MidReal Story

Reborn As A Sugar Orange Tree

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I don’t know how long I slept for.
When I woke up, I felt that my body was much bigger than before.
The last thing I remembered was that I was reborn as a sugar orange in the soil of Guangxi at this time of the year when it was the festive season.
Or should I say that my hands and feet have all turned into roots?
Looking down, I could see that my body had become a tree trunk, completely without any hands or feet!
A strong gust of wind blew past and the leaves on my branches rustled.
Wait, what leaves?
I looked up and saw the sky through the gaps of the leaves.
They were really leaves!
And looking down from the leaves, I could see that they were really on the branches!
The branches were really attached to my trunk!
And my trunk was really planted in the ground!
I patted my trunk with my branch.
It was really real!
I reached out with what was once my hand and touched my branch.
My branch was real!
I was reborn as a sugar orange tree!
A sugar orange tree?
As in a tree that bears sugar oranges?
I looked at the trees in my vicinity and suddenly realized that they were all sugar orange trees as well!
And there was one tree not far away from me that seemed to be different.
It seemed to be a winter plum.
Reborn As A Sugar Orange Tree