MidReal Story

Redemption: A Trillionaire's Tale of Love and Forgiveness


May 2
Scenario:Aryan Singh, a rich father's son who had a relationship since he was in the 8th grade. His girlfriend betrayed him after being in a relationship for 7 years due to typical Indian family pressure and filed a case against Aryan due to which Aryan went to jail but came back in 51 days as Aryan won the case but then Aryans father asked him to leave home and never comeback and after staying alone for 3 years, Aryan receives a call from his father and is asked to attend a marriage. But to his surprise, it was Aryans ex girlfriend and when Aryan went there he was embarassed and was humiliated by his as well as the girl's family. Aryan takes an oath that he will never comeback and starts working hard and within 3 years, he becomes a trillionaire on the other hand, his father sees a downfall in his career and his father loses all the wealth and is struggling for bread. When Aryan comes to know about it, Aryan takes his parents with him forgetting all the things. They start living together and one day sees his ex girlfriend looking for a job in the same company of who's Aryan is the owner. He gives her a job too
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Aryan Singh, a rich father's son who had a relationship since he was in the 8th grade. His girlfriend betrayed him after being in a relationship for 7 years due to typical Indian family pressure and filed a case against Aryan due to which Aryan went to jail but came back in 51 days as Aryan won the case but then Aryans father asked him to leave home and never comeback and after staying alone for 3 years, Aryan receives a call from his father and is asked to attend a marriage. But to his surprise, it was Aryans ex girlfriend and when Aryan went there he was embarassed and was humiliated by his as well as the girl's family. Aryan takes an oath that he will never comeback and starts working hard and within 3 years, he becomes a trillionaire on the other hand, his father sees a downfall in his career and his father loses all the wealth and is struggling for bread. When Aryan comes to know about it, Aryan takes his parents with him forgetting all the things. They start living together and one day sees his ex girlfriend looking for a job in the same company of who's Aryan is the owner. He gives her a job too
I was only 14 years old when I first met her, and she was the prettiest girl in my class.
I fell for her instantly, but I was too shy to propose to her.
It wasn’t until we were in the 8th grade that I finally mustered the courage and told her how I felt.
To my surprise, she felt the same, and we began our beautiful journey of love.
Unfortunately, we belonged to different castes, and our union was an anomaly in a country like India, where the family’s honor is more important than their children’s happiness.
But I loved her, and she loved me, so we fought tooth and nail to be together.
From sneaking out at nights to meet each other to writing letters about our undying love, we did everything together.
I was too young to understand that it wasn’t going to be easy.
Years passed, and we were still together.
We had fought with our families and stood against them to be with each other.
But somewhere along the way, my love became my weakness, and she turned it against me.
For seven years, she was my world.
I could give up anything for her, but then one day, she asked me to give up on us.
She said it would be better for both of us in the long run.
When I asked her what had changed now, why weren’t we happy anymore?
She told me it wasn’t about happiness but about “samman” (respect) that would go away from her family if they found out about us.
I begged her not to do this to us, but she didn’t listen.
Her family was after her life, and when they forced her to marry someone else, she gave in.
She broke up with me on a call and blocked me from every social media platform.
She didn’t even let me meet her once before leaving forever.
Just like that, she erased seven years of our relationship from her life.
But how could she expect me to do the same?
How could I forget that I loved someone so deeply?
How could I forget that she was a part of my existence?
I was dying without her.
But she didn’t care.
She moved on, got married, and started a new life, while I was still stuck in the past, waiting for the love of my life to come back to me!
Months went by, and the pain didn’t lessen, but I thought maybe I could have borne it a little longer.
But then one day, she took away my hope as well.
She filed a false case against me, something that I had never done!
And that was when I realized that she no longer loved me!
It wasn’t about samman for her; it was about being with another man!
The man she had married!
In the name of love, I was betrayed!
For seven years, she made me believe that she loved me, but she just played with my feelings!
It wasn’t about us; it was about her and him!
What about the love I had given to her?
What about the plans we made for our future?
"Redemption: A Trillionaire's Tale of Love and Forgiveness"
What about all the sacrifices I made for her?
If she didn’t want to be with me, she could have just said it!
Why did she have to do this to me?
After all, it wasn’t just a case; it was my life that was at stake here!
When the police came to arrest me, I felt numb.
My world had turned upside down within seconds!
Her betrayal didn’t just end our relationship; it almost ended my life as well!
For 51 days, I lived in a small, suffocating cell along with some criminals whose faces I couldn’t even see due to the darkness.
Even though my friend stood by me through thick and thin, there were times when I thought about what would happen to me if he lost hope?
After all, he wasn’t the one who witnessed the incident; he only trusted his friend!
I couldn’t see any ray of hope in my life.
The justice system was too slow, and I didn’t know when I would be free again.
If the lawyer was unable to prove my innocence, would I have to spend my entire life here?
But how could someone get away with such a big lie?
I was sure the truth would come out sooner or later.
After all, I had never done anything wrong with anyone in my life.
I had always been a good boy, who was loved by everyone.
She wasn’t the only one who loved me; my parents did as well.
But then why did they leave me behind?
Why did they not say anything in my defense?
Why didn’t she trust me?
On the 51st day of my confinement, the court announced my release after acquitting me of all charges due to the lack of evidence.
My lawyer had fought for me; he had put everything on the line to prove my innocence.
The charges were dropped, but what about the emotional trauma I had endured?
She couldn’t take back the days when I rotted in jail for no reason!
My name was tarnished, my image was ruined, and there was nothing I could do about it!
But the most significant loss was that of love!
The love I gave to her, believing that she would keep it safe!
The love that made me a fool!
She took away the best years of my life that I spent loving her, but she couldn’t take away love itself.
She couldn’t make me unlove her because once you love someone, you love them forever.
I might have forgotten what it felt like to be with her or how she looked, but I wouldn’t forget how much I loved her!
But the boy who loved her so deeply was no more; he died with a broken heart.
He died when the girl he loved so much pushed him towards his death.
The carefree boy might have died, but the man who rose from his ashes was different.
"Redemption: A Trillionaire's Tale of Love and Forgiveness"
The man who was bereft of the love of his life but was surrounded by money, fame, power, and everything else in the world.
He became the richest man in the entire country; he became a trillionaire; but little did anyone know that he was once a poor man begging for bread on the streets.
She might have broken him or even killed him, but she couldn’t take away his future!
She thought she could bury him alive by robbing him of his reputation.
But instead, she gave birth to a monster, who would come back from the dead just to haunt her!
It was a bittersweet victory for him.
I got out of jail, but the Aryan Singh I knew was dead.
It wasn’t easy for him to get back on his feet.
But he didn’t give up; he didn’t lose hope.
He had to prove himself right; he had to get justice for himself; he had to show her that no one gets away with harming him.
He worked hard, and after three years, he was standing in front of everyone as the richest man in the world.
Everyone was shocked to see him; they couldn’t believe it was really him.
He had changed so much; he didn’t even look like him.
The Aryan Singh they knew was tall, handsome, and arrogant.
But the man standing in front of them was entirely different.
He wasn’t tall anymore, but his height didn’t matter when he had a trillion dollars in his bank account.
His face had lost all its charm as well.
But how did it matter when he could buy everything with money?
He wasn’t arrogant anymore; instead, he was humble now.
But why would he be arrogant when you have nothing left to show off?
Everyone was talking about him; they were amazed by his transformation.
Some said it was a miracle, while others said it was all because of his hard work.
But none of them knew the truth or what had happened behind closed doors!
They thought he became rich overnight or maybe someone left all his wealth on his name.
But they didn’t know that he had earned each penny with blood, sweat, and tears.
They thought he had no one to support him, but in reality, he got all the support he needed.
Everyone thought his parents had disowned him.
But the truth was something else.
My father had disowned me three years ago when my name was dragged into this scandal.
He had always been a man of honor, but he couldn’t bear the humiliation that came with it.
He thought it was better to leave everything behind and run away instead of facing the world.
I knew he regretted it, but it was too late now.
He had already lost everything that he ever had, including the love and respect he got from everyone.
Now he was just a small man, who spent most of his days looking at my pictures on the internet.
When he saw me for the first time after three years, tears filled his eyes.
He wanted to come to me, but he couldn’t gather the courage to face me.
He didn’t know if I would forgive him or not.
He didn’t know if I still loved him or not.
"Redemption: A Trillionaire's Tale of Love and Forgiveness"
But how could I forget about my family?
No matter how much I hated them, I still loved them unconditionally.
I went to him, but he turned around and started walking away.
He didn’t want to see my face; he didn’t want to talk to me, but I stopped him before he could take another step further away from me.
“Dad, I know you are angry with me.But please listen to me once,” I said with tears in my eyes.
He was angry with me, but I couldn’t see hatred for me in his eyes.
Instead, I could see the love he had for me, which never faded away with time.
But there was also something else that I saw in his eyes—regret and pain.
He didn’t want to do this; he didn’t want to leave us alone.
But he did it anyway because of some stupid reason.
He wanted to come back to us, but he couldn’t do it because of some other reason again.
I don’t know what happened behind closed doors, but I knew he wanted to come back to us.
I could see it in his eyes.
But what was stopping him?
Why didn’t he come back to us if he wanted to?
I asked myself.
He didn’t say anything to me.
Instead, he walked away without saying a word.
I called out to him again, but he didn’t stop.
A single tear fell from his eyes when I held his hand and stopped him.
“Please let go of me,” he said in a low voice.
My hands trembled when I heard his words.
I don’t know how long I stood there after he left.
But when the sun started to set, and people began to leave, I realized that my family didn’t want to come back to me, ever.
Tears clouded my vision, and pain filled my heart.
I didn’t want to believe that he left me alone in this big world.
But what could I do when they didn’t want to come back to me?
I didn’t want to go back either because I knew they wouldn’t like to see my face either.
It was at that moment that I decided never to go back home again.
I knew they were angry with me, but they would come back when they would calm down a bit.
But what about him?
Why didn’t he want to come back when I wanted him so badly?
I knew it wasn’t easy for them to live without each other; after all, they had spent most of their lives together.
Then why didn’t they come back?
I knew there was only one way to find out!
"Redemption: A Trillionaire's Tale of Love and Forgiveness"
I’ll show them that I can live without them too!
I’ll make so much money that they will come and ask me to forgive them!
Yes, I’ll become a great man!
A few days later, I left my house and my family behind with a firm determination in my heart to make money.
I started working hard and never looked back at them again.
And now, three years have passed since that day…
“Get away from my way!”
“Don’t you know who I am?”
I glared at the man who bumped into me and wanted me to apologize.
The man quickly stepped back as I said those words and looked at me terrified.
He tried his best not to look at me again and walked away quietly.
I stopped looking at him too and walked toward my destination without looking back again.
It felt like nothing had changed in these three years.
People still looked at me as if I had a habit of killing people.
But it didn’t bother me now.
In fact, it motivated me to work harder than before to prove everyone wrong who thought I would not be able to do anything without my family!
And what happened next was no less than a miracle for me!
My company grew rapidly, and I acquired many other companies in no time!
The business world looked at me as if they had seen a prodigy who rose from rags to riches overnight!
Some people even thought I had sold my soul to the devil to get everything I had today!
But they didn’t know that my success came from my hard work and the time I spent away from my family!
The pain of losing a family member was still fresh in my mind now!
I knew I would never forget it, and that’s why I worked hard every day to make sure it never happened again!
I stayed in my office until late at night and worked hard to fulfill my dream of becoming a trillionaire!
I didn’t want to have any weakness that could hurt me or my business!
And I did everything that I could to make sure it didn’t happen that way!
It wasn’t easy, but I did it!
I made a lot of money, and I had all the power and influence that I needed to do everything I had ever wanted to do!
Some women even threw themselves at my feet when they learned that I had a lot of money!
But what did they think of themselves?
Did they think I would like them just because they were beautiful?
"Redemption: A Trillionaire's Tale of Love and Forgiveness"