MidReal Story

Rebirth of Ambition

Scenario:The protagonist is an outstanding law student who graduated from Oxford University. He is bent on currying favor with the rich and powerful, has a sharp tongue and is extremely intelligent. In the end, he was assassinated a few days before he was about to become the Queen's Royal Counsel, and was reborn as a New York high school student. He worked hard in New York and London and uncovered the secret of his death in his previous life. The protagonist has a girlfriend, who is a New Yorker in both lives, and this time she happened to meet the protagonist in high school. She is a very rich best-selling author. Part 1: Establishing the Protagonist (Chapters 1-20) Introduction to the protagonist at Oxford University, showcasing his brilliance.In First-person perspective
Create my version of this story
The protagonist is an outstanding law student who graduated from Oxford University. He is bent on currying favor with the rich and powerful, has a sharp tongue and is extremely intelligent. In the end, he was assassinated a few days before he was about to become the Queen's Royal Counsel, and was reborn as a New York high school student. He worked hard in New York and London and uncovered the secret of his death in his previous life. The protagonist has a girlfriend, who is a New Yorker in both lives, and this time she happened to meet the protagonist in high school. She is a very rich best-selling author. Part 1: Establishing the Protagonist (Chapters 1-20) Introduction to the protagonist at Oxford University, showcasing his brilliance.In First-person perspective
I’m Alexander Blackwood and I’m a law student at Oxford University.
The only reason you would have heard of me is my sharp tongue and piercing blue eyes.
Ask anyone and they’ll say I’m the most ambitious bastard they know.
I’ll become the Queen’s Royal Counsel before I’m thirty and there’s not a damn thing that can stop me.
Not even death.
I’ve worked hard to get here and I’ve worked even harder to make sure everyone knows it.
I’m not from the right background and I don’t have the right connections, but I’m not going to let that get in my way.
The first thing you need to understand about Oxford is that it’s an elitist institution.
It’s not what you know, but who you know and where you come from that matters.
I might not have been born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I know how to blend in.
When I walk into the debate hall, all eyes are on me and for good reason.
My dark hair is neatly combed to one side, a tailored three-piece suit hugging my frame, and my skin is well moisturized and free of blemishes.
I might not have been born with good looks, but I’ll be damned if I don’t make the best of what I’ve got.
My eyes are bright as they scan the room.
There are several rows of wooden benches on both sides of the room where our peers can watch us rip each other apart.
The only thing that matters is winning.
My team mate pats me on the back and whispers something in my ear, but I don’t pay him any attention.
There’s game face on and it won’t be going anywhere until this is over.
The motion of today’s debate is “This House Would Legalize Euthanasia” and I’m speaking for the proposition.
It was my choice as I’ve debated it before and won.
I’ll do it again.
I look at my notes for one last time as the judge calls us all to attention.
The other team opens their argument with a weak anecdote and I almost roll my eyes at how pathetic it is.
They don’t have a leg to stand on and they know it.
The judge raises an eyebrow and nods to me.
I rise from my seat and make my way to the front of the room.
I stand behind the podium and smile in greeting.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have heard from the opposition that euthanasia is immoral and inhumane.
I’m here to tell you that every person has the right to choose what happens to their own body.”
I’ve faced smarter opponents in past debates, but it’s not over until it’s over.
I’ve done my research and I’m ready to show them exactly why they’re wrong.
I can feel my team mate smirking behind me as I make my points.
I know he’s waiting for me to finish so he can jump up and rip them apart even more.
Debates are a thrilling experience in Oxford.
There’s nothing better than tearing someone down in front of your peers and professors.
The academic setting is what makes it so exciting.
I glance at Emily Thompson and she smiles at me from her seat in the audience.
She’s a best-selling author and she’s also my girlfriend.
Rebirth of Ambition
We met when I came to New York for a debate tournament and she was there to watch her brother compete.
I wonder if she was impressed when I tore her brother’s team apart or did she think I was an arrogant prick?
Either way, she’s been my number one supporter ever since and I can’t imagine my life without her.
We have a lot in common, but we’re also different in many ways.
I’m ambitious and driven, while she’s more laid back and easy going.
She’s also beautiful and intelligent, and I’m lucky to have her in my life.
I look away from her as I finish my point and take my seat again.
My team mate gets up and continues our argument, but I’m not worried.
This debate will be over soon and we’ll be celebrating our win during drinks at pub down the street.
I’m so focused on the debate that I don’t notice Professor Wilburton enter the room and take his seat until he clears his throat and catches my eye.
I may be young, but I’m not stupid.
Everyone knows who he is and what he’s capable of doing.
I arch an eyebrow at him.
Professor Wilburton is a renowned figure in the legal world and he has many connections throughout Oxford.
He’s also on the committee that decides who gets to become legal scholars.
That’s a problem for me.
I don’t have time for politics, I just want to get my degree as quickly as possible so I can start working on my career.
He gives me a small smile and leans back in his chair, propping his feet up on the seat in front of him.
That’s when it hits me.
He knows who I am and this is his way of showing it.
He wants to see if he can ruffle my feathers before he makes his decision.
Well, he came to the wrong person for that.
I turn my attention back to my team mate as he finishes up our argument.
The opposition rises from their seats and one of them walks to the middle of the room.
He clears his throat and opens his mouth, but I don’t pay any attention to what he’s saying.
It’s not worth my time.
“Mr.Blackwood, what are your thoughts on whether or not euthanasia should be legalized?”
Professor Wilburton calls from his seat.
It’s obvious he’s trying to test me, but I have no problem with that.
The entire room goes quiet as they wait for my answer.
I give him a small smile before standing up and making my way to the middle of the room.
“Euthanasia is currently illegal in England and Wales,” I say slowly, choosing my words carefully.
“However, it is legal in other countries.”
I can see him arch an eyebrow at me and I know he didn’t expect me to give him an answer like that.
“Do you believe that it should be legalized here?”
he asks, pressing me further.
I’ll give him one thing; he’s persistent.
“I believe that it should be legalized here,” I reply.
“The only way to prevent wrongful death is by making it legal.”
The rest of my classmates are watching me, hanging on my every word, but they’re not the ones who matter most right now.
Rebirth of Ambition
He leans forward in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest, his eyes never leaving mine.
I can see that he wants to challenge me on this, to try and trip me up, but I won’t let that happen.
Not today, not ever.
“What if you were put in a situation where you had to make a decision on whether or not to pull your daughter off life support?”
I hold his gaze as I give him my answer.
“The situation you described is a case of passive euthanasia and it is legal in this country,” I say calmly.
“But that doesn’t change anything because it would still be considered euthanasia.”
This time I’m the one who leans forward in my chair as I lock eyes with him.
“I would never be put in that situation because I would never have a daughter,” I tell him firmly.
“If you’re going to challenge me with a hypothetical case, at least make it a realistic one.
The only thing you’ve proven with that question is that you’re desperate to try and trip me up.”
The rest of the room breaks out into laughter and he narrows his eyes at me, but I refuse to back down.
I know I sound arrogant right now, but it’s not arrogance if you can back it up.
And I can back it up ten times over.
He goes quiet and I know I won this round, just like I always do.
He gives me a small nod and I return to my seat, the rest of the debate passing by in a blur as I wait for the session to be over.
I know that I won’t get into any trouble for what I said to Professor Wilburton, and he’ll probably respect me more for it, but I can’t shake the feeling inside of me that I’m being watched, that someone has their eye on me and they’re just waiting for me to slip up.
I shake the thought away and focus on the debate again, not letting it show on my face or in my body language, but I can’t help but wonder if maybe I was a little too harsh with him earlier.
Rebirth of Ambition
A few minutes later, the bell rings to signal the end of the session and I take a deep breath to calm myself down before I leave the room with William, the other students parting like the Red Sea in front of us as we walk through the hallway.
I scan the crowd in search of Emily and find her sitting in one of the chairs nearby, her face lighting up when she sees me as she gets up from her seat and makes her way over to us, her long brown hair falling in waves around her shoulders as she walks, and I can’t stop myself from pulling her into my arms when she reaches us, burying my face in her neck as I take a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief before I press a kiss against her skin, inhaling her sweet scent as she wraps her arms around me and holds me close to her like she always does when she knows I need it the most, her fingers tangling in my hair as she threads them through the strands, and I close my eyes for a moment as I let myself relax in her embrace before I pull away from her and rest my forehead against hers as I look into her beautiful brown eyes, the worry clear in them as she studies my face, and I smile at her as I cup her cheek in my hand and press another kiss to her skin before I speak.
“I was fine,” I assure her as I take a step back.
“Just had to make sure I held his attention.
He’s been ignoring me lately, so I had to make sure he knew I wasn’t going anywhere.”
She nods in understanding and I smile at her again before I take her hand in mine and start to walk down the hallway, William following behind us as we head outside and make our way across the cobblestone courtyard, the sun shining down on us as we move, and I turn to look at Emily as we walk, still unable to stop myself from smiling at her even though I know that the look on my face is far too soft for someone like me, but I can’t help it when I see her looking back at me with that special smile that’s just for me, the one that makes my heart leap in my chest because it’s hers and hers alone.
“What are you thinking about?”
she asks me when she sees the look on my face.
I shake my head at her to let her know that it’s nothing, but she doesn’t believe me.
“C’mon, Alex,” she says as she rolls her eyes at me.
“You can tell me anything, you know that.”
I stop walking and she stops with me, waiting for me to speak, and I take a deep breath before I do, knowing that she won’t like what I’m about to say, but she needs to know how I feel about this.
“I’m scared, Em,”
I admit as I look down at the ground and close my eyes again for a moment before I open them and meet hers, unable to hide the fear in them as much as I try.
“I’m scared that no matter how hard I work or how much effort I put into everything, it’s still not going to be enough, that I’m still going to fail, and then what am I going to do?”
Her face softens when she hears me say this and she takes a step toward me before she wraps her arms around me again and holds me close as she presses a kiss to the top of my head, and I breathe in her familiar scent as I let myself relax in her embrace once more.
“I know,” she says softly as she runs her fingers up and down my back, “but you’re not alone, Alex, we’re in this together, remember?”
Rebirth of Ambition
I can tell by the look on her face that she knows what’s coming before I even say it and there’s no stopping me now that the idea is in my head.
“Or you could transfer,”
I suggest with a grin as I wrap an arm around Emily and press a kiss to the top of her head once more as we sit on the couch in the common room of St.
Cross College after dinner that night.
I like the way that sounds.”
She shakes her head at me and rolls her eyes.
“No way,” she says with a laugh as she looks up at me and shakes her head again.
“What is so wrong with Oxford?”
“Nothing,” I say with a shrug, “but it’s not Harvard either.”
“You’re right about that one,” she says with a laugh as she shakes her head at me again.
“But it’s also not practical and it’s a little too late for me to be thinking about transferring schools since I’ve been graduated for two years already.”
“You could come for just one semester,”
I suggest with a grin as I lean in to press a kiss to the top of her head once more and wrap an arm around her shoulder once more.
“It would be worth it if you could just see what it is really like there.”
She rolls her eyes at me again and puts her hand on my chest as she pushes me away.
“You’re just jealous because Harvard is better than Oxford,” she says with a grin as she leans in to press her lips to mine for a moment before she pulls away and looks up at me with a smile.
“I can tell every time we talk about it that you wish you could have gone there instead.”
“I do not,”
I say with a frown as I shake my head at her again and look away from her as my face turns red and she pinches me on the arm with a grin before she gets up from the couch.
“I’m going to go get my bag,” she says as she turns to walk away from me and disappears down the hallway before she comes back a few minutes later.
“Are you sure that’s everything?”
William asks her as he comes back into the room and looks at her with a frown.
“Yes,” she says with a nod as she looks down at the small bag she’s carrying and pulls it over her shoulder before she looks back up at him as she takes his hand in hers.
“Thank you for everything,” she says as she looks up at him and smiles at him before she leans in to press a kiss to his cheek.
“It was so good to see you.”
“It was good to see you too,” he says with a smile as they start to walk out of the room together, but then he stops and turns back to us when he realizes what time it is.
“You two should get going if you want to catch your train on time.”
Emily nods at him and takes my hand in hers again as we get up from the couch and start to walk to the door, but then we stop in the hallway and turn around when we hear William call out for us again.
“Emily’s going to go back to New York for a week or two and then spend some time with me after that,” he says with a smile as he runs his hand through his hair and looks down at the floor for a moment before he looks back up at us again.
“Do you have any plans?”
Rebirth of Ambition
“I don’t know,” I tell him as I shake my head at him and look down at the floor for a moment before I look back up at him again.
“I was planning on staying at St.Cross this afternoon,” Emily says as she looks down at me.
“Do you think that will be okay?”
“That should be fine,” William says with a nod as he looks down at me again before he looks back up at Emily as he smiles at her.
“I hope your writing goes well while you’re here,” he says as he leans in to press a kiss to her cheek before he takes a step back and looks down at me again.
“Thank you for coming to visit me this weekend,” he says as he smiles down at me before he takes a step back to wave goodbye as Emily pulls me out of the room behind her.
I look down at the floor as we walk down the hallway and then turn around to wave goodbye to William when we hear him call out to us again.
It was the first time that I ever saw Emily in a debate, which was strange to begin with because it was also our first date so it wasn’t like there were many times that we had even seen each other before that, but that was beside the point.
We met in high school when we were both on the debate team, but after that, we went on our separate paths as I went to Oxford and she went to Harvard, so it wasn’t like we ever saw each other anyway even though we still talked through letters every week, but that was beside the point too.
What really struck me about her then was how arrogant she was, which was offputting at first because it seemed like all of those people there always acted that way, but then after a few minutes of listening to her talk and watching her gesticulate as she made her point, I was completely captivated by her intelligence and beauty in a way that no one else had ever done before.
When we were first dating, my friends told me that they couldn’t believe that someone like her would ever be interested in someone like me and how lucky I was to have someone like that interested in me at all, but that wasn’t true.
I knew that I didn’t really deserve someone like her, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t know that I could get better than what my friends had even though they were the ones who were always going after things like that.
My friends didn’t know what they were talking about anyway because they didn’t even know the first thing about what Emily was actually like and who she really was as a person in the first place so how could they possibly have any idea what to think about a girl like her?
Rebirth of Ambition
The protagonist's ambition to become the Queen's Royal Counsel is revealed.
The debate that we had just ended already wasn’t going well from the start, but it wasn’t until the last speech that I really began to lose my composure over it.
It’s not like it really mattered how well any of them did anyway because no one ever really did very well against me in a debate to begin with, but that still wasn’t an excuse for why they couldn’t even get their facts right or make a decent argument when they were trying to prove their point at all.
On top of that, the very decision that they were trying to argue for wasn’t even a logical one to begin with, so it wasn’t like anyone could have ever been able to argue in favor of it at all, but that wasn’t even the worst part of it either because all of them seemed to think so highly of themselves as if any of their arguments had ever been good enough to win against anything so far, which clearly wasn’t the case since none of them had ever won against me anyway.
Still, even though none of them had ever been able to win against anything so far in a debate at all and they were clearly not good enough to win this one either when it was so obvious what was wrong with each and every one of their arguments since the very start of it anyway, at least they were able to make their arguments in the first place because at least they weren’t stuttering over their words or anything like that because at least they were able to stay on track and on their point like they were supposed to in the first place even if their arguments were still flawed and illogical in the first place too.
By this point, I could tell that this round wasn’t really going anywhere fast because all of them had already been unable to make a good argument for themselves so far and hadn’t been able to present any new evidence for why this decision should be made either when they all knew so well that nothing would ever come of it in the first place anyway, but at this point there really wasn’t much else for me to do except wait for them all to finish talking so that I could finally give them all a good rebuttal for why each one of their arguments was complete trash compared to mine since no one else would ever have been able to do so anyway at this point since none of them had really been good enough for me so far either.
Rebirth of Ambition
The protagonist's ambition to become the Queen's Royal Counsel is revealed.
“Look at you,” Emily said with a grin as she came toward me.“You’re looking pretty damn smug right now.”
“You bet your ass I am,” I said with a grin.I couldn’t help myself from grinning too because we had just won against the other team from the Oxford Union and now we were going to be moving on to the next round of debates too which meant that we would be able to compete against some of the best debaters from all over the world who were attending Oxford right now and then hopefully we would be able to win against them too and then we would be able to move on to the finals where we would have the chance of winning against some of the best debaters in the entire world because we were already some of the best debaters in the entire world as it was already anyway even if we hadn't ever won a championship round before then either when we had only ever won normal rounds so far instead too which wasn't nearly as good as winning a championship round would have been back then either.
“Who would have thought that the other team would have been so bad?”
“It really is astonishing,” I said with a grin.
“I mean, how could the other side have even thought that that was the right way of arguing with you anyway?”
“I’m not entirely sure,” I said with a shrug.“I can only assume that they weren't expecting us to be as good of debaters as we really are when they really should have been prepared for us in the first place.”
“True enough,” she said with a nod.“But hey, at least you guys still won and all.”
“Yes we did,” I said with a grin.
“It's still not really that big of a deal though,” I said.
“Not really,” I said.
“Why not?”
“It's just a normal round,” I said with a shrug.
“It's not like we just won against any of the championship teams or anything like that so far either.”
“Yeah but still,” she said.
“It’s still pretty cool that you guys won and all.”
“Yeah I guess you're right,” I said with a shrug.
Rebirth of Ambition