MidReal Story

Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom

Scenario:The song tells a story of perseverance and determination, with lyrics expressing the longing for freedom and the pursuit of ideals. It conveys a sense of resilience and courage in the face of challenges, with a strong emphasis on the theme of staying true to oneself despite adversity. The emotions conveyed include determination, longing, and a rebellious spirit.
Create my version of this story
The song tells a story of perseverance and determination, with lyrics expressing the longing for freedom and the pursuit of ideals. It conveys a sense of resilience and courage in the face of challenges, with a strong emphasis on the theme of staying true to oneself despite adversity. The emotions conveyed include determination, longing, and a rebellious spirit.
I sat in the school’s detention room, tapping my fingers along the desk with the rest of the students.
I was serving a day-long detention for skipping a class, and I was anxious to get it over with so I could go home.
I wasn’t alone either.
All the other students had been caught doing something wrong and were now serving time in detention.
“Alex Thompson,” the principal called out, and I turned my head to see my best friend walking into the room.
He was taller than most of the other students and had a head full of light brown hair with piercing blue eyes.
There were some whispers in the background as Alex entered the room, but he didn’t seem to notice.
He was too cool for that kind of stuff.
As he walked to the desk and sat down, his eyes immediately met mine, and I couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Emily Johnson,” the principal said, and I immediately turned my head forward.
We weren’t supposed to talk.
Alex and I had been best friends for years, and we had both gotten into trouble for talking in detention before.
Alex smiled at me, and I could see some of the other girls in the room eyeing him.
My best friend was one of the good-looking guys in school, but he didn’t even notice it.
He was always too caught up in his own world to care.
“Hey,” Mrs.Simmons said as she walked into the room.
She was an older woman who had been teaching at the high school for years.
When she retired, she decided that she wanted to be a detention supervisor so she could keep an eye on all the bad kids.
“Just a reminder that we are not allowed to talk during this time.
You can do homework or read a book, but you are certainly not allowed to talk.”
Mrs.Simmons walked to her desk and sat down with a huff.
She pulled out a book from her purse and began reading, but Alex’s eyes were fixated on her.
After a few minutes, he got up and walked over to her desk.
“Is that what you do all day?”
He asked with a chuckle.
“Just sit here and read your book?”
Some of the other students gasped at what Alex had done, but I just rolled my eyes.
He was a troublemaker through and through, but I loved it about him anyway.
Mrs.Simmons clenched her jaw as she looked up at him, and I could see a hint of fear in her eyes.
But it was quickly replaced with anger as she stood up from her desk and put a finger in Alex’s face.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
“Young man, you need to learn some manners!”
“Lighten up,” Alex said with a smile as he removed the finger from his face and stepped back.
“I was just asking a question.”
Mrs.Simmons’ face turned red with anger as the rest of the students in the room watched in awe of what was happening.
I could see the principal getting out of his seat to come in to control the situation, but Alex just smiled at Mrs.Simmons again and walked back to his seat.
He sat down and looked at me out of the corner of his eye, waiting for my reaction.
I just raised an eyebrow at him as I tried not to laugh at what had happened.
He was definitely not like the other guys in school, and I loved every second of it.
Mrs.Simmons turned around to see the principal walking into the room with a stern look on his face.
She quickly sat down and went back to reading her book while the principal walked around the room doing a head count before leaving us alone again.
I picked up my pen and started writing a paper for my history class, but it was hard to concentrate with everything that had just happened.
I couldn’t believe that Alex had done that, but then again, I could.
That was what I loved about him.
He never did what was expected of him, and he couldn’t be controlled by anyone.
After a few minutes, I looked up from my paper to see Alex looking at me out of the corner of his eye.
Our eyes met, and he smiled at me before picking up his own pen and starting to write on his own paper.
I tried to look away, but I couldn’t.
The way he looked at me made my stomach do flips.
It was like he knew something I didn’t, and he was trying to tell me without saying any words.
“What is he doing?”
Alex turned around to see Mrs.Simmons staring at him as she tapped her foot.
He raised an eyebrow and put his pen down before leaning back in his chair.
“I’m doing my homework,” he said.
“Do you think this is the time or place for that?”
Mrs.Simmons asked, and I could see some of the students snickering in the background.
But Alex just smiled and picked up his pen again.
“Why not?”
He asked her, and Mrs.
Simmons’ face turned red with anger as she stood up from her desk and walked over to him.
“Because you are in detention,” she said.
“I don’t care if you have homework or not.
You are supposed to be sitting here doing absolutely nothing, or do you need me to call the principal back in here so he can explain it to you?”
I knew I should have kept my mouth shut, but I couldn’t help it.
The way Alex looked at her made my heart race, and I wanted to see more of it.
“You think you’re pretty funny, don’t you?”
She asked, and Alex’s eyes met mine for a second before he looked back up at her.
“Yeah,” he said with an innocent smile.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
“Well, I don’t think it’s funny at all.” Mrs.
“Then you shouldn’t be a detention supervisor,” Alex said as his smile faded slightly before it came back even bigger than before.
Mrs.Simmons’ face turned a bright red before she picked up her phone and called the principal back into the room.
A few minutes later, the principal walked back in, looking even more annoyed than before.
“What is it this time?”
He asked Mrs.“This student won’t stop talking while he’s supposed to be doing his detention.”
“I see,” the principal said before walking over to Alex’s desk.
He held out his hand for Alex’s paper, and Alex handed it to him before nodding toward me.
“Why don’t you take her paper while you’re at it?”
The principal sighed as he took my paper off my desk before walking back to the front of the room.
It was quiet for a few minutes before Alex leaned over to me as he picked up his pen again.
“Hey,” he whispered to me as he wrote something down on his paper before sliding it over to me so I could see what he wrote.
I smiled as I read his message before writing one back on the paper that I slid back to him.
“Hey,” I whispered back to him before we both started writing on our own papers again.
When the final bell rang, Mrs.Simmons started calling everyone up by name so they could leave if they wanted to, but Alex stayed sitting in his desk until she was finished calling out all the names on her list.
When she was done, she stood up from her desk and walked over to his desk before handing him a slip of paper with his name on it.
“Here,” she said.“This is your slip.”
He asked as he unfolded the paper so he could see what was written on it.
Mrs.Simmons sighed as she put her hands on her hips.
“You were supposed to be in Mr.
Thompson repeated with a shrug.
“Well, that’s not my problem,” Mrs.
Simmons said as she picked up her things.
“Then I guess I’ll just stay in here with Emily,” he said as he stood from his desk.
“Wait,” Mrs.Simmons called after him as she grabbed his arm.
“What do you want?”
He asked impatiently.
“I can call the principal back in here if that’s what you want, but I can’t force you to go to another detention.”
Alex smiled as he nodded toward me.
“See you tomorrow, Mrs.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as he sat down at the desk next to me.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
I asked him as I started packing up my things so we could leave.
He nodded at me before taking out his phone so we could walk out of the room together.
It was only a few more days until we were going to graduate, and all of us were getting ready for our last few days at school.
We were all excited to be ending high school, but we were all sad because we knew we would have to leave our friends behind when we went off to college.
Alex and I had been best friends for as long as I could remember, but we didn’t know if we would still be able to see each other once we went off to college.
We hadn’t talked about where we were going yet, but I knew that even if we went off in different directions, we would still be best friends no matter what.
The only thing that made it easier was that we didn’t have to talk about college since we both already knew where we were going.
When everyone else asked us where we were going, we would just shrug and say that we hadn’t decided yet even though we both knew that we didn’t have a choice.
I asked Alex as we walked out to his car after school.
I shrugged at him before getting into the passenger seat of his car.
I asked him as he started driving home after we stopped for some food.
“Maybe,” he said with a shrug.
“I mean, it’s not like it really matters since we’re probably just going to end up going to the same college anyway.” He said with a smile as he turned the radio up before pulling into my driveway to drop me off at my house.
I asked him as I got out of the car so we could go inside together.
“Yeah,” he said with a smile when he turned off the car so we could go inside together.
I smiled at him before we went inside together.
I took a deep breath as I sat down in my seat on graduation day since it was almost time for us to walk across the stage so we could get our diplomas, but I couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen after graduation day was over.
I looked over at Alex to see he was sitting down in his seat, waiting for his name to be called just like me, but I knew that once it was all over, he would probably leave right away, and I might never see him again after today was over.
I didn’t want it to happen, but we didn’t have a choice, so there was no point in trying to talk about it.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
“Emily Johnson,” the dean called out, pulling me out of my thoughts as I stood up so I could go to get my diploma.
I asked as I walked across the stage.
“Sorry about that.
You can go now.” He said with an awkward smile.
“It’s okay, sir.
Have a good day.” I said with a smile as I took my diploma before walking off the stage so I could find my seat again.
I sat back down next to Alex so we could wait for all of our classmates to get their diplomas before we were able to leave.
He said as he leaned over to whisper in my ear.
“Yeah,” I said with a smile.
We sat there in silence as we waited for the ceremony to be over before we were finally able to leave.
I said as soon as we were outside.
“I guess this is it then.” He said with a sad smile.
“I guess so.” I said with a sigh, knowing that there was no way for us to talk about what was going to happen because there wasn’t anything that we could do about it.
“At least this is a dream that came true.” He said with a smile.
“Yeah,” I said with a smile as I hugged him tightly before pulling away when we heard someone clear their throat.
“I hate to interrupt your goodbye like this, but everyone is waiting for you two so they can go to the party at the beach.” Sarah said with an awkward smile while she looked at us.
“Oh yeah, I guess everyone would be waiting for us.” Alex said with an awkward smile once he realized that what Sarah was saying wasn’t a joke.
“Yeah, well, let’s go then.” I said with an awkward smile as we went back inside so we could go to the party at the beach.
“How are you doing?”
Sarah asked as she came up next to me once all of us got outside so we could go to the beach for our party.
“I’m fine,” I said with a shrug since it wasn’t like anything had changed between Alex and me since he didn’t know what was going to happen after today was all over either.
“I know that look.
I’m not going to just disappear, you know.” He said as he came up next to me so he could talk to us together.
I asked as soon as he walked up next to me so he could talk about what we were all thinking about.
“You know that even if we end up going to different colleges, we’ll still be able to see each other, right?”
He asked as he looked at me so he could see the answer on my face before he went on when he saw that we had the same answer.
“I mean, we’ve worked so hard for this moment that there’s no way for us not to be happy once we get here, right?
It’s not like we’re just going to forget about each other and move on with our lives.” He said as he looked at both of us so he could make sure that we knew what he was talking about when he said that he wasn’t going anywhere either.
I asked as I looked at him so I could see if he was telling the truth or not.
“I promise that I’m not going anywhere.” He said with a smile since he knew that he had finally gotten his point across.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
I felt myself being pulled out of my thoughts when I felt someone shaking my shoulder since they must have been calling my name for a while now, but they haven’t gotten a response from me yet.
“Hey, are you okay?”
My dad asked as soon as he saw me look up at him once they finally got my attention after they have been calling my name for a while now.
“Oh yeah, sorry.I’m just a little nervous and excited all at the same time.” I said with a smile as I rubbed my eyes so I could wake myself up before we got out of the car so we could get my stuff out of the car so they could drive home already since it was getting late already.
“Are you okay?”
I asked as soon as I got out of the car so I could go over to where my dad was so I could talk to him for a little bit before they had to go home since they still had a drive to do before they could make it back to where they were staying for the night so they could come back to help me move in the next day with everyone else who was supposed to come with me in the morning since we had enough stuff that would require more than just one person to help us move in since most of us were girls who didn’t want to have to carry everything up to our room by ourselves since we had other people who would be willing to help us out.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
“I’m fine, just a little tired.” He grabbed his bags that he needed for the night and then threw them over his shoulder and then held onto his other bag that contained more of his clothes that he would need for the rest of the week so that way he wouldn’t have to go back and forth every day so that way he could spend more time with me instead of having to worry about getting everything done when he needed to make sure that everyone else was already doing what they needed to do so that way everyone could get everything done on time because nobody wanted to be there any longer than they had to be like last year when a lot of people ended up staying up until three in the morning trying to get everything set up for the new people who were moving into the building at seven so that way everyone would have all day long to enjoy themselves without having to worry about how much time they had left before they had to move everything else in instead of just being able to relax and enjoy their new surroundings like they were supposed to do.
“That’s good, I’m glad that you are still able to come over tonight because I was starting to get afraid that you weren’t going to make it over in time and then we wouldn’t be able to see each other for very long.” I felt myself smile even wider than I already was because I was happy that he was able to come over, even if he was only going to be able to stay for a little while before he had to go back and do everything else that he needed to do before he was able to come back and see me again, which would probably be a while since he was going to be busy with classes and everything else that he needed to do so that way he could make sure that everything was going smoothly without having to worry about anything else that might come up in the meantime but hopefully, he wouldn’t have much else that he needed to do after his first week of school because he had been in the same situation as me when he first started school and it took him a little while to get used to everything but once he did, then everything started out much easier than they were at first.
“I told you that I would be able to make it here tonight so you shouldn’t be surprised that I am here now.” I heard the front door close behind me so I knew that my dad was done talking to me and that he needed to go home so that way he could get some rest before he needed to get up and then come back over here to help me move in so that way we wouldn’t be there longer than we should be since there were so many people who needed to move in at the same time so that way everyone could get settled in their new surroundings quickly without having to worry about anything else that might happen at any point during the day so that way everyone would have more time to relax and enjoy themselves instead of having to worry about how much longer they had until they had to get everything set up for the week so that way everyone could focus on what they needed to do instead of what they wanted to do like last year when everyone focused on relaxing instead of getting their work done on time.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
I turned around and saw Alex standing there with a girl standing next to him with her arms wrapped around his waist while she rested her head on his chest and I couldn’t help but feel a little bit shocked that he had a girlfriend because I didn’t think that someone as great as he was would ever be able to meet anyone who would want him, even though I knew that there were plenty of people at school who would love to date him since he was always a nice guy but there were some people who just didn’t know what they wanted and they ended up with someone like me who didn’t know how to act around him half the time so she said all the wrong things and acted all weird around him when she talked to him or even when she saw him walking down the hallway even though she knew that he wasn’t going to care about anything like that because he wasn’t a shallow person who judged others based on their looks or anything else like that but there were still some people who just didn’t like others for no reason at all, which was something that I didn’t understand because I thought that we were supposed to be nice to others no matter what happened.
“Alex, what are you doing here already?I thought that you weren’t going to be able to make it until later on this afternoon.” I watched as she tightened her grip on his waist and then looked up at him with a giant smile on her face, which made me feel like an idiot because I didn’t even know who she was but it was obvious that she liked him a lot if she was willing to do something like that in front of someone who didn’t know who she was at all.
“I was able to get out of there sooner than I thought that I was going to be able to be but I wanted to make sure that I could see you before you went off and started doing other things that were more important to you than seeing me.” I watched as he leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead and then took her hand in his and squeezed it gently before he turned back around and looked at me, which made me blush a little bit because I knew that I was staring at them but I couldn’t help but wonder who this girl was and why she was doing this to him because I knew that he deserved someone who was going to love him for who he was instead of what he did or who he was friends with because there were plenty of people at our school who didn’t even know who he was but they already hated him because he was one of the popular kids in school and everyone always called him a jock even though he wasn’t anything like that because he never even went to any of the games unless someone asked him to go with him so that way he could get away from everything for a while and relax without having to worry about what everyone else was doing with their lives like some people in our school did.
Then I turned my attention back to her and saw that she was just as beautiful as she was when I first saw her standing next to Alex because she had long dark hair and tattoos running down her arms and legs, which made me wonder if she had any other tattoos anywhere else on her body that I couldn’t see right now but I didn’t want to ask her about them since we just met not that long ago and I didn’t want to put her on the spot when she didn’t even know who I was and I didn’t know anything about her except for the fact that she was dating Alex which was something that I never thought would happen in a million years after everything that he told me last year but I guess things changed over time and she was the one that he was able to find to spend the rest of his life with.
“So, who are you again?”
I heard her ask me and I turned around and saw that she was still standing next to Alex but she was looking at me instead of him so that way I would be able to tell her who I was and why I was here but she already knew that part because she probably would have asked me to come over to see him before everything happened but that was something that she didn’t need to worry about right now because it was something that he needed to do while he was still in school and she was there for him when he needed someone to talk to or anything else like that and that was something that was going to be important for them to figure out before they were able to go back to school and get everything done on time before the end of the semester came around and they were able to finish their classes for the year before anything else happened to either of them.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
“I am Emily Johnson but you can call me Em if you want to because that is what everyone else calls me,” I replied back to her and saw that she was nodding her head as if she understood what I was talking about but she didn’t because she didn’t even know who I was until Alex told her who I was and why I was there with them but that was something that I wasn’t going to worry about since it was something that they needed to figure out on their own without having me get in the way of whatever they were planning on doing with their lives like some other people would have done if they were in my shoes but it wasn’t something that I was going to worry about right now because it wasn’t worth my time if it wasn’t something that they were going to fix by themselves before they were going to ask me for help with anything because it wasn’t worth my time if they weren’t going to work things out by themselves first before they were going to need anyone’s help with something like this.
It was the first weekend of April and there was only two more weeks left until graduation and then we were going to be done with school forever.
We were going to be able to go our separate ways and do whatever we wanted to do but this weekend was spent with Alex Thompson and his girlfriend, Sarah.
We were sitting in his cabin with a fire burning in the fireplace and our drinks sitting on the table in front of us while we were all telling stories from the past.
They might have been together for only a month but it felt like they were best friends with each other because they were sharing stories like they have known each other for their whole lives when they only known each other for a little bit of time but that wasn’t going to stop them from being happy together because they were perfect for each other.
She was unlike any other girl that he has ever dated before.
She wasn’t like some of the girls that we went to school with because they were always trying to change him into someone that he wasn’t and they never let him live his life the way that he wanted to live it so they left him after a while because they thought that they could change him into someone that they could marry after school was over and they were ready to start their lives together but that wasn’t what he wanted at all.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"
I’d never been so scared in my life.
I stared at the open suitcase on my bed and tried to figure out how to pack a life into a few square feet.
The reality that I was leaving hit me all over again, and I fought back tears as I tried to force the clothes into the small space.
The plan had seemed like a good idea at the time—Alex had shown up on my doorstep, grinning like an idiot and waving a map in my face.
It was time to go, he’d said.
Time to get out of here and go find ourselves, whatever the fuck that meant.
He’d been so excited about it that it was impossible for me not to get swept up in his enthusiasm, even though I knew it was a bad idea.
Even though I didn’t want to leave.
He’d been planning it for weeks, and I’d only just found out about it when he showed up on my doorstep last night.
I’d been so mad that I hadn’t even let him in the door at first, but then I’d seen that grin and heard the excitement in his voice, and I’d known that I’d been beaten.
He’d convinced me, like he always did, and so I’d packed up my things and said goodbye to the small town where I’d lived for twenty-two years, hoping that it wasn’t a mistake.
I was distracted by the sound of footsteps in the hall just as I zipped up the suitcase and sat down on it to make sure it would close all the way.
The door creaked open, and Alex stepped inside, grinning like an idiot as usual.
“Are you sure we need all that stuff?”
he asked, gesturing to the overstuffed suitcase sitting on the bed.
I shrugged and turned away from him so he wouldn’t see how red my eyes were from crying.
“Better safe than sorry,” I told him as I wrestled with the zipper again, making sure nothing would fall out when we hit the road in a few hours’ time.
It was barely dawn, but we had to leave before anyone woke up, before anyone had a chance to stop us.
Before we could change our minds.
Alex’s eyes met mine in the mirror, and he sighed.
“You’re crying again,” he said, and I could tell he was trying really hard not to laugh.
Even now, after all these years, he still thought it was funny that I cried so easily.
It had been a problem for me when I was a kid, and he’d always loved to make fun of me for it.
It was kind of sweet that he still remembered.
“Shut up,” I muttered, but I couldn’t help but smile.
Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, leaning down to kiss my forehead.
“Come on,” he said, pulling me out of the room and down the stairs.
“I need you to help me pack the car.”
We made our way down to the garage, and I saw that Alex had already gotten a head start on loading up our stuff.
My old Chevy Impala was parked in the center of the room, with the trunk open and the back seat half-filled with boxes and bags.
"Rebel Dreams: A Tale of Courage and Freedom"