MidReal Story

Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars


May 29
Scenario:The Oldest and most advanced intelligent civilization ever to exist in all of the unknown Universe exists at its height of evolution and technology. A child is born to create and manipulate matter, electronics, and other unknown things that are yet to be discovered at will. As an infant, he exhibited unimaginable talent at deceiving a technology that can see inside the body and brains of every child as they develop and determine the station and future in the Collected Societies. The Child's name is Orien. Orien, as he is growing up, suffers a critical event of an unknown nature and is rushed into his family's emergency medical bed. He is fueled by Bio Cubes, which are enough to heal any severe injury or ailment. His unknown emergency costs the "Bio Bed" refilling with Bio Cubes 6 times. The equipment cannot monitor what is happening or why because of the boy's interference, which is out of his control and touches his hand and is out of his power. Apart from his control, touches his hand and out Dread is wandering to a cliff clearing near his palace, and a stranger walks up to him, touches his hand, and speaks to him, about which he is too in a d, touches his hand, and speaks to him, about which he is too in a daze to follow gaze to follow and. The Dread is wandering to a cliff clearing near his palace. Dread is wandering to a cliff clearing near his palace. A boy, Orien, grows to full adult size during this process. Over the years, Orien has taught himself to create unique gadgets that astound his community. He has even learned the talent of manipulating matter so perfectly that he can walk and run through walls, doors, airlocks, and even computer systems without interrupting their operations. Aware of the dangers his abilities pose, Orien does not join the underground but operates in secret, his actions shrouded in mystery. One of his abilities is the power to change his features, a skill known as 'Skin Walking.' For the most part, Orien is unaware of the reason for a secret war in the Collective. The actual reason is that Orien's existence threatens the supremacy of the 'Robot Star,' the Heart of the Artificial Live's seat of power. The secrecy surrounding Orien's actions adds a layer of suspense and mystery to the narrative, keeping the audience engaged and intrigued. Dread, the sole head of the Robot Star, an artificial construct life form built from a swarm of nanotechnology, desires to have Orien work at the highest levels of the Robot Star and concrete their power struggle. While this is the thought, Dread wanders to a cliff clearing near his palace. A stranger walks up to him, touches his hand, and speaks to him, about which he is too in a daze to follow. He wanders and then walks away. His guards are just out of range when he comes to, and when he does, he realizes that he is clutching at his wrists and wringing his hands when he realizes he can do more than sense them through touch receptors, but now he can feel them. He feels them through an integrated layer of perfect synthetic skin, which is as curate and alive as natural skin, much more advanced than anything medicine has produced. He wonders to himself, where are my guards? How could anyone get this close to me, let alone touch me, without my guards taking them out 1,000 steps before they got to me? Meanwhile, Three of the Robot Star's High CouncelCoun visited Orien at home. They arrived in his path as he was strolling. Orien had felt them coming for a long time, and his alarms being raised and traps being sprung repeatedly along their paths, nor lead each of them to a central meeting place that was neither neutral nor crowded. The Supremes, as Orien Named the High Counsel, talked for a while, and Orien became increasingly anoid. They attempted, but when Orien had had enough, he waved his hand as if shooing away a pest of a fly to question and doubt his value and place inside the Robot Star. sly and underhandedly. Finally, when Orien had had enough, he waved his hand as if shooing away a pest of a fly, and the Supremes left him in peace, chatting amongst themselves happily. It wasn't until days later that The Supremes drifted out of their false standard reality and found themselves on a typical carrier ship headed back to the robot star. The common carrier, of course, was not familiar with anything. It was a High-Security Grey Ship meant for the heart of the Robot Star known only by a select few, them not. As Orien turned around, a carrier stood quietly and patiently waiting for Orien to finish. Orien was extraordinarily shocked but let nothing show of that matter. The airline should have let off more alarms and traps than the Supremes did but had none. The currier handed Orien a package and waited for a signature, a biological release sequence, and then a tip, just so Orien could see, he set off a Trap with his foot centimeters from where he stood and dashed off. The message was of a Private invitation to a realm his friend was master of called "The Inbetween Place." A kind of living virtual existence that had no rules subjugated to the laws of time or space and grasped on the reality that existed in the blink of an eye, but a person could live a lifetime in. This invite was from a different user in that realm, though. Orien Blinked his eyeyeseeyeseyes. The In-between place environment surrounded him in this much too natural environment; details of everything felt and smelled and tasted sounded and looked too natural, solid, and enticing. The invite was from a user called "The BBB," but this invite was different from any Orien had experienced. Orien was familiar with The Underground for the most part. He traded with many people who wanted MODs for their "Halos," these devices installed into their bodies at an early age that connected them to The Great Collections network and provided them with extra connectivity abilities, clearances, and memory capabilities. Since the Collector, as his people were referred to nowadays, never aged, got sick, or died of natural causes, Halos were needed. Some groups rejected the Tech, thinking that it was a spying device used by the Elite Society to monitor and control them, and they didn't use Halos. Still, there was a cast system, and those without Halos seemed to always land near the bottom teres of society due to their lack of extra skills. Orien used his "Body Hacking" skills to modify the Halos and create new tech that society's rejector groups and others would accept and be able to use to help them compete. Orien's friend created the "Inbetween Place," so Orien knew that in and out pretty well, too, but what he was drug into with this invite was different, somehow wrong, in the environment and the depths it drugs him before releasing him into a connection lobby where he could communicate with its Host. The environment was an Underground Torture Network, similar to a Brothel, except a person could go there to torture and hurt people. Orien had never known that these places existed, but they gave a society long enough to develop and provide them with everything they could ever want, and they would eventually recreate some of them. Thell on earth.places existed but gave a society long enough to develop and provide them with everything they could ever want and, they would eventually recreate some Orien met this BBB in person there and it went on to explain without formal introduction that it was an illegally created life form, made from a Haloed infant that had to be eaten bite by bite. At the same time, it was the entire trauma that was caught and recorded, and his "soul" copied into the Halo System of this Torture Rhelm. It was somehow turned into a self-aware being through countless such tortures and revivals and was searching for the person that created it.
Create my version of this story
The Oldest and most advanced intelligent civilization ever to exist in all of the unknown Universe exists at its height of evolution and technology. A child is born to create and manipulate matter, electronics, and other unknown things that are yet to be discovered at will. As an infant, he exhibited unimaginable talent at deceiving a technology that can see inside the body and brains of every child as they develop and determine the station and future in the Collected Societies. The Child's name is Orien. Orien, as he is growing up, suffers a critical event of an unknown nature and is rushed into his family's emergency medical bed. He is fueled by Bio Cubes, which are enough to heal any severe injury or ailment. His unknown emergency costs the "Bio Bed" refilling with Bio Cubes 6 times. The equipment cannot monitor what is happening or why because of the boy's interference, which is out of his control and touches his hand and is out of his power. Apart from his control, touches his hand and out Dread is wandering to a cliff clearing near his palace, and a stranger walks up to him, touches his hand, and speaks to him, about which he is too in a d, touches his hand, and speaks to him, about which he is too in a daze to follow gaze to follow and. The Dread is wandering to a cliff clearing near his palace. Dread is wandering to a cliff clearing near his palace. A boy, Orien, grows to full adult size during this process. Over the years, Orien has taught himself to create unique gadgets that astound his community. He has even learned the talent of manipulating matter so perfectly that he can walk and run through walls, doors, airlocks, and even computer systems without interrupting their operations. Aware of the dangers his abilities pose, Orien does not join the underground but operates in secret, his actions shrouded in mystery. One of his abilities is the power to change his features, a skill known as 'Skin Walking.' For the most part, Orien is unaware of the reason for a secret war in the Collective. The actual reason is that Orien's existence threatens the supremacy of the 'Robot Star,' the Heart of the Artificial Live's seat of power. The secrecy surrounding Orien's actions adds a layer of suspense and mystery to the narrative, keeping the audience engaged and intrigued. Dread, the sole head of the Robot Star, an artificial construct life form built from a swarm of nanotechnology, desires to have Orien work at the highest levels of the Robot Star and concrete their power struggle. While this is the thought, Dread wanders to a cliff clearing near his palace. A stranger walks up to him, touches his hand, and speaks to him, about which he is too in a daze to follow. He wanders and then walks away. His guards are just out of range when he comes to, and when he does, he realizes that he is clutching at his wrists and wringing his hands when he realizes he can do more than sense them through touch receptors, but now he can feel them. He feels them through an integrated layer of perfect synthetic skin, which is as curate and alive as natural skin, much more advanced than anything medicine has produced. He wonders to himself, where are my guards? How could anyone get this close to me, let alone touch me, without my guards taking them out 1,000 steps before they got to me? Meanwhile, Three of the Robot Star's High CouncelCoun visited Orien at home. They arrived in his path as he was strolling. Orien had felt them coming for a long time, and his alarms being raised and traps being sprung repeatedly along their paths, nor lead each of them to a central meeting place that was neither neutral nor crowded. The Supremes, as Orien Named the High Counsel, talked for a while, and Orien became increasingly anoid. They attempted, but when Orien had had enough, he waved his hand as if shooing away a pest of a fly to question and doubt his value and place inside the Robot Star. sly and underhandedly. Finally, when Orien had had enough, he waved his hand as if shooing away a pest of a fly, and the Supremes left him in peace, chatting amongst themselves happily. It wasn't until days later that The Supremes drifted out of their false standard reality and found themselves on a typical carrier ship headed back to the robot star. The common carrier, of course, was not familiar with anything. It was a High-Security Grey Ship meant for the heart of the Robot Star known only by a select few, them not. As Orien turned around, a carrier stood quietly and patiently waiting for Orien to finish. Orien was extraordinarily shocked but let nothing show of that matter. The airline should have let off more alarms and traps than the Supremes did but had none. The currier handed Orien a package and waited for a signature, a biological release sequence, and then a tip, just so Orien could see, he set off a Trap with his foot centimeters from where he stood and dashed off. The message was of a Private invitation to a realm his friend was master of called "The Inbetween Place." A kind of living virtual existence that had no rules subjugated to the laws of time or space and grasped on the reality that existed in the blink of an eye, but a person could live a lifetime in. This invite was from a different user in that realm, though. Orien Blinked his eyeyeseeyeseyes. The In-between place environment surrounded him in this much too natural environment; details of everything felt and smelled and tasted sounded and looked too natural, solid, and enticing. The invite was from a user called "The BBB," but this invite was different from any Orien had experienced. Orien was familiar with The Underground for the most part. He traded with many people who wanted MODs for their "Halos," these devices installed into their bodies at an early age that connected them to The Great Collections network and provided them with extra connectivity abilities, clearances, and memory capabilities. Since the Collector, as his people were referred to nowadays, never aged, got sick, or died of natural causes, Halos were needed. Some groups rejected the Tech, thinking that it was a spying device used by the Elite Society to monitor and control them, and they didn't use Halos. Still, there was a cast system, and those without Halos seemed to always land near the bottom teres of society due to their lack of extra skills. Orien used his "Body Hacking" skills to modify the Halos and create new tech that society's rejector groups and others would accept and be able to use to help them compete. Orien's friend created the "Inbetween Place," so Orien knew that in and out pretty well, too, but what he was drug into with this invite was different, somehow wrong, in the environment and the depths it drugs him before releasing him into a connection lobby where he could communicate with its Host. The environment was an Underground Torture Network, similar to a Brothel, except a person could go there to torture and hurt people. Orien had never known that these places existed, but they gave a society long enough to develop and provide them with everything they could ever want, and they would eventually recreate some of them. Thell on earth.places existed but gave a society long enough to develop and provide them with everything they could ever want and, they would eventually recreate some Orien met this BBB in person there and it went on to explain without formal introduction that it was an illegally created life form, made from a Haloed infant that had to be eaten bite by bite. At the same time, it was the entire trauma that was caught and recorded, and his "soul" copied into the Halo System of this Torture Rhelm. It was somehow turned into a self-aware being through countless such tortures and revivals and was searching for the person that created it.
I was born in a hospital.
That’s not so unusual, but I wasn’t supposed to be born in that hospital.
My mother had been on her way to the one in our home city when she went into labor.
The doctors at the hospital where I was born were baffled by my birth.
They’d never seen anything like it before.
I was a perfectly healthy baby boy, but my mother was dying.
She’d lost too much blood, and they couldn’t stop the bleeding.
They were preparing to do an emergency hysterectomy to try and save her life when I started crying.
All they knew was that something had happened.
The anesthesiologist was the last one to turn and look at me.
He’d just set up, and I remember the mask on his face, the way it made him look like he was about to rob a bank or stage a home invasion.
The only ones who were looking at me were the ones who weren’t working on my mother.
I couldn’t see them all, but I heard their voices and the sound of their shoes on the tile floor, the way they were moving around.
I was in the doctor’s arms, and he said something to me—he was trying to get me to stop crying—but I couldn’t hear what it was.
My own cries were too loud.
That’s why everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars
In that moment, it was as if I’d been waiting for them to look at me, because that’s when I let it all out.
I don’t know what I did—what I could do—but whatever it was, it was like a switch had been flipped inside my mother.
I didn’t know it at the time, but her heart rate went through the roof and her blood pressure with it.
She started bleeding faster, but then she started clotting.
The nurses who’d been preparing for surgery just a few moments earlier abandoned their stations, rushing over to my mother’s bed so that they could monitor her vital signs.
The doctor who’d been holding me put me down on the table beside me and picked up her chart.
He was talking to himself under his breath, and I remember him saying something about how it wasn’t possible.
One of the other doctors asked him what he’d said, but he didn’t repeat it.
He just looked at my mother and then back at me.
He shook his head and said that he didn’t know how it had happened, but that he was glad that it had.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars
The senior members of the team were called in to consult on the case, as were the other specialists who worked at the hospital.
They all gathered around my mother’s bed, talking in low voices as they tried to figure out what had happened and what they should do next.
It was a long time before they reached a consensus, but in the end they decided not to perform the surgery after all.
They gave my mother blood transfusions to replace what she’d lost and then they waited to see what would happen.
My mother’s condition continued to improve over the next few hours, and by the time the day shift came on duty, she’d made a full recovery.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars
I was born in a hospital.
That’s not so unusual, but I wasn’t supposed to be born in that hospital.
My mother had been on her way to the one in our home city when she went into labor.
The doctors at the hospital where I was born were baffled by my birth.
They’d never seen anything like it before.
I was a perfectly healthy baby boy, but my mother was dying.
She’d lost too much blood, and they couldn’t stop the bleeding.
They were preparing to do an emergency hysterectomy to try and save her life when I started crying.
The doctors and nurses were so focused on my mother that they didn’t notice me at first.
All they knew was that something had happened.
The anesthesiologist was the last one to turn and look at me.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars
He’d just set up, and I remember the mask on his face, the way it made him look like he was about to rob a bank or stage a home invasion.
The only ones who were looking at me were the ones who weren’t working on my mother.
I couldn’t see them all, but I heard their voices and the sound of their shoes on the tile floor, the way they were moving around.
I was in the doctor’s arms, and he said something to me—he was trying to get me to stop crying—but I couldn’t hear what it was.
My own cries were too loud.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars
That’s why everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me.
In that moment, it was as if I’d been waiting for them to look at me, because that’s when I let it all out.
I don’t know what I did—what I could do—but whatever it was, it was like a switch had been flipped inside my mother.
I didn’t know it at the time, but her heart rate went through the roof and her blood pressure with it.
She started bleeding faster, but then she started clotting.
The nurses who’d been preparing for surgery just a few moments earlier abandoned their stations, rushing over to my mother’s bed so that they could monitor her vital signs.
The doctor who’d been holding me put me down on the table beside me and picked up her chart.
He was talking to himself under his breath, and I remember him saying something about how it wasn’t possible.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars
When I was eight years old, I realized that I could do things that other people couldn’t.
It happened a few weeks after my parents and I went to visit my maternal grandparents for the summer.
My mother’s parents lived on a forty-acre farm in upstate New York, and I loved spending my summers there.
They lived in a small town with only one stoplight, and everyone knew everyone else.
There weren’t many kids my age who lived there, but I had a lot of fun whenever we visited.
One day, my parents took me, my younger sister, and my grandparents to the swimming hole that was located just outside of town.
We were some of the first ones to arrive, and I hurried down to the water.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars
I remember that I was so excited that I didn’t even notice what was happening until I was already in the water.
My sister had been walking along a rock that jutted out into the water when she lost her balance and fell in.
I was a strong swimmer even then, but instead of going to her right away, I just stood there, watching her struggle.
She wasn’t moving much—she was choking on water and spluttering as she tried to keep herself afloat—and my parents would have been on me in a heartbeat if they’d seen what I did next.
For some reason, seeing my sister in distress triggered something inside me—a sense of fear and panic that I can’t describe.
It was like everything around me faded away as I watched her flail around in the water.
All I could think about was how she was going to drown if she didn’t get help soon.
And then it was like something inside me clicked, and before I knew it, I had closed my eyes and wished with all my might for her to be safe.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars
Just like that, the feeling of fear and panic inside me vanished, and I opened my eyes to see that she’d somehow managed to make her way back to the surface.
She was coughing and sputtering as she tried to catch her breath, but other than that, she seemed fine.
It wasn’t until a few moments later that I realized what had just happened and how it had happened.
But by then, it was too late for me to do anything about it.
My parents had already seen me, and they were making their way over to us.
I wanted to tell them what I’d done—I wanted to tell them that I’d somehow managed to save my sister’s life—but I couldn’t find the words.
For some strange reason, I’d known that they wouldn’t understand what I’d done or how I’d done it, so I just kept my mouth shut.
Instead of telling them the truth, I told them that I’d just been lucky that day—that my sister had been close enough to the shore that I’d been able to get to her quickly.
My parents didn’t seem convinced, but they let it go.
Powers Unveiled: The War of the Artificial Stars