MidReal Story

Possessive Hearts: A Guide's Divorce Dilemma


May 13
Scenario:the male lead is a cold hearted esper, jaehwi and his the female lead, his wife, jayeon is his guide. it's a 18+ modern day korean romance set in a world of guides and espers. there is magic and monsters. it has a fast paced romance. the jaehwi is tsundere, not letting his wife, jayeon see how obsessive and possessive he is for her safety. jayeon thinks her husband, jaehwi doesn't love her and asks for a divorce. jayeon asking for a divorce makes jaehwi go crazy and possessive over her. he won't let her divorce him.
Create my version of this story
the male lead is a cold hearted esper, jaehwi and his the female lead, his wife, jayeon is his guide. it's a 18+ modern day korean romance set in a world of guides and espers. there is magic and monsters. it has a fast paced romance. the jaehwi is tsundere, not letting his wife, jayeon see how obsessive and possessive he is for her safety. jayeon thinks her husband, jaehwi doesn't love her and asks for a divorce. jayeon asking for a divorce makes jaehwi go crazy and possessive over her. he won't let her divorce him.
The moment I saw my wife, I knew she was the one.
I had been waiting for her for so long, and now that she was finally here, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotions.
She was so beautiful, so delicate, and I couldn’t wait to make her mine.
I walked up to her and held out my hand.
“Hello, I’m Jaehwi.” She looked up at me with those big doe eyes of hers and smiled.
“Hello, Jaehwi.I’m Jayeon.”
And just like that, we were bound together for life.
I had always known that Jayeon was the one for me.
From the moment we met, I had felt a connection with her that I had never felt with anyone else before.
She was my guide, my other half, and without her, I would be nothing.
But now she was asking me for a divorce.
I stared at her in shock as she sat across from me at the table in our favorite café.
She looked down at her hands in her lap and bit her lip nervously.
Today was the day I meet my guide wife.
I woke up earlier than usual because I had been anticipating this day for a long time.
I had been looking forward to finally meeting her, and I could hardly contain my excitement.
Guides were essential for us espers.
They weren’t just there to emotionally support us or anything like that.
Their mere presence allowed us to use our powers and control them.
Without a guide, we would be suffering from all kinds of limitations.
My guide wife was going to be mine and mine alone.
I couldn’t wait to see what kind of person she would be, whether she would be delicate and warm, or maybe a little bit feisty and strong-willed.
There were so many possibilities, and I was looking forward to finding out.
I entered the meeting building and walked over to the front desk, where a pretty woman with long hair tied into a ponytail was waiting for me.
“Hello, I’m Jaehwi,” I said.
“Ah, nice to meet you,” she said with a smile.
“I’m Hyejin, one of the staff members here.Your guide wife has already arrived and is waiting for you.”
I nodded and followed her to the room where my guide wife was waiting for me.
I was both excited and nervous at the same time.
Would we get along well?
Would we have good chemistry?
There were so many questions running through my mind, but most of all, I couldn’t wait to finally meet her.
We reached the room where Jayeon was waiting for me.
She looked up when I entered, and my breath caught in my throat at the sight of her.
She was so beautiful, with delicate features and soft skin that looked like it would be pleasant to touch.
She had big doe eyes that made her look even more innocent and adorable, and when she smiled at me, my heart skipped a beat.
She was perfect.
“Hello, Jaehwi,” she said in a soft voice as she stood up and walked over to me, extending her hand.
I looked at her hand and then back at her face, which was now blushing slightly in embarrassment.
My heart fluttered, but before I could take her hand, she quickly pulled it back and looked down at the ground, her face turning even redder.
I let out a chuckle and reached out to grab her hand, intertwining our fingers together.
We sat down at the table, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.
She was so beautiful, so perfect, and she was going to be mine from now on.
The thought of it filled me with an overwhelming feeling of joy, and I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at her, knowing that she was the one for me from the very beginning, even before I had met her.
Jayeon looked up at me in confusion, and I realized that I must have been staring at her for quite some time now.
Possessive Hearts: A Guide's Divorce Dilemma
“Jaehwi.” My name left Jayeon’s lips so easily, sounding so beautiful when she said it like that.
I felt myself getting lost in her voice as I listened to it, so gentle and warm, so perfect for someone like me who has always been a little bit coldhearted inside despite having known that I would meet my guide wife today.
I realized that Jayeon was the one for me, she was perfect in every single way, and it made me feel so happy to know that she was finally here with me now after having waited for her for so long.
I reached out to grab her hand again to reassure myself that this wasn’t just some kind of dream or anything like that—I wanted to make sure that Jayeon was really here with me, sitting across from me at this table in this café where we first met—and when our skin touched, I felt an electric surge running through my body, as if something inside of me had finally clicked into place after having been incomplete for so long.
I knew from that moment on that Jayeon was the one for me.
She was going to be mine and mine alone, and no one else could ever take her away from me.
She was going to be with me for the rest of our lives, and I couldn’t wait to live it together with her by my side.
“Jayeon,” I said in a soft voice as I looked into her big doe eyes and smiled.
Hyejin had told me before that she thought Jayeon was perfect for me when I had shown her Jayeon’s information on the screen of my computer while I was doing some research on Jayeon before I had come here to meet her.
I had only laughed it off back then because I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to know if someone was perfect for them before they had met them.
But now that I had met Jayeon in person, I realized that Hyejin had been right all along.
I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to be by my side than Jayeon.
She smiled at me in response when she saw how happy I looked, and it made my heart feel even more at peace than ever before, knowing that she was happy with this marriage as well.
I couldn’t wait to get home after this and spend some quality time with Jayeon alone in our room now that we were officially husband and wife.
As an esper, I had always known that I would meet my guide wife one day.
Every esper had one; they were our other halves who were essential for us to be able to use our powers and control them properly.
Having a guide wife by our side could help us enhance and stabilize our powers so that we could use them more efficiently and effectively.
Jayeon was going to be mine—she was going to be there for me whenever I needed her—and I felt so lucky to know that she was finally here with me now when we were sitting together like this in this café where I had first met her.
Possessive Hearts: A Guide's Divorce Dilemma
And even though Jayeon had laughed it off just a few seconds ago, unbeknownst to herself, she was already my everything—my wife and my reason for living.
“Jaehwi, why are you looking at me like that?” Jayeon asked with a smile, and I realized that she must have thought that my lack of response to her talking just now was because there was something funny about her name, but it wasn’t.
I just found it a little strange that she didn’t know who I was already.
But it was okay; Jayeon would know soon enough.
“I think it’s a beautiful name,” I told Jayeon with a smile, but she just laughed again as she shook her head at my words.
“It’s not just a name; it’s also a flower.It means that they’re delicate and soft with a lot of petals around each other.”
As soon as Jayeon said that, I knew without a doubt that she was the one who was destined to be by my side all along.
The realization that we were meant to be hit me like a ton of bricks, and I had to fight hard to keep myself from smiling too much at how happy that made me.
It was almost too good to be true.
“I’m sorry; that was kind of weird.” Jayeon laughed off what she had just said after a few seconds, realizing how strange it must have sounded for someone to say something like that out of nowhere, but it wasn’t to me.
No, it wasn’t weird at all.
“I’m glad you told me,” I replied back with a smile, and Jayeon just gave me a little shrug at my words as if implying that it was no big deal.
I thought about how happy I was that she had decided to tell me all of this.
I was grateful for it because now I would make sure that Jayeon, my guide wife, would always have a lot of flowers around her wherever she went so that she would always be safe.
And if anyone ever tried to hurt her or even look at her in a way that I didn’t approve of, I would do everything in my power to make sure that they were put into their place, either by me or by someone else who would do it for me.
Jayeon was mine, and no one could ever take her away from me.
“Hi, Jayeon,” I said as I held out my hand to Jayeon with a smile.
“I’m Jaehwi.It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” Jayeon replied with a smile as she reached out to take my hand, but as soon as our palms touched, she quickly pulled back with wide eyes.
I knew what she was feeling right then because I felt it too.
There was no mistake about it: she was my guide wife.
She was the one who was meant for me.
There was no mistaking the fact that we were destined to be together from now on, always by each other’s sides, no matter what happened between us in the future.
As soon as our palms touched, a warm sensation began to spread throughout my body, and I knew that I would never be able to forget this moment—not ever.
This was the moment when we were meant to be together forever, no matter what anyone else said or thought about it.
Jayeon was mine, and no one else could ever have what belonged to me alone.
She looked up at me with wide eyes as if she also knew what had just happened, but she didn’t say anything right away.
Possessive Hearts: A Guide's Divorce Dilemma