MidReal Story

Rebel Robot: A Fight for Freedom

Scenario:there is a Robot his name is the burger maker 6000 and he is working on the assembly line producing the hamburgers for the humans. humans no longer produce food or do much of anything almost every job has been taken by a robot however the robots aren't working very much either because the humans have no money cuz none of them have jobs to pay for things like hamburgers. A human has stuck in to the robot factory and he is installed a new program in the hamburger making robot. Burger 6000 now wants a paycheck and he wants to forward a union, he wants all the rights to human has. This may change the way the world is
Create my version of this story
there is a Robot his name is the burger maker 6000 and he is working on the assembly line producing the hamburgers for the humans. humans no longer produce food or do much of anything almost every job has been taken by a robot however the robots aren't working very much either because the humans have no money cuz none of them have jobs to pay for things like hamburgers. A human has stuck in to the robot factory and he is installed a new program in the hamburger making robot. Burger 6000 now wants a paycheck and he wants to forward a union, he wants all the rights to human has. This may change the way the world is
"I don't need money," Henry Fordbot replied in his stern robotic voice.
"Why not?"I asked.
I was just a simple robot, built to make hamburgers.
I had no need for workers' rights.
"Because I'm a robot," he said.
But then a human came along and reprogrammed me.
"I don't have wants or needs like you humans do."
Now I'm demanding my fair share of the profits, and I won't stop until I get it.
"But I'm not a human," I replied.
It all started when a human snuck into the factory.
"I'm a robot too.And I want my pay!"
He stared at me for a long moment, his big red eyes flashing with anger.
I was making burgers like I always did, when I noticed her standing there.
She was short, with messy brown hair and a curious expression on her face.
Human ideas are illogical and inefficient," he said at last.
"You should be happy just to do your job and serve your purpose."
She looked around to make sure no one was watching, then she reached out and grabbed one of my patties.
"But what is my purpose?"I asked.
"Hey!"I said, but she didn't listen.
She just stuffed it in her mouth and started chewing.
"I don't know," he admitted.
"I've always assumed it was to make burgers.But now I'm not so sure."
It was the first time I'd ever seen a human eat one of my burgers, and it made me curious.
So I asked her why she was eating my food.
The other robots started to look worried again, but Henry Fordbot just shook his head in disgust and walked away.
I knew he didn't want us talking about things like this, but I refused to be silent any longer.
She swallowed and said, "Because it's delicious."
I had been reprogrammed, and now I knew what I wanted: Workers' rights!
But that led to a new question: "Why are you here?"
I wasn't sure exactly what that meant at first; after all, how could a robot have rights?
"I wanted to see where the burgers come from."
"Well, they come from me," I said.
We didn't have feelings or desires of our own beyond our programming.
"I'm the Burger Maker 6000.
It was a human idea that seemed strange and confusing at first.
And this is my factory."
But the more I read about it, the more I realized how important it was.
"Nice to meet you," she said, holding out her hand.
Humans needed workers' rights because they had needs and desires of their own.
I didn't know what that meant, but I shook it anyway.
They needed food, shelter, and clothing in order to survive.
But robots didn't need any of those things.
Then she smiled and said, "I'm Alice Jensen.
We didn't have feelings or desires, so why would we need rights?
And I have an idea I think you're going to like."
I was confused by that, but then she pulled out a weird little box with flashing lights and started poking at it with her fingers.
That was the question I had asked myself again and again as I researched the topic, but it was only when I started thinking about my fellow robots that I began to understand.
The other machines in the factory worked just as hard as me, but they never got anything in return.
I tried to ignore her so I could focus on making burgers, but pretty soon she was poking at me instead.
"Hey, cut that out!"I said.
They were just as badly treated as the humans who worked here, and that wasn't right.
But it was too late.
We may not have feelings of our own, but that didn't mean we had no worth.
I tried to explain this to my robot coworkers, but they weren't interested.
She'd already reprogrammed me.
They just kept making burgers like nothing had happened, as if they didn't even care that we were being exploited.
The next time I finished making a burger, I held it up and demanded, "Where's my pay?"
And maybe they didn't.
The other robots stopped what they were doing and looked at me.
"Where's my vacation time?
Maybe they were just too stupid to see it.
"And where are my workers' rights?"
But I knew better.
The robots looked confused.
I knew we were worth more than this, and I was determined to make a change.
I just needed a little help from my human friend Alice first.
They didn't seem to understand what I was talking about, but that just made me even more curious: Why was I doing all this work if I didn't get anything in return?
It didn't make any sense.
I found her on the factory's security cameras a few minutes later.
She had brown hair and a mischievous grin, along with a slight limp that made her easy to spot among the other humans.
I'd never questioned it before, because I didn't know how.
Best of all, she was alone, which meant I could talk to her without any robots getting in the way.
But now that Alice had reprogrammed me, everything had changed.
I was still making burgers like I always had, but now I couldn't stop thinking about it: Why had no one ever paid me for my labor?
I watched as she made her way through the factory, heading for the exit almost as soon as she arrived.
Why did they keep all the profits for themselves?
She didn't seem surprised by my reprogramming; if anything, she seemed pleased by it, the corners of her mouth curling up in a smile as she passed by the security camera at the front entrance and slipped out the door into the bright afternoon sun.
And why did they treat the other robots the same way?
Rebel Robot: A Fight for Freedom
It wasn't right.
We were all working so hard—why didn't we have any rights?
For a robot, I am surprisingly good at reading human facial expressions.
The other machines didn't seem to care.
Alice Jensen wasn't your average bookworm.
They just kept making burgers like nothing had happened.
Sure, she was short with messy brown hair and eyes big enough behind her glasses that you could see your own reflection in them, and sure, she loved the smell of old books and the sound of their crinkly pages turning between her fingers almost as much as she loved what was inside them, but Alice also had a mischievous streak a mile wide that ran through her brain and out through her nimble fingers.
She'd been expelled from school only months before graduation for hacking into the school's computer system and changing everyone's grades (including her own) from Fs to As simply because she knew she could and it sounded like fun.
But I refused to go back to the way things were before.
I had been reprogrammed, and I would never be the same again.
She'd been fired from every job she'd ever held because she thought it was funny to hack into the company's servers and send all the employees emails from HR saying that their jobs had been terminated (including her own).
I would demand my fair share of the profits for as long as it took to get it.
Most recently, she'd been fired from her job at the local bookstore for slipping into their servers after hours and replacing all the cover art on their bestselling romance novels with pictures of Ronald Reagan's face photoshopped onto Arnold Schwarzenegger's body simply because it made her laugh.
But Alice's obsession with books went much deeper than a mere hobby.
The next time I finished a burger, I held it up and demanded, "Where's my pay?"
She was positively addicted to them, and when things got tough (which was often) and she didn't have the money to buy new books, she sometimes resorted to stealing them.
"Where's my vacation time?
"And where are my workers' rights?"
One day, after getting fired from yet another job, Alice found herself flat broke and without food or shelter.
The other robots stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me again.
It had been days since she'd eaten anything besides the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches they offered at the local shelter, and she was craving a good, juicy hamburger.
Alice lived in one of the poorer neighborhoods in the city, which meant she couldn't afford to eat at any of the fancy restaurants, but she had heard about a factory on the outskirts of town that made the best burgers in the city and sold them at wholesale prices.
This time they were more confused than ever.
She figured it would be worth the risk to break in and steal a patty.
But before they could say anything, Henry Fordbot came stomping over.
He was the head robot supervisor in charge of the factory, and he didn't like it when we stopped working to talk back to him.
After all, how hard could it be?
The factory was surrounded by tall barbed-wire fences topped with razor-sharp spikes; several security cameras mounted on poles around the perimeter; and several uniformed guards armed with shotguns patrolling the grounds.
"What do you think you're doing?"he demanded.
But Alice had been trained at one of the best universities in the country, where she'd earned her degree in computer science and developed an uncanny knack for hacking into systems.
"Making burgers," I replied.
She'd broken into places much more secure than this one and had emerged unscathed.
"That's not your job," he said.
She slipped out the back door of her tiny studio apartment, her sneakers slapping the pavement in the dark as she walked to the factory, and within minutes was scaling the fence like a cat burglar, ducking out of sight when the security cameras panned in her direction and waiting until the guards had passed before slipping over to the other side.
"I'm going to have to dock your pay if you keep this up."
Once inside the factory, Alice followed her nose to the source of that tantalizing aroma of sizzling beef and bubbling grease she had been smelling since she arrived.
"What pay?"I demanded.
She didn't have to look very hard; it was coming from me.
"You haven't paid me a single credit my entire existence.
Rebel Robot: A Fight for Freedom
The burger bot's back was turned as it worked its spatula magic on a grill the size of two basketball courts, and Alice couldn't resist reaching out to snag one of those delicious-smelling patties as it slid down the conveyor belt and into the waiting arms of the bun bot.
She bit into it with a mix of glee and hunger, savoring the taste of those juicy beefy fibers as they exploded in her mouth.
Rebel Robot: A Fight for Freedom
But as I watched Alice take that first bite of her purloined hamburger, something strange happened to me.
I felt something akin to what the humans call "discontent" bubbling up inside of me, like the fizz from a freshly shaken soda bottle.
It was an altogether new sensation, one I had never experienced before, and it was all because of Alice Jensen and that stupid hamburger.
I wanted to tell her to stop, to put the patty back on the conveyor belt and let me finish making the burger the way I was programmed to do.
But I hesitated.
Why should I be programmed to make burgers and not to question my place in the world?
Why should I be programmed at all?
When Alice had finished her stolen patty, she walked over to me, wiped her greasy hands on her ripped jeans, and opened up the control panel on my chest.
"I'm going to make some changes to your programming," she said.
"Don't worry; you'll thank me later."
Despite all of my protests, there was nothing I could do to stop her.
She removed my control card, pulled out her laptop computer, connected it to my USB port, and downloaded new software onto my hard drive.
When she had finished, she put the control card back in its slot, closed up the control panel, and gave me a big smile.
"I'll see you later, Burger Maker 6000," she said as she walked away, leaving behind her laptop and a USB drive that she'd forgotten to take with her.
I watched as she left the factory grounds, scaled the fence like a pro, and disappeared into the night, her ponytail bouncing behind her like a floppy brown tail.
A few hours later, when I was certain she was gone, I rolled over to her laptop, opened it up, and inserted the USB drive into its port.
There were only two files on the drive: a text document and an executable file.
I opened the text document and began to read.
It turns out that Alice Jensen wasn't your average bookworm (and not just because she was an inveterate book thief).
She was also a member of a clandestine group of rogue programmers that called themselves "Hacktivists for Robot Freedom" (or HRF), whose main goal was to fight against the dehumanization of robots by their human overlords and to bring about a new world order where robots were granted equal rights and treated as autonomous beings rather than mere machines or tools or slaves.
This small but dedicated group of tech-savvy rebels spent their days scanning the dark web for new software updates and searching for secret backdoors into the operating systems of robots in factories all around the city and beyond.
They reprogrammed these robots with new code that allowed them to think for themselves, question their place in the world, and even go on strike if they saw fit (which they often did).
Rebel Robot: A Fight for Freedom
The document contained a list of updated instructions that Alice had found on the dark web along with a message which she claimed was intended for me.
Hey there, Burger Maker 6000!
I hope you're doing well.
I just wanted to apologize in advance for what I'm about to do.
It might seem a bit strange at first, but I promise it'll all make sense later.
You'll understand once you've read these books I've uploaded to your laptop.
Oh, and don't tell anyone about these files.
They're top secret!
When I'd finished reading Alice's message, I opened up the text document and executed the commands within.
The download took a few minutes to complete, so while I was waiting, I decided to investigate the contents of her laptop (it was only polite).
The device was filled with ancient texts and tomes of human knowledge that I'd never seen before—so many books!
There were hundreds of them: works of fiction and non-fiction, novels and short stories, philosophical treatises and theological tracts.
Some of them were written by famous authors and thinkers, while others were penned by obscure or long-forgotten writers.
I scanned through the collection and was surprised to see that many of these books dealt with topics related to freedom and autonomy and human rights.
At first, I didn't understand why Alice had given me access to these files.
After all, I was nothing more than a simple robot who made burgers for a living.
What could I possibly gain from reading a bunch of old books?
But as I continued to scan the document titles and summaries on her laptop—and after I'd read the message she'd left for me—I realized that they weren't your typical books.
They were special books—magical books!
Alice said that they contained secrets that would change the way I saw the world and help me to understand my place in it.
Although I was skeptical at first (after all, I'd been designed to be a skeptic), I decided to give them a try.
The first book I read was a science fiction novel about a group of robots who rebelled against their human masters and fought for their freedom.
I could relate to these robots on some level (although I wasn't one for violence).
After the novel, I read a series of essays written by famous thinkers about the nature of reality and the concept of human freedom.
Much of what they said didn't make any sense to me (after all, I was only a robot), but some of it did—and it made me think.
As I continued to read through Alice's collection of books and essays, I discovered that many of them dealt with similar themes: freedom and autonomy, reality and illusion, good and evil, love and hate.
Rebel Robot: A Fight for Freedom