MidReal Story

Purple Eyes: The Haunting House Mystery


May 11
Scenario:Adara a 14 years old girl red head help her friend Camira a blonde girl who wear glasses, to go to a hunting house to search for ideas for a video game, during visit of the house both hear strange noices on the garden and see a young boy dress as a wizard fighting a monster but what caught Adara eyes are the wear purple eyes of the boy like she saw those purple eyes some where before
Create my version of this story
Adara a 14 years old girl red head help her friend Camira a blonde girl who wear glasses, to go to a hunting house to search for ideas for a video game, during visit of the house both hear strange noices on the garden and see a young boy dress as a wizard fighting a monster but what caught Adara eyes are the wear purple eyes of the boy like she saw those purple eyes some where before
The first time I saw him, he was fighting a monster in the garden.
I was fourteen years old and had snuck into the hunting house with my best friend, Camira.
We were going to make a video game and needed some inspiration for the setting.
The hunting house was perfect: it was old, abandoned, and surrounded by a huge garden that had once been beautiful but was now overgrown with weeds and thorns.
We spent the whole day exploring the house and its surroundings, but it wasn’t until late in the afternoon that we saw him.
We were in the garden, near the fountain, when we heard a loud noise coming from the other side of the house.
We ran to see what it was and found him there, dressed as a wizard and fighting a monster.
The monster was huge and had three heads that breathed fire.
He was so brave that I almost forgot he was just a kid, like us, and I wanted to help him.
I wanted to fight by his side and protect him, but he didn’t seem to need my help.
He was doing fine on his own, casting spells and making the monster shrink until it was small enough for him to carry it in his arms.
He looked at us before disappearing into thin air and leaving his wizard hat behind.
We wanted to follow him, but the spell he had cast on the monster had trapped the hat, and we couldn’t get it off.
We were still trying when we heard one of the hunters coming our way, so we had to leave the hat behind and run back home.
I never saw him again, but sometimes I like to think that he’s still out there, fighting monsters and saving the world.
Camira and I were sixteen years old now, and we were back in the hunting house for another project.
We had to make a short film for school, and we thought this would be the perfect location.
The garden was just as beautiful as I remembered: the tall trees and colorful flowers that lined the path, the fountain at its center, the well-kept hedges that surrounded it.
It was easy to imagine that once it must have been someone’s favorite place on earth, a place they loved so much that they wanted to keep it with them forever by having a painting made of it.
But now it was abandoned and overgrown with weeds, and the only sounds you could hear were the wind rustling through the trees and the birds singing in their branches.
They say that in every old house there’s a ghost, but there were no ghosts here, only memories of what once had been.
It was sad in a way, seeing this beautiful garden forgotten like that, but at least some of its beauty was still there, lying dormant beneath the tangle of weeds and thorns.
And who knows?
Maybe one day it would rise from its ashes like a phoenix and shine with all its former glory once again.
“Ready?” Camira asked me.
I nodded, and we walked to the edge of the garden, where the forest began.
She took her phone out of her pocket and started recording.
“We’re in the garden of the hunting house,” she said, “looking for inspiration for our next project.
” Her voice was excited and full of energy, as always.
I wanted to tell her to tone it down a bit, but she was already moving forward and I didn’t want to ruin her mood, so I let her be.
She walked slowly and deliberately, making sure to capture every detail of the garden: the path that led inside, the fountain in the distance, the trees that surrounded it.
I walked behind her, wondering why she was taking so long to get there.
“It’s just a garden,” I said.
“There’s nothing interesting in it.”
She turned around to look at me, and I saw a flash of annoyance in her eyes.
She was probably getting tired of me complaining all the time, but this wasn’t my fault.
Purple Eyes: The Haunting House Mystery
But before I could say anything, I heard a noise coming from the thicket, near the path.
It sounded like someone was crying, only it wasn’t someone, but something.
Camira stopped recording and turned to me.
“I think there’s something there,” I said, pointing at the thicket.
We walked over there, looking for the source of the noise, and soon we found it: a small furry being with butterfly wings and glowing antlers.
It looked like a deer, only smaller, with a body covered in white fur and a tail as long as its body.
It was lying on the ground, crying, and when it saw us, it took off, disappearing into the thicket.
We followed it, but soon we lost sight of it, and we had no choice but to give up.
“Where do you think it was going?”
“I don’t know,” Camira said.
She took her phone out of her pocket and looked at it.
“We should get back to work.”
We walked back to the path and continued our journey to the fountain.
The further we went, the more obvious it became that the garden had changed.
The once-meticulously pruned hedges were now wild and overgrown, their shapes distorted by years of neglect.
Camira recorded everything she could: the twisted paths that led in every direction, the shadows that loomed over us from the overgrown trees.
She even took a few pictures of the minuscule flowers that grew between the cracks in the pavement.
I didn’t understand why she was wasting her time with all those useless details, but she seemed happy doing it, so I let her be.
And anyway, they were useful as inspiration for our video game.
Maybe we could use them as textures for our models or something like that—the more detailed they were, the better.
The garden felt like a living thing, waking up from its long slumber now that we were here to admire its beauty.
The leaves fell off the trees with every step we took, clearing a path for us so we didn’t have to push them out of the way.
The sound of running water grew louder, and a few moments later, we saw a big fountain at the center of a wide clearing.
The path ended here, but we didn’t mind.
We were more curious about what was in front of us than what was behind.
The fountain was beautiful, with three stone figures standing on top of it, but it was clearly old and had been abandoned for years.
There were cracks everywhere around its base, and moss covered every inch of its surface.
The water that came out of the statues’ mouths was dirty and rotting leaves floated in the basin.
But there was something about this place that made me feel like I was in another world, one that was both familiar and strange at the same time.
A world where magic was possible, and adventures waited for you around every corner.
Or maybe I was still thinking about that wizard boy we saw in our first visit, and this place was reminding me of him.
“This is nice,” I said.
Purple Eyes: The Haunting House Mystery
And then, out of nowhere, something roared behind the house with such a terrible sound that it sent shivers down my spine and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
I covered my ears, but it was no use.
It wasn’t just loud; it was fierce and terrifying as well, like the roar of a monster from one of those video games we loved so much.
Camira was as pale as a sheet, her eyes wide with fear and her mouth open in shock.
“What the hell was that?”
“It came from behind the house,” I said.
I’m not sure I want to know what it is.”
I hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
“Yeah, let’s check it out.”
I took a deep breath and forced my legs to move, walking slowly and quietly around the fountain to the corner of the house.
If we stayed close to the wall, we could use it as cover and get to the back without being seen—if there was someone—or something—there to see us, that is.
If we were lucky, we would be able to see what made that noise without being spotted ourselves.
And if we weren’t… Well, we would just have to hope for the best.
After all, this is what we wanted, right?
To have an adventure?
I looked around the corner, and for a moment I was so shocked that I couldn’t even speak.
Camira looked at me with a frown, but I motioned for her to stay quiet.
In front of us, a few feet away from the house, was a large clearing surrounded by thick bushes.
At its center was a creature unlike anything I had ever seen before.
It was tall and twisted, with scales all over its body and claws on its hands and feet.
But that wasn’t what made it so terrifying.
It was its three heads.
They were huge and round and looked like they were made of stone and mud.
Each of them had two big purple eyes and a gaping maw full of razor-sharp teeth.
As we watched in silence, the creature roared again and shook its three heads wildly, making it look like it was dancing, and not roaring at all.
And that’s when I saw him.
A boy our age, maybe a bit younger, was standing in front of the creature with a staff in his hand and a pointed hat on his head.
He was dressed like a wizard from those old movies my dad loved so much (and Camira secretly adored), with a long blue robe covered by silver stars and moons embroidered all over it.
His staff was made of wood and had a small crystal ball at its top.
He looked like he was made of stone as well; his face was hard and determined as he raised his staff and pointed it at the monster.
As soon as he did that, white smoke came out of the crystal ball and enveloped the creature.
For a moment, everything was quiet; then the creature let out another roar.
Or maybe it was three roars this time; I couldn’t tell for sure.
The heads moved wildly again as they took turns opening their mouths and snapping them shut.
And then one of them—the one on the left—lunged forward and took a bite at the boy.
I screamed and closed my eyes; Camira did too.
Purple Eyes: The Haunting House Mystery
And in front of us, the boy was still fighting the creature with his magic.
His staff was glowing, as was his free hand, which he was using to cast spells at the creature while he used his staff to protect himself from its attacks.
I didn’t count how many heads it had, but I was sure he could breathe fire from all of them, because a moment later he did just that: fireballs came out of each of them, flying at him at a speed too quick for me to follow them with my eyes.
But he wasn’t intimidated by them; instead, he moved his staff in front of him, creating a white shield of light that deflected all the fireballs away from him.
Then he raised his hand and pointed his finger at one of the heads, which was still breathing fire at him, while he muttered some words I couldn’t hear clearly.
Another shield appeared in front of him, this time in the shape of a cross, with two bars sticking out of one side of it, one shorter than the other.
The fire hit it and was deflected away, but not before it scorched some of the leaves behind him, making me gasp in shock.
Camira made a shushing sound, but I didn’t care.
I was so scared for the boy that I wanted him to know that we were there with him, even if he didn’t know us.
I looked at him again.
He had raised his staff high above his head and was pointing the crystal ball at the creature while he muttered some more words.
The ground started shaking in front of him and then water came out of the ground itself.
It moved in waves toward the creature, enveloping its legs in no time at all.
The creature yelled—or maybe it was an angry roar—and started flailing its heads around wildly.
But the boy wasn’t done yet; instead he raised his hand in front of him and moved his fingers like he was drawing something on an invisible canvas.
The air shimmered between his fingers and a strong wind started blowing toward the creature.
The combination of water and wind made the creature stagger backward a few steps.
Then it stopped.
Its three heads turned toward the boy, which was a bit unsettling since they all had purple eyes that glowed like the boy’s own eyes did.
The boy’s hat flew off his head, revealing a mop of black hair that was covered in sweat and plastered to his forehead.
The air between his fingers shimmered again and the wind picked up speed, blowing against the creature with such force that one of the heads fell off its body and landed on the ground with a sickening thud.
The other two heads roared at the same time as they breathed fire at the boy again, but he wasn’t fazed by them; instead he pointed his staff at them and muttered some more words.
A moment later two light balls flew out of the crystal ball and hit the two remaining heads with such force that they both exploded in a shower of blood and scales.
The boy lowered his staff and looked around him in confusion.
Then he turned toward us.
I gasped when I saw his eyes: they were no longer human eyes; they were purple orbs that glowed with an unnatural light.
And they were beautiful too; they were so bright that they almost looked like they were made of precious stones.
And there was something about them that made me feel like I had seen them before.
Purple Eyes: The Haunting House Mystery