MidReal Story

Realm of Giants: A Heavenly Journey


May 12
Scenario:Story of heavens, where the heaven is similar to earth and world we see now but 100 times bigger than the earth, no need for electricity, gas, supplies and any other human made things, amazing views, delicious fruits and of huge sizes, also humans are very less in numbers you can only find other human after weeks, and the size of every human is greater than 10 feet
Create my version of this story
Story of heavens, where the heaven is similar to earth and world we see now but 100 times bigger than the earth, no need for electricity, gas, supplies and any other human made things, amazing views, delicious fruits and of huge sizes, also humans are very less in numbers you can only find other human after weeks, and the size of every human is greater than 10 feet
The first time I saw the world beyond the village, I was six years old.
I’d been begging my parents for weeks to let me go exploring, and they’d finally relented.
My father had taken me to the edge of the village, where he pointed out the towering trees and snow-capped mountains in the distance.
He told me that our world was a hundred times larger than Earth, and that one day I would be able to explore it all.
I’d been so excited that I could hardly contain myself.
I’d run back to our house as fast as my little legs could carry me, and I’d spent the rest of the day packing my bag with all of the essentials: food, water, a first aid kit, a flashlight, and a map of our village.
The next morning, I’d set out on my first solo exploration beyond our village’s boundaries.
I’d walked for hours through the dense forest, following a narrow path that wound its way through the trees.
I’d even seen a few of the villagers, who had greeted me with smiles and waves, but I’d been so excited to be exploring on my own that I’d hardly given them a second glance.
Eventually I’d reached a clearing in the forest, where I’d stopped to rest and eat my lunch.
As I sat there, gazing up at the clear blue sky and listening to the birds sing, I’d felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment.
I knew then that I was destined to be an explorer, and that I would spend the rest of my life traveling the world and discovering all of its hidden treasures.
When I was finished with my lunch, I’d stood up and brushed the dirt off my clothes.
I’d taken one last look around the clearing, and then I’d set off to continue my journey.
I was so excited to see what lay beyond the village, and I couldn’t wait to get started.
I had no idea what lay in store for me, or how much my life would change in the days and weeks that followed.
The memory of that day is still crystal clear in my mind, even after all these years.
I remember standing at the edge of the village, my heart pounding with excitement.
I was finally going to go exploring on my own, just like I’d always dreamed!
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
my father asked, looking down at me with a worried frown.
“You know there are all sorts of dangerous creatures out there, don’t you?”
“I know,” I replied, nodding enthusiastically.
“But I’ll be careful, I promise!”
My father hesitated for a moment, and then he sighed and shook his head.
“You’re so young,” he said, his voice tinged with sadness.
“I wish you would wait a few more years before you go out on your own.”
“But I can’t wait!”
I said, jumping up and down with excitement.
“I want to go exploring now!”
My father laughed at my enthusiasm, and then he ruffled my hair fondly.
“Alright, alright,” he said.
“If you’re really sure about this, then I won’t stop you.”
He crouched down in front of me and took my hands in his.
“But you have to promise me that you’ll be careful and that you’ll stay out of trouble.
You can never go out alone at night, and you have to stay on the paths during the day.
Do you understand?”
I nodded my head solemnly.
“I understand,” I said.
“I promise I’ll be careful!”
My father smiled at me and stood up.
“Alright then,” he said.
“Let’s get you ready to go.”
We spent the rest of the morning packing my bag and making sure that I had everything I needed for my journey.
My father was worried about me going out on my own, but I could tell that he was also proud of me for being so brave and independent.
When it was time for me to go, he gave me a tight hug and kissed the top of my head.
“Be careful out there,” he said.
“And don’t forget to come home soon.
We’ll miss you while you’re gone.”
I could see the unshed tears glistening in my father’s eyes, and I knew that he was going to miss me too.
"Realm of Giants: A Heavenly Journey"
But he was proud of me for wanting to go exploring on my own—just like my mother—and he couldn’t hold me back any longer.
I smiled at him reassuringly and gave him a quick hug before I turned to leave.
“Don’t worry,” I said.
“I’ll be back soon.”
My father watched me go with a mixture of pride and worry in his eyes.
I knew that he would be waiting for me when I returned, just like he always did, and that he would listen eagerly as I told him about all of the amazing things I’d seen and done on my journey.
But part of him would always be afraid that I wouldn’t come back at all.
That something terrible would happen to me while I was out exploring the world on my own.
And that he would lose me forever.
I knew all of this because my mother had been an explorer too, and she’d left us when I was just a baby to go on a journey of her own.
She’d never come back, and we’d never found out what had happened to her.
My father was afraid that the same thing would happen to me, but he also knew that he couldn’t keep me from following in my mother’s footsteps.
He could see her adventurous spirit shining through me, and he knew that I was destined to go exploring, just like she had.
So he’d done his best to prepare me for my journey, and he’d sent me on my way with a heavy heart and a worried mind.
But he’d also sent me off with all of his love and blessings, just like he always did.
And I knew that he would be there for me—no matter what happened—every step of the way.
After my father and I said our goodbyes, I turned and headed out of the village, ready to begin my first solo exploration beyond its boundaries.
I felt a mixture of excitement and fear as I walked along the path, my backpack bouncing against my shoulders with each step.
The forest was alive around me, filled with the sounds of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind.
The trees were so tall that they almost seemed to touch the sky, their branches reaching out to each other in a tangle of green and brown.
Some of them were so massive that they looked like they’d been there forever, their trunks wide enough to fit a whole village inside.
My father had told me that some of the trees in our world were so big that people could build houses on their branches, and that entire villages had been known to live in them for years at a time.
I couldn’t even begin to imagine what it must have been like to live in such a place, high above the ground and surrounded by nothing but sky.
As I walked, I craned my neck back to look up at the trees above me, and I marveled at their size and beauty.
In the distance, I could see the mountains rising up against the horizon, their snow-capped peaks shining in the sunlight.
"Realm of Giants: A Heavenly Journey"
This realm was a hundred times larger than Earth, but it was home to only ten thousand humans.
It was hard to believe that there were so few of us living in such a huge place, especially when I thought about how crowded and busy our world was back on Earth.
But here, in this land of endless forests and towering mountains, nature reigned supreme, and civilization was a mere drop in the bucket.
The villages were few and far between, each one a sanctuary in a sea of untamed wilderness.
The people who lived here were used to living off the land, and they’d learned to coexist with nature in a way that most of us back on Earth never would.
And as I stood on the edge of my village and looked out at this vast and beautiful world, I felt grateful to be a part of it.
My father had always told me that our world was just a small piece of a much larger heavenly realm, a place where humans lived alongside angels and other celestial beings.
He said that this realm was so huge that it was impossible to measure its size, and that even our best scientists had only been able to scratch the surface of its mysteries.
He told me that we were lucky to live here, in this beautiful and peaceful place, surrounded by nature and protected by powerful angels who watched over us day and night.
And as I stood at the edge of our village and looked out at this stunning world, I knew that he was right.
Our world may have been small and humble compared to this vast heavenly realm, but it was still a beautiful place to call home.
I took one last look at my father, who was watching me from the edge of our village, and then I turned and headed out into the wilderness, ready to begin my first solo exploration.
As I walked along the path, I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me.
I didn’t know what I would find out there in the forests and mountains, but I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be.
I’d spent my whole life dreaming about this moment, about the day when I’d finally be old enough to venture beyond my village’s boundaries and see what lay beyond.
And now that it was finally here, I couldn’t have been happier.
I’d always known that this world was a part of me, that every piece of my being was attuned to its rhythms and its beauty.
But it wasn’t until I stood on the edge of my village and looked out at this stunning world that I truly understood what it meant to be a part of something so much bigger than myself.
"Realm of Giants: A Heavenly Journey"