of a lost kingdom
Create my version of this story
I, Neona got betrayed by my best friend Jimin, whom I was going to marry soon. He cheats on me stealing everything from me starting from my company, my trusted friends and all wealth, I came to realisation I was just his stepping stone to his victory or rather obsession of him, he left me in shackles taking away our promise ring. In that heartbroken rainy night, I am saved by a mysterious stranger offering a deal, sealing it with a kiss as a transaction to change my life, dwelling into mysterious realms, that stranger Jin, is a vampire, king of a lost kingdom
I was supposed to get married today.
But here I am, standing in the middle of the street, with my wedding dress on, and my fiancé’s voice on the loudspeaker.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he says.
“I have an announcement to make.”
I can see him from where I stand, on the balcony of his new penthouse.
He’s holding a glass of champagne, and he’s smiling at the crowd below him.
The crowd is made up of his friends, his business partners, and his family.
They’re all waiting for him to say something important.
They’re all waiting for him to tell them why he called them here tonight.
And I know what he’s going to say.
I know what this is all about.
This is about power and wealth.
This is about betrayal and deceit.
This is about me and him.
And this is about how he used me to get what he wanted, and then threw me away like a piece of trash when he was done with me.
“But I have a different announcement to make.
Something that is just as important as my marriage.”
He pauses to take a sip of champagne, and I can see his red eyes glowing in the dark.
He got those red eyes when he became a vampire.
But they’re not the same as Jin’s red eyes.
Jin’s red eyes are like rubies.
They glow in the dark, and they’re beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
But Jimin’s red eyes are different.
They’re dull and lifeless, and they’re not beautiful at all.
They’re not terrifying or anything.
They’re just ugly and disgusting.
And so is he.
If I had known he would turn out to be like this, I would never have fallen in love with him in the first place.
I would never have agreed to marry him, even if he was the only man I could ever love, and even if he was the only one who could save me from my terrible fate.
“First of all, I would like to thank my wife for all her support over the years,” he says.
“And secondly, I would like to apologize for deceiving her and using her for my own gains.”
A chill runs down my spine when he says “my wife.”
My heart skips a beat when I hear the word “deceiving.”
And then it breaks into a million pieces when I realize what he’s been doing to me all this time.
I knew he was using me.
I knew he was deceiving me.
But I never thought he would call me “my wife” in front of everyone like this.
I never thought he would betray me like this.
I never thought he would hurt me like this.
And yet here we are, standing on the street, listening to him talk about how he used me to get what he wanted, and how he deceived me all this time, and how he’s going to throw me away like a piece of trash now that he’s done with me.
“It was never my intention to hurt her,” he says.
“And I hope she can forgive me for what I have done.”
The crowd is silent now, listening to him with rapt attention.
They all look up at him with admiration and respect, as if he’s some sort of hero who can do no wrong.
They have no idea what kind of monster he really is.
They have no idea what he’s capable of doing.
They have no idea that he will do anything to get what he wants, and that he will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who stands in his way.
The crowd is silent now, but I can hear their voices in my head.
I can hear them whispering about what he’s done to me, and what he’s going to do now that he doesn’t need me anymore.
I can hear them calling me names and laughing at my misfortune.
And I can hear them cheering for my demise, as if it’s something they’ve been waiting for all along.
He takes another sip of champagne and smiles at the crowd below him.
But they were far from done with their gasping when he said he had more to tell them, that he had a surprise for them, that they were going to love it and that they were going to hate it because it meant that they would never again be able to do business with them or to profit from their deals, that they would have to find another way to get what they wanted without him now that he had found someone else who was better than me in every way, someone who was richer and more powerful than me, someone who was willing to do anything to win his favor, someone who was willing to hurt me and betray me and destroy me to take my place at his side, someone who had been his lover for years and had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to take my place at his side as his wife.
I stood frozen on the street, my heart pounding in my chest, my hands shaking at my sides, as his voice echoed through the cold night.
I could hear the crowd gasping below him, shocked by what they had just heard, horrified by the things he had said about me, disgusted by the way he had used me to get what he wanted, and then thrown me away like a piece of trash, as if I was nothing more than a pawn in his game of power and wealth, a puppet that he could control and manipulate to get what he wanted.
But he was far from done with his revelations just yet, and when he said he had a surprise for them, they all looked at each other with confusion, as if they couldn't understand what he was talking about or why he was saying these things to them right now.
He said he had a surprise for them, he said they were going to love it but that they were going to hate it because it meant that they would never again be able to do business with him or to profit from his deals with them and that they would have to find another way to get what they wanted without him now that he had found someone else who was better than me in every way, someone who was richer and more powerful than me, someone who was willing to do anything to win his favor, someone who was willing to hurt me and betray me and destroy me to take my place at his side, someone who had been his lover for years and had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to take my place at his side as his wife.
The men in the crowd looked at each other with unease, as if they knew what he was talking about but didn't want to believe it yet.
They looked at each other with fear in their eyes, as if they knew that their worst nightmare was about to come true but didn't want to acknowledge it just yet.
Jimin smiled at them for a moment, as if he was enjoying their discomfort and their panic, as if he was pleased with the way they were looking at each other with suspicion and hatred, and then he dropped the bombshell on them, his voice cold and hard, his eyes flashing with malice and contempt, as if he was enjoying every moment of it and couldn't wait to see the look on my face when I heard him say these words to them: “My wife has graciously agreed to step aside for someone more suitable than her.”
The crowd fell silent again, waiting with bated breath to hear who this mysterious “someone” was that he was talking about, and they all looked up at him with confusion and fear, as if they couldn't understand what he was saying to them or why he was saying these things to them right now, but they all knew who it was that he was talking about and that it was me, his poor fiancé, who had been left behind like a piece of trash, a loser who didn't deserve to be with him and would never be welcome in his life or his home again.
“I hope you know that it wasn't your fault and that you don't hate me too much,” he continues to say to me as if there is nothing wrong with what he is doing or saying and everything is just business as usual between us in this moment when my heart is breaking and I am feeling as if there is no way out of this pain and darkness but to end my life right now before it becomes even worse and impossible for me to bear it any longer, as if everything is fine between us even when it is clear from his words and his voice and his eyes that everything is over between us now and there is no going back from this moment when he has made it clear to me that he doesn't want me anymore and that he never loved me to begin with but only used me and lied to me and tricked me into believing that we had something special between us even though he knew all along that we didn't and never would.
His words are like a punch in the stomach and a kick to the head but the pain is nothing compared to the humiliation that I feel, standing here on this stage in front of so many people who all know me and know that we are supposed to get married today and live happily ever after together but now they all know the truth about us and our engagement and my fiancé and how he has betrayed me and left me behind as if I am nothing and never meant anything to him and no one will ever love me or want me again after this moment when it is clear from his words and his voice and his eyes that everything we had was just a lie that he made up to get what he wanted from me before throwing me away like garbage and moving on to his next victim, his next conquest, his next lover who will do everything that she can to make him happy even if it means destroying me and taking my place at his side forever.
“I hope you know that you are not leaving here empty-handed and that it wasn't all for nothing,” he continues to say to me as if he is doing me a favor and being nice to me now even though he has just destroyed me and hurt me and left me behind without a second thought, as if it is easy for him to say these words to me even though he knows that they are not true and shouldn't be said, as if he believes that it is possible for us to part as friends and go our separate ways without any hard feelings between us even though he knows that it is impossible after what he has just done and said to me, as if he thinks that he can make everything better between us now and we can pretend that none of this ever happened and everything is going to be fine between us from now on, as if he is not going to regret everything that he has done and said to me tonight after it is too late for him to take it all back and change his mind because I am already dead and gone and he will never see me again.