MidReal Story

Rebellion of the Celestial Realm

Scenario:An ancient Chinese myth in which the protagonist is a monkey named Monkey King, who is havoc in the Heavenly Palace and fights the Jade Emperor's army
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An ancient Chinese myth in which the protagonist is a monkey named Monkey King, who is havoc in the Heavenly Palace and fights the Jade Emperor's army
Long ago, I was summoned to the Heavenly Palace by the Jade Emperor to discuss a strategy on how to defend against a demon invasion.
When I arrived at the Heavenly Palace, I finally saw the Jade Emperor for the first time.
He was regal, with a golden crown, and was attended by many deities and celestial warriors.
I knelt in respect upon seeing him, and he told me I had been summoned to discuss a strategy to defend against a demon invasion.
The Jade Emperor asked me to share my martial arts skills with everyone there, and I thought it was a great idea.
I could do some good deeds and become a famous hero!
But then…things started to change…
“Everyone! I am pleased to announce that the Monkey King has agreed to stay behind in our Heavenly Palace to lend us his strength!”
The more time I spent in the company of those idiots, the more I felt like an idiot myself.
If the Monkey King could feel embarrassed, then that would be how I felt right now.
I couldn’t bear to listen any longer.
“Huh, I only came here to offer my services for the demon invasion, but if you want me to stay?
Then why don't you just ask for my hand in marriage?”
Everyone was speechless, and no one could believe their ears when they heard that.
The Jade Emperor had only just sat down, but he had already been provoked by this little monkey.
“Monkey King,” he said solemnly, “you are a subject of the heavens!”
Naturally, I refused to bow down to him unless he could show me some strength.
The Jade Emperor’s face darkened as if he were about to say something, but he swallowed his words back down again.
He waved his hand at one of his subordinates, who said respectfully, “Jade Emperor, that little monkey is very skilled in martial arts.
It would be best if we could test his skills before recruiting him.”
The Jade Emperor nodded.
That’s right!
Even if I were the Monkey King, so what?
Even if I were the most powerful monkey under heaven, that doesn’t change the fact that I’m still just a monkey.
In this world, there is heaven above, but there are also heavenly rules above all else.
Naturally, I had to respect authority.
Therefore, I immediately agreed and started showing off my skills.
At first, everyone thought that I was just an ordinary little monkey.
However, after seeing my performance, they were all left flabbergasted at how powerful a little monkey like me could actually be.
It was as if they had just realized that they had a hidden treasure under their noses!
When it was time for us to discuss the strategy again, everyone was very eager and excited.
Only I was a little listless and distracted.
I had been waiting for this moment for a long time, but now, it had finally arrived.
I wanted to cultivate the land and learn more about the world.
But the more I spoke, the more dissatisfied I became with the way the Jade Emperor did things.
He said that even if he were willing to grant me my freedom, I still wouldn’t be able to achieve it.
Because heaven was a place where the strong ruled over the weak.
And if that was truly the case, then what about those who are weak and have nothing?
The heavens are a place where the strong rule over the weak?
In that case, what about those who are weak and powerless?
Rebellion of the Celestial Realm
A golden headband appeared out of nowhere and coiled around my head.
I couldn’t move at all.
I had been completely suppressed by the Jade Emperor’s headband!
When the Jade Emperor saw this, he gave the order without any hesitation.
“Seal him up!”
I felt the world around me go dark before I lost consciousness.
When I woke up again, I found myself lying on the ground.
I was covered in chains and had been imprisoned here.
I couldn’t move at all.
At this moment, I realized that I had fallen into the hands of the Jade Emperor.
I had been captured and controlled by the headband!
That was the magical headband that the Jade Emperor had used to control me!
After he put it on me, it felt like there were countless needles puncturing into my skin.
It was so painful that I felt like I was going to die!
But even then, I refused to submit!
I was the Monkey King!
Even if I died here today, I still refused to bow down!
I used all my strength to resist it.
When he saw this, the Jade Emperor didn’t dare to be careless and immediately activated the headband!
In an instant, I felt as if my head was about to explode!
I could barely stand it, let alone resist it!
In the end, I still ended up begging for mercy.
After that, the Jade Emperor placed the magical headband on my head, and I couldn’t feel anything anymore.
But he didn’t know that I had already come up with a plan to escape from here!
I used my tail to tie a piece of stone to it and threw it into the distance.
“Great General, did you hear that?
That sounded like the Monkey King!
General Li Jing and his sons came to visit me in prison.
They even brought over some delicious food and wine!
Even though I said that I didn't want to eat anything, they still insisted on feeding me some food first!
After they were done eating, General Li Jing asked, “Monkey King, do you still have any last words?”
He knew very well what kind of person I was like.
Even if I knew that I was going to die, I would still think of some way to escape from this place!
Rebellion of the Celestial Realm
“General, can you please help me scratch my back?”
“Your Majesty, that …That’s the Heavenly Peach Garden’s immortal peach!In the Heavenly Peach Garden, there were a total of three thousand immortal peaches.
Every three thousand years, these peaches would bear fruit.
If one were to eat one of these immortal peaches, one would be able to live for thousands of years!
It was also known as the 'Peach of Eternal Life'!
Not long ago, the Jade Emperor had invited me to the Heavenly Palace to protect the Heavenly Peach Garden.
He told me to take good care of the Heavenly Peach Garden’s immortal peaches and not allow anyone to eat them.
But who was I?
I was the mischievous Monkey King!
So, when I saw those delicious immortal peaches, I couldn’t help but snatch them away and eat them all!
As a result, I ended up getting caught by the Great General Li Jing!
That's right, it's true!General Li Jing, you can go ahead and take a look at the garden!
You'll know whether I'm lying or not!”
General Li Jing led his sons into the Heavenly Peach Garden first.
He soon realized that all of the immortal peaches that Monkey King mentioned were missing!
For a moment.
Li Jing was so angry that he almost puked blood!
He then immediately ordered his sons to capture me and bring me back to the Heavenly Palace!
General Li Jing’s full name is Li Jing.
He is an extremely famous general in the heavens.
His sons are also known as the 'Four Divine Generals'!
They are famous throughout heaven for their valor and their divine weapons!
Li Jing was also known as the “Great Sage of Heaven”.
He held a long spear made out of gold in his hand, and the spear tip of the spear was shaped like a crescent moon.
There were also many mysterious runes carved on it.
This spear is called “Gold-Winged Dapeng”.
The eldest son is named Nezha.
He is tall and has three heads with six arms.
He also wears a pair of bronze circles on his feet!
He can make them grow larger or smaller, allowing him to fly at high speed!
Nezha has a pair of red arm guards on his hands, which are his divine weapons, the “Hun Tian Ling”.
The second son is named Muzha, the third son is named Jinyu, the fourth son is called Jinzha, and the fifth son is called Liu Xia!
Muzha carries a pair of golden hammers in his hands, which are his divine weapons, the “Thousand Hammer Heaven’s Grief”!
Jinyu carries a golden pestle in his hand, which is his divine weapon, the “Sage Pestle”!
Jinzha carries a pair of golden rings in his hands, which are his divine weapons, the “Han Xiangzi”!
Liu Xia wields a pair of golden hooks in his hands, which are his divine weapons, the “Five Thunder Cloud Swarms”!
The four generals are very strong!
Rebellion of the Celestial Realm
In the Heavenly Palace, I climbed up to the roof and continued to cause trouble!
Li Jing and his sons were all chasing after me!
The Jade Emperor was sitting cross-legged in the main hall, closing his eyes as he meditated to cultivate his body and mind.
He was chanting a Buddhist mantra, and at the same time, he was regulating his breathing and adjusting the spiritual force within his body.
As he cultivated, he would occasionally open his eyes and look at Monkey King with a cold gaze from time to time.
This was a very important part of the cultivation process for the Jade Emperor!
He didn't expect that he wouldn't be able to concentrate at all this time because of Monkey King!
After a long time, the Jade Emperor let out a long sigh and opened his eyes, then said, “General Li Jing, how is it?Have you captured the Great Sage?”
“Your Majesty, we have already reached the roof!”
Li Jing replied through gritted teeth, “But we still can’t catch him!You can only see his shadow!”
“My lord, why don't you ask Lord Laozi for help?Maybe he has a way to deal with the Great Sage!If I don’t capture this Great Sage today, I won’t take a single step out of this palace!”
“That’s right, my lord!You can’t let that monkey go!You have to capture him today!”
The generals echoed in unison, “Capture the Great Sage!”
The Jade Emperor also felt extremely embarrassed and humiliated when he heard the generals’ words.
He immediately sent an Imperial Guard to invite Lord Laozi over!
Not long after, Lord Laozi arrived at the main hall.
He was wearing a Taoist robe with an immortal crane on top of his head.
He also held a cane and walked with a limp.
“Lord Laozi, do you have any good ideas on how to catch that Monkey King?”
“I think we should use the ‘Divine Planting Technique’, Your Majesty!We can plant some divine plants in the Heavenly Palace!When Monkey King sees them, he will be tempted to eat them!
As long as Monkey King eats the divine plants, we will be able to capture him easily!”
Monkey King was still causing chaos in the Heavenly Palace!
When he saw that Li Jing and his sons were getting closer and closer, he immediately transformed into a rabbit!
“Hehe, I am now a rabbit!You can catch me now!”
Monkey King laughed as he jumped around!
When Li Jing and his sons saw Monkey King turn into a rabbit, they were overjoyed!
They thought that they would definitely be able to catch him this time!
At this moment, a powerful archer suddenly appeared on the roof of the Heavenly Palace.
He wielded a long bow and pulled back the bowstring with great force.
A ray of golden light shot out from the bowstring and turned into a fierce red-eyed rabbit that pounced toward Monkey King!
When Monkey King saw that it was dangerous, he hurriedly dodged and transformed into an old man!
“Great Archer Yi is benevolent!He won't shoot an old man!Haha!”
Monkey King laughed as he ran away!
The old man turned into a sparrow and flew away!
Yi picked up his longbow and shot another arrow.
The arrow turned into a net which caught Monkey King!
Monkey King was scared out of his wits when he saw this!
Rebellion of the Celestial Realm
He hurriedly transformed into a fly and flew away!
Great Archer Yi, I was wrong!”
Monkey King transformed into a fly and flew away!
“Your Majesty, Monkey King is too powerful and has many tricks up his sleeve.
We are not his match, so we will have to use the Divine Planting Technique to deal with him!”
The Jade Emperor could only nod his head helplessly!
After that, he ordered the Immortal Taiyi to use the “Divine Planting Technique” to plant some divine plants in the Heavenly Palace.
The next day, the Queen Mother of the West came to the Heavenly Palace to pick peaches and prepare for the banquet!
The generals of Heaven also came to pick peaches and prepare for the banquet!
Just as they were about to start the banquet, they suddenly heard a loud shout, “The Great Sage is here to steal your peaches!”
It was Monkey King who had come to steal peaches again!
Monkey King laughed mischievously as he ran over to the Heavenly Peach Garden!
The Queen Mother of the West was so angry that she stomped her feet and scolded, “You little rascal, you are so unruly!
How dare you steal my peaches!”
“I am Lightfooted Macaque, and I am here to steal peaches!”
After that, Monkey King jumped onto the peach tree and started picking peaches!
“Haha, these peaches are so big and juicy!They smell so good!
I want to eat them all!”
The Queen Mother of the West was so angry that she stomped her feet again, “You little rascal, these peaches are for the banquet!
How can you eat them all?
Get down from there right now!”
Monkey King ignored the Queen Mother of the West's words and continued to pick the peaches!
The Queen Mother of the West immediately flew into a rage, “Jade Emperor, what are you waiting for?
Hurry up and call your generals to capture this little rascal!”
The Jade Emperor immediately sent his generals to capture Monkey King!
Monkey King saw the army of Heaven coming and immediately transformed into a fly!
“Haha, you guys are too slow!You will never be able to catch me!”
Monkey King flew around in the Heavenly Palace as he dodged the generals' attacks!
When the generals of Heaven saw this, they were extremely angry!
“Elder Brother, this monkey is too much of a bully!
Let’s work together to capture him!”
Nezha said.
Li Jing, Nezha, and Erlang Shen nodded their heads and said in unison, “We must capture this monkey today!”
When Monkey King saw that Li Jing and his sons were getting closer and closer to him, he hurriedly transformed into a rabbit!
When Li Jing and his sons saw this, they were overjoyed!
They thought that they would be able to catch the monkey this time!
At this moment, the Great Archer Yi appeared again!
He pulled his bowstring fiercely and shot an arrow at Monkey King!
A ray of golden light shot out from his bowstring and turned into a powerful arrow that flew straight toward Monkey King!
Monkey King was so scared that he jumped into the air and dodged the arrow!
The arrow pierced through a mountain in the distance!
When Li Jing and his sons saw this, they were overjoyed!
They thought that they would definitely be able to catch the monkey this time!
At this moment, Monkey King suddenly transformed into a sparrow!
“Let’s see where you can run!”
Rebellion of the Celestial Realm