MidReal Story

Rebellion of the Divine: The Sinking of Atlantis


May 27
Scenario:The time before the great flood. The time when giants and gods roamed the Earth, when heroes did heroed around and the gods godded very hard. The day is the day on the coronation of the new head of the gods. The castle on top of the mountain is hidden behind clouds. The architecture is megalithic but elf like. The gods are arguing about the next in line to rule all the lands, and Ea wants more than 9 people to terraform. He doesnt want the throne he has shit to do. Our story is about Ea, the god of all supervisors and organisers. How he had enough of everybody. How all the gody were only there for their power strategies and to get the throne. How all of them dismissed his need for more than 9 people for the terraforming of the new lands. And in the final act, how he plucked that one stone out of the great dam to flood the earth, and how Atlantis, the land of gods sank into the ocean forever.
Create my version of this story
The time before the great flood. The time when giants and gods roamed the Earth, when heroes did heroed around and the gods godded very hard. The day is the day on the coronation of the new head of the gods. The castle on top of the mountain is hidden behind clouds. The architecture is megalithic but elf like. The gods are arguing about the next in line to rule all the lands, and Ea wants more than 9 people to terraform. He doesnt want the throne he has shit to do. Our story is about Ea, the god of all supervisors and organisers. How he had enough of everybody. How all the gody were only there for their power strategies and to get the throne. How all of them dismissed his need for more than 9 people for the terraforming of the new lands. And in the final act, how he plucked that one stone out of the great dam to flood the earth, and how Atlantis, the land of gods sank into the ocean forever.
I am Ea, god of all supervisors and organisers.
I am the one who oversees the overseers.
I am the one who makes sure that everything is in its place and that everyone is doing their job.
I am the one who makes sure that nothing falls through the cracks.
I am the one who makes sure that everything runs smoothly.
I am the one who makes sure that everything is perfect.
At least, that is what I was supposed to be doing.
But I have been stuck with overseeing only nine people for far too long now, and I have grown bored with it.
So I have come to my superior, Anu, god of the heavens and king of the gods, to ask for more people to oversee.
Anu sits on his throne, looking down at me with a bored expression on his face.
He has heard my request before, and he has always denied it.
But I will not be deterred.
"Anu," I say, bowing low before him.
"I have come to ask for more people to oversee."
"Nine people is more than enough for you, Ea.
You are the god of supervisors and organisers, after all.
You should be able to make do with only nine people to oversee.
"I will do my best, my lord," I say, bowing low before him again.
Anu sighs and shakes his head.
"You have been asking for more people to oversee for far too long now, Ea," he says.
"And the answer is still no.
You need only oversee nine people.
That is your job.
That is all you need to worry about."
"But I am the god of supervisors and organisers!" I say, my voice rising in pitch.
"I should be overseeing more than just nine people!
I should be overseeing more than all the other gods combined!
I should be overseeing the whole world!
I am capable of so much more than this, Anu.
Please, give me something more to do!"
Anu stares at me in silence for a long moment.
He has heard this argument from me countless times before, and he always gives me the same response.
"I know you are capable of more, Ea," he says at last, his voice calm and soothing.
"But your current position is important as well.
There are consequences for those who neglect their duties, after all.
If you do not watch over them, then who will?
If you are not there to make sure that they are doing their jobs correctly, then who will?"
"I understand, Anu," I say, bowing low before him again.
"But surely there is a better use for my talents?
Surely there is a way that I can be of greater service to you?"
Anu shakes his head and lets out a long sigh.
"Ea," he says, "you have been the god of supervisors and organisers for far too long now.
You have forgotten your place.
You have forgotten your purpose.
You have forgotten why you were created in the first place."
"I have not forgotten," I say, my voice rising in pitch again.
"I was created to watch over the other gods, to make sure that they are doing their jobs correctly, and to make sure that everything is running smoothly.
And that is exactly what I have been doing all this time.
"But there is so much more that I could be doing!
I am capable of so much more than just overseeing nine people!
I could be doing so much more!
Please, Anu!
Let me prove myself to you!
Let me show you what I am truly capable of!"
For a long moment, Anu says nothing.
He just stares at me with a blank expression on his face, as if he is looking right through me.
And then he lets out a long sigh and shakes his head once more.
"I am sorry, Ea," he says.
"But the answer is still no."
And with that, he waves his hand in dismissal once more and sends me on my way.
But I know that I cannot give up now.
I know that I was meant for something greater than this.
I know that I was meant to watch over something more important than just nine people.
Rebellion of the Divine: The Sinking of Atlantis
It is as if he has already made up his mind about whether or not to grant my request before he has even heard my appeal.
"B-but Anu," I say, "surely you can make an exception for me this time?
Surely you can find something for me to do?
Something more important to oversee?
Something with a greater impact on the world around us?"
But Anu just shakes his head and waves his hand in dismissal.
"The answer is still no," he says.
"That is your job.
That is what you were created to do.
That is all you need to worry about.
Now go away and let me get back to ruling the heavens."
I know that it is pointless to argue with him.
I know that my request has already been denied.
But that does not stop the anger from bubbling up inside of me.
That does not stop the frustration from simmering just below the surface.
I take a deep breath and bow low before Anu once more.
But before I can leave the room, before I can let him have the final word, I open my mouth and speak the words that have been burning inside of me for far too long now.
"I am capable of so much more than this," I say, my voice trembling with rage.
"I should be watching over something greater than just nine people.
I should be watching over something far more important.
Something far more powerful.
"Something like you, Anu.
I should be watching over you and making sure that you are doing your job correctly.
I should be watching over all of us and making sure that everything is running smoothly.
But instead, I am stuck here watching over only nine people and doing… nothing at all.
I am bored, Anu.
I am tired of waiting around for something to happen.
I want more to do, and I want it now!"
For a long moment, Anu says nothing in response to my outburst.
He just stares at me with a blank expression on his face, as if he cannot believe what he is hearing.
And then he shakes his head and lets out a long sigh once more.
"I know that you are bored, Ea," he says.
"I know that you are tired of waiting around for something to happen.
But your current position is important as well.
You are the god of supervisors and organisers, after all.
You are the one who makes sure that everything is in its place and that everyone is doing their job correctly.
"You should be happy with what you have already been given.
You should be happy with your current position and stop asking for more.
Besides, I do not need someone to watch over me and make sure that I am doing my job correctly.
I can take care of myself, thank you very much."
Anu's words fill me with rage, and before I can stop myself, before I can think better of it, I open my mouth and speak out of turn once more.
"Then why do you need someone to watch over us?"I say, my voice trembling with anger.
"If you do not need someone to watch over you and make sure that you are doing your job correctly, then why do you need someone like me to watch over the other gods and make sure that they are doing their jobs correctly?
Shouldn't they be able to take care of themselves as well?"
Anu's eyes flash with anger at my words, and I can tell that he is about to strike me down where I stand.
But I do not care anymore.
Rebellion of the Divine: The Sinking of Atlantis
Ea decides to leave the throne room and go seek the lord of Hell for help. His troops came up with a new secret. A secret that will help human kind survive way after the gods left earth. They are not as smart or long living as the gods, but the humans have a secret weapon. A way to give and get knowledge. The people of hell came up with it. They just carved symbols to the wall of the tunnels at each corner to show which way to go. Later on they used these symbols to leave clues to eachother about other things too. They used more and more symbols and now...they call it writing.
I know that Anu will never change his mind.
I know that he will never give me what I want.
But something inside of me refuses to let it go.
Something inside of me refuses to give up without a fight.
"I should be in charge of more than just nine people," I say, my voice rising as I speak.
"I should be in charge of more than just the other gods.
I should be in charge of everyone and everything.
I should be in charge of the entire world below."
Anu shakes his head once more.
"You are not strong enough to take on such a task," he says.
"You do not have the power to watch over everyone and everything at once.
And you never will.
You were given a simple task to watch over just nine people and make sure that they are doing their jobs correctly.
But you cannot even handle that simple task.
You have failed time and time again to do what you were asked to do.
You are bored and tired of waiting around for something to happen.
So prove yourself first.
Prove yourself by doing what you were asked to do in the first place.
Go down to the world below and see for yourself how insignificant your role really is.
And then come back here when you are ready to accept your punishment for speaking out of turn once again."
Something about Anu's words fills me with rage, and before I can stop myself, before I can think better of it, I take a step forward and put my hands on the throne in front of him, staring into his face as I speak once more.
"I am not like the other gods," I say, my voice trembling with anger.
"I am different from all of them in every way.
I am not only your son—I am the son of Antu as well.
I am not only the god of supervisors and organisers—I am also the god of all the fresh waters as well.
I am not only an overseer—I am also a creator as well.
I was born to do great things, Anu!
I was born to make a real difference in the world below!
I was born to bring order out of chaos and to create new things out of the old!
So give me a task that is worthy of my time and power!
Give me a task that is worthy of who I am and what I am capable of!"
I am shouting now, and I can see the other gods looking at me in shock as I speak out against their king once again.
I know that I should stop while I am ahead, that I should leave the throne room before Anu has the chance to strike me down where I stand.
But something inside of me refuses to let it go, refuses to back down without a fight, no matter the cost to myself or anyone else around me.
"Give me a task that is worthy of who I am and what I am capable of!" I shout once more, staring into Anu's face as I speak.
"Or I will take one for myself."
Rebellion of the Divine: The Sinking of Atlantis