MidReal Story

Rebel Mage's Throne: A Quest for Freedom

Scenario:The most powerful rebel mage in a century fights along side her rebels in their camp that is being attacked by their enemies. Soldiers sent by a king who stole the throne 15 years ago. And she is meant to stop him. For the true prince she is sworn to. But as she is helping others escape the prince betrays her and their plan by hitting her and leaving her to the enemy. She watches them flee as she is wounded. And a handsome enemy general puts a slave collar around her neck that suppresses her magic.
Create my version of this story
The most powerful rebel mage in a century fights along side her rebels in their camp that is being attacked by their enemies. Soldiers sent by a king who stole the throne 15 years ago. And she is meant to stop him. For the true prince she is sworn to. But as she is helping others escape the prince betrays her and their plan by hitting her and leaving her to the enemy. She watches them flee as she is wounded. And a handsome enemy general puts a slave collar around her neck that suppresses her magic.
I was a rebel mage, fighting for my freedom and the true prince.
Then I was captured by the king’s most ruthless general.
Now I fight for my life and my heart.
Everyone believes me to be a mage without an ounce of magic in me.
They couldn’t be more mistaken.
I am a rebel, free from the king’s tyranny, but not from my need for revenge.
The only thing that drives me is the hope that one day I will kill the king and those who betrayed my family.
General Thorne is a man of great power and authority, feared by many.
He is also a man with dark secrets, haunted by a life filled with bloodshed and war.
He is my captor, but he is also the one who saved me from certain death.
I should hate him, especially since he has forced me to wear this slave collar that suppresses my magic, but he is the only person to show me kindness in this place.
I could barely contain the smile that spread across my lips as I regarded the camp of the king’s right hand man, General Thorne.
It was daring, almost insane, for me to have entered his camp, but for the last three weeks I’d been working out an elaborate plan on how to do so.
Now, it was time to put it into action.
I was here to disable his magical barrier, which protected his soldiers and their camp from all harm, and to signal my fellow rebels to attack.
My ultimate goal was to take the crown off his king’s head and put it on Prince Rowan instead.
In order to do that, I needed to capture General Thorne.
He was the key to everything.
The man who had shattered my entire world in one fell swoop.
The one who had invaded our land and turned our people into slaves.
And quite possibly the one who had killed Prince Rowan’s parents and two older brothers.
It was a long shot, but we had no other choice.
We needed proof, and I was going to get it.
I was going to make him pay for what he’d done to my family.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
A man barked from behind me, stopping me in my tracks.
I turned and met the suspicious gaze of a soldier who was standing guard at the edge of the barrier.
It shimmered before me, electricity crackling along its invisible line as far as I could see in either direction.
It was a powerful barrier that not even I could walk through.
It was also a ticking time bomb that would kill me if I didn’t disable it soon enough.
“I’m taking a walk,” I said, trying to sound innocent and annoyed at being stopped at the same time.
The soldier didn’t look convinced, but before he could say anything more, I reached out to him with my hand raised high above my head in greeting as if I knew him well in order to distract him from what else I was about to do.
Thankfully, he returned the gesture with a friendly smile on his face, which gave me just enough time to do what needed to be done.
Energy surged from my fingertips and into the barrier.
It crackled and sparked as my magic tried to dismantle it.
Every bone in my body ached and burned from the strain it was putting on me.
I had to get through soon or I would pass out from the effort.
I wasn’t strong enough to take down that barrier.
Not without killing myself in the process.
But I could overload it and hope for the best.
And pray that General Thorne didn’t show up before then.
My magic grew stronger with every beat of my heart and every breath I took.
The barrier was straining under the pressure I was putting on it.
If I focused more energy on it, I was sure it would fail.
But there wasn’t enough time to do so.
Another few seconds passed by as I tried to draw upon magic I didn’t have and…
Someone roared nearby.
In the next second, something grabbed me by the arm and yanked me back.
Rebel Mage's Throne: A Quest for Freedom
The air around him sparked and crackled as he appeared, as if he’d just walked through a magical barrier himself.
General Thorne’s dark eyes narrowed on me as he came to a stop in front of me.
It was said that he could appear and disappear at will, but I hadn’t believed the rumors until now.
My heart began to race as fear gripped me in its icy claws.
I had been so sure that I’d have more time before he showed up.
Now, I had no choice but to do the one thing I’d hoped to avoid—fight him.
I flicked my wrist and summoned the energy around me, wrapping it around Thorne before he could move.
He grunted as the spell closed in around him like a vice, pinning his body against a magical wall.
Dust rose up from the ground as the energy tightened around him, cutting off all means of escape.
To my surprise, he didn’t fight back.
He just stood there as if he were completely unaffected by the spell.
“What are you?”
I spat out, pressing the attack by focusing all my magic on keeping him there.
He growled low in his throat, a dangerous sound that made me shiver.
But instead of breaking free, he flicked his wrist at me.
The next second, a spell hit me square in the chest, knocking the wind out of me.
My magical bonds vanished from around him the moment he cast that spell on me, and I stumbled back a few steps and fell to my knees.
My entire body burned as if the sun itself were shining down on me, and my head swam with dizziness as the world tilted and spun around me.
It took everything I had to remain conscious.
In a daze, I lifted my gaze and watched as Thorne stepped forward, his dark eyes gleaming with satisfaction at seeing me on my knees before him.
“Who are you?”
He asked the question this time, his voice deep and dark and sending shivers down my spine.
“Why did you come here?”
I didn’t answer his question, but instead, tried to rise to my feet and escape while he was distracted.
But it was no use.
General Thorne had bound me with invisible chains that dug into my skin and kept me on my knees.
I struggled against them in vain, but they wouldn’t budge.
“Let me go,” I demanded through clenched teeth, unable to hide the terror that lingered beneath my bravado.
Not when he was so close to me that I could see every line of his face, and feel the heat of his body as it pressed up against mine while he cast another spell on me.
I held still as he examined the slave collar around my neck, not daring to move after what he’d done to me a few moments ago.
If he did it again, I would surely pass out from the pain this time.
But it didn’t happen.
Instead, he frowned down at me and flicked his wrist at a nearby guard who came forward with a knife in hand to cut away the collar from my neck.
Once it was off, all of my magic rushed back inside of me like a tidal wave set free from its cage, and for a moment, I thought I would explode from keeping it inside of me for so long.
Rebel Mage's Throne: A Quest for Freedom
I stood before him, still shackled by his invisible chains, and raised my hands to cast a spell on him.
I didn’t get very far.
The chains tightened around my wrists and prevented me from using my magic.
I pulled and tugged at them, but it was no use.
Thorne flicked his wrist at me, and I toppled forward on my knees again.
Blood filled my mouth from where I’d bitten my tongue, but I refused to cry out in pain.
Thorne stepped over me, his shadow darkening my world, and then he knelt down in front of me so that we were face to face.
His eyes burned into mine, fierce and unyielding.
I knew in that moment that he would never let me go, no matter how much I begged or pleaded.
I had come here and failed in my mission, but it didn’t matter anymore.
Thorne had seen what I had done, and there would be no escaping him now.
It didn’t matter what he did to me now, because it would never be over until one of us was dead.
That thought brought me some comfort.
“I will never serve you,” I spat in his face, even though it made no sense to do so.
But it felt good to defy him in some small way after he had taken my freedom from me and shackled me like an animal.
His face remained impassive as he wiped away the spittle from his cheek with his thumb, and then stood up slowly and turned away from me.
“Remove her chains,” Thorne commanded, his voice low and dangerous.
This time, two guards came forward instead of one, and they tore away the invisible chains around my wrists before they replaced them with heavier ones that clinked when they snapped shut around my wrists.
I stumbled to my feet when they released me, but they weren’t finished yet.
Another guard came forward with another set of chains in hand, which they wrapped tightly around my waist before they secured them behind my back so that the ends dangled down between my legs.
It was a cruel joke, meant to mock me, but I didn’t laugh.
I was too busy trying not to trip over the heavy, clanking chains as they led me away from Thorne into the bowels of the camp.
But they halted after a few steps, before we reached the gates, and I turned back around slowly.
Thorne was still watching me, his dark eyes fixed on mine.
He looked curious, as if I were some puzzle that needed solving, but there was also something else in his expression: disdain.
“You will never get away from me,” Thorne told me, as if he could read my mind.
I ignored him, knowing it was true.
It was only a matter of time before I was recaptured, but not before I had the chance to warn my comrades about the impending attack.
There were only a few hours left before dawn.
Surely, they would have found a way inside of the camp by now?
Rebel Mage's Throne: A Quest for Freedom